963 E. Main, Edmont on, Albert a T6K 0W9 780-555-5220 ? a. j oy@myisp. com


Dedicat ed and pat ient -f ocused Registered Nurse wit h proven expert ise in acut e pat ient care, st af f development , and f amily advocacy.

? Except ional capacit y t o mult i-t ask: manage compet ing priorit ies wit h ease while f ost ering delivery of superior pat ient care.

? Solid administ rat ive and ref erral experience includes admissions, assessment , t reat ment , ref erral, and educat ion f or a broad range of pat ient s.

? Demonst rat ed abilit y t o f orge, lead, and mot ivat e out st anding healt hcare t eams t hat provide t op-qualit y pat ient care.

? Out st anding int erpersonal and communicat ion skil ls; superior accuracy in pat ient hist ory, chart ing, and ot her document at ion.

? Possess current pract ice permit (College and Associat ion of Regist ered Nurses of Albert a).

Compet encies and Proficiencies

? Vent ilat or care ? Telemet ry ? Int ravenous t herapy ? Phlebot omy ? Basic lif e support

? Med/ Surg ? ICU and CCU ? ER Procedures ? Triple lumen CVP ? AV f ist ulas

? Care plan administ rat ion ? NG/ Sump and Peg t ubes ? Pat ient / f amily educat ion ? Training and inservices ? Medit ech document at ion



2006-Pr esent

Staff Nurse, Intensive Care Unit

Care f or pat ient s wit h lif e-t hreat ening illnesses, including acut e congest ive f ailure, acut e myocardial inf arct ion, drug overdose, massive t rauma, respirat ory f ailure, and disseminat ed int ravascular coagulopat hy. Promot e healt h and support pat ient s and f amilies in coping wit h illness. Skilled in bedside monit oring, 12-lead EKG, and Bennet t 7600 vent ilat or.

? Provide st rong cont ribut ions as key member of unit qualit y assurance program designed t o

ident if y and evaluat e problems, manage pat ient census, and allocat e st af f assignment s.

? Exhibit mot ivat ion and dedicat ion by providing t he highest qualit y of care t o each pat ient .

O' FLANNERY MEDICAL CENTRE, Edmont on, Al bert a


Emergency Staff Nurse

Provided care f or pat ient s suf f ering f rom t rauma, acut e chest pain, respirat ory f ailure/ complaint s, drug overdoses, and gast roint est inal bleeds. Acquired and recorded pat ient inf ormat ion. Prepared pat ient s f or surgical and radiological procedures, init iat ed and maint ained int ravenous t herapy, and operat ed 12-lead EKG.

? Cont ribut ed subst ant ially t o successf ully ext ending accredit at ion.

? Implement ed and co-ordinat ed ongoing st af f educat ion program.

Cont inued...


Page 2

BERKELEY HEALTH GROUP, Cal gary, Al bert a


Registered Nurse

Delivered a complet e range of RN services and expert ise. Accurat ely obt ained and document ed pat ient hist ory and medicat ion list s, assessed individual condit ions and needs, and select ed depart ment al ref errals f or acut e and chronically ill pat ient s. Prepared equipment and assist ed physicians during pat ient examinat ions and t reat ment s. Monit ored pat ient react ions t o drugs and caref ully document ed progress of individuals part icipat ing in clinical t rials.

? Repeat edly commended by pat ient s and supervisors f or out st anding qualit y of care; received

consist ent ment ion in care-survey responses.

? Maint ained a high degree of accuracy t o achieve opt imal pat ient acuit y monit oring.

? Signif icant ly improved f acilit y' s public image by ensuring except ional pat ient sat isf act ion.

KEILLOR MANOR, Cal gary, Al bert a


Registered Nurse

Provided t riage, ref errals, direct nursing care, and medicat ion administ rat ion t o incarcerat ed populat ion. Organized and managed regular clinics involving ext ernal physicians, including opht halmology, ENT, Med/ Surg, ort hopedics, and podiat ry prof essionals. Scheduled and managed ext ernal medical consult at ions in concert wit h securit y and ot her necessary personnel. Creat ed, managed, and maint ained pat ient medical and healt h records.

? Select ed t o serve as Inf ect ion Cont rol Coordinat or, maint aining t uberculosis and hepat it is

st andards and conduct ed screenings and prevent ive act ivit ies.

? Organized and f acilit at ed meet ings wit h securit y managers t o ensure inf ect ion-cont rol policy

com pl i ance.


Bachelor of Nursing Regular Track, BNRT (1996) THE UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY -- Cal gary, Al bert a

Cert ificat ion / Associat ions CCHN(C) -- Cert if ied in Communit y Healt h Nursing (C)anada Member, Communit y Healt h Nurses Associat ion of Canada (CHNAC) Member, Albert a Associat ion of Regist ered Nurses (AARN)

? 2006 ? 2008 CareerPerf ect . com


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