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Kizuna Scholarship

for the Human Resources Training Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean in Disasters Risk Reduction

for Master in Structural and Geo-technical Engineering at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

2019 CALL

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The Chilean and Japanese governments, through the Chilean Agency of International Cooperation for Development AGCID (from its name in Spanish) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA, respectively, agree to carry out the "Human Resources training Program me for Latin America and the Caribbean in Disasters Risk Reduction: Kizuna," in the context of Japan-Chile Partnership Programme (JCPP.)

This programme has as a purpose to train professionals who are dedicated to preventing and reducing disaster risk or that which wants to include those subjects in their institutional policies. Therefore, different study programmes that consider risk management are offered, according to the participating training level, that is, master's degrees, diplomas and international courses that are known for their specialisation and quality.

Training programmes will be carried out by universities as well as national sectors that must develop expertise in the corresponding subject. Moreover, they include participation of Japanese experts that will provide the courses with their knowledge and experience, to strengthen preparation of foreign professionals, as well as trainers and Chilean institutions in disaster risk management.

The project expects a broad transfer between countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the creation of networks linked to subjects of training programmes dictated by private and public academic institutions.

Lastly, it is fundamental to disclose the significance of providing mitigation measures and to create cities as more resilient populations facing natural disasters in several areas; rescue and early warning, tsunami risk management, infrastructure, forest fire management, bridge seismic design, basin management, among others.


The Master in Structural and Geo-technical Engineering (MasterIEG) programme has been taught by the School of Engineering at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile since 2006. It was designed for active professionals in the country, and therefore it is organised based on evening classes. However, the attention shown by foreign professionals obliged us to, as of the second year, to reorganise the programme to include them, having admitted 40 foreign engineers so far.

From 2015, the Chilean Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AGCID) offers, together with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA,) to begin as of the 2016 academic year support scholarships so Latin American and Caribbean students can study a master's degree, joining the Human Resources Training Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean in Disasters Risk Reduction - Kizuna.

Furthermore, the master's degree includes activities that will be run by Japanese specialists who will carry out workshops and/or seminars in the context of the Kizuna Project.


The purpose of the AGCID-JICA Scholarship Programme is a joint initiative with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA,) to contribute to the training of advanced human capital in Seismic Engineering, through the participation of Latin American professionals in Masters in Structural and Geo-technical Engineering (MasterIEG,) carried out by the School of Engineering at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.


This programme is aimed at professionals with two or more years of experience in the field of Structural or Geo-technical Engineering, or a related field.


The scholarship is awarded to study the master's degree in its intensive format between March 2019 and March 2020. The scholarship will not be awarded to study just one year of the other two-year version of the programme. Once the scholarship is over, the grantee must hand in his or her final report with the endorsement of the full master's degree by the university. Furthermore, activities carried out by Japanese specialists will be obligatory for grantees.


A maximum of 5 scholarships will be given in the period of March 2019 - March 2020. There is not a pre-established quota per country.


Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic, and member countries of CARICOM: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago.


The Master's degree is taught in Spanish. Selected grantees that have another first language must a certified command of Spanish.


Scholarships are awarded for a maximum period of 13 months from March 1st, 2019 until March 31st, 2020 and they will fund the following:

1) Payment of a one-way ticket, from the capital of the country of origin to the city of destination upon arrival in Santiago, Chile and back to their country once the study programme has ended.

2) Out of the total cost of the master's degree, the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile will award a 50% scholarship for the tuition fees. The other 50% of the cost, for AGCID grantees for 13 months will be 198 UF (current value of around CLP $ 26,967 per UF according to April 2018 information but at the moment of registration there may be a variation) of which the AGCID will provide a maximum of CLP $ 2,500,000 and the difference must be paid by the grantee directly. This last payment is a personal and direct procedure between the university and the grantee. The university can demand a document for the payment of this amount to allow the student to join.

3) Payment of CLP $ 500,000. - (five hundred thousand pesos) monthly for accommodation and support for the full thirteen months the programme lasts.

In the months of December, January and/or February, the AGCID will pay grantees 100% of the monthly allowance only in cases where the grantee stays in Chile more than the half of that month. In any other cases[1], the AGCID will pay only 50% of the amount of that allowance.

4) While the scholarship is valid, the provision of life, health, and accident insurance, for incidents or accidents that affect the grantee and that take place in Chilean territory. Provision to the grantee, while the scholarship is valid, of life, health, and accident insurance, for incidents or accidents that affect the grantee and that take place in Chilean territory. Additionally, it will have an Agreement of Collaboration with the Public Health System (FONASA,) and the grantee will have the right to receive healthcare through the Chilean Public-Health System and Services, once the grantee has a national ID card awarded by the Chilean Registry Office (Servicio del Registro Civil de Chile).

5) Provision to the grantee, in his or first school period on the study programme, of one allowance for study texts and equipment, rising to the amount of ninety thousand Chilean pesos (CL $ 90,000.)

6) A one-off award to the grantee as long as his or her marks average on the corresponding programme is equal to or higher than 5.5 on a scale of 1.0 to 7.0 (five point five) or its equivalent, an allowance of CLP $ 230,000 (two hundred thirty thousand pesos,) to support expenses of dissertation preparation or the fulfilment of similar requirements demanded by the institution of higher education to award the corresponding academic degree. Therefore, before the expiration date of the 10º (tenth) month in which the AGCID is paying a monthly allowance mentioned in number 3 of this section, the grantee must prove the aspects indicated in point VI of the third clause of the agreement format attached in Appendix 1 of this call.


This scholarship is exclusively to study the Master in Structural and Geo-technical Engineering (MasterIEG) taught by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, with exclusive dedication, full-time and face-to-face classes and staying in Chile for the whole study programme. Programme or university changes will not be allowed, nor method, nor any modification.

– Furthermore, the master's degree includes activities taught by Japanese experts, which are obligatory. Non-attendance to any of these workshops will be considered as unfulfillment of the agreement between the AGCID and the grantee.

– Previous benefits are exclusively for grantees.

– The AGCID will not pay any expense that is not included in the preceding list. Consequently, it will be the grantee's responsibility to fund every visa application expense, application costs to Chilean higher education institutions, boarding fees or similar taxes, trip or moving costs to his or her country during the scholarship, etc.

– Applicants whose spouse is beneficiary of these benefits or that applies to them in the same call will not be accepted.

– These scholarships are incompatible with every other that the beneficiary could have in Chile.

– Scholarships are only awarded for following the whole the study programme in Chile.

– The university charges an amount equivalent to around USD $ 110.- (to be confirmed with the university) per registration to process the acceptance letter and that must be paid by the grantee.

– Applicants that are part of a military institution will not be accepted.

The Master's degree programme will include activities taught by Japanese experts, which are obligatory for AGCID grantees and are part of the scholarship.


Applicants must present the following documents:

1) Application form for AGCID Scholarship, properly filled out and signed (See Appendix I.)

2) Definitive acceptance letter to the master's degree, issued by a competent authority from the School of Engineering at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, indicating the grantee's unconditional acceptance on the intensive course between March 2019 and March 2020, including the final project presentation.

3) Each applicant must make the necessary inquiries about the master's degree study programme and plan. We suggest contacting directly the responsible for the admission process at the university through the following link:

4) Certificate of compatible health issued and signed by an authorised doctor, indicating pre-existing illnesses declared by the grantee (see Appendix II)

5) Copy certified by the public notary of the professional university degree.

6) Brief description of the reasons that motivate you to study in Chile, and how you suggest applying them in your country.

7) Brief description of the final project to develop (preliminary).

8) Letter of academic recommendation

9) A letter from the employer, in which he or she clearly specifies his or her interest that his or her employee or civil servant study in Chile and indicate that the applicant has the permission to be absent for the period that that scholarship lasts and if the grantee's job position will be kept or not once he or she returns.

10) Sworn statement (see Appendix III) that indicates the reading and acceptance of every term presented in this call.

Documents shall be handed in at the country of origin's Focal Point (see Appendix IV) on paper and compact disc (CD) for formal presentation of registration.

The deadline for the Focal Point to send background information to the AGCID expires on November 30th, 2018. To be able to meet this deadline, countries’ Focal Points close before so each applicant must confirm with his or her corresponding country the Focal Point for the period to hand in his or her documents.


- Not a single application that is incomplete, illegible or past the deadline will be processed.

- It is the applicant's responsibility to carefully read the call with all its requirements, application procedures and attached documents; just as it is to present his or her application fulfilling professional requests indicated in each offer.

- Applications that are not presented by the Focal Point will not be processed. Applications received directly by the AGCID will not be evaluated.

- Referring background information to the AGCID by the corresponding Focal Point will be understood as proof that the Focal Point has verified that the application meets all requirements.

- Non-registration of all required documents in this call or the registration of fake documents will be cause of immediate elimination of the final selecting process.

- The Chilean Embassy in the country that presents the applicant might interview him or her if they consider it necessary.

- Subsequently, original documents will be returned to the applicant's Focal Point. Selected applicants must bring their documents to Chile to be handed in at the AGCID. Moreover, to confirm academic documents that need to be presented to the university to be able to register on the master's degree programme.

- Foreign applicants that have a working or residence visa and/or work in Chile will not be accepted.


Selection is carried out by a Kizuna Programme Committee. The final result will be published on the AGCID website, around December 20th, 2018 to officially inform all applicants.

Selected applicants will be notified by formal letter and they will have a maximum period of five days to confirm if they will use the scholarship.


To carry out grantee selection, AGCID, PUC and JICA will apply the following assessment criteria: priority indicated by country of country, impact possibility, required profile fulfilment for the Kizuna programme. Priority will also be given to academic and civil servants.


Selected applicants for a scholarship awarded by the AGCID must:

1) Travel to Chile, or be in Chile, prior to the date of the respective beginning of the Study Programme (between 3 and 5 days is suggested.)

2) Obtain in advance permission from their employer.

3) Get student visa from the Chilean Consulate in the country of origin.

4) Obtain a student visa that gives permission to reside in Chile, in advance.

5) Sign the sworn declaration considered in the final part of this chapter and present it attached to the other application documents.

6) Present, in person at AGCID's offices, the original documents mentioned in numbers 2, 4 and 9 of point VIII of this call and aforementioned sworn declaration.

7) Sign in Chile the Scholarship Granting and Acceptance Agreement whose preliminary format is in Appendix V in this call. In every case, AGCID will send in advance by email to the selected applicant the agreement, adapted to the case of the corresponding applicant.

8) Not use knowledge and skills acquired through training for warlike purposes.


Every grantee commits to the following:

– To hold the academic degrees or certificates and other curricular requirements demanded by further education institutions in which he or she is accepted.

– To prove, through a competent medical certificate, each time that AGCID requires it, good physical and psychic health, compatible with academic demands of studies for which the scholarship was awarded. The format indicated in Appendix II is suggested.

– Meet valid Chilean immigrations laws.

– Establish residence in the city that the study programme is taken for which the scholarship is awarded, within 3 (three) working days after signing the agreement. The grantee must let AGCID know of that address AGCID immediately, just as any changes to it. Furthermore, grantees must keep AGCID informed of his or her valid phone numbers in Chile and email.

– To reside in the place where the study programme is carried out for which the scholarship was awarded, while the scholarship is valid.

– Do not leave Chile without consent from AGCID while the scholarship is valid. To prove the correct fulfilment of this obligation, AGCID has the faculty to demand the grantee show his or her passport and might also request from the corresponding Chilean migration authority certifications as it deems necessary regarding the grantee’s departures from and into Chilean territory.

The grantee might only be absent from the country with previous AGCID authorisation, in the following cases:

a) During the months of December, January and/or February each year and only for the academic holiday period included in the Study Programme. For these purposes, the grantee must attach to his or her application the document issued by the university in which the exact period is stated regarding the respective programme the academic holiday consists of.

b) For a brief period, which cannot be longer than five working days. Only in qualified and properly justified cases by the grantee, AGCID might extraordinarily award a longer period.

For those purposes, the grantee shall present to AGCID a written application no later than 5 (five) working days in relation to the date expected for the trip. In force majeure establishing cases, meaning those described in number 1 of the sixth clause of this agreement, AGCID might admit presentation of referred application with shorter notice. Once the grantee has returned to Chile, he or she shall report immediately to AGCID about it, attaching a letter that includes photos of arrival in the country and departure stamps in the passport.

– To keep impeccable behaviour and complete fulfilment of the Chilean legal system. Notwithstanding other facts that might imply a breaking of this obligation, this will be understood as unfulfilled every time a grantee is sentenced for a simple crime.

– To provide, within the period that AGCID established, all the information that AGCID requires.

– To follow the study programme that the higher education institution establishes where the studies are taken.

– To pass the whole course or subjects that, in relation to the study programme, must be taken each semester.

– To obtain each semester good academic results, meaning an average mark equal or higher than 5.0 on a scale of 1.0 to 7.0 or its equivalent

– To meet the academic and administrative requirements demanded by the corresponding higher education institution to obtain the academic degree for the study programme which the scholarship has been received for. To prove the fulfilment of this obligation, the grantee must present to AGCID certifications issued by the competent academic authority from the higher education institution in relation to:

a) Fulfilment of requirements already mentioned, and

b) Final mark (expressed on a scale from 1.0 to 7.0, in which the latter is the highest) obtained on the corresponding study programme.

– To dedicate exclusively to the studies for which the scholarship was awarded, while it is valid. Fulfilment of this obligation includes forbidding paid work in Chile or abroad.

– To properly meet every requirement that AGCID formulates by writing, including answering surveys that the agency indicates and attending every summons or meeting that the grantee is convened to by the agency in writing during the valid period of the scholarship.

– At the end of the studies, to send to AGCID on a compact disc (CD) in support of a copy of the final dissertation text or similar monograph developed by the grantee in context of the taken study programme.

– To keep a record of its status as an AGCID grantee in every piece of research or dissemination activities with academic profile in which the grantee is involved.

– Do not apply to studies that are total or partially like the ones taken thanks to the scholarship awarded by AGCID, while he or she is an agency grantee.

– To return to his or her country once the study programme for which the scholarship was awarded has entirety finished.

– To sign the Scholarship Granting and Acceptance Agreement (Appendix V) with AGCID that regulates the scholarship and constitutes a guarantee of faithful fulfilment of commitments that are indicated in this chapter.

– Must bring the necessary money for personal expenses during the first fifteen (15) days in Chile, while the first payment is arranged.


In case a grantee defaults on the commitments indicated in the previous chapter of this call, AGCID might apply some of the measurements indicated in the fifth clause of the agreement, whose format is attached in Appendix V.


In case the grantee commits any of the causes included in number 2, 3 and/or 4 of the sixth clause of the agreement, whose format is attached in Appendix V, AGCID might put an end in advance to the corresponding scholarship and every benefit indicated in point VII of this call.

The grantee object of early termination of the scholarship due to causes mentioned in the previous paragraph will not be able to apply for any scholarship awarded by AGCID again, nor anyone who defaults the commitment indicated n Nº 18 of the fourth clause of the agreement.

In case early termination of the scholarship takes place due to the aforementioned causes, the grantee shall return to AGCID the whole amount that the agency has spent on that grantee's benefits included in points I, II, III, V, and VI of the third clause of the agreement, whose format is stated in Appendix V of this Call. For purposes indicated in this paragraph, AGCID will notify by writing to the grantee and to the Focal Point of the Agency in the country of his or her nationality, the amount to return, with detailed indication of each corresponding category.


Every person that receives a scholarship of Chilean cooperation will be prevented from applying for another until five years after the end of the original scholarship, if the new one is for postgraduate studies. If the new scholarship is for specialised perfection in the short term, the grantee might be able to apply after three years as of the end of the original scholarship.


Chilean Agency of International Cooperation for Development - AGCID:

Website: or .


Address: Teatinos Nº 180, José Miguel Carrera Building, 8th floor. Santiago, Chile.

Phone numbers: 56-228275700

PUC –Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Email:

Application: Online:

NOTE: Previous exhibits can be downloaded directly from the website


▪ APPENDIX I: Application form

▪ APPENDIX II: Health certificate

▪ APPENDIX III: Sworn declaration

▪ APPENDIX IV: List of Focal Points

▪ APPENDIX V: Preliminary format of agreement between AGCID and grantee

▪ APPENDIX VI: Master's degree information brochure

▪ APPENDIX VII: Academic form of professional career acknowledgment

▪ APPENDIX VIII: Curricular synopsis

▪ APPENDIX IX: Master's degree class schedule

▪ APPENDIX X: Study plan

▪ APPENDIX XI: Admission requirements (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

NOTE: Appendix VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, and XI are published for informative purposes; because they belong to the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile as academic documents and must directly deal with them to apply for the master's degree.


[1]In relation to that, the grantee must accomplish Nº 6 of the fourth clause of the Agreement whose preliminary format is attached in Appendix 2 of this Call.


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