BOOK CHAPTERS - OrthoCarolina


Gaston RG, Kakar S, Daley DN. Revision of Clinics in Sports Medicine-Nuances in the Management of Hand and Wrist Injuries in Athlete. Elsevier. Publication pending

Gaston RG, Gart M, Loeffler BJ. Upper Extremity Amputations. Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity, 7th Edition. Skirven TM, Osterman AL(eds) Pending publication

Gart MS. Replantation. In Akelman E and Eltorai A (Eds.) Orthopedic Hand Trauma. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2019

Gart MS. Frostbite. In Akelman E and Eltorai A (Eds.) Orthopedic Hand Trauma. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2019

Lanier ST and Gart MS. Digital Collateral Ligament Injury. In Akelman E and Eltorai A (Eds.) Orthopedic Hand Trauma. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2019

Garcia RM and Gart MS. Burns. In Akelman E and Eltorai A (Eds.) Orthopedic Hand Trauma. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2019

Gart MS and Ko JH. Principles and Applications of Tendon Transfers. In Chung KC (Ed.) Grabb & Smith’s Plastic Surgery, 8th Ed. Wolters Kluwer. 2019

Kruse L, Loeffler BJ. Radial Nerve Injuries. Orthopaedic Hand Trauma. Altorai (ed). Publication pending

Pierrie S, Loeffler BJ. Common Nerve Injuries about the Shoulder. Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity, 7th Edition. Skirven TM, Osterman AL(eds). Publication pending

Gart MS, Kim JYS, Fine NA. Latissimus Dorsi Flap Breast Reconstruction. In

Nahabedian, M.Y. and P.C. Neligan, Plastic Surgery 4e: Breast Volume (In Press): Elsevier Health Sciences.

Gart MS, Kalainov DK. Thumb Metacarpal Fractures: Operative Repair. In Stern S., Bono C., and M. Saltzman (Eds.) Key Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery, 2nd Ed. (In press): Thieme Medical Publishing.

Gart MS, Kalainov DK. Finger Metacarpal Fractures: Operative repair. In Stern S., Bono C., and M. Saltzman (Eds.) Key Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery, 2nd Ed. (In press): Thieme Medical Publishing.

Gart MS, Kalainov DK. Forearm Diaphyseal Fractures: Radius and Ulna. In Stern S., Bono C., and M. Saltzman (Eds.) Key Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery, 2nd Ed. (In press): Thieme Medical Publishing.

Gart MS, Kalainov DK, Chen F. Distal Radius Fractures: External Fixation. In Stern S., Bono C., and M. Saltzman (Eds.) Key Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery, 2nd Ed. (In press): Thieme Medical Publishing.

Gart MS, Nagle D. CMC Arthritis-Recurrent Pain. In Neumeister M and M. Sauerbier (Eds.) Problems in Hand Surgery: A Repair Manual (In Press): CRC Press.

Gart MS and Kim JYS. Digital Replantations. In Hanasono M, Mardini S, Saint-Cyr M, Moran S (Eds.) Reconstructive Surgery—A Problem-Based Approach, 1st Ed. (In Press): CRC Press.

Gart MS and Ko JH. Wrist Fractures. In Hanasono M, Mardini S, Saint-Cyr M, Moran S (Eds.) Reconstructive Surgery—A Problem-Based Approach, 1st Ed. (In Press): CRC Press.

Lautz TB and Gart MS. Postoperative Monitoring. In Rozenfeld (Ed), The PICU Handbook. McGraw Hill, 2018.

Gart MS, Loeffler B, Gaston RG. Acute Management of Upper Extremity Amputation. In Skirven, Osterman, Fedorczyk, Amadio (Eds.) Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity, 7th Ed. (In Press): Elsevier Health Sciences.

Gaston RG, Case AL, Abzug JM. FDS Transfer for FPL Rupture. Hand Surgery: Tricks of the Trade. Pending publication

Gaston RG. Upper Extremity Prosthetics and Reconstruction. The American Society for Surgery of the Hand Textbook of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, 2nd Edition. June 2019 (e-book) Oct 2019 (hardcopy)

Lautz TB and Gart MS. Postoperative Monitoring. In Rozenfeld (Ed), The PICU Handbook. McGraw Hill, 2018.

Loeffler BJ, Gaston RG. Nerve transfers for Elbow Function. ASSH Surgical Anatomy: Nerve Reconstruction. Dy C and Isaacs J (eds). 2017

Gart MS , Reid RR, Dumanian GA. Pressure Sores and Neural Tube Disorders in Children. In Bentz ML, Bauer BS, and Zuker RM (Eds.) Principles & Practice of Pediatric Plastic Surgery, 2nd Edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; Publication Date 1/2016.

Gaston RG. Scaphoid Nonunion Advanced Collapse: Capitolunate Arthrodesis. Scaphoid Fractures and Nonunions: A Clinical Casebook. Ed. Yao J. Springer International. 2015. 273-284.

Loeffler BJ, Williams GR. Shoulder Arthroscopy. In Abzug J, Zlotolow DA, Kozin SH (eds): The Pediatric Upper Extremity. Springer. (2015).

Cheesborough J, Gart MS, Alghoul MA. Post-Excisional Wound Closure. In Halverson AL and Borgstrom DC (Eds.) Advanced Surgical Techniques for Rural Surgeons. New York, NY: Springer Publishing; 2014.

Loeffler BJ, Culp RW. Both Bone Forearm Fractures. In: Carlson M, Goldfarb C (eds): Comprehensive Care of the High Level Athlete: A Master Skills Publication. American Society for Surgery of the Hand. (2014).

Gaston RG. Contributing Editor: Yearbook of Hand and Upper Limb Surgery. 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016

Gaston RG, Haines NM. Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Fractures and Dislocations in the Athlete. The Athlete’s Hand and Wrist: A Master Skills Publication. Eds. Carlson MC, Goldfarb CA. Chicago: American Society for Surgery of the Hand, 2014. 107-13.

Garcia RM, Guyuron B. Chin: Augmentation. Aesthetic Head and Neck: An Operative Atlas

Garcia RM, Ruch DS, Hultman CS. Hand Surgery. 50 Articles Every Plastic Surgeon Should Know

Loeffler BJ, Connor, PM. Total Elbow Arthroplasty for Rheumatoid Arthritis. In: Weisel, S and Ramsey, M (eds): Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery Ed.2. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (publication pending)

Loeffler BJ, Abboud JA. Combined Anterior Instability and Glenohumeral Arthritis. In: Dodson CC, Dines DM, Dines JS, Walch G, and Williams GR (eds): Controversies in Shoulder Instability. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (2013).

Gaston RG, Lourie GM: Thumb Metacarpophalangeal Joint Collateral Ligament Injuries. American Society for Surgery of the Hand Fractures and Dislocations of the Hand and Fingers. Seitz W, pp. 175-187, 2013

Gaston RG, Lourie GM: Wrist & Hand Diagnosis and Decision Making. DeLee, Drez, and Miller’s Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, Fourth Edition. Saunders, Chapter 71. Expected release June 2, 2014. 

Gaston RG, Lourie GM, Floyd WE III: Complications of Intercarpal Fusions. Ed Slutzky DJ Principles and Practice of Wrist Surgery. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, pp. 383-388, 2010.

Loeffler BJ, Connor, PM. Total Elbow Arthroplasty for Rheumatoid Arthritis. In: Weisel, S and Ramsey, M (eds): Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2010

Travis M. Hendry, Robert C. Chadderdon, N. Douglas Boardman. Surgical Treatment of the Elbow: Surgical Options and Indications. In: Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Hand Wrist and Elbow. Elsevier, Inc. Chapter 18. 2010.

Robert C. Chadderdon, Jonathan E. Isaacs. Flexor Tendon Injuries. In: Essential Orthopaedics. Saunders, Elsevier Inc. Philadelphia, PA. pp. 352-356, 2010.

Gaston RG, Ogden JA: The Biologic Effects of Orthopedic Implants on the Growing Skeleton. Orthopaedic Implants: Application, Complications, and Management. First Edition, 2008.

Urbaniak J, Gantt EG, Vance T. End-to-side Neurorrhaphy: A review of the Current Literature and its Potential Applications in Neuroma Prevention, Functional Recovery and Clinic Application. In: Slutsky D, Hentz V, editors. Peripheral Nerve Surgery: Practical Applications in the Upper Extremity. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; pp. 81-88, 2006

Osier LK, Marks SC: Chapter 20, Osteopetrosis. In: Biology and Physiology of the Osteoclast. B. R. Rifkin and C. V. Gay (Eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1992

Marks SC, Osier LK, Miller SC: Chapter 20, The Role of Prostaglandins in Bone Formation. In: Bone Grafts and Bone

Substitutes. M.B. Habal and A.H. Reddi (Eds.), Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Company, 1992

Popoff; SN, Osier LK, Zerwekh JE, Marks SC: The Vitamin D-Endocrine System and Bone Modeling: Studies in Osteopetrotic Mutations. The Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement and Craniofacial Adaption: 105-114, 1992


Gaston RG: Anterior Subcutaneous Transposition of the Ulnar Nerve with Fascial Flap and Complete Excision of the Medial Intermuscular Septum in Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: A Prospective Patient Cohort. Yearbook of Hand and Upper Limb Surgery 2012. Elsevier Mosby, pp.138-139, 2012.


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