NT Manage Server Escalation Procedures

Globo Mobile Technologies Inc

Release Notice for GO!NotifyLink Enterprise Server -

ActiveSync Solution


|Date |Author |Description of Changes |

|04/30/2012 |Anthony Costello |Version 4.8.2 Patch 1 |

| | |Added Outstanding Issue: |

| | |- Blank invitee to a meeting on the device - 7742 |

|01/23/2012 |Jodie Grazier |Version 4.8.0 |

|10/12/2011 |Jodie Grazier |Updated iOS note about task support |

|04/22/2011 |Jodie Grazier |Updated Knowledge Base links |

|01/13/2011 |Jodie Grazier |Updates for Patch 3 |

| | | |

| | |Max ActiveSync Message Availability – default changed from 1 |

| | |month to 180 days. Edited the device behavior note. 797 / 1992 |

|11/30/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Added notes about support for Windows Phone 7 devices. |

|11/03/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Version 4.7.1 |

|09/20/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Version 4.7.0 |

|07/29/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Updated items for TouchDown v6.1.0007: |

| | |12487, 12635, 12661 |

|07/22/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Added Outstanding Issue: |

| | |iOS4 All Day events in Day View 12938 |

|07/12/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Added Outstanding Issues: |

| | |iOS4 save/copy image attachment 875 |

| | |iOS4 “Download Full Message” option 12917 |

|04/12/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Edited wording of iPhone/iPod section to include iPad devices. |

|03/25/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Added note for issue 12774 |

|03/04/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Added notes for issues 11899, 12664, 12665, 12693 and 12699 |

|02/24/2010 |Jodie Grazier |Release of GO!NLES v4.6.x Update 14. |

| | | |

| | |Added notes about support for Android OS devices using |

| | |TouchDown client. |

|12/04/2009 |Jodie Grazier |Noted with release of GO!NLES v4.6.x Update 12 |

| | | |

| | |Section III.B. Noted behavior for WM and webOS devices for |

| | |invitation responses. 11597 / 11900 |

| | | |

| | |Section VI.B. Added issue for WM with Calendar and Task notes. |

| | |12193 |

| | | |

| | |Section VI.C. Added issue for WM with attachment of type email.|

| | |12001 |

|10/29/2009 |Jodie Grazier |Added issue for iPhone v3.1 with emails that have an |

| | |email/message attachment. 11761 |

|10/13/2009 |Jodie Grazier |Added note for issue 11555 |

|10/09/2009 |Jodie Grazier |Added items for webOS support. |

| | | |

| | |Updated Knowledge Base links |

|10/05/2009 |Jodie Grazier |Updated issues 10483 and 11380 |

|09/25/2009 |Jodie Grazier |Updated issue 8964 |

|09/23/2009 |Jodie Grazier |Added iPhone specific NotifyLink Issue: |

| | |- Viewing meeting response message on device 11661 |

|08/19/2009 |Jodie Grazier |Added issue 11380. |

|08/05/2009 |Jodie Grazier |Additional issues added: 11096, 11209, 11294, 11333. |

|07/24/2009 |Jodie Grazier |Version 4.6.1 |

| | | |

| | |Added items for WM AS support. |

| | | |

| | |Removed issue 9688 |

I. Installer Information 4

II. Functional Summary 4

A. Installer New/Changed Features 4

B. Server New/Changed Features 4

C. User Interface (Web) New/Changed Features 4

III. Applicable to all supported ActiveSync devices 4

A. Features Not Supported 4

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues 5

C. Other Things to Know and Outstanding Issues 6

IV. Specifics for Android devices using TouchDown 6

A. Features Not Supported 6

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues 6

C. Android using TouchDown Things to know and Outstanding Issues 6

V. Specifics for Android devices using Native ActiveSync 8

A. Features Not Supported 8

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues 8

C. Android Native ActiveSync Things to Know and Outstanding Issues 9

VI. Specifics for iPhone (iOS) devices 9

A. Features Not Supported 9

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues 9

C. iPhone (iOS) device Things to Know and Outstanding Issues 10

VII. Specifics for Symbian ActiveSync devices 13

A. Features Not Supported 13

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues 13

C. Symbian Things to Know and Outstanding Issues 13

VIII. Specifics for webOS devices 14

A. Features Not Supported 14

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues 14

C. webOS Things to Know and Outstanding Issues 14

IX. Specifics for Windows Phone 7 devices 15

A. Features Not Supported 15

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues 16

C. Windows Phone 7 Things to Know and Outstanding Issues 16

X. Specifics for Windows Mobile devices 16

A. Features Not Supported 16

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues 16

C. Windows Mobile Things to Know and Outstanding Issues 17

I. Installer Information

Original Release Date (GO!NLES v4.8.0): 01/23/2012

Base Product: GO!NotifyLink Enterprise Server

II. Functional Summary

A. Installer New/Changed Features

B. Server New/Changed Features

1. Contact Display Name will now sync to and from ActiveSync devices when supported. Only TouchDown and certain HTC Androids such as the EVO support a separate Display Name field. Other devices will send a display name made up of the individual name properties, most of the time formatted as “Lastname, Firstname”. 1424 / 4675

I. The following collaboration suites support Contact Display Names: Sun, CGP, Kerio, Oracle 10, Exchange, Mirapoint, Groupwise.

II. The following collaboration suites do not support a Contact Display Name: FirstClass, MDaemon, MeetingMaker, Oracle Beehive 7596 , Scalix. These will send "First Last" to the device and ignore the display name from the device.

III. Zimbra can send a Display Name, but not receive one.

2. Email deleted on certain Android devices is now deleted on the server. For example, Samsung Galaxy S models and the Samsung Captivate. 3011

3. Corrected an issue with Calendar events in the Atlantic time zone sent from TouchDown. 3659

4. Email attachments can now be limited by a maximum size. Attachments larger than the size specified in the database will be synced as a txt file to ActiveSync devices containing the original file name, original file size, and reason it could not be downloaded. For example, if the name of the attachment is “file.doc”, it will be sent as “file.doc.txt”. Note that if an attachment has a .txt extension, an additional .txt will not be added. 4091

5. Tasks are now supported when using an iOS 5 device. 6011

6. Fixes for Android Sprint Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch include:

I. No longer display email as MIMEs. 6404

II. No longer Force Closes when replying or forwarding an HTML message with images as long as the image filename does not contain a curly bracket ‘}’. 6406 7613

III. Can now open and attach .doc and .xls files. 7514

7. The system can be configured to disallow connections from devices that are using TouchDown but are not registered on a TouchDown for Android license. This must be configured directly in the database; please contact Technical Support for assistance if this feature is desired. 5924

C. User Interface (Web) New/Changed Features

III. Applicable to all supported ActiveSync devices

A. Features Not Supported

1. Level 1 filters are not supported for ActiveSync devices. The email will be delivered to the device, but no special audible alert will be sounded. 9670

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues

1. After applying the changes for ActiveSync support, the following configuration must be made to URLScan on the server running the GO!NotifyLink Enterprise Server HTTP/Web Component.

a. Open the C:\WINNT\system32\inetsvr\urlscan\urlscan.ini file.

b. Underneath the [AllowVerbs] section, make sure OPTIONS and POST exist. If these are not present, add them:



; The verbs (aka HTTP methods) listed here are those commonly

; processed by a typical IIS server.


; Note that these entries are effective if "UseAllowVerbs=1"

; is set in the [Options] section above.






c. Restart IIS.

2. When adding an ActiveSync user, the administrator must select the correct device type in order to get the correct set of options/settings for the user.

3. Customers using Apache web server who experience web crashes, please see Knowledge Base article.

4. Direct Push connections on ActiveSync devices may prematurely disconnect when a reverse proxy is used to route traffic to the GO!NotifyLink Http/Web component. For more details, see Knowledge Base article. 11209

5. Some information is not sent by ActiveSync devices and thus does not appear on the Device Management page of the GO!NotifyLink Administrative Web. The following fields display blank for these devices: GO!NotifyLink Version, Phone Number, Battery Status, Free Memory, Network Type, Roaming - will always show 'No', Signal Level. 9310

6. The calendar Look-back range is set on the ActiveSync device and the Look-ahead range is set in the GO!NotifyLink Admin or Client Web interface. For more details, see Knowledge Base article. 9152 / 11223

a. On an iPhone device – “Settings” > “Mail, Contact, Calendar”, set the “Sync” value under “Calendars”.

b. On a Windows Mobile - Start > Programs > ActiveSync > Menu > Options > (select “Calendar”) > Settings. Set the “Synchronize only the past …” value.

7. If an ActiveSync device user is removed from the GO!NotifyLink Enterprise Server (GO!NLES), the device retains the Email and PIM (calendar and contacts) data. The data can be cleared from the device, however, by removing the account from the device. 8856

8. If the designated PIM server is switched from MDaemon or FirstClass to another server and then back again to the same MDaemon or FirstClass server, PIM items will not synchronize to the ActiveSync device. 9120

9. In order to correctly synchronize HTML email, the GO!NotifyLink setting for Attachments is always ON and Smart Retrieval is always OFF. These settings are imposed for the ActiveSync device users regardless of the global settings. When editing User IT Policies, these options are not available for changes. 8871

10. Message content encryption is not supported for ActiveSync devices. The encryption key field will be disabled in the Security Settings in the Admin and Client web. 8874

11. This issue applies to both Windows Mobile and webOS devices. A forward of an email that contains attachments, when performed from the device, will not have the correct attachments delivered to the recipient(s).

12. This issue applies to ActiveSync device users who have tagged their trash folder for synchronization in the GO!NotifyLink Enterprise Server web. For Zimbra users, email with no body which is synchronized to an ActiveSync device and subsequently deleted on the server, does not get synchronized to the trash folder on the device as it should. 9701

13. This issue involves CGP and calendar events and contacts created on an ActiveSync device. The items synchronize to the CommuniGate Pro server, but do not appear when viewed via the CommuniGate Pro Outlook Connector until the user exits, then reenters Outlook. 9702

14. Since meeting invitations are sent as emails, mail synchronization must be enabled in order to receive invitations. If disabled, the invitation will not appear in either the Mail or Calendar application on the device. 9305

15. Users operating on a Scalix CalDAV PIM server will see duplicate meeting invitations on their ActiveSync device calendar - one for the Calendar Event and one for the invitation. The issue stems from separate fields being used for appointments and invitations in the groupware product. Note that the duplicate will not appear on the Windows Mobile device until the meeting has been accepted. 8779

16. The organizer of a meeting will receive two responses - one with Comments, one without - from recipients who have responded to the invitation via an ActiveSync device. 8768

17. The Max ActiveSync Message Availability setting in the Administrative Web Console limits the range of emails synchronized to the ActiveSync devices. This gives the Administrator a way to help control the size of the database. The setting can be configured at the User Class level or at the Server Administration level (for unclassified users). The default setting is 180 days. 797 / 1992

a. Messages that exceed the range will be removed from the database, but not from the mail server. Messages may remain on the device. This means that changes on the device such as Read/Unread status, deletes, and moving to a different folder will not be synchronized. However, the message on the device can be forwarded or replied to successfully. See the Administrative User Guide for more details.

18. Meeting invitations sent to the device from the server can include a blank invitee on the device. 7742

C. Other Things to Know and Outstanding Issues

IV. Specifics for Android devices using TouchDown

A. Features Not Supported

1. The TouchDown client does not support creating recurring events in versions prior to v6.1.0007. Recurring events synchronized to the TouchDown calendar are treated as individual events, not a series. 12487

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues

1. Android devices are supported using the TouchDown client for the ActiveSync connection. See more information on the GO!NotifyLink portal.

Additionally, some Android 2.2 devices are supported using the native Exchange Active Sync implementation; see section V and the GO!NotifyLink portal.

C. Android using TouchDown Things to know and Outstanding Issues

1. Android OS version and device model do not display on the User Statistics page of the GO!NotifyLink Administrative Web. In their place is information about the TouchDown device client. 12551

2. Unless configured to do so, TouchDown will not synchronize items (new, changed or deleted) originating on the device until synchronization is triggered by one of the items outlined below. To change this default behavior to instead synchronize immediately, see Knowledge Base article. 12614

a. An items arrives via direct push

b. A scheduled push (polling) session occurs

c. A manual sync is initiated

3. When a GO!NotifyLink account is reregistered via the TouchDown device client, it may not immediately do an initial synchronization. When a new item comes in via Direct Push or a Scheduled Push (polling) synchronization interval occurs, the initial synchronization will happen. To workaround this, you can issue a manual synchronization after re-registering (from TouchDown Home screen, press Menu key and choose Sync). 12567

4. Weak password strength requirements (8 to 20 characters of any type) are enforced in TouchDown. Strong password strength requirements (one each of alpha, numeric, symbol characters) are not enforced, however, Touchdown will impose Weak requirements when Strong is selected. 12637 / 12638

5. An Inactivity Timeout lock will only lock the TouchDown application. Everything else on the Android device will be accessible. If you have TouchDown open when the lock is imposed, press the Back key to return to the device Home screen. 12579

6. TouchDown does not prompt for the existing password when you manually choose to change the Inactivity Timeout password. (TouchDown behavior has changed with v6.1.0007 and the user is now prompted for the existing password). Of course, if the Inactivity Timeout lock has been imposed, an unauthorized user could not access the 'Change PIN' option. It is only when the device is not locked that this is an issue. It is therefore advisable to set a lower Inactivity Timeout interval. 12635

7. TouchDown only enforces IT security policies if they are mandated by policies sent to the device from the server. The user has no way to set a policy, such as Inactivity Timeout, Wipe on Fiailed Unlock Attempts, etc. if it is not required. 12640

8. A Remote Wipe or a Wipe on Failed Unlock Attempts will only wipe data synchronized by TouchDown. 12583

a. When the wipe occurs because of failed unlock attempts, you are returned to the TouchDown Home screen where a prompt to accept the license agreement is displayed. The user account must then be recreated.

b. When a remote wipe occurs, the TouchDown application becomes unusable, but can be removed and reinstalled.

9. When a remote wipe is issued to TouchDown, the whole device is not wiped. The TouchDown information is cleared and the app is reset back to the welcome screen. 6444

10. When a Remote Wipe is done, the TouchDown application becomes unusable. TouchDown needs to be removed from the device and reinstalled. See Knowledge Base article for details on how to reinstall. 12601

11. If a mail folder containing unread messages is deleted on the server, the unread messages will still appear on the TouchDown Home screen where a list of unread messages is displayed. The message can be opened and viewed once, but when it is closed it will finally disappear from the device. 12597

12. When you forward a plain text message from TouchDown, the original message and sometimes the signature appear twice when the message is viewed on the server. A work around options is discussed in Knowledge Base article. 12588

13. You are unable to add an attachment to an email while the device is connected to a PC via a USB port. While the device is connected, you are unable to view files or folders on the device SD card, therefore making it impossible to select and attach a file. 12639

14. When sending an email to the device with an attachment, the attachment is duplicated. One copy of the attachment downloads automatically and the other results in a 500 error when attempting to download. 6095

15. When you select a different or additional address books to synchronize to the device you must issue a "Refresh All" from the TouchDown Contacts application menu (from TouchDown Home screen, tap the Contacts icon then press the Menu key and select Refresh All). Otherwise, contacts from the newly selected address book(s) will not populate the Contact list. 12566

16. If you choose to save a contact from the Global Address List (GAL) search result set to the device, it will be saved to the default TouchDown address book. There is no option to choose a different address book. 12592

17. Events created on the server sometimes appear a day early in the TouchDown 'Month' view. In other views such as Day, Week, Aganda, the events appear on the correct day. This no longer occurs with TouchDown v6.1.0007. 12661

18. To allow past events to show in the TouchDown Calendar's Agenda view, you must change a Calendar option. In the TouchDown Calendar application press the Menu key, tap More > Options, remove the selection of "Agenda View shows upcoming only". 12652

19. If you edit the calendar event via TouchDown for a meeting that you did not create, the event will appear changed in the TouchDown calendar, but will not synchronize to the calendar on the Oracle server. It is expected that attendees would not have permissions to edit meetings they did not create. Be aware that if you attempt this your calendars will not match. 12654

20. In TouchDown, when making any exceptions to any recurring event that is two years in advance, the exception is not handled correctly. The event will not change if it is outside the sync range. If it is inside the sync range, TouchDown will show the change and then re-add the original event. 6273

21. If a calendar event or contact is created in TouchDown in a folder other than the default, and the item is later deleted, the delete will fail. 5771

V. Specifics for Android devices using Native ActiveSync

A. Features Not Supported

1. Task synchronization is not supported on Android devices.

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues

1. Android devices are supported using the TouchDown client for the ActiveSync connection. See more information on the GO!NotifyLink portal.

Additionally, some Android 2.2 devices are supported using the native Exchange Active Sync implementation; see section V and the GO!NotifyLink portal.

2. In order for Android native devices to synchronize correctly, the Drafts and Sent Items folders must be selected for synchronization. 1172 / 1173

a. In the Mail Servers page of the Administrative Web Console, make sure the folders are defined correctly for the server. Also, make sure that users' accounts have these folders accessible via IMAP; not all collaboration suites automatically create these folders for an account. If the folders do not exist for the account, they should be created before the user is added to GO!NotifyLink so that the folders are selected for synchronization immediately.

3. For more information, see the Knowledge Base and this article in particular.

C. Android Native ActiveSync Things to Know and Outstanding Issues

1. During registration, existing email, contact, calendar, and task data in the Exchange ActiveSync account will be removed and replaced with data from GO!NotifyLink.

2. When Require Password is enforced for a device, cancelling out of the security activation process (enforced password setup on the device), causes the user account on the device to appear as if it has been removed or can no longer be accessed. 1163

3. If the ‘Require Storage Card Encryption’ policy is enabled the device will stop syncing and may not display an error message. This is a known issue with Android devices. 972

4. When password policy requirements are reduced (weakened) on the server, you cannot reduce them on the device unless you remove your account and set it up again. This applies to Password Length, Require Alphanumeric Password, and Require Password. 970

5. If the Maximum Inactivity Timeout requirement is the only policy setting that is changed on the server, it does not update on the device. The Password Length, Require Alphanumeric Password, or Require Password must also change in order for Maximum Inactivity Timeout requirement to update. 973

6. When policies are updated, but require no changes on the device, the device displays an error message. This is a known issue with Android devices. 974

7. Unlock attempts with passwords of less than four characters are not counted as failed unlock attempts. 1169

8. Remote Wipe will not erase data on the SD Card.

9. When a Remote Wipe is completed on the device, it does not send a confirmation. When viewing the Security Rules page in the Administrative Web Console, it looks as if the wipe is still pending. 968

10. This issue occurs with the Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G device. When receiving an HTML message with an image, a force close will occur when opening the message. 7613

VI. Specifics for iPhone (iOS) devices

NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, the term “iPhone” or “iOS” or the phrase “iPhone device” used throughout this document will refer to the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad devices inclusively.

A. Features Not Supported

1. The iOS 4.x devices do not support Tasks. iOS 5 devices do support Tasks, however GO!NLES 4.8 is required.

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues

1. iOS 3.x devices are not supported by GO!NLES v4.8. References to iOS 3.x in this document are retained for historic reference only.

2. If your iPhone device had contact and calendar data on it prior to registration, Contact and Calendar synchronization will default to OFF to prevent existing data from being removed. You can enable Contact and Calendar synchronization by enabling them on the device. For more details, see Knowledge Base article. On devices running OS 3.0, you may choose to have existing data kept on the device in a separate area or deleted and replaced with what syncs from the server. With older OS versions, turning synchronization ON will delete existing items. 8861 / 8864 / 10686

3. For the iPhone 3GS and iPad, a Remote Wipe is completed immediately when the request is received by the device. For all other iPhone devices, the estimated time for completing a Remote Wipe is 1 hour per 8GB of space on the device. 8868

4. This issue applies to iPhone device users operating on a CommuniGate Pro, GroupWise, Scalix, or Zimbra server. Moving a contact on the server into a different selected address book results in the contact appearing in both address books on the device. Deletion of or further changes to the contact, made on the server, will only affect the contact in the new address book on the device. 9667

5. This issue applies to iPhone device users operating on an Exchange or Kerio server. A contact created on the device may contain fields not supported by the GO!NotifyLink Enterprise Server. However, should the contact be moved on the server into a different selected address book, the unsupported fields will be cleared on the device when the change is synchronized. 9678

6. Received meeting invitations appear as both an item in the iPhone device Calendar and as an email in the Inbox with the meeting invitation attached. Meeting invitation recipients may respond to the meeting from either the calendar or the Inbox. Users may also experience the following scenarios depending on the groupware system they are operating on. 9012

a. Users of Mirapoint, Google, Oracle 10, Oracle Beehive, Oracle CalDAV, Zimbra and Zimbra CalDAV will also receive a second email for each invitation. This email cannot be used to respond to the meeting on the device.

b. Users of MeetingMaker, which does not support email, may receive a second email if their email user was also invited to the meeting. This email cannot be used to respond to the meeting on the device.

c. Users of FirstClass and MDaemon will receive an email, but not a meeting invitation.

7. In some situations, recurring meeting invitations synchronize incorrectly to iPhone devices. 9168

a. If a recurring meeting invitation is created on an Oracle or GroupWise server with some of the instances occurring on past dates, invitations for those instances appear in the device's Calendar Inbox and the Mail Inbox. However, if a single instance meeting invitation is created with a past date, it appears only in the device's Mail Inbox.

b. A recurring meeting invitation created using Scalix Connect for Outlook will appear as one long multi-day event, until it is accepted. Once accepted, the individual instances of the recurring meeting appear correctly. Example: A recurring meeting created to occur on Mondays for 4 weeks initially appears as a month long event. Once accepted, the 4 individual instances of the recurrence appear correctly.

c. For a recurring meeting invitation created using Scalix Web Access, only the first instance of the recurring meeting appears on the device until it is accepted. Once accepted, all instances appear correctly.

8. This issue involves meeting invitation responses viewed on the iPhone devices. When the sender of a meeting invitation views the response from an attendee that has included text with his/her response, the text is only visible when viewed from the message list. When the message is opened, the added text is not visible and an .ics file is attached but cannot be opened. 11661

9. This issue applies to iPhone device users operating against an Oracle Beehive server. A recurring series created on the device and synchronized to the server results in duplicates on the device. The server sends a copy of each individual instance back to the device resulting in duplications. This issue is resolved when GO!NLES Update 8 (v4.6.1) is applied. 10407 / 11187

C. iPhone (iOS) device Things to Know and Outstanding Issues

1. After disabling the "Lock Enabled" user IT policy in the GO!NotifyLink Administrative Web, the Passcode prompt still displays after inactivity. This is normal behavior, disabling the feature simply exposes an option that allows the user to turn the passcode off. However, disabling "Lock Enabled" does not consistently enable the "Turn Passcode Off" option on the iPhone device. For more details, see Knowledge Base article. 9098

2. If "Drafts" folder is selected for folder monitoring in the GO!NLES web, two "Drafts" folders may appear in the iPhone device folder list, each with a different function. One is displayed with a Drafts icon and is used for saving messages originating on the device. The other is displayed as a regular folder and is synchronized with the server's "Drafts" folder. This may or may not occur, depending on the version of firmware the device is running. 9378

3. The “Sent” and “Trash” folders on the device are always named as such; the names will not necessarily match the name of the folder in the user’s collaboration suite.

4. iPhone devices with multiple email folders tagged for synchronization, will synchronize only the Inbox folder automatically in Push mode. On devices running OS 3.0, however, other folders (excluding Trash) can be selected to automatically synchronize like the Inbox. See Knowledge Base article for more details. 9155

5. When a message is moved from one folder to another on the iPhone device, it is not viewable until the message change synchronizes to the server and then back down to the device. This is expected behavior of the iPhone device. 8886

6. When you forward an email containing some attachment types from the iPhone device, the recipient receives the attachment, plus an extra .htm attachment. These file type attachments have been observed to produce the extra file: doc, xls, ppt, bmp, txt, gif, jpeg, tif, pdf, vcf, png, tiff. 8752

7. This issue occurs with iPhone devices running the OS v3.1. When the user receives an email that has an email attachment (file type .eml or .msg) the attachment will be displayed on the device but when opened will contain no information. Note that this issue did not occur with OS v3.0 of the devices. 11761

8. Beehive users viewing messages from the Zimbra web will see that email with attachments sent from an iPhone device are missing the paperclip icon in the message list. However, the attachments are present when the email is opened. 11096

9. A large .docx file (MS Word 2007), sent to the iPhone device as an attachment, may not be viewable. When the user attempts to open the attachment, the iPhone device may shut down. The minimum file size for which this occurs is not known. 8754

10. Email with a large recipients list does not synchronize to the iPhone device. The email is sent to the device, but the device either: 8964

a. times out and closes the connection before it receives the email

b. recevies the email, but exits to the home screen when attempting to open it

11. When using an iPhone device with GO!NotifyLink, if you forward an email that has an attachment to another user on GO!NotifyLink, the recipient cannot view the attachment on their device. This is a result of the MIME format sent by the device being incorrect. 12693

12. On iPhone and iPod touch devices running iOS 4, attempting to save or copy an image attachment may cause the email display to malfunction. Emails viewed after making this attempt do not display the email body or attachments. This typically occurs after a device has been wiped and subsequently registered for ActiveSync. Restarting the device restores the functionality. 875

13. On iPhone and iPod touch devices running iOS 4, using the "Downlod Full Message" option to download/view an attachment may cause an error stating that the message cannot be displayed because of the way it is formatted. The "Downlod Full Message" option appears when an attachment associated with the email is large, however, viewing such an attachment is possible without selecting the option. Simply select the attachment to view it so that it downloads and displays properly. 12917

14. This issue applies to iPhone / iPod touch devices running OS 3.0 and using a WiFi connection. If the connection to the GO!NotifyLink ActiveSync Server returns a 500 error, the email (and possilby PIM) data is deleted from the device. This issue no longer occurs with iPhone OS v3.1.1. 11380

15. iPhone Contacts have fields for Custom and Other phone numbers and for Ringtone. If used, the iPhone does not send these fields to the server. The contact will be missing these fields when viewed on the server. In addition, if any change is made to the contact on the server, it is synchronized back to the device. Since the contact change coming from the server does not contain the custom/other phone number fields, they are deleted on the device. Ringtone, however, is preserved on the device. On devices running OS v3.0, Customer and Other phone number fields are no longer part of the Contacts application for an ActiveSync account, therefore only the Ringtone note applies. 8814

16. When creating a contact on the iPhone/iPod touch and the country field is left as the default, it is not synchronized to the server. A workaround is to change the default country and then change it back to the default before saving the contact. 8987

17. Some non-numeric characters (hyphen and period) used in the phone number fields of a contact created on the server, do not synchronize to the iPhone/iPod touch. 8986

18. When a remote lookup is done on an iPhone/iPod touch device, the search returns a maximum of only 26 results and does not provide an option to retrieve more search results. A workaround for this is to further refine the search by adding one or more additional characters to the search entry. On devices running OS 3.0, however, the search returns a maximum of 51 results. 8999

19. The iPhone/iPod touch user's account must be configured to synchronize contacts before remote lookup is available in the Contacts application (this does not apply to devices running OS v3.0). Contact synchronization is not a prerequisite for using remote lookup while composing mail, however. As long as your GO!NotifyLink account is set up to access the LDAP server, when you begin to type an email address in the To/Cc/Bcc fields, the device will automatically perform a remote lookup based on the characters you enter. For more details, see Knowledge Base article. 9023

20. When an instance of a recurring event is modified from the device, a duplicate of the exception appears on the iPhone/iPod touch. The instance appears in its original form along with the modified form. The duplicates also appear on the server. This issue has been fixed in iPhone/iPod touch devices running OS v3.0. 8767 / 8876

21. Recurring events created on the server to end on a specific date appear on the iPhone device with the end date one day late. The end date is correct, however, on the client's calendar display on the server. This issue has been fixed in iPhone/iPod touch devices running OS v3.0. 8714

22. Monthly recurring events for the 31st of the month, created on the server or the device appear on the iPhone/iPod touch calendar only in the months with 31 days. On the server or in Outlook, the events appear on the last day of the month regardless of the number of days in the month. Furthermore, the event will appear for the number of occurrences specified, but only in months with 31 days. 8750

23. A recurring series can be created in Outlook for events that occur on the first weekday, first weekend day, or first day of the month or year. These patterns are not supported on the iPhone. The events will show up on the device calendar, but not in the expected pattern. This issue has been fixed in iOS devices running 3.1.2. 8751

24. When an exception to a recurring event is created on an iPhone/iPod touch device by deleting a field (such as the location), the deletion is not rendered on the server even though the item appears as an exception. 11229

25. A single calendar event changed to a recurring event on an iPhone/iPod touch may end one day early (specified end date is one day earlier) on the server. This may or may not occur, based on the firmware the device is running. 9532

26. When all day events or recurring all day events added via a device running iOS 4.0 or 4.0.1 are viewed using the 'Day' view format, switching back and forth between days may reveal a blank calendar day. Moving to another day and then back to the blank day may resolve the display issue. 12938

27. An all day meeting invitation appears on the iPhone/iPod touch Calendar application Invitations list with a date one day prior to the actual event. When the details of the item are viewed, however, the date is correct. 11333

28. The iPhone/iPod touch allows users to respond to the same meeting invitation multiple times, however, if the device is running an OS less than 3.1 it sends only the first response and does not send subsequent responses should the user wish to change his/her response. This issue has been resolved with the iPhone OS version 3.1. 10483

29. When synchronizing multiple calendars, if an event is moved from on calendar to another on the device, the server will show the event in both calendar. 5802

VII. Specifics for Symbian ActiveSync devices

A. Features Not Supported

1. Mail for Exchange does not support initiating meeting requests from the device.

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues

1. In order for Symbian AS devices to synchronize correctly, the Drafts and Outbox/Outgoing folder must be selected for synchronization. 238 / 239

a. In the Mail Servers page of the Administrative Web Console, make sure the folders are defined correctly for the server. Also, make sure that users' accounts have these folders accessible via IMAP; not all collaboration suites automatically create these folders for an account. If the folders do not exist for the account, they should be created before the user is added to GO!NotifyLink so that the folders are selected for synchronization immediately.

b. After registering and going through the initial sync, you may need to turn the device off and back on again, then go back into MfE and issue another sync before trying to compose mail

2. For additional information, see the Knowledge Base and article 1203 in particular.

3. When using Folder Mirroring, the user must subscribe to the folders on the device in order to be able to properly synchronize multiple folders with GO!NLES. 6574

C. Symbian Things to Know and Outstanding Issues

1. During registration, the device may try to auto-complete the registration by searching for the server source. If you do not Cancel, the search continues and displays an error each time it fails to find the server automatically.

2. When registering your device, you will have the option to keeps existing PIM items on the device and load items from the server or replaces existing PIM items on the device with items from the server.

3. If the device will not synchronize using the TMobile Internet connection, it is recommended to use a T-Zones access point. 237

4. If the ‘Require Password’ security policy is enabled, you may be prompted to create a password. When this policy is enabled on the server and if you have never used a password before, you will have to enter the device’s default password, which is 12345, in order to access the setting where you change the password.

5. This issue has been seen sporadically. After enabling ‘Require Password’ and ‘Inactivity Timeout’, the device locks and cannot be unlocked. 7396

6. Symbian AS devices do not support the 'Minimum Number of Complex Characters' IT Policy.

7. After 5 attempts to unlock the device, the following message appears, “Lock code entered incorrectly 5 times. Code will unblock in 5 minutes.” Attempts made to unlock the device during this timeout start the 5 minutes timeout over again and do not count toward the number of Failed Unlock Attempts set on the GO!NotifyLink server. Therefore, if you keep entering attempts during the timeout, the device may never wipe. If the Wipe on Failed Unlock Attempts is set to something less than five on the GO!NotifyLink Server, this issue is not seen. 1228

8. When viewing the User Statistics for a Symbian AS device, the Device Type displays device ID instead of the device model. This issue is due to Mail for Exchange incorrectly sending the same value for the DeviceType field as it does for the Device ID field. 147

9. The phone number field on the User Statistics page is blank for Symbian AS device users. 216

10. Users will not see the Deleted Items folder displayed in the folders list on the device. This is a known issue with Mail for Exchange. 215

11. This issue involves emails where the ‘Reply To’ address is different than the ‘From’ address. If a reply is sent from a Symbian AS device, the reply is incorrectly sent to the “from” address. This is expected behavior for Mail for Exchange. 198

12. If a reload is performed for calendar events, then the device is synchronized, the calendar items will be duplicated. This is a known issue when using Mail for Exchange. 205

13. Accepting a meeting invitation a second time after deleting the event from the device calendar does not re-add the event to the calendar. 898

14. The Symbian AS implementation will only allow synchronization of one address book; however, you may choose which folder to synchronize via the GO!NotifyLink Client or Administrative Web. The setting default is your main contact folder or address book.

VIII. Specifics for webOS devices

A. Features Not Supported

1. webOS devices do not have capability to send meeting requests. You can receive and respond to meeting invitations on a webOS device, however, you cannot create meeting invitations. 11169

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues

1. Clearing data out of a Contact's Notes or Job Title fields does not synchronize correctly. If the data in the Notes or Job Title field of a contact is removed, the deletion does not always synchronize correctly. If the edit (clearing out of the data) is done on the device, the Job Title is correctly removed from the contact on the server. However, in all other situations the data removal is not performed correctly. 11806

2. Only tasks created from a task list associated with the Exchange account on the webOS device will synchronize to the GO!NotifyLink server. Likewise, only task changes or deletions made to tasks that specifically belong to the Exchange account will synchronized. 11182

C. webOS Things to Know and Outstanding Issues

1. Palm continually provides operating system updates to your webOS device to enhance performance and add functionality. Update notifications are sent to your phone automatically when a system update is available. For a time, you have the option to postpone installation, however, eventually the phone will automatically install the update, as long as the battery has a 30% charge. Notify Technology tests webOS updates as soon as possible, however, please be aware that functionality may change as a result of updates and new versions may not be supported as soon as they are available.

2. webOS sends incorrect information about the device OS version, which appears on the GO!NotifyLink Administrative Web Device Statistics page. 11274

3. The webOS devices have a single font, Prelude, which supports the following codepages. In terms of languages, this includes Afrikaans, Albanian, Basque, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Ukrainian. Additionally, there is also now support for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters as well. There are still some issues with the Chinese fonts in terms of style though. As a result, data synchronized by GO!NotifyLink that contains characters not in the supported sets will show up as empty blocks/squares on the device. 11814

a. Windows 1250 Latin 2 Eastern Europe / Mac OS Central European

b. Windows 1251 Cyrillic / Mac OS Cyrillic

c. Windows 1252 Latin 1 / Mac OS Roman

d. Windows 1253 Greek / Mac OS Greek

e. Windows 1254 Turkish / Mac OS Turkish

f. Windows 1257 Baltic

g. Mac OS Romanian

h. Mac OS Croatian

i. Mac OS Icelandic

j. Mac OS Turkish

4. webOS devices will not use WiFi if operating in Direct Push mode (As items arrive). If WiFi is on and the device is set to get mail As items arrive (Direct Push mode), it will attempt to use the carrier network to connect. However, if the device is registered against the internal IP address of the server, attempts to connect through the carrier network will fail as well. 11610

5. webOS devices do not distinguish between email that is normal and low priority Email delivered to the webOS device will correctly indicate if the item is high priority. Normal and low priority email, however, look the same as one another. 11736

6. This issue was found on devices with webOS version 1.4.0. Attempting to open an email that has no body, but one or more attachments, will show an error that the message could not be downloaded and so you cannot reply or forward the message. 12699

7. webOS devices (v1.2.1) will only allow synchronization of one address book, however, you may choose which folder to synchronize via the GO!NotifyLink Client or Administrative Web. The setting default is your main contact folder or address book. If you change this you must reregister the device. 11150

8. webOS devices support contact fields that ActiveSync protocol does not.  When these fields are added to a contact on the device, the extra data is stored in the Contact Notes field on the server. 11555

9. The webOS devices do not always send tasks adds, edits, and deletes to the server as soon as the modification is performed. As a work around, you can make a change to the Calendar. This will force the device to synchronize task changes as well. 11182

IX. Specifics for Windows Phone 7 devices

A. Features Not Supported

1. Windows Phone 7 devices do not support ActiveSync synchronization of Tasks. Although a task server can be defined in GO!NotifyLink Administrative Web for the user, the data will not actually synchronize to the device.

2. Windows Phone 7 devices do not provide a way to set an end date when creating a recurring event. 2488

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues

1. When using a CommuniGate Pro collaboration suite, meeting invitations that are declined on the device will continue to appear in the device calendar. The event will be removed from the device calendar the next time a calendar change on the server is processed. 2608

2. When using a CommuniGate Pro collaboration suite for contacts and then changing the selected contact server the device must be reregistered. 2596

C. Windows Phone 7 Things to Know and Outstanding Issues

1. This issue applies to the HTC Surround device. When a Wipe is issues, the device will freeze during the boot process. 2624

2. For limitations regarding ActiveSync rules/policies and Windows Phone 7 devices, see Knowledge Base article. 2606 / 2607 / 2626

X. Specifics for Windows Mobile devices

A. Features Not Supported

1. Although the Windows Mobile ActiveSync device allows adding, editing, or deleting folders on the device, this is not supported by GO!NotifyLink. Therefore, if a user adds a folder on the device, it will be deleted immediately. Attempts to edit or delete a native folder will not be successful. 10409

B. GO!NotifyLink Server Things to Know and Outstanding Issues

1. Windows Mobile ActiveSync devices may not be able to register if Integrated Windows authentication is enabled on the "sync" virtual directory. This is primarily seen on devices that have the 6.5 operating system. 12774

2. Local PIM data that exists on a Windows Mobile device when a device is registered is sent to the server at registration time. When the device is registered, it retrieves the items from the server, and sends the items that were on the device before registration, to the server. The items are removed from the device. To get the items which were sent to the server back on the device, remove the account and reregister the account. The items, which now reside on the server, will synchronize to the device. Calendar items must fall within the synchronization range, however, in order to synchronize. 8861

3. To synchronize folders other than the Inbox, the folder must be selected in both GO!NotifyLink and the ActiveSync client on the device. 9465 / 9470 For more details, see these Knowledge Base articles:


4. Email that has been moved to an alternate folder on the device may appear to "disappear" from the device, however, the change is successful on the server. This occurs when a folder has been selected for synchronization in the GO!NotifyLink web, but not selected for synchronization on the device. Folders can be selected on the device by going to the device Inbox, tap Menu > Tools > Manage Folders. Check mark the folders you wish to synchronize. For more details, see Knowledge Base article. 11225

5. Under some conditions, an error popup with the message “A problem has occurred with repllog.exe.” is displayed. One cause is a meeting invitation that contains an attendee with email address longer than 26 characters. The error does not cause any loss of funcationality and, as a workaround, it may be disabled. On the device, navigate to Settings > System > Open "Error Reporting"; Select "Disable error reporting" and ok. 11230

6. A Windows Mobile ActiveSync (WM AS) device does not always display Calendar or Task notes as expected. When blank lines are entered in the notes field of a Calendar Event or Task created on the server, they appear as spaces when viewed from the WM AS device. 12193

7. If you create a contact on a Meeting Maker server and change the category from a Windows Mobile ActiveSync device, the change will not synchronize to the server correctly. The contact will be listed with a ctegory of "None" in the Meeting Maker client. Other changes to the contact made on the device will synchronize to the server correctly. 12665

C. Windows Mobile Things to Know and Outstanding Issues

1) When security rules have been enforced for a Windows Mobile ActiveSync devices from the GO!NotifyLink Enterprise Server, the lock password cannot be disabled on the device. If the user account is removed from the device while this policy is still in place, the lock remains enabled and cannot be disabled. For more details, see Knowledge Base article. 11292

2) When a remote lookup is done on a Windows Mobile device, the search returns a maximum of 100. If a full 100 matches are returned, before displaying the results, the device shows a warning to narrow down your search. 8999

3) With Windows Mobile ActiveSync, the Deleted Items folder synchronizes in only one direction, from the device to the server. Items in the Deleted Items folder on a user's PC will not appear on the device. 9471

4) When an email is sent as an attachment through the Mirapoint web to a Windows Mobile ActiveSync device, the device displays the subject of attached email incorrectly. This is most likely to occur when the subject of the attached email contains Upper ASCII. 12001

5) The Windows Mobile device will only allow synchronization of one address book. The GO!NotifyLink web console will only allow selection of a single address book for the user. 11210

6) If a new contact is created on the device and assigned to a category which does not exist on the server, the contact will be added to the default address book instead of the assigned category. The new category is not created on the server. 11211

7) A custom response to a meeting is never received by the event organizer. The organizer does, however, get the response, just not the custom text. 11213

8) The ‘Reload Device’ feature found in the Administrative and Client Web Console behaves differently for Windows Mobile devices. Instead of deleting all of the records on the device, it will attempt to compare the local items with those loaded from the server. If a local item doesn’t appear to be in the reloaded items, the device will send it to the server.


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