Reinstall Fiery Command WorkStation 5

Reinstall Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8

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Reinstall Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8

If Fiery Command WorkStation Package version 6.0 does not support your Fiery server, you can reinstall the Fiery Extended Applications Package with Fiery Command WorkStation version 5.8 and retain your saved settings and preferences.

Warning: If you need to reinstall Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 on a Fiery server with a DVD drive and assembled with furniture (keyboard, monitor, and mouse), do not uninstall Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 until you have the User Software DVD ready. If you uninstall Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 from the Fiery server, you need to install Fiery Command WorkStation 5.x from the original User Software DVD, before you can upgrade to the latest Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 version (see step 5a below).

1 Any optional packages (for example, Fiery Impose) installed on the client computer will remain in place after reinstalling Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8. If you want to move the license to another computer, deactivate the option first before uninstalling Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0, to ensure the License Activation Code (LAC) is available for a different client computer. For more information, see the Fiery client software license help at help..

2 On Windows, uninstall Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 in Control Panel > Programs and Features. On Mac OS, uninstall Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 using the Fiery Software Uninstaller. You can also uninstall Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 with Fiery Software Manager.

3 On Windows: when prompted to select preferences to remove, leave both checkboxes unchecked and click Continue. On Mac OS, click Yes when asked to keep the Fiery Command WorkStation Package settings for future use. The following settings are retained:

? Fiery Hot Folders settings ? Fiery Remote Scan mapped folders, with server list and passwords saved ? Fiery Impose templates ? Local presets ? Fiery Command WorkStation preferences, including languages and units

4 Uninstall Fiery Remote Scan, if you installed Fiery Remote Scan with Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0. a) When asked to keep Fiery Remote Scan settings for future use, click Yes.

? 2017 Electronics For Imaging, Inc. 16 July 2017



Reinstall Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 2

5 After uninstalling Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 and, if applicable, Fiery Remote Scan, reinstall Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 (included in Fiery Extended Applications Package 4.4). a) For Fiery servers with a DVD drive and assembled with furniture (keyboard, monitor, and mouse), install the user software from the User Software DVD and follow the on-screen instructions. b) Download Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 at the following location: . c) Run the Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 installation and follow the on-screen instructions.

R?installer la Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8

Si le Fiery Command WorkStation Package version 6.0 ne prend pas en charge votre Serveur Fiery, vous pouvez r?installer le Fiery Extended Applications Package ? l'aide de la Fiery Command WorkStation version 5.8 et conserver vos param?tres et pr?f?rences enregistr?s.

Avertissement : Si vous devez r?installer la Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 sur un Serveur Fiery avec un lecteur de DVD et assembl? avec le meuble (clavier, ?cran, et souris), n'installez pas la Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 avant que le DVD Logiciels Utilisateurs ne soit pr?t. Si vous d?sinstallez la Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 du Serveur Fiery, vous devez installer la Fiery Command WorkStation 5.x ? partir du DVD Logiciels Utilisateurs d'origine, avant de pouvoir effectuer une mise ? niveau vers la derni?re version de la Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 (voir l'?tape 5a ci-dessous).

1 Tout package optionnel (par exemple, Fiery Impose) install? sur l'ordinateur client restera en place apr?s la r?installation de la Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8. Si vous souhaitez d?placer la licence vers un autre ordinateur, d?sactivez l'option avant de d?sinstaller la Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0, afin de vous assurer de la disponibilit? du code d'activation de licence (LAC) pour un autre ordinateur. Pour plus d'informations, consultez l'aide sur les licences de logiciels clients Fiery sur help..

2 Sous Windows, d?sinstallez la Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 dans Panneau de configuration > Programmes. Sous Mac OS, d?sinstallez la Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 ? l'aide du Fiery Software Uninstaller. Vous pouvez ?galement d?sinstaller la Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 ? l'aide de Fiery Software Manager.

3 Sous Windows : lorsque vous ?tes invit?(e) ? s?lectionner des pr?f?rences de suppression, laissez les deux cases non coch?es et cliquez sur Continuer. Sous Mac OS, cliquez sur Oui lorsque vous ?tes invit?(e) ? conserver les param?tres du Fiery Command WorkStation Package pour une utilisation future. Vous avez le choix parmi les param?tres conserv?s suivants :

? param?tres de Fiery Hot Folders ; ? dossiers mapp?s de Fiery Remote Scan comprenant la liste des serveurs et les mots de passe enregistr?s ; ? mod?les Fiery Impose ; ? pr?r?glages locaux ; ? pr?f?rences Fiery Command WorkStation, y compris les langues et les unit?s.

4 D?sinstallez le Fiery Remote Scan si vous l'avez install? avec la Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0. a) Lorsque vous ?tes invit?(e) ? conserver les param?tres de Fiery Remote Scan pour une utilisation future, cliquez sur Oui.

R?installer la Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 4

5 Apr?s la d?sinstallation de la Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 et le cas ?ch?ant, Fiery Remote Scan r?installe la Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 (incluse dans le Fiery Extended Applications Package 4.4). a) Pour les Serveurs Fiery avec un lecteur de DVD et assembl?s avec le meuble (clavier, ?cran, et souris), installez le logiciel utilisateur ? partir du DVD Logiciels Utilisateurs et suivez les instructions ? l'?cran. b) T?l?chargez la Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 ici : . c) Lancez l'installation de la Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 et suivez les instructions ? l'?cran.

Reinstallare Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8

Se Fiery Command WorkStation Package versione 6.0 non supporta il Server Fiery, ? possibile reinstallare Fiery Extended Applications Package con Fiery Command WorkStation versione 5.8 e mantenere le impostazioni e le preferenze salvate.

Avvertenza: Se ? necessario reinstallare Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 su un Server Fiery dotato di un'unit? DVD e montato su mobile (tastiera, monitor e mouse), non installare Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 se non si ha a disposizione il DVD Software utente. Se si disinstalla Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 dal Server Fiery, ? necessario installare Fiery Command WorkStation 5.x dal DVD Software utente originale prima di poter eseguire l'aggiornamento all'ultima versione Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 (vedere il passo 5a seguente).

1 Tutti i pacchetti opzionali (ad esempio, Fiery Impose) installati sul computer client vengono mantenuti dopo la reinstallazione di Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8. Se si desidera spostare la licenza su un altro computer, disattivare l'opzione prima di disinstallare Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0, per essere sicuri che il codice di attivazione della licenza (LAC) sia disponibile per un computer client diverso. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere la Guida per la licenza del software client Fiery all'indirizzo help..

2 In Windows, disinstallare Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 in Pannello di controllo > Programmi e funzionalit?. In Mac OS, disinstallare Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 utilizzando Fiery Software Uninstaller. ? anche possibile disinstallare Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 con Fiery Software Manager.

3 In Windows: quando viene chiesto di selezionare le preferenze da rimuovere, lasciare deselezionate entrambe le caselle e fare clic su Continua. In Mac OS, fare clic su S? quando viene chiesto se mantenere le impostazioni di Fiery Command WorkStation Package per un utilizzo futuro. Vengono mantenute le seguenti impostazioni:

? Impostazioni di Fiery Hot Folders ? Cartelle associate di Fiery Remote Scan, insieme all'elenco di server e alle password salvate ? Modelli di Fiery Impose ? Preimpostazioni locali ? Preferenze di Fiery Command WorkStation, incluse lingue e unit?

4 Disinstallare Fiery Remote Scan, se ? stato installato con Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0. a) Quando viene chiesto se conservare le impostazioni di Fiery Remote Scan per un uso futuro, fare clic su S?.

Reinstallare Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 6

5 Dopo aver disinstallato Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 e, se applicabile, Fiery Remote Scan, reinstallare Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 (incluso in Fiery Extended Applications Package 4.4). a) Per i Server Fiery dotati di un'unit? DVD e montati su mobile (tastiera, monitor e mouse), installare il software utente dal DVD Software utente e seguire le istruzioni visualizzate sullo schermo. b) Scaricare Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 nelle ubicazioni seguenti: . c) Eseguire l'installazione di Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 e seguire le istruzioni sullo schermo.

Neuinstallation der Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8

Wenn das Fiery Command WorkStation Package 6.0 Ihren Fiery Server nicht unterst?tzt, k?nnen Sie das Fiery Extended Applications Package mit der Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 neu installieren und Ihre gespeicherten Einstellungen und Voreinstellungen beibehalten.

Warnung: Wenn Sie Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 auf einem Fiery Server mit einem DVD-Laufwerk und Gestell (Tastatur, Maus und Monitor) neu installieren m?ssen, deinstallieren Sie Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 nicht, bevor Sie die Anwendersoftware-DVD haben. Wenn Sie Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 vom Fiery Server deinstallieren, m?ssen Sie Fiery Command WorkStation 5.x von der urspr?nglichen AnwendersoftwareDVD installieren, bevor Sie auf die neueste Fiery Command WorkStation Version 5.8 aktualisieren k?nnen (siehe Schritt 5a unten).

1 Alle auf dem Client-Computer installierten optionalen Pakete (z. B. Fiery Impose) bleiben bei der Neuinstallation der Fiery Command WorkStation 5.8 erhalten. Wenn Sie die Lizenz auf einen anderen Computer verschieben m?chten, m?ssen Sie die Option vor der Deinstallation der Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 zuerst deaktivieren, um sicherzustellen, dass der Lizenzaktivierungscode (LAC) f?r einen anderen Client-Computer verf?gbar ist. Weitere Informationen hierzu finden Sie in der Hilfe zur Fiery-Client-Softwarelizenz unter help..

2 Deinstallieren Sie die Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 unter Windows ?ber Systemsteuerung > Programme und Funktionen. Deinstallieren Sie die Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 unter Mac OS mit dem Fiery Software Uninstaller. Sie k?nnen die Fiery Command WorkStation 6.0 auch mit dem Fiery Software Manager deinstallieren.

3 Unter Windows: Wenn Sie aufgefordert werden, die zu entfernenden Voreinstellungen auszuw?hlen, lassen Sie beide Kontrollk?stchen deaktiviert, und klicken Sie auf Fortfahren. Unter Mac OS: Wenn Sie aufgefordert werden, die Package-Einstellungen f?r die zuk?nftige Verwendung beizubehalten, klicken Sie auf Ja Fiery Command WorkStation. Die folgenden Einstellungen werden beibehalten:

? Fiery Hot Folders-Einstellungen ? Zugeordnete Fiery Remote Scan-Ordner mit gespeicherter Serverliste und gespeicherten Kennw?rtern ? Fiery Impose-Schablonen ? Lokale Vorgaben ? Fiery Command WorkStation-Voreinstellungen einschlie?lich Sprachen und Einheiten


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