How to Re-Install Virus Protection - Illinois workNet

[Pages:4]How to Re-Install Virus Protection

If for any reason the virus protection is accidentally removed it will need to be reinstalled. To reinstall it, follow these steps:

1. Go to

2. Click on the purple Download now button.

3. Click "Run" to start the download. *Keep the Always Ask box Checked*

4. Click "Next" when you see the Microsoft Security Essential Installation Wizard.


5. Click "I accept" to agree to the terms. 6. Click the "I do not want to join the program at this time" bubble then Click "Next". 7. Make sure both boxes are checked and Click "Next".


8. Click "Install".

9. Make sure the box is checked and Click "Finish". * Keep Scan My Computer For Potential Threats Checked*

10. After Security Essentials has finished installing it will open up and begin running updates. You need to allow the program to run all the way through once before shutting off the computer. This may take several minutes.


11. After the update and download have ran all the way through you can close out of it. *The box should appear green like the box below.*

If you have any issues or problems that you cannot resolve contact Natasha Telger at 217-303-8566 or email info@.



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