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Installation of Clio 6.7on a Workstation

System requirements for the PCs

These requirements for installation of Clio are not minimums. They are more realistic requirements that take into consideration the premise that most users of Clio will be multi-tasking. In order to run the latest version of Clio you will need a PC with a Pentium processor or later. The clock speed of the processor should be at least 500 MHz, 512 MB of RAM. Your monitor should be set to display a resolution of 800 x 600 or greater. A network card is needed to communicate with OCLC, perform catalog searches and access the Cliodata.mdb file if shared on a file server.

Program Requirements

Microsoft Windows 2000 or greater

Microsoft Access 2000 or greater

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

Internet Explorer 7 or greater

The operating system can be Windows 2000 or later. You will need to make certain that your computers have been updated to include the latest updates from Microsoft for your operating system. These can be obtained from . You need to have installed the Microsoft .NET Framework, v. 2.0. (Windows 7 users will have .NET Framework already installed). For Clio users that have earlier operating systems, you can check to see if this program is already installed by going to the list of Installed programs in the Add or Remove programs selection in the Control Panel. The .NET Framework 2.0 program is available for free through Windows updates. It will be among the list of available updates. The Framework will need to be installed prior to installing Clio. In order to run Clio software the installation of Microsoft Access 2000 or greater with at least Service Release patch 3 or a later version is required. The Clio program is a split database with the requirement that the frontend, the program, be installed locally while the backend, the Cliodata.mdb file, can be installed on the local PC or on a shared drive or file server for access by multiple installation of the program. The program requires at least 100 MB of local hard drive space. The Cliodata.mdb database that will store your data will need at least 500 MB of hard drive space to allow for expansion.

Cliodata database location

The Cliodata.mdb file can be located on a workstation or a file server. User Permissions for the location of the Cliodata.mdb should be set to full control permissions by the system administrator. For new users of Clio, you will be provided with the blank database file separate from the Clio installation file. All local workstations with Clio software installed will need to point to the shared Cliodata.mdb file. The optimum location for using or sharing the Cliodata.mdb file is from a file server. You can create a folder off of the root of the server drive labeled Cliodata then place the Cliodata database in this folder. Please make note of this location for future reference.

Backup Clio database

Prior to installing a new version of Clio please make a backup of the Cliodata.mdb file.

Installation Instructions

1. Download the latest version of Clio software.

2. Save the installation file to the C drive or desktop on the machine you want to install Clio.

3. Run the Clio installation file from the C drive location. Do not run the file from the browser download window.

4. When installing Clio make sure that Clio installs into the default location by selecting next and agreeing to the terms when prompted.

5. If you encounter the following error message click Continue to complete the installation then restart your computer.


6. Once installed you will need to point Clio and ClioRequest to the Cliodata.mdb file. When running Clio, Clio will prompt you that it needs help finding the database, click Ok then browse to the location of the database.


Once the Cliodata.mdb file is found select it then click Ok. The program will link to the database. Once completed you should see the Clio menu interface. You will perform the same step with ClioRequest.

Note: If you do not know where this file is located you can go to another computer that has an existing installation of Clio to determine the location. Open Clio on the other computer then go to Administration > Re-link Database. On the Data Directories window will be displayed the path to the Cliodata.mdb file. Keep a record of this location for future reference.

If you do not have a Cliodata.mdb file then contact Clio support to obtain a blank Cliodata.mdb file.

Instructions for users of Access 2003 and greater

Access 2003 users

If you have Access 2003, in order to avoid being prompted to allow

access to Clio you will need to set the macro security level to "low"

by opening Access 2003 then go to Tools > Macros > Security. Respond

with a No to the next statement.

Access 2007 users

If you have Access 2007, start Access 2007 Click the big round button in the upper left corner, the Office Button. At the bottom right of the screen that pops up there is a button labeled Access Options, click it. On the Access Options screen, click "Trust Center" in the left column Then click "Trust Center settings" button on the right On Trust Center screen, click "Macro Setting in left column. Then, finally, click "Enable all macros" Click OK on all screens, then exit.

Access 2010 users

Clio users that have Access 2010 will need to use the 32 bit version of the software. Clio will not run properly with the 64 bit version of Access 2010. If you have Access 2010-32 bit version, start Access 2010 On the File tab then click Options. The Access Options dialog box appears. Click Trust Center in the left column, and under Microsoft Office Access Trust Center on the Access Options screen, click "Trust Center" in the left column. Once this you have selected the Trust Center then click "Trust Center settings" button on the right.

On the Trust Center screen, click "Macro Settings in left column then, finally, click

"Enable all macros". Click OK on all screens, then exit.

Windows 7 users

Prior to installing on Clio on a Windows 7 PC

.NET Framework settings adjustments

Please check under "Turn Windows Features on or off" for .NET Framework 3.5.1 features have been activated. There are two boxes (Windows Communication Foundation HTTP Activation and Windows Communication Foundation Non-HTTP Activation) that these options are "on". If they are not active then activate them, once activated you will need to reinstall Clio.

****32 bit users****

On a Windows 7 64 bit PC you will need to be make sure that users' are granted full control permissions to the C:\Program Files\Clio\ folder.

****64 bit users****

On a Windows 7 64 bit PC you will need to be make sure that users' are granted full control permissions to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Clio\ folder.

Installing Clio Software on a new computer with Clio and ClioRequest already existing on other workstations

After installing Clio on a new machine and your institution uses ClioRequest be sure to get a copy of the requestdata.mdb file from one of the other existing installations of ClioRequest. Some institutions have placed a copy of this file on a shared location then linked the program to it. You can check to see if this is the situation by opening ClioRequest in Access mode on one of the computers that is using ClioRequest. This is done by holding down the shift key then double-clicking on the Clio Request shortcut. If you see the normal Clio Request menu screen then you was unsuccessful, try again. Once in Access mode go to Tools > Database Utilities > Linked Table Manager. On the Linked Table Manager window look for the link BLSearchLevels. Once found in the list check to see if the link is pointing to C:\Program Files\ClioRequest\ folder. If it is pointing to this location then you will need to save the file from this location. If it is not then you need to go to the location that the link indicates then save this file to the C:\Program Files\Clio\ folder, replacing the existing file on the new machine using ClioRequest.

Email Requirements

Clio and ClioRequest can send emails by IMAP4 or POP3 protocols. Clio and ClioRequest can be setup to use SSL authentication. Your email server will need to be able to accept IMAP4 or POP3 protocols for outgoing email.

Outgoing email is sent by SMTP with the option of using SSL authentication.

This document, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. The content of this manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Clio Software. Clio Software assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual.

Except as permitted by such license, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Clio Software.

Clio, ClioRequest, ClioEDelivery, ClioWeb and ClioAdvanced are products of Clio Software and are trademarks of Clio Software in the USA and other countries. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Microsoft Access are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. ColdFusion is a registered trademark and Macromedia and the ColdFusion logo are trademarks of Macromedia Corporation. All other products or name brands are the trademarks of their respective holders.


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