Chapter 6: The Duel for North America

Chapter 6: The Duel for North America

Key Terms:

Huguenots Edict of Nantes coureurs de bois voyageurs

King William’s War Queen Anne’s War War of Jenkin’s Ear King George’s War

Acadians French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War) Albany Congress regulars

Battle of Québec Pontiac’s uprising Proclamation of 1763 Salutary Neglect

Fort Duquesne Fort Necessity

People to Know:

Louis XIV Samuel de Champlain Edward Braddock William Pitt

James Wolfe Pontiac George Washington Antoine Cadillac

Marquis de Montcalm


1. Why was France a latecomer to the scramble for New World real estate?

2. Why is the Edict of Nantes significant in France’s history? Who led France during its quest for overseas colonies in North America?

3. What was France’s first settlement in the New World? Who founded this settlement? With whom did Champlain enter into friendly relations? Why was this decision fateful for him and the French?

4. Why did New France grow at such a listless pace?

5. What resource was valuable to the French in New France? What were the men called who participated in this enterprise?

6. To what areas of the continent did the French go in pursuit of their beaver?

7. Who founded Detroit? In what year? Why?

8. Who founded Louisiana? What happened to him later?

9. Eventually, what post on the mouth of the Mississippi was important to New France’s fur and grain trade?

10. What two wars resulted in the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713? Who benefited most from that treaty? How was the result of the treaty a harbinger of later doom for the French?

11. Who was Jenkins and what happened to his ear? Where was the War of Jenkins’s Ear fought? Who defended Georgia?

12. The War of Jenkins’s Ear merged with what larger scale war in Europe? What is this war called in the colonies and America?

13. Who won the Battle of Louisbourg? After the peace treaty of 1748, why were the colonists angry?

14. Why was their a conflict over the Ohio River Valley between the French and the Colonists?

15. How was George Washington ushered onto the stage of history? How old was he at this time?

16. What happened July 4th, 1754?

17. How was the Seven Years’ War (French and Indian War) a global war?

18. In Europe, who sided with whom? Where was the bloodiest theater?

19. How does the quote by William Pitt, “America was conquered in Germany,” relate to the French and Indian War?

20. In the previous wars on the American continent, how would you describe the unity of the colonists?

21. What were the two main goals of the Albany Congress? What was Ben Franklin’s famous political cartoon? How did the colonists and British view the Albany Congress?

22. What were Braddock’s mistakes as he tried to attack Fort Duquesne? How did the Native Americans react after easily defeating Braddock and the British Colonists?

23. What mistakes did the British make in 1756?

24. Describe William Pitt. How did he decide to defeat the French?

25. What was Pitt’s first victory?

26. Who led the British at the Battle of Quebec? Who led the French? Where was the battle fought?

27. What did France lose as a result of the peace treaty? What did Spain gain and lose? What did Britain gain?

28. How did the French and Indian War bolster colonial self-esteem? How did it also shatter the myth of British invincibility?

29. How would you describe the “Old World” v “New World’ rivalry between the British professional soldiers and the colonial “amateurs”?

30. How did the American shippers commit treason according to the British?

31. What were some of the barriers to intercolonial unity?

32. How did barriers of disunity melt during the French and Indian War?

33. How was the result of the French and Indian war detrimental to the Iroquois, Creeks, and other interior tribes?

34. Why did Pontiac attack? Where did he first attack?

35. How did the British wage biological warfare in defeating Pontiac’s uprising?

36. The French and Indian war and Pontiac’s uprising convinced the British to do what?

37. What was the Proclamation of 1763? Why did the proclamation of 1763 anger the colonists?

Pages 106-111 (Questions 1-13) Essential Questions

1. Crown control?

The Spanish experience in the New World featured tight crown control. How would you characterize the extent of French crown control?

2. Economic focus: Fur for profit

To what extent is fur the French model for profit?

Where’s the specific evidence? Is there any evidence that contradicts this part of the model?

3. Relations w/American Indians?

How would you characterize the relationship between the French and the American Indians?

4. Demographics?

Which French are coming to settle in the New World? What’s their purpose/What do they do here? Where’s the specific evidence?

5. Geography?

Where do the French stake claim and where does the geographic center of New France seem to be?

6. Historical Context

What else is notable? How would you summarize the early French experience in the New World?

Pages 112-117 (Questions 14-25)

7. Describe how the wars and battles mentioned in this section shows continuity into the American Revolution (how do these wars help lead to the Revolutionary War?)

Pages 118-121 (Questions 26-37)

8. Based on the information from this section and the entire chapter, explain what you think are the main reasons the colonists wanted independence. Use SPECIFIC EXAMPLES.

9. After reading Chapter 5, share one epiphany (an aha! moment) and one new question you’re curious about.

10. Based on the story you read in Chapters 5, summarize—in your own words—where we’re at in the American Narrative that runs from 1491 to now.

+Step back and think BIG PICTURE:

How did the action in this packet’s reading take the narrative in new and/or familiar directions?

+Just 3-5 sentences, but make them accurate:

Think Beginning, Middle, . . . and don’t forget the END!


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