College of Education

Department of Health and Exercise Science

Fall 2006

Course Number and Title: INAR 06200, Basic Nutrition

Required Text: Hamilton & Whitney, Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, West Pub.

Catalog Description:

Students study human nutrition through the basic knowledge of nutrients and the physiological processes involved in the utilization of food. They also develop an understanding of the ways in which age, health, social and economic factors affect nutritional needs and food practices. A computerized dietary analysis is one of the course requirements.

NJ Professional Standards addressed by course: None

Prerequisites: None

Objectives of the course:

In successfully completing this course, students will:

1. Understand the relationship between nutrition and the overall well-being of the individual, family and community.

2. Know how foods are digested, absorbed and metabolized.

3. Know what nutrients are, how they are used by the body and which foods contain each nutrient.

4. Be able to recommend an appropriate diet for individuals at all stages of life.

5. Be able to recommend an appropriate diet for individuals with special dietary needs because of lifestyle or health condition.

6. Analyze and critique their own dietary habits based on sound nutritional principles.

7. Become better consumers of nutritional publications, services and products as they learn to evaluate claims by authors and advertisers in light of sound nutrition principles.

8. Understand the social, political and environmental issues surrounding the cultivation, manufacturing and distribution of foods.

Topical Outline/Content:

Week Topic/Activity

1 Introduction, Assessment

2 Guidelines, Quackery

3 Process of Digestion

4 Carbohydrates

5 Lipids

6 Protein

7 Weight Management

8 Vitamins

9 Minerals & Water

10 Diet, Health and Disease

11 Pregnancy, Lactation

12 Pregnancy, Lactation

13 Nutrition through the lifespan

14 Exercise and Nutrition

15 Exercise and Nutrition


Course Calendar:

Participation: Attending class and participating in discussions/activities is expected. This

includes all work done in class.

Exams: Two or more written exams will be used to assess student progress.

Diet Analysis: Students will maintain a food diary for one week, using the computerized diet

analysis package.

Other: At the discretion of the instructor, students may be required to complete one or more

additional assignments.

Student Evaluation:

Student grades are determined using the following scale:

93 – 100% A 88 – 89% B+ 78 – 79% C+ 68 – 69% D+

90 – 92% A- 83 – 87% B 73 – 78% C 63 – 67% D

80 – 82% B- 70 – 72% C- 60 – 62% D-

Below 60% F

Signature Assignment

Dietary Analysis scoring:

Below expectations: Student does not demonstrate an adequate understanding of his or her personal nutrient intake through the completion of the dietary analysis, interpretation of the reports and in a written reflection on the report implications.

Meets expectations: Student demonstrates an adequate understanding of his or her personal nutrient intake through the completion of the dietary analysis, interpretation of the reports and in a written reflection on the report implications.

Exceeds expectations: Student demonstrates an exceptional understanding of his or her personal nutrient intake through the completion of the dietary analysis, interpretation of the reports and in a written reflection on the report implications.

Leslie Spencer will collect samples to include with the course book in December of 2006.

Instructor Information: none required

Reference List:

Durstine JL & Moore GE (2003). ACSM’s Exercise Management for Person’s with Chronic Diseases and Disabilities, Human Kinetics Pub., Champaign, IL

Smolin LA & Grosvenor MB (2003). Nutrition: Science and Applications, J. Wiley Pub., Hoboken, NJ.

Summerfield, LM (2001). Nutrition, Exercise and Behavior, Wadsworth/Thompson Learning, Belmont, CA.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website, , accessed October 2006.


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