A Quick Guide to Relative Pronouns

A Quick Guide to Relative Pronouns Nomen_______________________

Quī, quae, quod – who, which, that

Decline the relative pronoun below:

Things to remember:

• The relative pronoun introduces a relative clause that gives more information about the antecedent it agrees with.

• The relative pronoun agrees in number and gender with its antecedent

• The Case of the relative pronoun depends on its role within the subordinate clause it introduces.

Some Examples:

1. Dīligō puellam quae ex Italiā vēnit.

• Translate: I love the girl who comes from Italy.

• Identify and parse the relative pronoun: quae – nom, fem, sg

• Why is the relative pronoun in this case, number, and gender? Number & Gender agree with the antecedent – puellam (fem, sg). Quae is nominative because it is the subject of vēnit.

• What is the antecedent to the relative pronoun? Puellam

2. Homō dē quō dīcēbās est amīcus cārus.

• Translate: The man about whom you were speaking is a dear friend.

• Identify and parse the relative pronoun: quō – ablative, masc, sg

• Why is the relative pronoun in this case, number, and gender? Number & Gender agree with the antecedent – Homō – masc, sg. Quō is ablative because it is governed by the preposition dē.

• What is the antecedent to the relative pronoun? Homō

3. Puella cui librum dat est fortūnāta.

• Translate: The girl to whom he gives the book is fortunate.

• Identify and parse the relative pronoun: cui – fem, sg, dat

• Why is the relative pronoun in this case, number, and gender? Number & Gender agrees with the antecedent – puella. Cui is dative because it is the indirect object of dat.

• What is the antecedent to the relative pronoun? Puella


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