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5516880-2565401? BACH REINFORCEMENT ACTIVITIESWEEKLY PLAN 16th- 20th March 2020SESSION 1 (Use of language) CL, AA, CD①RELATIVE CLAUSESAfter reading the grammar reference on page 114 in your student’s book, have a look at the following link to work on these activities. Answer keys have been included for self-correction. CLAUSES WITH ANSWERS 1RELATIVE CLAUSES WITH ANSWERS 2②VERBS + ING or TO InfinitiveIn the following link, you will find two presentations which will help you remember which verbs are followed by gerund or to+ infinitive. Later on, complete the following exercises. 2 Personal security (Listening and Writing skills) CL, AA, CAE, SIEE, CD to the recording and answer the questions. Protecting yourself online from identity theft is an important step in personal security. Use the Internet and write a paragraph(60 words) to find answers to these questions:What is identify theft and phishing? What are three ways thieves steal your identity?What are four ways you can protect your identity?What online services are available to help you keep your identity secure? How much do these services cost and what do they do exactly?SESSION 3 The Magic Touch (Reading and Writing skills) CL, AA, CAE, CD the text and do tasks A, B, C and D. Answer keys have been included for self-correction.Write a paragraph 60 words, expressing your opinion about the advantages or disadvantages of having an ordinary job as opposed to an unusual one.SESSION 4 For and against essay (Writing skill) CL, AA, CAE, SIEE, CDClick on the following links to follow some writing tips on argumentative essays one of the following topics and write a for and against essay (120 words) 1. Does home schooling undermine a child’s ability to learn how to socialize?2. Do computers make us smarter or not? ................

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