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Toxicology Guided NotesName:_________________________Drug Classification & AnalysisA drug ____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________Controlled substances ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. Name a controlled substance.Name a drug that is not a controlled substance. Controlled Substances ActCategorizes drugs into 5 “schedules” based upon _____________________________________ and whether or not there are _____________________________________________________ for using them Schedule 1 is most dangerous Criminal penalties are defined – more or less – for possession or use of drugs in each schedule433387523495TYPE 1________________________________________________________________________________TYPE 2_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________TYPE 3____________________________________________________________TYPE 4______________________________________________________________________TYPE 5____________________________________4000020000TYPE 1________________________________________________________________________________TYPE 2_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________TYPE 3____________________________________________________________TYPE 4______________________________________________________________________TYPE 5____________________________________Surprising aspects to the DEA Controlled Substance SchedulesClassification by pharmacological effect________________________________Work by affecting signaling in the brain (by binding to and altering neurotransmitter receptors)Change normal thought processes, perceptions, and moodsExamples: _____________________________________________________________________________________________Increase energy and alertness, decrease appetite Work by stimulating (speeding up) central nervous systemExamples: _____________________________________________________________________________________________Relieve pain (act as analgesics), induce sleepiness, cause constipationWork by depressing (slowing down) central nervous systemExamples: ___________________________________________________________________________________________Causes relaxation, slowed responses, includes antianxiety and antipsychotic drugsWork by depressing (slowing down) central nervous systemExamples: ______________________________________________________________Classify the following drugs according to both schemes, and justify your choicesFentanylUsed in combination with other medicines as an anesthetic during surgery or used as a patch for chronic pain management100 times stronger than morphineMany ‘designer drugs’ are based off of it (e.g. China White). Sometimes heroin is laced with it, causing disastrous resultsCAS schedule: Pharmacological group:AdderallUsed for ADHD and narcolepsyImproves mental performanceCommon drug of abuseCAS schedule: Pharmacological group:XanaxAnti-anxiety medicationCauses physical and psychological dependencyCan be a drug of abuseCAS schedule: Pharmacological group: Bath saltsRecreational drugs containing cathinone, which is similar to but milder than amphetamineIncreases energy, can cause agitation, violent behavior, or paranoiaCAS schedule: Pharmological group:Drug testing vocab reviewWhat is the difference between a presumptive test and a confirmatory test?Why do a presumptive test?Color Spot TestsProcedure: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Different test chemicals for different drugsInvestigators can use a well plate to quickly and easily check for the presence of many different types of drugsExamples:Cobalt thiocynate turns blue when it contacts cocaine (or benadryl)Marquis reagent turns purple when it contacts heroin or morphine (or medicines with codeine)Presumptive or confirmatory?IR SpectroscopySpectroscopy involves ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________.Light that is not transmitted ______________________________________________________________.Infra-red (IR) light is used to analyze drugs because IR light occurs at the right frequencies to _______________________________________________________________________________________. When the bonds are excited, the light is absorbed.2857536385500The absorption / transmission patterns are unique to the chemical since the combination of bonds in a chemical are unique.3152775635000 X axis are ________________________________________________________________ of light wavesY axis is ______________________________ of light The overall shape of the spectra and the absorbance peaks are compared to determine the identity of a chemicalWhat is the relationship between transmittance and absorbance?What are the major absorbance peaks for cocaine? Why do chemicals have unique IR spectra?Is IR-Spectroscopy a presumptive or confirmatory test?GC – Mass SpectrometryThis machine combines two procedures to analyze chemicals:____________________________________________ (GC)____________________________________________ (MS)Gas chromatography is used first __________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________The mixture is vaporized into gasesThe gases travel through a long tube to the MS machine.The different components separate by time according to how easily each is vaporized and how quickly each travels.The mass spectrometer is then used to ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________.Each gas is blasted with electrons to ionize it – break it into smaller ions.The mass / charge ratio of each ion is measured (m/z).The mass spectra of different chemicals are nearly unique (there are a few VERY similar chemicals that cannot be differentiated via GC-MS, such as. stereoisomers)Presumptive or confirmatory?36861750Quick ReviewWhat is actually measured by the three tests we discussed?Color Spot test – IR Spectrophotometry – GC-MS - 4000020000Quick ReviewWhat is actually measured by the three tests we discussed?Color Spot test – IR Spectrophotometry – GC-MS - Quick ReviewWhat is measured in each of the three tests discussed? Spot color tests –IR spectrophotometry – GC-MS – Most forensic investigations will utilize two of the three tests. Why use two tests? Which two would you use?Alcohol and the LawAlcohol is a ____________________________ – __________________________________________________00Scientists are discovering more and more that alcohol is a major _________________________. Even light drinking increases the risk of several cancers, and the risk of cancer increases the more a person drinks. Cancers associated with alcohol consumption include: mouth, throat, esophageal, liver, colon, and breast cancers. 25322783055700Blood Alcohol Levels-163830100330BAC = ____________________________________________ (measured in g ethanol per 100 mL blood)00BAC = ____________________________________________ (measured in g ethanol per 100 mL blood)right32232600left301081__________________________________________________________________, and it occurs in the ________________ and _________________________. Alcohol absorption speed depends on many things including type of alcohol and whether or not there is food in the stomach.Absorption begins almost immediately and _____________________________ _________________________________020000__________________________________________________________________, and it occurs in the ________________ and _________________________. Alcohol absorption speed depends on many things including type of alcohol and whether or not there is food in the stomach.Absorption begins almost immediately and _____________________________ _________________________________Alcohol Absorption36137853207385BAC after 5 ounces (3 shots) of vodka or similar proof alcohol.00BAC after 5 ounces (3 shots) of vodka or similar proof alcohol.Alcohol EliminationAlcohol is ____________________________________________________________ through two processes: ________________________ and _____________________________.Oxidation occurs when ________________________________________________________ by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. alcohol acetaladehyde acetic acidExcretion occurs when _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________.Alcohol is eliminated at a rate of about 0.015 % per hour after absorbance is complete – but this varies with individuals. Women typically eliminate alcohol more slowly than men.Alcohol and the Law_______________ of all traffic accidents are alcohol-related.The legal BAC for adult, non-commercial drivers is ______________. About ____________________ occur when the BAC is at this level..In most states, extra penalties occur for BAC > ____________, at which point the chance of crashing is _____________________________.“______________________________” laws set __________________as the legal BAC for minors. Is a person’s ability to drive impaired if their BAC is below the legal limit? How much is too much?You can estimate your BAC based on your gender, size, and the number of drinks you’ve had. left99060The definition of a ‘drink’ is _________________________ Many drinks served at bars, etc., have more than 14 grams020000The definition of a ‘drink’ is _________________________ Many drinks served at bars, etc., have more than 14 grams25037142322300left-100Sobriety Tests and Measuring BACIf a police officer suspects that an individual is under the influence of alcohol, they usually order the suspect to do a ____________________________________________ before conducting tests to measure BAC.Field sobriety tests usually rely on the fact that a person under the influence of alcohol has difficulty performing ___________________________________________ (i.e. walking or balancing in a certain way while also answering questions or following orders from police).Examples: walking heel-to-toe for a certain number of steps then turning in a requested directionOne leg balance while counting aloud or answering questionsSobriety tests often include a _____________________________________________________.Intoxicated persons can have trouble smoothly following an object with their eyes and may show pronounced ___________________________________ (_________________________________________________) when the eye looks off to the side. Signs that a person may be intoxicated: Inability to smoothly follow a target with their eyesOnset nystagamus at angles (off center) of less than 45oPronounced & sustained nystagamus at large angles off centerBreath Testing For BACRemember that ____________________________________________________________________________. The alcohol in exhaled breath is proportional to blood alcohol concentrations, and so breath alcohol levels can be used to determine BAC.Modern breath tests are either fuel cell detectors or infrared detectors. Both tests are fully automated and require little expertise to use. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (change of alcohol into acetic acid) _________________________________________. The stronger the current generated, the higher the alcohol concentration.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. The more light that is absorbed, the greater the alcohol concentration.Breath test accuracyThe tests are accurate so long as they measure ‘___________________________’ alcohol. The machines are programmed to accept only large, sustained exhalations.The results might be artificially high if there is substantial ‘____________________________’ from a recent drink, vomiting, or belching. Officers should ensure that suspects haven’t eaten or drank anything, vomited, or belched in the 15 minutes prior to the test.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Blood testing for BACBreath tests are easier to administer on the side of the road than blood tests. However, if a suspect is being uncooperative, has already been arrested, or is in the hospital then police may prefer to do a blood test for BAC.4501591-1427230010160019050Blood is collected from a suspect usually into a vial that already has anticoagulant and preservatives in it. Blood is then usually analyzed via gas chromatography. If ethanol is present, it will make a peak at a specific time; and the area/height of the peak will correspond to the concentration of alcohol.00Blood is collected from a suspect usually into a vial that already has anticoagulant and preservatives in it. Blood is then usually analyzed via gas chromatography. If ethanol is present, it will make a peak at a specific time; and the area/height of the peak will correspond to the concentration of alcohol.Legal ConsiderationsHow are constitutional protections against self-incrimination and unreasonable search & seizure applied to DUI cases?What happens if you refuse? Do police need a warrant?DWI Consequences in TexasConvictionOffense levelMaximum fineMaximum JailMax license suspension1st DWIClass B misdemeanor$2000180 days1 yearDWI with BAC > 0.15Class A misdemeanor$40001 year1 year2nd DWIClass A misdemeanor$40001 year2 years3rd DWI3rd degree felony$10,00010 years2 yearsIntoxication manslaughter2nd degree felony$10,00010 years2 yearsDWI with child passengerState jail felony$10,0002 years2 yearsToxicologyDrugs, Poisons, and ToxinsDrug - a substance that when taken into the body produces _________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________, usually by interfering with the body’s normal chemical reactions Poison – a substance that when taken into the body produces _______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________, usually by interfering with the body’s normal chemical reactionsToxin – a ______________________________________ substance that when taken into the body at _________________________________________________________________________________, usually by interfering with the body’s normal chemical reactionsHow are they similar?How are they different?“All substances are poisons. There is none which is not. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy” – Paracelsus 16th c. physician___________________________________________________________________________________ ● Tylenol, multivitamins, codeine, alcohol, etc.Moreover, ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________. ● Arsenic is used to treat certain types of leukemia ● Botulin is used for botox, muscle spasms, crossed eyes, etcDetermining toxicityThere are 5 main things which determine the toxicity (adverse effects) of a poison: Acute toxicity – Chronic toxicity – Synergist – Antagonist - 3596640234315The toxicity of substances can be measured in animal trialsThe poison is introduced to test animals at different dosages.______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 020000The toxicity of substances can be measured in animal trialsThe poison is introduced to test animals at different dosages.______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Measuring toxicity 524256076200Which substance is most toxic? Why?00Which substance is most toxic? Why?4152900276225Which substance is most toxic? Why?4000020000Which substance is most toxic? Why?4647565635Determine the LD50 for each pare the toxicity of the two drugs.020000Determine the LD50 for each pare the toxicity of the two drugs.Calculating Dose LevelsTylenolLD50 rat = 3000 mg/kgTherapeutic daily dose for adults: 3000 mg (changed in recent years from 4000 mg)What dose would be fatal for 50% of rats, if an average rat is 300g? Tylenol is considered toxic for adult humans at doses above 140 mg/kg. What would be the toxic dose for a 120 lb woman? (Hint 1 kg = 2.2lb) How does the toxic dose compare to the therapeutic daily dose?How does the LD50 for rats compare to the toxic dose for humans? What can account for the differences?CaffeineLD50 rat = 192 mg/kgWhat dose would be fatal for 50% of rats, if an average rat is 325g? How much caffeine would a 125 lb person have to take to equal the LD50 dose (calculated for rats)? (Hint 1 kg = 2.2lb) The lethal dose for adult human is “about” 10 g. How does this compare to the LD50 as calculated for rats?4) How many No-Doz capsules would a 125 lb person have take to equal the LD50? (Hint 1 capsule = 100 mg)Problems with LD50Although LD50 trials are still used today, their use has declined over the last 20-30 years. Many people and organizations criticize LD50 trials both for their cruelty and their effectiveness.Why might LD50 not be a useful measure of toxicity?Exit TicketName 4 factors that affect the toxicity of a drug.Estimate the LD50 of the drug shown below.0-6353. The LD50 of ricin is 0.02 mg / kg. What does that dose correspond to in a 140 lb person? (1 kg = 2.2 lbs). ................

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