Religions of India Review Sheet - Weebly

Religions of India Review Sheet

Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism


a. ritual

b. symbol

c. myth

d. doctrine

e. monotheism

f. polytheism

g. animism

h. atheism

i. agnosticism

j. sacred

k. scripture

l. profane

m. samsara

n. yoga/discipline

o. Moksha

p. Nirvana

q. Ahimsa

r. Anatta

s. Bodhisattva

t. Koan

u. zen

1. What are the origin dates of the four religions?

2. What is karma and how does it influence each religion?

3. What are the Hindu scriptures and how are they different from each other?

4. What are the stages of life for Hindu women and men?

5. How was Indian culture formed?

6. Who was Mahavira? What did he experience in his quest for enlightenment?

7. What is a Jain? What is a Tirthankara?

8. Discuss the characteristics of the Digambara and Svetambara sects of Jainism.

9. Compare Sikhism to Hinduism.

10. Who was Guru Nanak?

11. What is the Sikh scripture?

12. What are the 5 Ks of Sikhism?

13. Describe the Golden Temple and a Sikh service.

14. Summarize Buddha’s life story and path to enlightenment.

15. What are the Four Passing Sights?

16. What are the Four Noble Truths?

17. What is the Eight-Fold Path?

18. What is the main problem and solution for each religion?

*Be familiar with scripture from each religion.


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