World Religions Project - Weebly

World Religions Project

Religion plays a very important role in the history of the world and it is important to have some background knowledge to help you understand how they influence people and events. This project is designed to help all of us gain a better understanding of what followers of these religions believe and where their beliefs come from. Please be respectful and remember that we are not condemning or condoning a religion, just presenting facts.


Your group will be assigned 1 of the major world religions to review and create a presentation for. Each group will be creating a PowerPoint in which, individually, members will create their own slide(s). While this is a group assignment each person will be assigned one of the subtopics to research and present. You will work together to make sure that your entire project is clear, organized, and lacks redundancy.


Please use only this site for your information, no need to make it more confusing and difficult than need be.


This will be considered a summative assignment. You will be assessed individually except for one component, organization and group preparedness. Your group will be assessed according to the following criteria:

Information/ I can- individual 20 points

Presentation skills- individual 10 points

PowerPoint- individual 5 points

Organization- group 5 points

Timeline and Due Dates:

1. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are reserved for you and your group members to prepare.

2. You will have access to the library and the computer lab Wednesday and Thursday. Your slide is to be dropped into my drop box by the end of class on Thursday September 18, 2014.

3. Friday you will be in the class practicing your presentation and doing final preparations.

4. Presentations will start Monday September 22, 2014. No class time will be given on Monday to take care of last minute details, if your group is not ready to present it will be considered late and each member of the group will receive a 20% reduction in their score.

5. Groups/Individuals that fail to present by the end of class on September 24th will take a zero score for this summative assessment.

Please Remember:

1. If any group member fails to do their part it does not require the rest of the group to do it.

2. Please be careful about plagiarism. Do not cut and paste from the internet!!!!

3. Anything used during your presentation must be turned into me afterward.

4. Everyone must be ready to present on first day, no exceptions.

5. I am assessing you on what I hear and see.

Religion Subtopics and I can Statements


1. History of the Religion and Geography assigned to _____________________________________

I can explain the historical founding of this religion.

I can explain on a map the roots of this religion.

I can identify the cities and/or locations within cities that are important to this religion and explain why.

2. People and Deities assigned to _____________________________________

I can identify the major people and/or Gods associated with this religion.

3. Beliefs, sacred texts, and symbols assigned to ________________________________

I can identify this religion’s basic beliefs. (such as their beliefs in God(s), life after death, purpose of life on earth, salvation, etc)

I can identify and describe the meaning and/or importance of this religion’s sacred texts and symbols.

4. Rituals and religious practices assigned to ________________________________

I can explain the regular (daily or weekly) routines and/or practices followers of this religion adhere to.

I can identify the unique characteristics of this religion’s religious practices. (such as baptism, prayers, positions within the religion like priests, rabbis, etc.)

5. Holy Days assigned to ________________________________

I can identify and explain the holy days associated with my religion including, but not limited

to, reason for the religious observation and traditions and rituals associated with it.

6. Subdivisions assigned to ________________________________

I can identify and the major sects/subdivisions of my religion.

I can explain the major differences in the sects and/or explain the reasons for the division.

7. Arts and Culture assigned to ________________________________

I can identify and explain the unique cultural and artistic characteristics associated with my religion.

Religion Subtopics and I can Statements

Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism

1. History of the Religion and Geography assigned to _____________________________________

I can explain the historical founding of this religion.

I can explain on a map the roots of this religion.

I can identify the cities and/or locations within cities that are important to this religion and explain why.

2. People and Deities assigned to _____________________________________

I can identify the major people and/or Gods associated with this religion.

3. Beliefs, sacred texts, and symbols assigned to ________________________________

I can identify this religion’s basic beliefs. (such as their beliefs in God(s), life after death, purpose of life on earth, salvation, etc)

I can identify and describe the meaning and/or importance of this religion’s sacred texts and symbols.

4. Rituals and religious practices assigned to ________________________________

I can explain the regular (daily or weekly) routines and/or practices followers of this religion adhere to.

I can identify the unique characteristics of this religion’s religious practices. (such as baptism, prayers, positions within the religion like priests, rabbis, etc.)

5. Holy Days assigned to ________________________________

I can identify and explain the holy days associated with my religion including, but not limited

to, reason for the religious observation and traditions and rituals associated with it.

6. Subdivisions assigned to ________________________________

I can identify and the major sects/subdivisions of my religion.

I can explain the major differences in the sects and/or explain the reasons for the division.

Religion Subtopics and I can Statements

Hinduism and Sikhism

1. History of the Religion and Geography assigned to _____________________________________

I can explain the historical founding of this religion.

I can explain on a map the roots of this religion.

I can identify the cities and/or locations within cities that are important to this religion and explain why.

2. People and Deities assigned to _____________________________________

I can identify the major people and/or Gods associated with this religion.

3. Beliefs, sacred texts, and symbols assigned to ________________________________

I can identify this religion’s basic beliefs. (such as their beliefs in God(s), life after death, purpose of life on earth, salvation, etc)

I can identify and describe the meaning and/or importance of this religion’s sacred texts and symbols.

4. Rituals and religious practices assigned to ________________________________

I can explain the regular (daily or weekly) routines and/or practices followers of this religion adhere to.

I can identify the unique characteristics of this religion’s religious practices. (such as baptism, prayers, positions within the religion like priests, rabbis, etc.)

5. Holy Days assigned to ________________________________

I can identify and explain the holy days associated with my religion including, but not limited

to, reason for the religious observation and traditions and rituals associated with it.

|Oral Presentation Rubric : World Religions Project |

|Student Name:     _________________________________________ Religion: _____________________________ |

| |

|Subtopic: _______________________________________________ Grade: ___________ / 40 |

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| |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|PowerPoint |Student uses multiple |Student uses many illustrations |Student uses some illustrations |Lacks illustrations and/or does |

|5 points |illustrations and follows the |and follows the guidelines for |and pictures were real. Format |not follow the content guidelines|

| |guidelines for content given in |content given in the project |did not meet all the requirements|that were given. Poor format |

|0 points will be |the project description. Shows |description. Pictures were real. |but Is somewhat professional. |and/or grammatical mistakes were |

|awarded if no |considerable work and/or |Professional appearance and was |Format, colors, grammar could |evident. Pictures were cartoon or|

|PowerPoint is |creativity which make the |used to enhance the presentation.|have been better but it was used |did not accurately display the |

|presented. |presentation better. Pictures | |to enhance the presentation. |religion. Did not enhance the |

| |were real. Professional | | |presentation. |

| |appearance and was used to | | | |

| |enhance the presentation. | | | |

| | |Max. 4 pts. |Max. 3.5 pts. | |

| |Max. 5 pts. | | |Max. 3 pts. |

|Presentation Skills |Facial expressions and body |Facial expressions and body |Facial expressions and body |Very little use of facial |

|10 points |language generate a strong |language sometimes generate a |language are used to try to |expressions or body language. Did|

| |interest and enthusiasm about the|strong interest and enthusiasm |generate enthusiasm, but seem |not generate much interest in |

| |topic in others. Speaks clearly |about the topic in others. Speaks|somewhat faked. Speaks clearly |topic being presented. Often |

|A maximum of 6 points |and distinctly all (100-95%) the |clearly and distinctly all |and distinctly most ( 94-85%) of |mumbles or can not be understood |

|will be awarded for |time, and mispronounces no words.|(100-95%) the time, but |the time. Mispronounces no more |OR mispronounces more than one |

|presentations that are|Stands up straight, looks relaxed|mispronounces one word. Stands up|than one word. Sometimes stands |word. Slouches and/or does not |

|read. |and confident. Establishes eye |straight and establishes eye |up straight and establishes eye |look at people during |

| |contact with everyone in the room|contact with everyone in the room|contact. |presentation. |

| |during the presentation. |during the presentation. | | |

| | | | | |

| |Max. 10 points | | | |

| | |Max. 8.5 points |Max. 7.5 Points |Max. 6.5 points |

|Group Preparedness and|Completely prepared and has |Seems pretty prepared but might |Somewhat prepared, but it is |Does not seem at all prepared to |

|Organization |obviously rehearsed. Clear, |have needed a couple more |clear that rehearsal was lacking.|present. Redundant and difficult |

|5 points |organized, and lacks redundancy. |rehearsals. Clear, organized, and|Information and transitions could|to understand. Poorly introduced |

| |Introduction and conclusion were |lacks redundancy. Introduction |have been better, a little |and concluded. |

| |evident. |and conclusion were evident. |redundant at times. Introduction | |

| | | |and/or conclusion could have been| |

| | | |stronger. | |

| | |Max. 4 pts. |Max. 3.5 pts. | |

| |Max. 5 pts. | | |Max. 3 pts. |








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