Freedom of Religion Activity - Fairfax County Public Schools

Freedom of Religion Activity Name ____________________

Directions: Using the situations listed below as a jumping off-point, research Supreme Court cases (using pages 542-544 from “The Free Exercise Clause” section in your textbook) to determine what religious freedoms are protected in the United States.  Answer the questions asked in each scenario and write the name and year of the case.


1. Is polygamy allowed if based upon a person’s religion?


Year: ______ Case: ______________________________________________________

2. Can a family with religious objections to having their children vaccinated still attend public school?


Year: ______ Case: ______________________________________________________

3. Is handling poisonous snakes as a part of a religious ceremony allowed?


Year: ______ Case: ______________________________________________________

4. Can a person be excused from military service based upon religious beliefs?


Year: ______ Case: ______________________________________________________

5. Can a person in the military wear religious articles or clothing (such as a yarmulke) with their uniforms?


Year: ______ Case: ______________________________________________________

6. Can animal sacrifice be used as a part of a religious ceremony?


Year: ______ Case: ______________________________________________________

7. Can a student be excused from reciting the Pledge of Allegiance (“saluting the flag”) at school based upon religious beliefs?


Year: ______ Case: ____________________________________________________

Then. . .

Year: ______ Case: ____________________________________________________


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