
Dear Teacher,

As a senior teens teacher, you are trying to do everything you can to make each class as good as it can be. Classes will be better and learning improved if all of the students read their lesson, do the activity in their book and learn their memory verse before class. Educators tell us that students are more likely to complete their assignments when these are given to them in writing. In order to improve learning and save you time, please select ten different colors of paper (one for each week's lesson), making sure you have enough for each student to have one of each color. Every week give out a different color of paper to differentiate that week's assignment. Our goal is to ensure that all students understand what is expected of them for the next class. Blank spaces are left for you to fill-in and write such information as how many weeks are left before they have to recite the longer memory work given in lesson one, and upcoming social events or Holy Days. Give each student one of these reminders at the end of each class and ask them to give it to their parents.


Dear Parents,

The goal at YEA is to help your teenager to be biblically literate. Even more than that, we want to introduce your teen to Jesus. We want to instill a love for Him, an awareness of Him as a friend, a guide, a help in time of need, and to lay the groundwork for coming to know Him as Savior. We need your help to do this. Classes will be better and learning improved if all of the students do their assignments. Please assist and encourage your teen to complete the following assignments before next Sabbath or by the indicated time.

1. Read lesson number _______on pages___________.

2. Learn the memory verse on page__________.

3. Each day, read the Devotional Bible readings on the back of your book for week _______.

4. Bring your Bible and YEA book to Sabbath School.

5. ___________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for helping your child learn and grow! Sincerely,


Youth Educational Adventures


Lessons for Sabbath School and Home Parent and Teacher's Guide Unit 1 "Life of Christ" Book Three Senior Teens

Youth Educational Adventures

The Life of Christ Book Three Senior Teens

The purpose of this series of lessons is to introduce each teenager to Jesus. We hope to instill a love for Jesus, an awareness of Him as a friend, a guide, a help in time of need, and to lay the groundwork for coming to know Him as Savior. We also want to develop in the teens a love for learning about God which will bring them again and again to church and to Sabbath School.

We hope to encourage daily contact with God through prayer and devotional Bible readings. In the process, we hope to create in each youth an expectation of fully participating as a baptized member in God's church. We also pray that the lessons in this book will translate into knowledge and behavior becoming of a child of the King.

Ronald Dart - Publications Editor Allie Dart - Managing Editor

Sandi McCaskill - Contributing Editor Camery Pollard - Layout and Design

CEM and YEA are very grateful to Wayne Hinton of Fairfield, Texas, Patsy Scott of Conyers, Georgia, and Renee Steel of Tulsa, Oklahoma for donating their time, talents and expertise to write lessons for this book. Each one of them worked many hours to provide these lessons for our teenagers. Their dedication and passion for youth to know God and for them to live by His Word are greatly appreciated.

Our vision is to create Christian educational opportunities for all our children so that they will

build a lasting relationship with God and experience the joys of salvation and the rewards

of God's Kingdom.

Christian Educational Ministries

P. O. Box 560 Whitehouse, Texas 75791 phone: 1.888.BIBLE.44

fax: 903.509.1139 website:

Copyright ? Christian Educational Ministries

All Rights Reserved 11/01

Index Of Lessons

Lesson 1 Forgive and Forget. . . . . .4

Lesson 2 Triumphal Entry. . . . . . . .6

Lesson3 The Moneychangers. . . .8

Lesson 4 The Last Supper. . . . . .10

Lesson 5 In The Garden. . . . . . . . . 12

Lesson 6 Betrayal. . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Lesson 7 Jesus is Crucified. . . . . . 16

Lesson 8 He Lives! . . . . . . . . .18

Lesson 9 Rolling Stone. . . . . . . . . .20

Lesson 10 Empowered to be Pro-active . .22

Do you think Peter was hedging when Jesus asked him if he loved Him? Why do you think Peter had any reservations about wholeheartedly saying that he loved Jesus? A lack of total


"Here I Am, Lord" is on page 85 of The Group Songbook.

commitment. Since Peter denied Jesus three times before He was crucified, what impact


do you think this could have had on Peter's answer? Peter may have understood his own weakness and was afraid to commit so profoundly as he had done before. How do you think the disciples must have felt when they stood in the field watching Jesus disappear into the clouds? What concerns do you think they had? They had lost a friend they had come to love and know so well after spending three and a half years with Him. They could no longer draw on the strength and power that He exuded. There would be no more miracles or healings. And maybe, the work of a Christian is over.

Tape three sheets of newsprint to the wall. Label the first sheet "Family," the second sheet "Friends," and the third sheet "Others." Give the students a marker pen and have each one write on the newsprint ways they can serve these people this week. Then have someone read all of the ideas on the sheets aloud. After the person finishes, tape a gift bow on each student and say, "God's Holy Spirit is a gift to pro-actively empower you." Then close in prayer.

Have the students recite John 3, their memory work for this book, and give those who can recite it a reward.

Since Jesus had returned to heaven, what

kinds of doubts or disappointments do you think the disciples may have experienced


because Jesus didn't set up His Kingdom

Ask one of the students to lead in prayer, asking for

while He was on earth? If you had been

God's gift to empower us to do the job He wants

standing there with the disciples, would you

us to do in serving others.

have been disappointed that Jesus did not set

up His Kingdom? Why or why not? Some students may want the Kingdom delayed because they want more time to enjoy the things



this world has to offer. What's going to change

when Christ sets up His Kingdom? There will


be no more wars, death, disappointments,

sickness, etc. Ask one of the students to read John 14:12


aloud. Have you seen that promise fulfilled in the church today? Why or why not? Do you


think the Holy Spirit will do these greater works for us or through us? Through us. Then


what things are required of us before we can

expect to see greater works done in the


church today than Jesus did? We must be

empowered with God's Spirit. To make ourselves ready to receive that gift, we must repent


of our sins, believe on Jesus Christ as our Savior, and be baptized. Then we must be pro-


active by doing those things Christ told Peter to do ? feed and care for His sheep.


So what's in it for you if you do these things? Ask

one of the students to read Matthew 5:19 aloud.

23 __________________________________________________



Materials Needed

Bible, YEA students' and teacher's books, attendance and memory verse chart, cassette or CD player and music tape, songbook, newsprint paper, marking pen, rewards, gift bows for each student


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Discuss the advantages of having God's Spirit in

their lives. 2. Explain the events surrounding the ascension. 3. Explain how teenagers can be pro-active in

personal evangelism.


Matthew 28:19,20; Mark 16:19; Luke 24:44-53; John 21:15-25; Acts 1:1-11


This is the last lesson in the Life of Christ series. Your student should have been led through the birth of Christ, His ministry, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection. Most of your teens should have been convicted of their sins, come to repentance and gone under the waters of baptism by now. If some have not come to this point, we urge you to pray toward that end for each person who has been in your class. Having the Holy Spirit is the greatest gift they can receive. It can help them to resist sin, overcome sin, and it can empower them to bring others to know God and take care of the "sheep."

"In the 40 days between His Resurrection and Ascension, Jesus made 10 or 11 recorded appearances to the disciples, to banish forever from their minds any doubt as to His Continued Existence as a Living Person. What a wonderful experience, in those 40 days, to have thus seen, talked with, eaten with, and felt with their hands, Jesus in His actual Crucified and Glorified Body, as He appeared, and disappeared, through closed doors, out of the nowhere, and back into the nowhere, and climaxed, as, with the blessing of His uplifted hands, He rose, gradually, up and up, and disappeared in the Clouds" (Halley's Bible Handbook, page 560.)

How to Teach

This Lesson

By sequentially going through the following questions in class, you will stay on track, meet the objectives laid out and have time

to complete each section of the lesson. The questions are in bold letters and possible an-

swers are italicized.

How many of you have spent time on a farm?

(If no one has, ask:) How many of you have

spent time with grandparents or someone you

enjoyed, and when you returned home you

really missed them? Who would like to tell us


about the thing you loved most about this visit?

Dear Parents and Teachers,

A passage from a Psalm haunted me over the days when we were putting the finishing touches on our first book. "For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, from my youth," said David. "Upon you I have leaned from my birth" (Psalm 71:5,6 NRSV). What David is saying is that he could not remember a time when he had not trusted and leaned on God.

If only all of our children would grow up with the same faith ? that they would not be able to remember a time when they did not pray, have faith in God, follow His teachings as best they knew and love Jesus Christ as their friend.

After these words in the Psalm comes this beautiful affirmation: "O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to all the generations to come" (verses 17,18).

As we continue this project, we hope and pray that God Himself will teach our children. It is our task to present His message to the children with love, clarity, persuasion and even passion. For if we do not teach as people who love God, how can we hope to pass on that love to the children?

You hold in your hands the third revised book in the "Life of Christ" series designed for use by Senior Teens, parents and Sabbath School instructors in teaching your teenagers the ways of God. As far as we know, no one in our tradition has ever done anything quite like this ? a fact that is astonishing all in itself.

There are those who say that if you give them a child until he is six years old, the child will remain in their faith for life. There is a lot of truth in that statement. The reason is that children are more open to faith at that age than they ever will be again. Teens also tend to fulfill our expectations. If we do not expect them to know God at that age, then they may well fall into a habit of assuming that God may be important to the church or their parents, but that He need not be important to them.

Realizing that teenagers are as much in need of ministry as adults, CEM has formed an arm called Youth Educational Adventures (YEA) to underwrite and expedite the teaching and nurturing of the youth of God's people.

One of the first goals of YEA is the biblical literacy of the teens, but that is not nearly enough. Which of you parents does not hope for your youth to be baptized? If you can hope for it, then it is only right that you work for it and YEA stands ready to help you. We want your teens to not only know about God, but to know Him. We want them not only to know about Jesus, but to believe in Him and to commit their lives to Him.

The lessons are more than an isolated story about a biblical character. Into each lesson is woven a strong life application. With all of this in mind, we are trying to develop an ongoing curriculum so that when a child passes age seven, age eleven, or age eighteen, he will know the things he should know at that age and will have come as far as maturity will allow.

Parents are encouraged to have their teenagers read the lessons prior to Sabbath School. This will help them reach their comfort level more quickly in class. It will enable them to participate in class discussions and benefit more from the lesson. This age group enjoys sharing what they have learned. If you will follow through after class with a discussion about what they have learned, they will feel good about sharing it with you. Show that you are interested by asking questions and making comments. Giving a lot of positive reinforcement will help them to love Sabbath School and enjoy learning about God's word.

It would be good for the parents to join their teens in reading the devotionals on the back of their book each day and to kneel with them and pray. Doing this habitually can build a foundation of biblical knowledge that will last throughout all eternity.

These lessons were designed to take about 45 to 50 minutes. Ideally, Sabbath Schools could be taught at the same time as an adult Bible Study. If your church area schedules Sabbath Schools during the sermonette, perhaps Sabbath School could begin thirty minutes before the song service starts. We hope that every section of the lesson can be completed. If there is not enough time allotted for Sabbath School, the teachers should work with the parents to encourage the youth to complete the activities at home. The activities are designed not only to add pleasure to the learning experience, but to reinforce the lesson as well and to complete the learning process.

We regret being unable to include the music for the suggested songs. For your convenience, Christian Educational Ministries stocks The Group Songbook. To order, either write to P. O. Box 560, Whitehouse, TX 75791, or for credit card orders telephone 1-888-BIBLE-44.

We are striving to improve each successive book in this developing project by making them even more teen centered. We want your evaluation of the lessons in order to help us do a better job.

May God bless the teenagers, and may He do it through you.

Ronald L. Dart


Forgive and Forget


Matthew 18:21-35; John 8:3-11; Mark 2:22

Materials Needed

Bible, YEA students' and teacher's books, attendance and memory verse chart, cassette or CD player and music tape, songbook, pencils, paper, marker pen, newsprint pad, Living Bible


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Explain the consequences of an unmerciful and

unforgiving spirit. 2. Discuss that Jesus expects us to forgive an unlim-

ited number of times. 3. Illustrate ways to prevent reneging on our for-

giveness. 4. Explain the benefits of forgiving others.


"It's inevitable that your teenagers will fail you. Perhaps they'll accidentally damage church property. Maybe they'll embarrass you at camp. They may disrupt your youth meeting and act unkindly toward you, your family, or others in your youth group. When that happens, remember that God is giving you an opportunity to model His forgiveness in your attitudes and actions. Instead of lashing out in anger, reach out in love. Instead of holding grudges, forget the past. Instead of demanding retribution, ask for repentance.

"This day-to-day example of forgiveness is something your teenagers will remember long after they've heard your last youth talk, attended your last youth camp, read your last newsletter, or broken your favorite chair in the youth room." Get Real: Making Core Christian Beliefs Relevant to Teenagers.

The memory work assignment for these ten weeks is the third chapter of John.

How To Teach

This Lesson

By asking the sequential questions,

you will keep the class on track,

accomplish the objectives, and have

time for every section of the lesson

to be completed. The questions

are in bold letters and possible

answers are italicized.

How would you feel if you

found your grandmother


crying because you had accidently let her parakeet out? How easy would it be for you to admit that you were the guilty culprit? If someone let your bird or pet out, would you generously forgive him as Butch's grandma did? Would you have no feelings of animosity towards the person who let your bird or animal out? Why or why not? When a friend or a sibling keeps on fouling

How to Teach This Lesson

By sequentially following the questions laid out below, you will be better equipped to complete every section, stay on track and meet the objectives of this lesson. The questions are in bold letters and possible answers are italicized.

If you had a very good friend who was unjustly put to death by the law of the land, the body was buried, and at the end of three days when you came to visit the grave, the body was missing, how would you feel? If this friend of yours, who had been given a lethal injection, electrocuted or gassed in the chamber, suddenly appeared while you were there to visit his grave, how would you feel? What would be

resurrected, imply that there are other "fruits?" How can you know this? Revelation 20:5 says, "the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished." What does "lived not again" imply? They will be resurrected. When? After the thousand years were finished. What's the "thousand years?" It's what we call the millennium. Then would you say there is one resurrection before the millennium and another after the millennium? Which resurrection do you want to be in? Why? You'll be alive one thousand years earlier. Then what do you have to do to be in that resurrection? You have to repent, be baptized and endure to the end (Matthew 24:13). What is your action plan?

your first inclination? To give him a big hug.

Would you be disappointed if he wouldn't even allow you to touch him?


Why wouldn't Jesus let Mary touch Him, when later that same day, He asked the disciples to

"Change My Heart, Oh God" is on page 53 of The Group Songbook.

handle Him? (Luke 24:39) "For I haven't yet

ascended to the Father." Then would you


conclude that between the time Mary saw Jesus and that evening when the disciples were gathered together, that Jesus actually went to heaven to His Father? What was the reason for Jesus going to heaven if He was going to come back to earth for fortysomething days? He was the literal wave sheaf offering which was typified in the ceremony offered on the Sunday during the Days of Unleavened Bread. He was presented to the Father and accepted as a pure sacrifice for you. What did the wave sheaf offering picture? The first of the firstfruits of the harvest. Then how would you relate this to Christ going to the Father after His resurrection? He was the first of the firstfruits. What Scripture can you think of that shows that? 1 Corinthians 15:23. What significance does the wave sheaf ceremony and Christ going to His Father on the Sunday after He was resurrected have for you? Baptized believers of Christ are a kind of firstfruit.

Before class, tack a long sheet of wrapping paper to the wall and write "Rolling Stone" across the top. Draw a "rolled stone" and a wave sheaf on the paper. Tell the class that musicians often think they have made it when they have their pictures on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. This kind of popularity is fleeting. Jesus was popular with some people when He performed a miracle, but wasn't very popular when He was arrested, tried and crucified. God showed how important each one of us is to Him when the stone was rolled away and Jesus walked out of that tomb. Then He ascended to the Father to be accepted for us. Give each student a marker pen and have them draw a self portrait on the sheet of paper with the stone and wave sheaf. Say: Jesus died for your sins. The stone was rolled away from the tomb and He was resurrected the third day. He then ascended to the Father to be accepted for you. Now follow with the prayer.

What Scripture or Scriptures can you think of

that shows that? James 1:18 and Revelation 14:4. Then when do we become a firstfruit as Jesus


did? When we are resurrected at Christ's return.

Ask one of the students to lead in prayer, thanking

Does the fact that Christians are called

God for each one of us being important to Him and

firstfruits, at Christ's return when they are

21 for having the potential of being a firstfruit.


Rolling Stone


John 20:17-19; Leviticus 23:9-14; Revelation 14:4, 20:5; 1Corinthians 15:23

Materials Needed

Bible, YEA students' and teacher's books, attendance and memory verse chart, cassette or CD player and music tape, songbook, long sheet of wrapping paper, marker pen


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Define type and prototype. 2. Make the relationship between the wave sheaf

and firstfruits. 3. Explain that Christ is the first of the firstfruits. 4. Discuss the advantage a "firstfruit" has of being

in the first resurrection. 5. Identify Scriptures showing there are two resur-



Dr. Edersheim details the events of the wave sheaf offering in, The Temple, Its Ministry and Services. He recounts that "late on the Sabbath, during the Days of Unleavened bread, a noisy group of people outside the city of Jerusalem followed a delegate of Sanhedrin across the brook Kedron. As the sun set, three men, each with a sickle and a basket, formally started to work and carefully followed the laws required for this ceremony. They first asked the bystanders three times each of these questions: `Has the sun gone down?' `With this sickle?' `Into this basket?' `On this Sabbath (or first Passover-day)?' and lastly, `Shall I reap?' Having each time been answered in the affirmative, they cut down barley to the amount of one ephah, or ten omers, or three seahs, which is equal to about three pecks and three pints of our English measure. The ears were brought into the Court of the Temple and thrashed out with canes or stalks, so as not to injure the corn; then "parched" on a pan perforated with holes, so that each grain might be touched by the fire, and finally exposed to the wind. . . . The law said, `Ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest; and he shall wave the omer before Jehovah, to be accepted for you; on the morrow after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it.' This public ceremony took place the evening before it was offered or waved (on Sunday). Until this first sheaf of the harvest was offered, Israelites were prohibited

from eating grain for the new harvest" (Leviticus 23:9-14). Jesus most likely came out of the tomb at the time the wave sheaf was cut. He saw Mary early

the next morning before the time the wave sheaf was offered, at which time He would present Himself to the Father. At that time He was accepted as the First of the Firstfruits.

Christ is called the Firstfruit in Revelation 14:4 and the 144,000 are called the firstfruits. The first (spring harvest) is barley and the autumn harvest is wheat. The first harvest will consist of those people who will be resurrected when Christ returns. The second harvest represents

those people who come up in the second resurrection at the end of the millennium and are then converted (Revelation 20:5).


up, how hard is it to completely forgive him?

to forgive and forget? Ask one of the students

What are some of the easiest words to say

to read Jeremiah 17:9. Do you think your

when that happens? Write these on the news-

heart or mind plays games with you some-

print pad. Possible answers are, "How many

times? How do you think it does it? Our ego

times do I have to tell you?" "I told you so."

wants to protect our self image.

"How can you keep forgetting when I've told . .

What are the benefits of forgiving and forget-

." And, "How can you be so dumb or careless?"

ting? List those on the pad. Freedom from

Do you think it's excessive for Jesus to expect

grudges, freedom to love, and freedom to get

you to forgive someone seventy times seven?

on with our lives.

Why or why not? What does that say about

what Jesus expects from you? He expects you to forgive unlimited times. How many times in a week do you think that you hurt someone intentionally or uninten-


"Change My Heart, Oh God" is on page 53 of The Group Songbook.

tionally, drop the ball or even sin? Get the kids to make a stab at a figure and write it on


the pad. Does Jesus say, I'll forgive you 70 times, but 71 times is just too much? Ask one of the students to read Isaiah 1:18-20. How forgiving is God? What are the conditions? Does He renege on His forgiveness or carry a grudge against you? Have one of the students read aloud Psalm 103:8-16 from the Living Bible. Ask: Then what have we learned about God's forgiveness from this Scripture? List these attributes on the pad ? merciful, tender toward those who don't deserve it, slow to anger, full of kindness and love, never holds grudges, doesn't remain angry forever, He's like a father to us ? tender and sympathetic to those who reverence Him, He understands that we're but human beings. Look at the Activity in the students' lesson. Are any of these things missing that should

Give each student a piece of paper and let them have five minutes to write a brief scenario of the worst offense that has happened to them. They are not to use the person's name or give details which will identify the problem to the extent that other students will recognize the person. Now shuffle the papers and give one to everyone ensuring that no one has the same story they wrote. Give two minutes for the students to read the story they were given and think about what Jesus would do if someone treated Him this way. Ask for a volunteer to read his or her story and tell how Jesus would react to this situation. Now ask the class for Scriptures to support this solution. Ask for another volunteer to do the same as the first person. If you get no volunteers, go around the room and get each student to read his story and give a Christ-like solution.

be added to your Plan of Action? Give them a

minute to add any of these to their Plan of Action.


How did you feel about the man who was

Ask one of the students to lead in prayer, asking for

forgiven millions of dollars and then de-

God's help to forgive and forget.

manded immediate payment from the fellow

who only owed him $2,000? Do you think he might just have thought that the king would never learn about this? What does God say



will be the consequences if you truly refuse to forgive your brother or someone who harms


you? God will not forgive you if you refuse to forgive others (Matthew 6:15).


It may be easy to just mouth the words, "I

5 forgive you." But why do we find it so difficult



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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