Helpful Resources, Reminders, Directions, and Tips


Members of the Electoral Boards and Directors of Election/General Registrars Ellen Flory and Matthew Abell, Elections Administrators Election Night, Provisional Ballot Meeting, and Canvass

Helpful Resources, Reminders, Directions, and Tips

This document includes information on some of the more important steps that must be taken on election night, during the provisional ballot meeting, and during canvass. NOTE: This document does not include everything that must be done on election night, during the provisional ballot meeting, or during canvass.

Detailed election night, provisional ballot meeting, and canvass information and instructions are provided in the Code of Virginia, Title 24.2, VERIS Step by Step User Guides, and the 2018 GREB Handbook. Electoral board members and general registrars are responsible for reviewing these documents in their entireties.

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Election Night, Provisional Ballot Meeting, and Canvass ? Helpful Resources, Reminders, Directions, and Tips

Table of Contents

Resources.........................................................................................................................................................3 1. Key Code of Virginia, Title 24.2 sections..............................................................................................3 2. Key 2018 GREB Handbook sections .....................................................................................................3 3. Key VERIS Step by Step User Guides ....................................................................................................3 4. Department of Elections Contacts.......................................................................................................3

Attendance, Availability, and Completion of Local Requirements..................................................................4 Provisional vs. Regular Ballot for Absentee Voters .........................................................................................4 Election Night ..................................................................................................................................................6

1. Enter election night results into VERIS. ...............................................................................................6 2. Enter election night provisional counts into VERIS. ............................................................................6 3. Ensure delivery of election materials. .................................................................................................7 Provisional Ballot Logs .....................................................................................................................................7 Provisional Ballot Meeting...............................................................................................................................7 1. Directions and information..................................................................................................................7 2. No ID provisional deadline extension..................................................................................................7 Canvass ............................................................................................................................................................8 1. Directions and information .................................................................................................................8 2. Unsealing ballots and/or envelopes ....................................................................................................8 3. Write-in winner....................................................................................................................................9 4. Entering provisional voter turnout in VERIS ........................................................................................9 5. Provisional results .............................................................................................................................10 6. Voter turnout ....................................................................................................................................11 7. Checking for errors ............................................................................................................................15 8. Winner ............................................................................................................................................. 17 9. Abstracts of Votes .............................................................................................................................17 10. Changes to Abstract ..........................................................................................................................19 Post Canvass Letters .....................................................................................................................................20

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Election Night, Provisional Ballot Meeting, and Canvass ? Helpful Resources, Reminders, Directions, and Tips


1. Key Code of Virginia, Title 24.2 sections a. Chapter 6, Article 4 (?24.2-611 and ?24.2-643 through ?24.2-680) b. Chapter 7 (?24.2-701, ?24.2-706, ?24.2-708, ?24.2-712)

2. Key 2018 GREB Handbook sections a. Chapter 1 ? General Registrar/Director of (, b. Chapter 2 ? Local Electoral Boards (2.5.10 and 2.5.11) c. Chapter 3 ? Precincts and Polling Places, Operating a Split Precinct Polling Location ( d. Chapter 7 ? Absentee Voting (7.8.5 and 7.17.2) e. Chapter 10 ? Election Day Prep (10.6 and 10.13 through 10.16) f. Chapter 13 ? Provisional Ballots g. Chapter 14 ? Canvass

3. Key VERIS Step by Step User Guides a. Election Results (rev. 5/25/2018) Please use the new version from VERIS.

4. Department of Elections Contacts a. VERIS: i. verishelp@elections. ii. Matt Hayes, System Integration & Support Specialist, 804-864-8918 b. Elections Administration: i. ea@elections. ii. Ellen Flory, Elections Administrator, 804-864-8923 iii. Matthew Abell, Elections Administrator, 804-593-2263 iv. Leslie Williams, Elections Administration & Training Manager, 804-864-8922 c. ELECT Main Line, 804-864-8901 d. info@elections.

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Election Night, Provisional Ballot Meeting, and Canvass ? Helpful Resources, Reminders, Directions, and Tips

Attendance, Availability, and Completion of Local Requirements

1. The general registrar and all electoral board members are expected to be available on Election Day, participate in the provisional ballot meeting, and the canvass.

a. If the general registrar or an electoral board member will not be able to participate in part or all of Election Day, the provisional ballot meeting, and/or the canvass they must notify ELECT in writing prior to Election Day by sending an e-mail to ea@elections..

2. The State Board of Elections is responsible for certifying the November elections for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, Proposed Constitutional Amendments, and House of Delegates, 8th District. Therefore, the Department is requesting each locality to certify the completion of the following Code mandated local requirements on a simple checklist.

a. Election results, Election Night Provisional Counts, and voter turnout entries are accurate in VERIS and properly reflect on the Department of Elections website ? 24.2-105.1.

b. Conclusiveness of results are determined within seven days of the election ? 24.2-671. c. Certified copies of the Abstract of Votes Cast and, if applicable, Write In Certifications will be

mailed to the Department of Elections ? 24.2-675. d. Voting credit is uploaded and verified within a reasonable degree of accuracy to VERIS ? 24.2-


The election results certification checklist, ELECT-103(A), must be submitted along with the Abstracts of Votes uploaded to Formsite. ELECT is aware that voter credit entry for paper pollbook localities will delay transmittal of a complete November election certification checklist. Therefore, ELECT added a sub-box to checklist item four for paper pollbook localities to check that acknowledges the inherent delay. The notice of paper pollbook voter credit entry must be sent to ea@elections. within five business days after paper pollbook release or conclusion of recount and/or contest provisions.

3. The general registrar and the secretary (or "acting" secretary) of the electoral board must remain available to resolve any discrepancies or irregularities in either the election results, or abstracts of votes until the State Board of Elections certifies the election results at their November 19, 2018 board meeting.

If the general registrar will be unavailable at any time between November 7th and November 19th, s/he is responsible for ensuring ahead of time that the secretary of the electoral board and office staff know where the statement of results, abstracts, and November certification checklist are so that the election results verification process can remain on schedule. Monday, November 12th is Veteran's Day. ELECT staff will work the holiday and expect communication to continue with those we need to reach concerning inconclusive results.

Provisional vs. Regular Ballot for Absentee Voters (AB)

A voter listed on the final absentee applicant list/AB pollbook may go to her/his polling location or CAP to vote on Election Day. Whether the officer of election should offer the voter a provisional or regular ballot depends on the situation. Please note that all of the rules for providing a provisional ballot still apply.

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Election Night, Provisional Ballot Meeting, and Canvass ? Helpful Resources, Reminders, Directions, and Tips

1. Provide a regular ballot to an AB voter who offers to vote at their polling location or CAP if:

a. The officer can confirm on the final absentee applicant list/AB pollbook that the voter turned in his/her damaged, spoiled, or unused absentee ballot prior to Election Day; or

b. The voter brings in his/her damaged, spoiled, or unused absentee ballot with him/her on Election Day.

Note: Nothing in this guidance stops the locality from requiring precinct communication with the general registrar's office during election day in regard to the voter's absentee ballot activity.

2. Provide a provisional ballot to an AB voter who offers to vote at his/her polling location or CAP in all other situations.

3. If the voter selects reason 4 on the SBE-653 Provisional Vote Envelope (rev. 5/2018) then the officer must indicate whether the absentee ballot was never received, lost, returned damaged or spoiled, or returned unused on the Provisional Ballot Log (rev. 5/2018) for later entry into the VERIS Provisional Voter Turnout screen.

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