Journal AM - Columbus Elementary - Home

Preschool Continued Learning Opportunities, Week 1Day at a Glance: (60 minutes)Length: 5 Days, 60 minutes of continued learning content per day. MORNING 5 min : Journal AM10 min: Skill Practice AM10 min: Reading AM10 min: Project AM5 min: Enrichment AMWhatever time you choose to start. Please make sure to take time for eating, snacking and doing large motor exercise and quiet time naps as well. Here are some links for exercise fun. . Laureano’s Physical Education ActivitiesAFTERNOON10 min: Reading PM5min: Skill Practice AM5 min: Journal PMWhatever time you choose to start. Seven Habits Practice this week:Practice “Seven Habits” song when you can. Here’s the link. Enjoy! Instead of “St. Elmos” you say, “Columbus.” / Skills: Reading Learning Standards:2.A.ECb Look at books independently, pretending to read Speaking Learning Standard:1.C Use language to convey information and ideas. Writing Learning Standard:5.A Demonstrate growing interest and abilities in writing ResourcesColumbus.cps.Materials Needed:Printers (optional) Note: can use digital source instead. Anything you have at home that is recyclable: cereal boxes, card board, etc. for habitat project Option: you can draw the habitatComputer/ laptop/ ipad/ phone for online work submission of pictures, online activities and video displays. Morning Element of the DayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayJournal AMPurposePractice Fine Motor skills (these include holding and using a pencil correctly, drawing and cutting)Make a Journal of your own or find a notebook preferably with no lines. pet eats this? (Display a photo of or actual pet food and photos of a few different pets.)Practice Fine Motor skills. Do all pets have teeth?Draw me a picture of a pet that has teeth. Practice Fine Motor skills.Do you have a pet? If not what kind of pet would you want?? Draw it or send me a photo of you and your pet. ( Send it through google classroom)Practice Fine Motor skills. What kind of foods do pets eat? Draw a picture of what your pet or a pet that you would like to have would eat.?Practice Fine Motor skills. What do you think a pet store might look like? Draw a picture of a pet store. Follow the link to see what a pet store looks like. early literacy writing skills with this regular daily routine.Suggestions? Story writing or journaling with dictationSkill Practice AM10 minPurpose:Language Arts /literacyShow the child familiar environmental print like cereal boxes, soup cans McDonalds fries carton, etc., and give him or her a chance to recognize the product."I see you pointing to the cereal box. I know you like this cereal. What do you call this cereal? You call it 'Name of cereal.'”"Can you make the /beginning letter/ sound like in Name of Cereal?"Ex: Frosted FlakesCan you make the /f/ sound like in the name “Frosted Flakes?”MathTalk with your child about their day. Ask questions that prompt them to think about what activities they do in the morning, afternoon, and at night."What kinds of things do you do in the morning? noon? night?""What things do you do differently each day?"Language Arts /literacyHave your child join you in exploring environmental print around the house and on cartons and boxes around the house. Share one label at a time and ask your child to describe what they see."Joni, you said this label has two colors, red and white. What else do we see on the label?"What can you tell me about the picture on the box? MathGive your child a magazine/newspaper.. Have your child browse through the magazine to find one or two pictures that show activities in the morning, at noon, and at night."Here is a picture of someone brushing her teeth. We do that in the morning and at night.""This picture shows a man putting his dinner on the table. What time of day do we eat dinner?Language Arts /literacyEncourage discussion about unfamiliar print by talking about descriptors, such as colors and pictures."How can we figure out what was in this carton? What do you see that might tell us? Yes, you see oranges, and here is a picture of an orange tree.""What letter is this in the name? Yes, it's T. Can you make a sound like a T?"Interactive games, or mini-lessons to guide children to support children's learning. New vocabulary, math or literacy concepts, and isolated skills may be introduced, supported or extended at this time. Suggestions? Exploration of materials? Targeted skill acquisition? Questioning/discussionsReading AM (Read Aloud or IndependentReading)10 min: Purpose:Independent Reading. Have your child choose a book at home related to pets or animals or browse through the scholastic website. Here is a link Reading. Have your child choose a book at home related to pets or animals or browse through the scholastic website. Here is a link Reading. Have your child choose a book at home related to pets or animals or browse through the scholastic website. Here is a link Reading. Have your child choose a book at home related to pets or animals or browse through the scholastic website. Here is a link Reading. Have your child choose a book at home related to pets or animals or browse through the scholastic website. Here is a link love literature, storytelling, and develop literacy skills and concepts. Independent Reading time gives children the opportunity to select either new or familiar books.SuggestionsMultiple reads of the same book is important to develop good reading habits and behaviors. ? Read for enjoyment? Target specific vocab words, print elements, high-level questions, or other skills? Read to answer a questionProject AM15 minPurpose: FunWork with your child in either build, or draw on paper, and create a habitat for a pet of your choice and share in Google Classroom. Work on this at least 15 minutes a day this week. Not due until Friday and take a picture and post on Google Classroom. Link to find how to make a habitat. with your child in either build, or draw on paper, and create a habitat for a pet of your choice and share in Google Classroom. Work on this at least 15 minutes a day this week. Not due until Friday and take a picture and post on Google Classroom. Link to find how to make a habitat. FunWork with your child in either build, or draw on paper, and create a habitat for a pet of your choice and share in Google Classroom. Work on this at least 15 minutes a day this week. Not due until Friday and take a picture and post on Google Classroom. Link to find how to make a habitat. FunWork with your child in either build, or draw on paper, and create a habitat for a pet of your choice and share in Google Classroom. Work on this at least 15 minutes a day this week. Not due until Friday and take a picture and post on Google Classroom. Link to find how to make a habitat. FunWork with your child in either build, or draw on paper, and create a habitat for a pet of your choice and share in Google Classroom. Work on this at least 15 minutes a day this week. Not due until Friday and take a picture and post on Google Classroom. Link to find how to make a habitat. hands-on and interactive projects to support your child’'s learning.Suggestions? Project work tied to the topic of study? Exploration of materials? Questioning/discussions? Story writing or journaling with dictation Enrichment AM10 minPurpose ReflectionTalk about what you did this morning and share what was your favorite part of the day. Use open ended questions like.What did you enjoy doing today?Was there something you didn’t like doing today?How are you feeling today?What was your favorite part of the “Pet Shop field trip? ReflectionTalk about what you did this morning and share what was your favorite part of the day. Do an indoor scavenger hunt. Try focusing on a color or shape as a theme. ReflectionTalk about what you did this morning and share what was your favorite part of the day. Play a board game like Candyland or Chutes and Ladders ReflectionTalk about what you did this morning and share what was your favorite part of the day. Do a couple of indoor games. ReflectionTalk about what you did this morning and share what was your favorite part of the day. Child-driven and include adults or other family members. Introduce new games, materials and engage actively with children during this time to develop higher-order thinkingSuggestions? Use open-ended questions to support children's thinking (e.g., How?, Why?, Tell me about…, What would happen if…?)? Provide access to new materials or house-hold items and writing/drawing materials.? Follow child-initiated play scenarios and role-play based on child's interests? Model scenario-specific vocabulary for children as they play Lunch & Quiet / Nap TimeAfternoon Element of the DayDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Reading PM Read Aloud10 min: Purpose: Read AloudRead to your child for 10 minutes.Ask some open ended questions like.Who were the characters in the story?Tell me something about the story? Read AloudRead to your child for 10 minutes.Ask some open ended questions like.Who were the characters in the story?Tell me something about the story? Read AloudRead to your child for 10 minutes.Ask some open ended questions like.Who were the characters in the story?Tell me something about the story? Read AloudPRead to your child for 10 minutes.Ask some open ended questions like.Who were the characters in the story?Tell me something about the story? Read AloudRead to your child for 10 minutes.Ask some open ended questions like.Who were the characters in the story?Tell me something about the story?Create love literature, storytelling, and develop literacy skills and concepts. Suggestions? Multiple reads of same book? Read for enjoyment? Children may share books and discuss as they read.? Target specific vocab words, print elements, high-level questions, or other skillsSkill Practice PM5 minPurpose: Alphabet Bingo this all week for Alphabet practice.If you do not have access to printing go online to Alphabet Bingo this all week for Alphabet practice.If you do not have access to printing go online to Alphabet Bingo this all week for Alphabet practice.If you do not have access to printing go online to Alphabet Bingo this all week for Alphabet practice.If you do not have access to printing go online to Alphabet Bingo this all week for Alphabet practice.If you do not have access to printing go online to games, or mini-lessons to support children's learning. New vocabulary, math or literacy concepts, and isolated skills may be introduced, supported or extended at this time. Suggestions? Exploration of materials? Targeted skill acquisition? Questioning/discussionsJournal PMPurpose End Of Day ReflectionsHave your child free write on their Journals. Here’s the link to how to make your very own personal journals and information about the different types of writing stages. End Of Day ReflectionsHave your child free write on their Journals. Here’s the link to how to make your very own personal journals and information about the different types of writing stages. End Of Day ReflectionsHave your child free write on their Journals. Here’s the link to how to make your very own personal journals and information about the different types of writing stages. End Of Day ReflectionsHave your child free write on their Journals. Here’s the link to how to make your very own personal journals and information about the different types of writing stages. End Of Day ReflectionsHave your child free write on their Journals. Here’s the link to how to make your very own personal journals and information about the different types of writing stages. can write letters, their names, draw pictures, label common household objects with adult support, use this time to write about a book or activity, or reflect on the day. This can also take place throughout or at the end of the day.SuggestionsPossible Writing Prompts for Reflection? What was my favorite activity today? Why?? What is something new I learned today?? What is something I would like to learn about tomorrow? ................

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