
Remote Learning Plan 2021There are lots of different scenarios where remote education will need to be used. Please read through these below, as they provide further details of our expectations and key actions in the event of each scenario.Scenario 1 In the event of an individual pupil having to self-isolate because they, or a family member, has symptoms. E.g. when a child has symptoms and must stay off school until they receive a negative test result.Step 1: Parents/carers are to phone the school to notify us that their child/children have symptoms/a household member has symptoms and that they have to self-isolate. In this instance, it is important that the symptomatic person at home is tested as soon as possible so that the child affected can return to school, missing as little time as possible. Step 2: The office staff will clarify if school’s digital platform is accessible at home and if the child has access to a digital device. Step 3: The teacher will be notified of the child’s absence and work will be set, using the remote learning activities template and posted on the school’s digital platform. This will be ready the next day. The teacher will set work for the remainder of the week, regardless of the first day of absence, not daily. If the child remains absent the following week, another 'remote learning activities template’ will be issued via the school’s digital platform for the next five days. Step 4: A paper pack of work can be delivered to the child’s house (if no digital alternative can be made). This is a last resort and the school will explore every option before this so that the child receives the best possible remote education experience.Scenario 2In the event of a positive COVID-19 case, resulting in a bubble having to self-isolate for 10 days. E.g. a child from our school receives a positive test result.Step 1: Parents/carers are to inform the school either by phone (during school hours) or via the office email office.carlton@kirkleeseducation.uk (out of school hours) of a confirmed positive case. The parents/carers of every child in that bubble will be contacted by the school and informed of the isolation period. Step 2: Parents/carers have the responsibility to inform the school if the school’s digital platform is not accessible at home and if their child does not have access to a digital device at home. The school will plan how to best support the child/children and family in this instance.Step 3: The teacher, who will also be self-isolating and working off-site, will set daily work on the school’s digital platform, using the remote learning activities template. This will be ready from the first day of self-isolation and will be set on a Monday through to Friday but not on the weekend. If the teacher is too sick to deliver lessons then cover will be provided so that the children do not miss learning time. Step 4: The children will post their work on the school’s digital platform for their teacher to review. The teacher will interact with the children on the school’s digital platform throughout the week, providing feedback, assessing the children and, where necessary, revising materials or simplifying expectations to ensure pupils’ understanding. Staff will work and be available on the school’s digital platform and via email between the hours of 9:15am and 3:15pm, Monday to Friday apart from their allocated PPA (Planning, Preparation and Assessment) time which parents will be made aware of. This is because all teachers are legally entitled to PPAScenario 3 In the event of a whole-school closure due to a national or local lockdown.Stage 1: Parent/carers to contact school to clarify if the school’s digital platform is not accessible at home and if the child has no access to a digital device. Staff will do their best to resolve this. Paper packs will be given until this is resolved. Stage 2: The teacher will set daily work on the school’s digital platform, using the remote learning activities template. This will be ready from the first day of closure through to the last day and will be set on a Monday through to Friday but not on the weekend. Stage 3: The children or parents will post their work on the school’s digital platform for their teacher to review on a weekly basis. The teacher will interact with the children via the school’s digital platform during the live sessions, providing feedback, assessing the children and, where necessary, revising materials or simplifying expectations to ensure pupils’ understanding. Staff will work and be available on between the hours of 9:15am and 3:15pm, Monday to Friday apart from their allocated PPA.Provision -Remote Learning will be available within 24 hours of the school being informed that a pupil is self-isolating or closure of bubble/school. -Pupils will be set a range of daily tasks which match the medium term planning for their year group. Two of these tasks maybe non-digital based, including at least one daily live teacher lesson of 45 minutes maximum (subject to review if any further guidance is received by the DFE). - Daily interactive online intervention or booster lessons will also be delivered to all key stages in small groups. (Please see individual class statements and timetables) -The lessons will reflect the broad curriculum that pupils receive when at school- driving the same ethos, vision, values and principles. As we will be applying a flip classroom approach in addition to the live lessons, our pedagogies (how we teach) may vary.-The work set will focus on the objectives that are being covered with the pupils in attendance at school (key worker/vulnerable pupils) to support off-site pupils.- SEND pupils will receive guided sessions in small groups or one to one (where required) at alternative times. These sessions maybe delivered by the teaching assistant and monitored by the class teacher.- Class teachers will make use of a range of teaching resources including educational videos, imagery and YouTube in addition to the school’s digital platform.- Regular reading lessons will be delivered through our Reading Gems approach. - The Teaching for Mastery approach will continue for higher level learning particularly in maths.-Where possible, teachers will set differentiated challenges following the school’s challenge system i.e Solo Taxonomy, Blooms Taxonomy, DeBono’s Hats, Growth mindset, Graduate Zone and Philosophy for Children or by setting specific extensions tasks in order to match individual pupils’ confidence levels.- For KS1, class teachers will indicate possible steps (which may include an indication of timings-see class statements and timetables) that parents might take to support their child with their learning. - Each class will upload weekly remote learning timetables and time slots for digital learning- Wherever required stationery packs, other resources and digital devices will also be made available for remote learning. Feedback- Class teachers will provide feedback on one piece of work daily submitted directly via the school’s digital platform.-The teacher will indicate the piece of work that the pupil should submit.-Class teachers will call pupils in lockdown or self-isolation once a week, if they are needing to isolate for a week or more, to motivate and encourage them. -Teacher emails will be used for parents to contact teachers with questions or concerns. -Teachers will endeavor to respond to questions or concerns during the same school day whenever possible but this may take 24-48 hours depending on the work load of the teacher and the urgency of the requests.ExpectationsRemote Learning is compulsory and every pupil must access this as requested by the school. Teachers will:- Register pupils during live lessons-Upload a class timetable, provision offer and expectations-Provide timely daily lessons which either consolidate existing learning or teach new learning with clear instructions and expectations-Check the quality of work submitted- Provide timely feedback to pupils - Check that pupils have a dedicated space at home for remote learning.-Teachers will provide an initial introduction to set expectations for the week including ground rules for good learning.-Teachers will indicate the piece of work that the pupil should submitPupils should: -Pupils are expected to log into the school’s digital platform everyday-Be ready to attend daily lessons 5 minutes before the start of the lesson.-Complete all daily activities to a high standard-Ask the teacher for help if stuck-Ensure cameras are turned off during live lessons unless in a one to one reading sessions.Parents are expected to:-Work collaboratively with teachers as learning partners and inform the school of any learning requirements eg laptops, dongles and stationery- Be available to collect necessary learning materials from school if required-If a pupil is unwell and unable to complete any learning on a particular day while self-isolating, parents must report their child’s absence via-Ensure technical equipment is set up 5 minutes before the start of lesson -Ensure cameras and audio are turned off during live lessons unless in a one to one reading sessions- Avoid taking photos or screen shots of the teacher on the screen- Avoid posting work, photos of the school/staff or any comments on social media platforms i.e facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram etc-Monitor your child intermittently during independent activitiesShared with staff: 08.01.21Shared with governors: 22/01/21 ................

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