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Copyright ? 2018 Beautifyy Pte Ltd

All rights reserved.

Published by Cecilia Wong

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Individual results may vary.

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Proper Techniques for Touching Your Eye Contour ............................ 4 Use Acupressure for Easy Eye Lifts ...................................................... 5 Working the Upper Lid......................................................................... 6 Working Between the Eyes .................................................................. 7 Working Under the Eye........................................................................ 7 Working the Outer Corners ................................................................. 8 Tighter Upper Eye Lids in Just Five Seconds ........................................ 9 How to Reduce Puffy Lower Lids ......................................................... 9 Methods to Brighten Your Eyes ......................................................... 10 Conclusion.......................................................................................... 11

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The area around your eyeballs is commonly referred to as the "eye contour1." It comprises the tissues directly below your eyebrows, around the outside eye corners, below the lower lid and the inside corner. Your eye socket, or orbital bone, mostly defines the contour. You can feel subtle notches and cups along the bone when you press gently. The tissues surrounding your eyes comprise the most delicate, easy to damage elements of your face. Aggressive rubbing, combined with age, can loosen the fatty cells and connective tissues and pull the skin away from muscle, causing droops and wrinkles. Several issues can draw extra lymph fluid to the sensitive tissues in your eye contours and create puffiness. These are: Insufficient sleep, excess sleep, allergies, monthly hormonal shifts, diets replete with unhealthy foods, and even sleeping flat rather than with the head elevated. Reducing puffiness and forestalling the signs of aging begins with proper techniques for handling your eye contours. You want to work with the muscles around your eyes, not against them. Whether you're cleansing, applying hydration products, makeup or acupressure, always use the pads of your fingers or thumbs with gentle pressure. The direction of motion to follow is from the inner corner on the upper lid around, to the outer corners, then underneath towards the inner corner again. Pat the skin in this circle of movement, but never rub. Avoid dragging the fingertips and stretching the skin.

1 "Eye Contour Area." Molly McPherson. . Retrieved from

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Because you want to avoid damaging the fragile skin, muscles, and fatty tissue in your eye contour, remember to use gentle yet firm pressure with just the pads of your fingers as you practice mini eye lifts. You should never feel a fingernail as you press the acupoints.

Before you commence your mini eye lifts, warm your hands by vigorously rubbing them together about 50 times. This action also energizes them. Relax with a few deep breaths, and you're ready to go. Start by pressing slowly and easily. Increase pressure gradually until you've reached a stage where it feels good, but would begin to hurt if you pressed harder. Take a deep breath and slowly exhale while holding your fingers at this level of pressure for seven seconds. After seven seconds, slowly lighten the pressure until your finger pad rests on the skin. Leave your finger in the rest phase for five more seconds. Avoid touching any area with wounds, sunburn, irritation, or pustules. Since acupoints connect bilaterally to other points in your body, you may notice simultaneous sensations as you press the meridians in your eye contour.

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