CIS 238 - UNIX System Administration

CIS 238 - UNIX System Administration

Lab Exercise #1: Linux and Windows Dual-Boot Installation

Following procedures in the LINUX installation guide, install the Gnome desktop version of LINUX on the assigned workstation with the following values:

1. Install Windows in the first 1/2 partition of your hardrive (see CIS 228 procedure)

2. Install Linux edition specified by instructor

Specify options as follows:

- Select English as the language

- Manual Partition /boot (4GB), root / (40GB), swap (5GB), /share (10GB), /home (20GB)

- GRUB Bootloader on Master Boot Record

- Configure IP for DHCP (see instructor):

Click Activate on Boot

Hostname: studentnn; nn is the workstation #.

- Configure TimeZone for US Central Time

- Set root password as “password” (ignore the doublequotes when typing the password)

- Select Office Productivity and Software Development, Select Customize Later Select options indicated by the Instructor

- Select yes on EULA

- Installation proceeds

4. Fedora Setup

- DISABLE firewall


- Set Date and Time

- Set display

- Add account: “user1” with the same password as Root

- Select package components as specified by instructor

5. After installation completes, hit ENTER to reboot

6. At the Desktop login as user1 with a password of “password”

8. Add user1-user9 to both LINUX and Windows OS’es per procedure.



Fedora 15: service iptables stop

Fedora 19: service firewalld stop

iptables –L, review output

ifconfig virbr0 down

ifconfig virbr0-nic down

-OR- remove docker and lxc packages

10. DISABLE IPv6!!!!!!:

Fedora 15:

sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1

service network restart

Fedora 19:

Add ipv6.disable=1 to the end of the LINUX line in grub.cfg. Reboot.

IPv6 note: Dual-stack applications which bind() sockets with address family AF_INET6 but without setsockopt() option IPV6_IPV6ONLY can do mapped IPv4 (0::FFFF:a.b.c.d/128 ) from their v6 socket as well as native IPv6 (2000::/3) A buggy dual-stack application like SAMBA or APACHE might try to do this, but fail - resulting in ports open on IPv6, but not IPv4. Turning off IPv6 avoids any buggy dual-stack application problems on IPv4. Not recommended in the future. Learn how to selectively disable services under IPv6 if needed.

Lab Exercise #1: Linux and Windows Dual-Boot Installation

11. Display all interfaces: ifconfig –a, ifconfig down eth0, ifconfig up eth0

12. Display interface physical attributes: ethtool eth0

13. ping gateway

14. traceroute

15. netstat –rn

16. arp –a

17. telnet

18. netstat –an

19. Review /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

20. route print, netstat -rn


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