Lucent Technologies Unified Messenger Un-installation ...

Unified Messenger Full Uninstallation procedure v4.0

1. Using Voicemail System Configuration, try to remove the server from the Voice mail domain that it belongs to. (For information on removing a UM server from a Voicemail Domain, see the Octel Unified Messenger Administration guide, pg 8-20)

2. Stop all installed UM services using the control panel. If any of the services fail to respond then end the corresponding process using task manager.

|Service |Process |

|UM Call Me Server |callbackserver.exe |

|UM Mailbox Monitor Server |mailboxmonitor.exe |

|UM Message Waiting Indicator Server |mwiserver.exe |

|Octel Unified Messenger Tracing System |tracer.exe |

|Octel Unified Messenger |vserver.exe |

3. Uninstall all installed UM components using Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs

|UM Component |

|Call Me Server |

|English (AUS) Voice Server Prompts |

|English (UK) Voice Server Prompts |

|English (US) Voice Server Prompts |

|French (Canadian) Voice Server Prompts |

|French (Standard) Voice Server Prompts |

|German (Standard) Voice Server Prompts |

|Italian (Standard) Voice Server Prompts |

|Mailbox Monitor Server |

|Message Waiting Indicator Server |

|Octel Analog Networking Extensions |

|Octel Analog Networking Extensions for Exchange 5.5 |

|Spanish (Standard) Voice Server Prompts |

|Subscriber Administration Extensions |

|Subscriber Administration Extensions for Exchange 5.5 |

|Unified Messenger Administration Tools |

|Unified Messenger Client |

|Unified Messenger Diagnostic Tools |

|Unified Messenger French Language Pack |

|Unified Messenger German Language Pack |

|Unified Messenger Italian Language Pack |

|Unified Messenger Spanish Language Pack |

|Unified Messenger Tracing Server |

|Unified Messenger Voice Server |

Steps 4 - 10 may not (all) be necessary if un-installation worked perfectly. However, there are many reasons (previous partial installations, upgrades) why the un-installation process may have thought some files or registry keys were still in use, so this manual procedure is provided.

4. Remove any files under \winnt\speech and \winnt\VoicePlayer

5. Remove all programs and directories under \winnt\LHSP.

6. Launch regedt32.exe or regedit.exe: under HKLM\Software\Octel, remove the whole Geneva, GenevaMessagingMgr and ConfigurationWizard subkeys. Under HKLM\Software remove subkey Lucent OMD if it is there.

7. Launch regedt32.exe or regedit.exe: under HKCU\Software\Octel, remove the whole subkey Geneva. Under HKCU\Software remove subkey Lucent OMD if it is there.

8. Using regedt32 or regedit: Under HKLM\Software\L&H remove subkeys G2P and TTS. If they are the only subkeys under L&H then the L&H subkey can also be removed.

9. Un-registering ODBC data source files used by UM: In the Control Panel (Administration Tools in Windows 2000) open the ODBC utility. When the utility starts, turn to the System DSN tab and remove all System Data Sources associated with UM. The data sources, which should be removed, have the following names: OperationHistory, TrxDB, ReportDB, App0409DB, Var0409DB, App0809DB, Var0809DB, App0c09DB, Var0c09DB, App0407DB,

Var0407DB, App040cDB, Var040cDB, App0c0cDB, Var0c0cDB, App0410DB, Var0410DB, and Geneva FEDB XXXXXXX (where XXXXXXXX represents a unique number ID). In case of failure of the Control Panel ODBC utility to un-register the DSN data sources use the regedt32 or regedit to remove the above named subkeys from registration location: HKLM\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI.

10. Reboot the server.

11. Remove the UM installation directory (commonly Program files\Unified Messenger) directory manually. You may have to take ownership of the \VServer\Spool directory to remove the entire \Unified Messenger directory.

12. On the voice server's peer Exchange server, launch the Exchange Admin program (Use Active Directory Users and Computers if Exchange 2000 – You may need to view advanced features). In the local site's Octel container, look for the mailbox agent object of the voice server and delete it. It will be of the form External Caller(machine-name).

13. If (and only if) your voice server was the only voice server in a voice mail domain, you may also remove the OctelNet Gateway object for the voice mail domain under Configuration -> Connections. (For Exchange 2000, this can be accessed using Exchange System Manager and navigating to the Connectors folder below the relevant routing group)

Exchange 5.5 Administration Extensions Uninstallation procedure

14a. If (and only if) your voice server was the only voice server in a voice mail domain (or the last one being removed), you may also remove the exchange admin extensions (User admin and OctelNet gateway admin).Start exchange admin in raw mode and select raw properties for the recipients container for the site. Look for "Extension-Name-Inherited", delete the value associated with Octel Unified Messenger. It is called "gnvuaext".

14b. Still using Exchange Admin, go to the Configurations\Add-Inns folder for the Exchange Site and delete the 2 Octel Unified Messenger Objects. They will be called: Extension for Unified Messenger User Administration for i386 and Unified Messenger OctelNet Gateway for i386.

14c. Then on the exchange server, go to the directory c:\exchsrvr\add-ins and remove the 2 subdirectories 'gnvuaext' and 'gnvonext' and their contents.

Exchange 2000 Administration Extensions Uninstallation procedure

14a. If (and only if) your voice server was the only voice server in a voice mail domain (or the last one being removed), you may also remove the exchange admin extensions (User admin and OctelNet gateway admin).Use Add/Remove programs as described in step 3 to remove administration extensions from any machine that has them installed.

Unified Messenger Voice Mail Domain Uninstallation procedure

15a. Removing a Voice Mail Domain from Exchange. If and only if the VMD is no longer required, to remove it firstly make sure that no Voice Servers belong to the domain. Then using VMSC try to remove the VMD, in order to do this 1 active Voice Server will be needed (it does not have to be in a domain, but it does have to be running).

15b. If VMSC failed to remove the VMD then using exchange admin, select the Global address list and look for the mailbox agent object of the VMD and delete it. It will be of the form OctelVMD{Some-very-large-number}{VMD-Name}. (For Exchange 2000, this should be done using Active Directory Users and Computers)

After following the above procedure, all that will be left behind are hidden folders in the users mailboxes, for all those that have been voice mail enabled and for the Octel Container there will be some data in the extended properties for the directory containing such data as spoken name. This data is completely harmless.

You cannot currently undo the changes made to the Active Directory Schema.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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