
Ms. Hogle’s Second GradeRoutines and ProceduresWelcome to Second Grade. Please take a few minutes to review the routines and procedures outlined in this packet. You may want to keep this packet in a safe place so you can refer to it later if you have any questions or concerns.Contacting the Teacher/SchoolI encourage you to contact me whenever you have a question or concern. You may call me at school, email me or send a note with your child. In an effort to go green, I will also send out classroom information via the blog on my website (please subscribe) and with group email. CES: 592-6632 CES Absentee Line: 592-7552 (Must call before 8:30 when absent)CES School Closing Hotline: 592-7554Email: angie.hogle@ (school)Websites: angiehogle. School Arrival/DismissalStudents are allowed down to the classroom at 7:50. If eating breakfast, then kids can enter cafeteria at 7:30.Please keep us informed of any changes regarding dismissal. Children must follow the normal routine unless we have heard from you. If someone other than a parent is picking up your child, please inform the office or me. AbsencesIf your child is absent, you must call the CES absentee line at 592-7552 by 8:30 am. This way we can mark the student with an excused absence. When your child is sick or has an appointment and has went to the doctor, please send in the doctor’s note. We realize that you don’t run to the doctor for every sore throat, but if you do, send in the doctors note and we keep it on file. I will send home whatever homework I can when your child is absent School Closings/EmergenciesColumbia School District has an Instant Alert telephone notification system. The school district calls your main telephone number on file to notify parents of important messages including school closings, school functions, and emergency information. If you have any problems with this system, call 592-6449. In addition, when we have school closings or delays due to weather conditions, you can call your school hotline number for the latest school closing information. Columbia Elementary Hotline # 592-7554. Please do not call the bus garage. Also, radio and television stations will be notified usually by 6 a.m.Birthday TreatsI think bringing a birthday treat to school is an important part of growing up and going to school. Please let me know at least one day in advance if you will be bringing in a birthday treat for your child. Birthday treats are the exception and don’t have to be especially healthy. At this point we have no food allergies that I am aware of so that makes it easy.Home to School Folder/Blue FolderYour child received a blue folder. Every day we will be placing all notes and school work in this folder. Please take the time to look at and empty this folder every night. You will use the folder to send notes to me, return homework, or send in money envelopes. It is important that your child bring his/her folder every day. BreakfastThe school offers a breakfast program. Starting at 7:30, they may go into the cafeteria to get breakfast. Ideally, they need to finish eating before or shortly after school starts so they do not miss instruction. If they get to the cafeteria close to the bell ringing, they will be given a grab and go breakfast to eat in the classroom. Fill out an application if you think you may qualify for free/reduced breakfast/lunch. Lunch Children can bring a lunch from home, buy milk if needed or purchase hot lunch. Again, if you think you may qualify for free or reduced lunches, you should fill out an application and send it in with your child. Even if you don’t ever use it or you’re not sure if you qualify…fill out the form. After the form is filed, there is no distinction between the children who get reduced, free, or pay. They all go thru the line the exact same way. The information is confidential and even I don’t know who qualifies. However, the school gets money for helpful programs depending on the percentage of students who receive free and reduced lunches. So even if you don’t want it for yourself, you could help our school. Encourage other parents to fill out the form also. If you pay for lunch, you have several options. You can pay at home through a link on the website, but that charges a fee. You can come into the lunch room and pay. You can send one payment with one child and split it between multiple children. If you send money with your 2nd grader, please put money in an envelope labeled with your child’s name. We do not take care of the lunch money in the classroom. We send it in a basket to the lunch ladies who count and record the money. We can’t send loose money, as they will not know to whom it belongs. Snack We have a late lunch at 12:05. Children need a snack to replenish their energy and thinking power about mid-morning so we have snack once a day. Please send healthy snacks with your child. This is not a treat time, but a time to ward off hunger so your child can concentrate on learning not a rumbling tummy. Students may bring a snack and drink from home to eat during our snack time. You may also send a water bottle to keep in the classroom. Please make sure it is labeled with your child’s name. Keeping hydrated is also important for learning.Math FactsSecond graders are expected to learn basic addition and subtraction facts. The goal for 2nd grade is to complete 100 addition facts in 5 minutes with 90% accuracy and 100 subtraction facts in 5 minutes with 90% accuracy. Students can earn a small prize when they reach each goal. While we practice math facts almost every day at school, students need to be also practicing math facts at home.Parent VolunteersWe have 3-4 parties, field day and field trips for parents to help with. If you missed the sign up for party supply donations at the open house, I will send a note reminding people of what they planned to donate and what is still needed before each party. You can sign up to help with these activities when specific information comes home. Don’t forget that to help, you must have a Volunteer Release form on file. This helps to keep our kids safe. You can get this form at the office, or download a form from our website… You will need to turn in a copy of your driver’s license with the form. I suggest filling it out now, just in case. Too many times parents have not been able to come to a party or chaperone because they forgot to do their volunteer background check. Do it now so there will be no worries later. It must be done every year. I will be needing parent/grandparent volunteers to listen to kids read, play math games, do flashcards, help with crafts, etc. If you are interested, I will let you know when we start our volunteers. Let us get settled and learning routines first. Many parents can’t volunteer time at school but can help out by donating needed items. Watch for donation requests. Furthermore, the PTO will need volunteers to help with book fairs, carnival, luncheons, and Santa’s secret shop, etc. Parents are the keys to a successful school. I truly appreciate all the PTO does and my parent volunteers each year. Classroom Parties We have 4 parties: Halloween, Christmas, Valentines Day, and Cinco de Mayo. Watch for notes in October, December, February and May for dates and times of classroom parties. Parents are invited to attend and help with the parties. I don’t limit the number of parents that attend, but usually only need 4-5 to assist with a particular task. Others float and help as needed. Please remember that you must have a volunteer release form on file in the office before attending the parties. (I’m going to keep reminding you)I ask that everyone please sign up to donate something for one of the parties. Sign up for party donations is at the open house. Before the parties, I will send home a note reminding parents of their donations, letting everyone know if there are still items needed and other party details. Box Tops and Campbell Soup LabelsPlease save your “General Mills” Box Tops for Education and your Campbell Soup Labels as the school earns money or educational items. Send them in with your child. You will receive more information from the PTO after school starts.AR ReadingEach day we will have an AR reading time in class. Students may take AR tests anytime during the day except during “directions” and whole group instruction. In addition, I expect students to be reading at home on a regular basis. I expect each student to read enough to make the marking period goals. The goals are 25 points (1st trimester goal), 50 points (2nd trimester goal), and 75 points(3rd trimester goal). Each goal earns a prize. However, the ultimate prize is becoming a more confident and more fluent reader. At 100 points, Miss Cindy makes a fleece blanket for your child. What a treat! Students who read AR points by the middle of May will get to “Hang with Hogle” after school and go bowling. If you want to look up books from home to find out the AR level or if a test exists for a certain book, you can do that on our website… Click on the parent/student tab at the top. Scroll down to find library resources and click on the link to BookFinder. You will then get to type in the name of books, to see if they are AR, the level, and the points. AR tests can only be taken at school, but if your child reads a book at home, you can write down the AR number so he/she can take the test at school. I’ve had kids come to school on Monday with LISTS of AR numbers so they can take tests. LOVE IT! The more you read, the better you read. Also, parents can log onto Renaissance Place and get emails about AR. I will send home your log in information. Book Order InformationPeriodically, I will be sending home a book order form. Book orders are also available online. Please take a minute to look over the book choices. The books are offered at good prices and include many of the books that we use in class. Sometimes children enjoy having a copy to share with you. New books are a great way to show your child that books and reading are important to you. Every time you order books for your child, we earn bonus points for free books, posters, games, etc. for the classroom. The books in the classroom take a beating. It is nice to get some new ones occasionally. Thanks in advance for your support.After you have decided on your order . . .Fill in order blank. Don’t forget your child’s name.Send correct change or a check payable to Scholastic. If more than one order form is used, payment can be combined. Place order and payment in a sealed envelope or zip lock bag that is labeled with your child’s name, book order and my name (Ms. Hogle).Return the envelope to the school by the due date.ORYou may order the books online. First you register at bookclubs. You use a one-time activation code H3JT7. There is a secure check out for credit or debit cards. I will be sending home info with the first book order also. It takes approximately 10 days for the order to arrive. When the order is delivered, we will place your child’s order in his/her backpack. If you want to order books, secretly, for birthdays, holidays, or as a special surprise, just enclose a note with the book order and I will call you when the books come in. Let me know if you have any questions. ................

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