Miss Horton ~ August 20-22, 2014 ~ Week One

Mrs. Johnson’s Reading class

Newsletter & Homework sheet

Oct. 13- Oct. 17

This week as we will continue to work on using the Daily 5 and we will complete another A-Z guided reading story.

We will continue spending time becoming more familiar with using Renaissance Learning (AR). AR is a reading program that is used in grades 2-5. This is a MANDATORY PROGRAM and students WILL BE GRADED ON IT! Our goal for this 9 weeks is 3 points. That means that each student MUST read at least 6 books in his/her ZPD range (since each books is only worth .5) and pass (at least 85%) the comprehension test that goes along with it. SOME STUDENTS ARE DOING POORLY ON THEIR AR TESTS. This is causing their percentage to be low and they will need additional books and tests to bring them back up so that they have 3 points and AT LEAST an 80% passage rate.

PLEASE read books at home, and bring them in. If you are not sure that it is an AR book, you can look it up at You can also get the quiz number at that same web site. It is very helpful to your child if you write that quiz number down and send it in along with the book.

At home with your child, please review the skills we have covered so far. They are;

~Noun-person, place, thing or animal (anything you can touch)

~Verb- an action word (something you can do. Read, sit, jump, run…)

~Adjective- a describing word (colors, shapes, sizes, textures)

~Common nouns (as described above) Proper nouns (the actual name of someone or something i.e. Sally, Pizza Hut)

~Subject (naming part of a sentence) The three green frogs

~Predicate (telling part of a sentence) hopped into the blue pond.

~Using the correct end mark in their writing

~Using a capital at the beginning of a sentence and when it’s a proper noun

~That the word I must always be capital

Continue to review the first 100 Fry words (first grade words) and the second 100 Fry words (second grade words) with your child. She/He should be able to quickly and easily read these words. You can look these words up on-line simply by typing in “Fry Words” in a Google search. A list was sent home with exactly which words your child struggled with.

Important information

October 20 – Texas Roadhouse rolls and gift card sale begins.

October 24 – End of the 1st 9 weeks.

October 29 – Picture retake day!

October 31 – Fall festival

October 31 – Report cards go home

Nov. 3 – Rolls and gift card sale ends

Nov. 6 – Olweus classroom meeting

Nov. 20 – Olweus Classroom meeting

Nov. 24 – Roll and gift card pick up 4-6 @ L.E.S.

Nov. 26 – Interim reports go home

Nov. 27-28 Thanksgiving break Our Art teachers have a web page that you can access to become more involved in the Art program we have! Check it out! ϑ lesart.

Questions or concerns; Contact me at (330) 875-1177 Ex. 3214

e-mail jjohnson@louisville.

Extra practice web sites can be found at my web site

and by going to the Louisville Schools Tech. page.

Mrs. Johnson’s Reading Class

Oct. 13-17 (

Reading Homework

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Read the A-Z leveled book | | |No homework! Have a wonderful|

| |that is being sent home |Complete the grammar |Complete the skills worksheet|weekend! Go Leopards ( |

|No School! |tonight. You can do this on |worksheet. Return it |and return it tomorrow. | |

| |Raz too! |tomorrow! | | |

| |This can count as | |Study for tomorrow’s spelling| |

| |refrigerator reading also! ( | |test. | |

| | | | | |

Math Homework ~

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|1. Complete and return the |1. Go over review pages for |1. Math test today, no |1. Practice math facts with |*No Homework. |

|math worksheet. |the test tomorrow |homework |flashcards or on a web site. | |

|Spelling Words |WOW Words |

|ham, fan, pan, ran, can, said, from, have, do & does |This week, we will be introduced to the word: flimsy – |

| |something that is weak and lightweight. |

| |Review last week’s word too! |

| |brim- the edge of a cup or bowl. |

| |infant – a baby |

| |clench – squeeze tightly |

| |omit – the leave out |

|Fry Words |Grammar skill |

|Please learn how to read these 5 words: | |

|Say, great, where, help & through |Sentence writing, verbs, nouns, common & proper nouns |

| |possessive nouns |

|Continue to prior weeks’ words too. | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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