MonthHow? Who?Resources AugustTech Department & Principals?Training Center training : (On Demand & Implementation Topics)Renaissance PlaceView the Renaissance Place on-demand sessions to help you prepare your courses, classes and set up the current school year.“Manuals” in Hosted Site:Review “Tips for Getting Started in Renaissance Place”Review “Renaissance Place” Manual for software operation and information on permissions for each level of user in softwareTo Do: Review Logistics document for district decisions (emailed to you on 8/28/12)Communicate with your staff the calendar and procedures for testing as well as the information which you will post (and where) for their access on your district’s website or computers/networkWork with your Renaissance Implementation Coordinator to get hosted site set upBe sure all software is updated (adobe, flash player)Set up your district’s website to include documents which may be helpful for teachers to use during implementation:Hosted site URLSoftware Tips documents for each product Benchmarks & Cut Scores Document (from hosted site “Resources”)Pretest Instructions for each product (from hosted site “Resources”)CCSS Alignment documents for product alignment Link to training Link to (you may also want this on your library’s computers and student workstations throughout district)Ling to 1-2:Review Procedures for Administration – Teachers & PrincipalsWeeks 3 & 4:Run Screening Report - TeachersTraining Center training : (On Demand & Implementation Topics)Updated! STAR Math - Administering the Assessment! STAR Early Literacy - Administering the Assessment Reading – Administering the Assessment and STAR - Generating the Screening ReportAll Users - 6 minutes - CCHosted Site “Resource” Documents:Pretest Instructions (STAR Early Literacy, STAR Reading, STAR Math)Tips for Getting Started (STAR Early Literacy, Reading, STAR Math)“Getting the Most Out of……” Manual:Step by Step Instructions: A2OctoberTraining Center: (On Demand & Implementation Topics)RTI and STAR - Generating the Screening ReportAll Users - 6 minutes - CCReview Diagnostic Report and Instructional Planning Reports Review “Core Progress Documents for each product in hosted site “Resources”RTI and STAR - Creating GroupsAll Users - 4 minutes – CCInvestigate and Teach Students to Use AR Bookfinder & student’s ATOS/ZPDR40378 - A Parent's Guide to AR BookFinder (pdf, 327 KB) Send documents home to parents regarding AR bookfinder (Parent’s guide) with student’s Parent Report generated in hosted site for each product (OR Instructional Planning Report). Note: you may want to generate these without Grade EquivalencyHosted Site “Resource” Documents:“Benchmarks & Cut Scores”NovemberTraining Center: (On Demand & Implementation Topics)RTI and STAR - Creating GroupsAll Users - 4 minutes – CCRTI and STAR - Beginning to Monitor ProgressAll Users - 6 minutes - CCRTI and STAR - Generating the Progress Monitoring ReportAll Users - 4 minutes - CCHosted Site “Resource” Documents:“Interpretations and Recommendations”DecemberContinue to investigate Progress Monitoring (October/November)JanuarySeek information from Renaissance Learning on Student Growth Percentile – this measure will be available in your software following the close of the widow.Hosted Site “Resource” Documents:“SGP FAQ”FebruaryRequest SLO FAQ document from Renaissance. You will need to start to think about how you will use the data for teacher evaluations. This document is helpful. MarchContinue to review data. This may be a good time to have teachers review: documents are the CCSS Alignment documents which align the Common Core State Standards with the skills in the Core Learning Progressions (Renaissance) & are those which are reported on the Instructional Planning Reports.Hosted Site “Resource” Documents:“Interpreting Performance Reports”Reports:State Proficiency ReportState Standards ReportsAprilPlan for 3rd Administration & Continue to progress monitorMayAdminister Final ScreeningJuneReview Screening Data, SGP reports (Growth Report & Growth Proficiency Charts ) with staff JulyBegin to “roll-up” students for the following year. See trianing/ for more information regarding school year set up etc. Consult your “Renaissance Place Software Guide” (in Manuals in the Hosted Site)Begin to plan the next year. Additional reports to incorporate into next year’s PD – State Standards Reporting & State Proficiency Reporting ................

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