I. Limited Bedside Biliary?UltrasoundA. Clip of long axis of GB with portal triadB. Clip of scan through short axis of GBC. Measurement of CBD with color flow (inner to inner wall)D. Measurement of GB wall in cross section at anterior portion from outer to innerE. Measure of GB in largest portion in cross section from outer to outerII. Limited Bedside EchoA. Clip Parasternal Long AxisB. Clip of Parasternal Short Axis at level of the mid-ventC. Clip of apical four chamberD. Clip of apical two chamberE. Clip of Subxyphoid long axisF. Clip of IVC during inspiration/sniffIII. Focuses Abdominal Sonography in Trauma ExamA. Clip of Bilateral Sliding LungB. Clip of Liver-Renal interface showing costophrenic angle and liver tipC. Clip of Subxyphoid long axisD. Clip of IVCE. Clip of Spleno-Renal interface showing supersplenic space and costophrenic angleF. Clip of paracolic guttersIV. Limited Bedside Renal?UltrasoundA. Clip of right kidney in coronal?viewB. Clip of right kidney in cross-sectionC. Clip of left kidney in coronal?viewD. Clip of left kidney in cross-sectionE. Clip of the bladderV. Limited Bedside OB/GYN?UltrasoundA. Clip of sagital uterus sweeping from one side to the otherB. Clip of cronal uterus sweeping from cervix to fundusC. Clip of bilateral adenexa with color flowD. M-Mode FHR (optional)VI. Limited Bedside Abdominal Aortic?UltrasoundA. Measurement of proximal aorta in cross-section from outer to outer wallB. Measurement of distal aorta (just prox to bifurcation) from outer to outer wallC. Clip of longitudinal aorta (optional)D. Clip of aorta in cross section scanning from proximal to distal (optional)VII. Limited Bedside Venous?UltrasoundA. Clip of compression of proximal femoral veinB. Clip of compression of superficial femoral veinC. Clip of compression of popiteal veinVIII. Limited Bedside Ocular?UltrasoundA. Clip of eye scanning from side to side in sagital orientationB. Clip of eye scanning from side to side in coronal orientationC. Measurement of optic sheathD. Clip of color in CRO or Spectral doppler of CRO (optional)IX. Limited Bedside Soft Tissue?UltrasoundA. 2 clips of affected area in two planes 90 degrees from each otherX. Limited Bedside Thoracic?UltrasoundA. Clip of bilateral sliding lungB. Clip of bilateral upper and lower lung looking for B-Lines (4 separate clips)C. Clip of bilateral costophrenic anglesXI. Procedural?UltrasoundA. Clip of needle in vein (piv or cvl)B. Clip of main portion of whatever procedure being preformed (arthrocentesis, ect..) ................

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