
Instructions For Replacing An AWM Database With A New AWM DatabaseThe latest version of the AWM Database can be found on the AWM page of the NRCS website.The following steps provide guidance on replacing the current AWM database with a new database.Browse to the AWM 2.4 folder where AWM is installed: For CCE approved computers (NRCS computers) the typical file path is C:\Program Files (x86)\USDA\AWM 2.4For non-CCE computers (privately owned computers) the typical file path is C:\AWM 2.4Rename the “old” AWM database, awm_data.mdb, with a new name. (i.e. awm_data_old.mdb)Copy the “new” AWM database, awm_data.mdb, into the AWM 2.4 folder.For Windows 10: Delete the database backup found in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\USDA\AWM 2.4Commentary on CCE computers with Windows 10: The update process requires administrative privileges. But even after following the instructions, the computer retains a copy of the old database (not renamed) in a different place on the computer. AWM software accesses that location instead of the new database! It is necessary to delete the old database from this second location before AWM will recognize that a new database is to be used. Here is the location on my CCE Windows 10 computer: C:\Users\User.Name\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\USDA\AWM 2.4 (where User.Name is the name of the person who is using the computer.) ................

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