CURRICULUM MAP - Neshaminy School District


Course/ Subject: Graphic Design I Grade: 9-12

Month: September

Enduring Understanding

• Technology is created, used and modified by humans.

• A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.

• Each area of technology has a set of characteristics that separates it from others; however, many areas overlap in order to meet human needs and wants.

• Graphic Design is a section of technological design where visual arts are used to communicate information.

Essential Questions

• What knowledge and skills are essential for humans to make sound decisions about creating, using, and modifying technologies?

• How have technological developments impacted devices, processes, and systems for the way we live?

• How do various areas of technology influence the economy, the environment, and society?

|Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|3.4.10.E4. |File Structure/Computer Basics |Identify and define the elements of design |Teacher Questioning |

|Evaluate the purpose and |Computer nomenclature | | |

|effectiveness of |Z:drive access | | |

|information and |Folders/Files | |Shape, color and stroke size activity |

|communication systems. | | | |

| | |Compare and contrast the attributes of a vector image |Stop Sign Activity |

|3.4.12.E4 |Elements of Design |and a raster image. | |

|Synthesize the effects of |Line | | |

|information and |Color | |Vector Drawing 1 activity |

|communication systems and |Shape | | |

|subsystems as an integral |Texture |Skills using Adobe Illustrator | |

|part of the development of the |Form |New page creation & settings |Vector Drawing 2 activity |

|Information Age. | |Drawing lines & shapes | |

| |Definition of a Vector Image |Saving work | |

|3.4.10.B4. |Image that uses lines to create the image |Stroke & Fill |Mr. Potato Head activity |

|Recognize that |Can be resized without losing image quality |Opening existing documents |Design brief & rubric will be used for assessment of |

|technological |Used primarily by Adobe Illustrator |Teacher/Student shared folder |this project. |

|development has been |Can be used for screen printing |File structure/location | |

|evolutionary, the result | |Drawing lines | |

|of a series of refinements |Definition of a Raster Image |Changing colors | |

|to a basic invention. |Image that uses dots (pixels) to create the image. |Creating layers | |

| |Can NOT be resized without losing image quality. |Changing layer names | |

| |Used primarily by Adobe Photoshop |Creating complete shapes using the Pen Tool | |

| |Can NOT be used for screen printing |Changing stroke size/color & fill color with a Pen Tool| |

| | |drawing | |

| | |Blending adjacent areas | |

| | | | |

Month: October

Enduring Understanding

• Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.

• Technological design is a creative process that anyone can do which may result in new inventions and innovations.

Essential Questions

• What is technological literacy?

• How would you apply technological design and problem solving methods in the development of inventions and innovations used in Graphic Design?

|Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|3.4.10.B3. |Image duplication using the Pen Tool |Identify an acceptable image to duplicate. |Pen Tool Duplication Project |

|Compare and contrast | | |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

|how a number of | |Differentiate between the types of raster images. |activity |

|different factors, such as |Google Images | | |

|advertising, the strength |Images must be 1024 x 768 |Change resolution standards in Google Images | |

|of the economy, the | | |1 color screen printing artwork |

|goals of a company and |Raster image types |Skills using Adobe Illustrator |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

|the latest fads, contribute |JPEG |Pen Tool |activity |

|to shaping the design of |Bitmap |Blending | |

|and demand for various |GIF |Changing colors |Idiom Project |

|technologies. | |Creating and renaming layers |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

| |Reason to convert a Raster image to a Vector image |File structure/location |activity |

|3.4.10.A1. |Need to screen print the image | | |

|Illustrate how the |Need to re-size without damaging the image |Screen printing requirements | |

|development of | |Text tool | |

|technologies is often |Introduction to Adobe Photoshop |Image duplication | |

|driven by profit and an |Need to manipulate a raster image | | |

|economic market. | |Skills using Adobe Photoshop | |

| |Principles of Design |Opening images | |

| |Space (both positive & negative) |New page creation | |

| |Rhythm |Saving work | |

| |Unity |Selection tools | |

| |Contrast |Move tools | |

| |Balance |Creating & renaming layers | |

| | | | |

| | |Identify and define the principles of design | |

Month: November

Enduring Understanding

• Technology is created, used and modified by humans.

• A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.

• Each area of technology has a set of characteristics that separates it from others; however, many areas overlap in order to meet human needs and wants.

Essential Questions

• What knowledge and skills are essential for humans to make sound decisions about creating, using, and modifying technologies?

• How have technological developments impacted devices, processes, and systems for the way we live?

• How do various areas of technology influence the economy, the environment, and society?

• How do the elements of design determine the quality of the printed product?

|Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|3.4.10.E4. |Image Manipulation |Identify the elements of design in an image |1 color screen printing job |

|Evaluate the purpose and |Changing an image to make it meet the needs of the user| |Due to class size, this will extend through the entire |

|effectiveness of | |Skills in Adobe Photoshop |marking period. |

|information and |Elements of Design |Review previous selection tools | |

|communication systems. |Space (positive & negative) |Magic Wand |Image Manipulation Project |

| |Color |Quick Mask |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

|3.4.12.E4 |Form |Layer Opacity |activity. |

|Synthesize the effects of | |Transform & Free Transform | |

|information and |Depth of Field |Paint Brush |Color Addition Project (carries over into December) |

|communication systems and |Creating the illusion of depth in a 2-D image. |Eraser |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

|subsystems as an integral | |Zoom in/Zoom out |activity |

|part of the development of the |Screen Printing | | |

|Information Age. |Used to print images on textiles. |Skills for Screen Printing | |

| |Versatility of screen printing |Laser printing on vellum | |

|3.4.10.B4. |Image generation |Coating screens | |

|Recognize that |Screen preparation |Exposing screens | |

|technological |Printing |Taping up and checking for pin holes | |

|development has been |Clean up |Registration and inking | |

|evolutionary, the result | |Printing | |

|of a series of refinements | |Reclaiming screens | |

|to a basic invention. | | | |

Month: December

Enduring Understanding

• Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.

• Technological design is a creative process that anyone can do which may result in new inventions and innovations.

Essential Questions

• What is technological literacy?

• How would you apply technological design and problem solving methods in the development of inventions and innovations?

|Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

| |Screen Printing |Skills for Screen Printing |1 color screen printing job |

|3.4.10.B3. |Used to print images on textiles. |Laser printing on velum | |

|Compare and contrast |Versatility of screen printing |Coating screens |Color Addition Project (carries over from November) |

|how a number of |Image generation |Exposing screens |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

|different factors, such as |Screen preparation |Taping up and checking for pin holes |activity |

|advertising, the strength |Printing |Registration and inking | |

|of the economy, the |Clean up |Printing |Smart Filters Tutorial |

|goals of a company and | |Reclaiming screens | |

|the latest fads, contribute |Destructive Editing | |Postcard Project |

|to shaping the design of |Image is damaged by the editing process. |Skills in Adobe Photoshop |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

|and demand for various | |Review previous selection tools |activity. |

|technologies. |Non-destructive Editing |Magic Wand | |

| |Image is NOT damaged by the editing process. |Quick Mask |Teacher Questioning |

|3.4.10.A1. | |Layer Opacity | |

|Illustrate how the | |Transform & Free Transform | |

|development of | |Paint Brush | |

|technologies is often | |Eraser | |

|driven by profit and an | |Zoom in/Zoom out | |

|economic market. | |Smart Filters | |

| | |Blur Tool | |

| | |Smudge Tool | |

| | | | |

| | |Differentiate between destructive and non-destructive| |

| | |editing. | |

| | | | |

| | |Explain situations where one would rather use | |

| | |non-destructive editing as opposed to destructive | |

| | |editing and vise-versa. | |

Month: January

Enduring Understanding

• Technology is created, used and modified by humans.

• A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.

• Each area of technology has a set of characteristics that separates it from others; however, many areas overlap in order to meet human needs and wants.

Essential Questions

• What knowledge and skills are essential for humans to make sound decisions about creating, using, and modifying technologies?

• How have technological developments impacted devices, processes, and systems for the way we live?

• How do various areas of technology influence the economy, the environment, and society?

|Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|3.4.10.E4. |Screen Printing (through end of 2nd marking period) |Skills for Screen Printing (through end of 2nd marking |1 color screen printing job |

|Evaluate the purpose and |Used to print images on textiles. |period) |Due to class size, this will extend through the entire |

|effectiveness of |Versatility of screen printing |Laser printing on velum |marking period. |

|information and |Image generation |Coating screens | |

|communication systems. |Screen preparation |Exposing screens |3-D box Smart Filters Tutorial |

| |Registration & Inking |Taping up and checking for pin holes | |

|3.4.12.E4 |Printing |Registration and inking |Cereal Box Project |

|Synthesize the effects of |Clean up |Printing |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

|information and | |Reclaiming screens |activity. |

|communication systems and |2 dimensional imaging | | |

|subsystems as an integral |Images on a flat surface |Skills in Adobe Photoshop |Photo Restoration Project |

|part of the development of the | |Review previous selection tools |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

|Information Age. |3 dimensional imaging |Magic Wand |activity. |

| |Images that wrap onto different faces of a 3 dimensional|Quick Mask | |

|3.4.10.B4. |object |Smart Filters |Teacher Questioning |

|Recognize that | |Blur Tool | |

|technological |Photo Restoration |3-D file transfer | |

|development has been |Exposure |Opening files from Teacher/student shared folder | |

|evolutionary, the result |Physical Damage |Clone Stamp | |

|of a series of refinements |Yellowing/Fading |Blur | |

|to a basic invention. | |Smudge | |

Month: February

Enduring Understanding

• Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.

• Technological design is a creative process that anyone can do which may result in new inventions and innovations.

• Information technology is used to convey messages to an end user.

Essential Questions

• What is technological literacy?

• How would you apply technological design and problem solving methods in the development of inventions and innovations?

|Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|3.4.10.B3. |Photo Restoration (continued from January) |Skills in Adobe Photoshop (ending with Photo |Photo Restoration Project |

|Compare and contrast |Exposure |Restoration) |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

|how a number of |Physical Damage |Review previous selection tools |activity |

|different factors, such as |Yellowing/Fading |Magic Wand | |

|advertising, the strength | |Quick Mask |Adobe Illustrator Packet |

|of the economy, the |Drawing Techniques |Smart Filters |Packet of 7 tutorials |

|goals of a company and |Freehand |Blur Tool | |

|the latest fads, contribute |Tracing |3-D file transfer | |

|to shaping the design of | |Opening files from Teacher/student shared folder | |

|and demand for various |Elements of Design |Clone Stamp | |

|technologies. |The 3 F’s (Form Follows Function) |Blur | |

| |Space (both Positive and Negative) |Smudge | |

|3.4.10.A1. |Line | | |

|Illustrate how the |Color |Skills using Adobe Illustrator | |

|development of |Shape |Pen Tool | |

|technologies is often |Texture |Blending | |

|driven by profit and an |Form |Changing colors | |

|economic market. |Value |Creating and renaming layers | |

| | |File structure/location | |

| | |Live Paint Bucket | |

| | |Line Tool | |

| | |Shape Tool | |

| | |Gradient Tool | |

Month: March

Enduring Understanding

• Technology is created, used and modified by humans.

• A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.

• Each area of technology has a set of characteristics that separates it from others; however, many areas overlap in order to meet human needs and wants.

Essential Questions

• What knowledge and skills are essential for humans to make sound decisions about creating, using, and modifying technologies?

• How have technological developments impacted devices, processes, and systems for the way we live?

• How do various areas of technology influence the economy, the environment, and society?

|Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|3.4.10.E4. |Elements of Design |Skills in Adobe Photoshop |Photoshop Tutorial 1 |

|Evaluate the purpose and |The 3 F’s (Form Follows Function) |Review previous selection tools |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

|effectiveness of |Space (both Positive and Negative) |Magic Wand |activity |

|information and |Line |Quick Mask | |

|communication systems. |Color |Clone Stamp |Photoshop Tutorial 2 |

| |Shape |Blur |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

|3.4.12.E4 |Texture |Smudge |activity |

|Synthesize the effects of |Form |Shape Tool | |

|information and |Value |Line Tool |Photoshop Tutorial 3 |

|communication systems and | |Gradient Tool |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

|subsystems as an integral |Image Quality |Live Paint Bucket |activity |

|part of the development of the |Exposure |Layer Options | |

|Information Age. |Depth of Field | |Photoshop Tutorial 4 |

| | |Skills using Adobe Illustrator |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

|3.4.10.B4. |Drawing |Pen Tool |activity |

|Recognize that |Contrast |Blending | |

|technological |Line |Changing colors | |

|development has been |Shape |Creating and renaming layers | |

|evolutionary, the result | |File structure/location | |

|of a series of refinements | |Live Paint Bucket | |

|to a basic invention. | |Line Tool | |

| | |Shape Tool | |

| | |Gradient Tool | |

Month: April

Enduring Understanding

• Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.

• Technological design is a creative process that anyone can do which may result in new inventions and innovations.

Essential Questions

• What is technological literacy?

• How would you apply technological design and problem solving methods in the development of inventions and innovations?

|Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|3.4.10.B3. |Elements of Design |Skills in Adobe Photoshop |Menu Redesign Project |

|Compare and contrast |The 3 F’s (Form Follows Function) |Review previous selection tools |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

|how a number of |Space (both Positive and Negative) |Magic Wand |activity |

|different factors, such as |Line |Quick Mask | |

|advertising, the strength |Color |Clone Stamp |2 color screen printing job (beginning of 4th marking |

|of the economy, the |Shape |Blur |period) |

|goals of a company and |Texture |Smudge | |

|the latest fads, contribute |Form |Shape Tool | |

|to shaping the design of |Value |Line Tool | |

|and demand for various | |Gradient Tool | |

|technologies. |Page Layout |Live Paint Bucket | |

| |Rule of Thirds |Layer Options | |

|3.4.10.A1. |Contrasting colors for reading | | |

|Illustrate how the |Background vs. foreground |Skills using Adobe Illustrator | |

|development of | |Pen Tool | |

|technologies is often |Screen Printing (beginning of 4th marking period) |Blending | |

|driven by profit and an |Used to print images on textiles. |Changing colors | |

|economic market. |Versatility of screen printing |Creating and renaming layers | |

| |Image generation |File structure/location | |

| |Screen preparation |Live Paint Bucket | |

| |Registration & inking |Line Tool | |

| |Printing |Shape Tool | |

| |Clean up |Gradient Tool | |

| | |Converting files to JPEG’s | |

| | | | |

| | |Skills for Screen Printing (beginning of 4th marking | |

| | |period) | |

| | |Laser printing on velum | |

| | |Coating screens | |

| | |Exposing screens | |

| | |Taping up and checking for pin holes | |

| | |Registration and inking | |

| | |Printing | |

| | |Reclaiming screens | |

Month: May

Enduring Understanding

• Technology is created, used and modified by humans.

• A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.

• Each area of technology has a set of characteristics that separates it from others; however, many areas overlap in order to meet human needs and wants.

Essential Questions

• What knowledge and skills are essential for humans to make sound decisions about creating, using, and modifying technologies?

• How have technological developments impacted devices, processes, and systems for the way we live?

• How do various areas of technology influence the economy, the environment, and society?

|Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|3.4.10.B3. |Elements of Design |Skills in Adobe Photoshop |Record Mogul Project |

|Compare and contrast |The 3 F’s (Form Follows Function) |Review previous selection tools |Design brief & rubric for logo portion |

|how a number of |Space (both Positive and Negative) |Magic Wand |Design brief & rubric for album redesign |

|different factors, such as |Line |Quick Mask |Design brief & rubric for lyrics poster |

|advertising, the strength |Color |Clone Stamp | |

|of the economy, the |Shape |Blur |2 color screen printing job |

|goals of a company and |Texture |Smudge | |

|the latest fads, contribute |Form |Shape Tool | |

|to shaping the design of |Value |Line Tool | |

|and demand for various | |Gradient Tool | |

|technologies. |Page Layout |Live Paint Bucket | |

| |Rule of Thirds |Layer Options | |

|3.4.10.A1. |Contrasting colors for reading | | |

|Illustrate how the |Background vs. foreground |Skills using Adobe Illustrator | |

|development of | |Pen Tool | |

|technologies is often |Screen Printing |Blending | |

|driven by profit and an |Used to print images on textiles. |Changing colors | |

|economic market. |Versatility of screen printing |Creating and renaming layers | |

| |Image generation |File structure/location | |

| |Screen preparation |Live Paint Bucket | |

| |Registration & inking |Line Tool | |

| |Printing |Shape Tool | |

| |Clean up |Gradient Tool | |

| | |Converting files to JPEG’s | |

| | | | |

| | |Skills for Screen Printing (beginning of 4th marking | |

| | |period) | |

| | |Laser printing on velum | |

| | |Coating screens | |

| | |Exposing screens | |

| | |Taping up and checking for pin holes | |

| | |Registration and inking | |

| | |Printing | |

| | |Reclaiming screens | |

Month: June

Enduring Understanding

• Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.

• Technological design is a creative process that anyone can do which may result in new inventions and innovations.

Essential Questions

• What is technological literacy?

• How would you apply technological design and problem solving methods in the development of inventions and innovations?

|Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|3.4.10.E4. |Elements of Design |Skills in Adobe Photoshop |2 color screen printing job |

|Evaluate the purpose and |The 3 F’s (Form Follows Function) |Review previous selection tools |Due to class size, this will extend through the entire |

|effectiveness of |Space (both Positive and Negative) |Magic Wand |marking period. |

|information and |Line |Quick Mask | |

|communication systems. |Color |Clone Stamp |Oral Presentation |

| |Shape |Blur |Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this |

|3.4.12.E4 |Texture |Smudge |activity |

|Synthesize the effects of |Form |Shape Tool | |

|information and |Value |Line Tool | |

|communication systems and | |Gradient Tool | |

|subsystems as an integral |Page Layout |Live Paint Bucket | |

|part of the development of the |Rule of Thirds |Layer Options | |

|Information Age. |Contrasting colors for reading | | |

| |Background vs. foreground |Skills using Adobe Illustrator | |

|3.4.10.B4. | |Pen Tool | |

|Recognize that |Screen Printing |Blending | |

|technological |Used to print images on textiles. |Changing colors | |

|development has been |Versatility of screen printing |Creating and renaming layers | |

|evolutionary, the result |Image generation |File structure/location | |

|of a series of refinements |Screen preparation |Live Paint Bucket | |

|to a basic invention. |Registration & inking |Line Tool | |

| |Printing |Shape Tool | |

| |Clean up |Gradient Tool | |

| | |Converting files to JPEG’s | |

| | | | |

| | |Skills for Screen Printing (beginning of 4th marking | |

| | |period) | |

| | |Laser printing on velum | |

| | |Coating screens | |

| | |Exposing screens | |

| | |Taping up and checking for pin holes | |

| | |Registration and inking | |

| | |Printing | |

| | |Reclaiming screens | |

| | | | |


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