Notice Paper 165 - 18 September 2013s.docx

center4762510265LEGISLATIVE COUNCILNOTICE PAPERNo. 165WEDNESDAY 18 SEPTEMBER 2013The House meets this day at 11.00 am Contents TOC \z \t "Heading 1,1,Sub Heading 1,2" Government Business—Orders of the Day PAGEREF _Toc438209263 \h 10266Private Members’ Business PAGEREF _Toc438209264 \h 10266Items in the Order of Precedence PAGEREF _Toc438209265 \h 10266Items outside the Order of Precedence PAGEREF _Toc438209266 \h 10267Committee Reports—Orders of the Day PAGEREF _Toc438209267 \h 10322Budget Estimates—Take Note Debate PAGEREF _Toc438209268 \h 10322Business for Future Consideration PAGEREF _Toc438209269 \h 10323Bills referred to Select or Standing Committees PAGEREF _Toc438209270 \h 10326Government Business—Orders of the Day1.Heavy Vehicle (Adoption of National Law) Amendment Bill 2013: resumption of the interrupted debate (17 September 2013) of the question on the motion of Mr Gay: That this bill be now read a second time—Mr Mason-Cox speaking. (7 minutes remaining) (Standing orders suspended for remaining stages, Tuesday 17 August 2013)2.Entertainment Industry Bill 2013: consideration in committee of the whole—Mr Gallacher.(Standing orders suspended for remaining stages, Wednesday 21 August 2013)3.Petroleum (Onshore) Amendment Bill 2013: second reading—Mr Gay. (Standing orders suspended for remaining stages, Tuesday 28 May 2013)4.In-7981950**dustrial Relations Amendment (Dispute Orders) Bill 2012: resumption of the interrupted debate (23 May 2012) of the question on the motion of Mr Pearce: That this bill be now read a second time—Dr Kaye speaking. (6 minutes remaining)*Council bill____________________Private Members’ BusinessItems in the Order of Precedence-798195-3810**4.Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (12 September 2013) of the question on the motion of Revd Mr Nile: That this bill be now read a second time—Mr MacDonald speaking. (13 minutes remaining)(Item no. 9)(Second postponement 22 November 2012)8.Relay for life: resumption of the adjourned debate (12 September 2013) of the question on the motion of Mr Green:That this House notes that:(a)in 2013, about 124,910 Australians are expected to be diagnosed with cancer, and an estimated 149,990 are expected to be diagnosed in 2020,(b)Relay for Life is an overnight, community event where teams of 10 to 15 participate in a relay-style walk or run to raise funds for the Cancer Council,(c)Relay for Life began in Australia in 1999, when the Victorian community of Murrumbeena raised over $75,000 for the Cancer Council, and Relay for Life is now in every state and raises over $18 million across the country each year for the cancer fight, and(d)in New South Wales, around 40,000 people each year take part in Relay for Life.That this House:(a)congratulates the many groups who have successfully raised funds for the Cancer Council by organising Relay for Life, and(b)acknowledges the many individuals who have selflessly sacrificed their time and put their effort into training and fundraising for Relay for Life—Mr Colless. (15 minutes)Debate: 40 minutes remaining(Item no. 1304)(First postponement (Dr Phelps on behalf of Mr Green) 27 June 2013)*Council bill____________________Items outside the Order of Precedence-798195-3175*00*8.Evidence Amendment (Protection of Journalists’ Sources) Bill 2011: resumption of the adjourned debate (6 May 2011) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 6 May 2011)—Ms Fazio. (20 minutes)11.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Liquor Act 2007 to raise the minimum drinking age from 18 years to 21 years. (Liquor Amendment (Drinking Age) Bill)(Notice given 4 May 2011)12.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Liquor Act 2007 to require packaged liquor to contain a health warning about the danger of drinking when pregnant.(Liquor Amendment (Health Warning for Pregnant Women) Bill)(Notice given 4 May 2011)16.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to-798195-3810*00* prohibit the advertising of gambling and related trademarks, brand names and logos; and for other purposes.(Gambling Advertising Prohibition Bill)(Notice given 4 May 2011)-798195635**18.Drug and Alcohol Treatment Amendment (Rehabilitation of Persons with Severe Substance Dependence) Bill 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (25 October 2012) of the question on the motion of Revd Mr Nile: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 25 October 2012)—Ms Voltz. (20 minutes)-7981950*00*20.State Senate Bill 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (16 August 2012) of the question on the motion of Revd Mr Nile: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 16 August 2012)—Mr Ajaka. (20 minutes)22.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prohibit the advertising of sex services; and for other purposes.(Sex Services Advertising Prohibition Bill)(Notice given 4 May 2011)25.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to provide for the establishment of the Family Impact Commission to study the moral, social and economic effects on the family unit of certain laws and proposed laws and Government expenditure; and for related purposes. (Family Impact Commission Bill)(Notice given 4 May 2011)28.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Summary Offences Act 1988 to prohibit people wearing full-face coverings in public places.(Summary Offences Amendment (Full-face Coverings Prohibition) Bill)(Notice given 4 May 2011)30.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Adoption Act 2000 to repeal the amendments made by the Adoption Amendment (Same Sex Couples) Act 2010 that enable couples of the same sex to adopt children; and for other purposes.(Adoption Amendment (Same Sex Couples Repeal) Bill)(Notice given 4 May 2011)31.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to prohibit a person soliciting another for sexual gratification for payment. (Crimes Amendment (Soliciting Sex for Payment) Bill)(Notice given 4 May 2011)32.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to make it an offence to publish material that incites or promotes terrorism or other violence.(Crimes Amendment (Incitement or Promotion of Terrorism and Violence) Bill)(Notice given 4 May 2011)44.Dr Kaye to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prohibit the impoundment of water for irrigation or reticulation, or for commercial, industrial or residential uses, upstream from Seaham Weir on the Williams River without the approval of both Houses of Parliament. (Tillegra Dam Prohibition Bill)(Notice given 5 May 2011)87.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to require the public to be notified of the identity and residential address of convicted child sex offenders; and for other purposes. (Child Protection (Nicole’s Law) Bill)(Notice given 26 May 2011)91.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1995 to prohibit the possession of restricted X rated films.(Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Amendment (Banning Restricted X Rated Films) Bill)(Notice given 26 May 2011)94.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to require women who are considering terminating a viable pregnancy to undergo counselling and to view an ultrasound of their unborn child. (Pregnancy Termination (Mandatory Counselling) Bill)(Notice given 26 May 2011)95.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to prohibit the destruction of any child in utero with a detectable heartbeat. (Crimes Amendment (Pre-natal Termination) Bill)(Notice given 27 May 2011)177.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 to repeal provisions relating to the licensing and operation of the medically supervised injecting centre at Kings Cross. (Drug Misuse and Trafficking Amendment (Injecting Centre Repeal) Bill)(Notice given 5 August 2011)188.Marrickville Council: resumption of the interrupted debate (12 August 2011) of the question on the motion of Ms Sharpe:1.That this House notes that:Marrickville Council has a proud tradition of supporting day labour for its garbage, recycling and green waste services,Marrickville Council is currently proposing to tender out its green waste services,Marrickville Council staff affected by this decision recently held a stop work meeting to protest against proposed tendering out of green waste services and related loss of workers entitlements and job losses,Marrickville Council staff elected to take industrial action and withdraw their labour for a 24 hour period and, in response to this action, Marrickville Council immediately brought in prearranged contract labour to carry out Council’s resource and waste recovery services, andthis action to use contracted labour was sanctioned by the Greens Mayor of Marrickville Council.2.That this House condemns the use of contract labour to undermine the rights of workers. Upon which Mr Borsak has moved: That the question be amended by omitting paragraph 2 and inserting instead:“2.That this House condemns Marrickville Council Greens Mayor Fiona Byrne for undermining the rights of workers.3.That this House calls on the New South Wales Greens to support the rights of workers in all industries throughout the State.”Upon which Dr Kaye has moved: That the question be amended as follows:No. 1Omit paragraph 1 (a) and insert instead:“(a)Marrickville Council has a proud tradition of supporting day labour for its garbage and recycling services,”.No. 2In paragraph 1 (b), insert “the General Manager of” before “Marrickville Council”.No. 3In paragraph 1 (b), omit “is currently proposing” and insert instead “proposed”.No. 4In paragraph 1 (d), omit all words after “in response to this action,” and insert instead “the General Manager of Marrickville Council immediately brought in long term casual labour”.No. 5In paragraph 1 (e), insert “not” before “sanctioned”.No. 6Insert at the end:“3.That this House calls on all parties to condemn the continued existence of the Australian Building and Construction Commission.”—Ms Sharpe speaking in reply.Debate: Mover in reply—5 minutes204.Mr Brown to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Fisheries Management Act 1994 to make further provision with respect to the management and regulation of recreational fishing; to establish a Recreational Fishing Council; and for other purposes.(Fisheries Management Amendment (Recreational Fishing) Bill)(Notice given 12 August 2011)-798195-2540**205.Firearms Amendment (Gun Safety) Bill 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (18 October 2012) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 18 October 2012)—Ms Fazio. (20 minutes)283.Mr Shoebridge to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Roman Catholic Church Trust Property Act 1936 to provide for the ability of victims of sexual abuse where the abuser is found to be a member of the Catholic clergy and or another official and or officer in the Church to satisfy judgments awarded against such abusers as a judgment debt payable from the assets of the Trust and for other related purposes.(Roman Catholic Church Trust Property Amendment (Justice for Victims) Bill)(Notice given 15 September 2011)333.Mr Foley to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prevent the sale, lease or disposal of the assets of an energy utility, or of its subsidiaries, without the approval of both Houses of Parliament.(Energy Utilities Protection Bill)(Notice given 19 October 2011)414.Mr Veitch to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Transport Administration Act 1988 to make provision with respect to the transfer of rail corridors to community organisations for use as recreational rail trails.(Transport Administration Amendment (Rail Trails Community Management) Bill)(Notice given 24 November 2011)415.Mr Shoebridge to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend certain legislation to make further provision with respect to damages recoverable by the relatives or estate of deceased persons.(Compensation to Relatives Legislation Amendment Bill)(Notice given 24 November 2011)416.Mr Buckingham to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Gene Technology (GM Crop Moratorium) Act 2003 to establish a scheme to compensate farmers for losses associated with contamination from genetically modified crops; and for other purposes.(Gene Technology (GM Crop Moratorium) Amendment (Farmer Protection) Bill)(Notice given 24 November 2011)426.Mr Brown to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Forestry Act 1916 to prohibit the disruption of lawful forestry operations and related activities.(Forestry Amendment (Unlawful Disruption of Forestry Operations) Bill)(Notice given 14 February 2012)-7981953175*00*432.Crimes Amendment (Possession or Discharge of Firearms in Commission of Offences) Bill 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (15 March 2012) of the question on the motion of Mr Borsak: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 15 March 2012)—Dr Phelps. (20 minutes)468. Dr Kaye to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Education Act 1990 to restore equity and fairness in relation to school funding by restricting the provision of financial assistance to non-government schools.(Education Amendment (Equity and Fairness in School Funding) Bill)(Notice given 14 February 2012)503.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to constitute the St. Shenouda Coptic Orthodox Monastery (NSW) Property Trust and to specify its functions, and to provide for the vesting of certain property in the Trust and for other purposes.(St. Shenouda Coptic Orthodox Monastery (NSW) Property Trust Bill)(Notice given 22 February 2012)583.Mr Borsak to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 to repeal prohibitions on the use and operation of game parks. (Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Repeal of Game Park Prohibitions) Bill)(Notice given 27 March 2012)616.Dr Kaye to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to require the NSW government to reduce the level of carbon emissions from electricity generation.(Towards Zero Carbon Energy Bill)(Notice given 28 March 2012)-7981950**626.Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment (Child Safety on School Buses) Bill 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (22 November 2012) of the question on the motion of Ms Faehrmann: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 22 November 2012)—Mr Ajaka. (20 minutes)642.Mr Searle to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend certain legislation to give effect to the recommendations of the NSW Law Reform Commission in its Report 131 Compensation to Relatives.(Compensation to Relatives Legislation (Dust Diseases) Amendment Bill)(Notice given 4 April 2012)694.Dr Kaye to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to stop the expansion of the coalfired electricity industry in NSW.(No New Coal Power Bill)(Notice given 8 May 2012)743.Ms Fazio to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Act 1971 to include a death benefit of 2 months’ salary for members of parliament elected after the 2007 General Election who die in office.(Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Amendment Bill)(Notice given 30 May 2012)753.Mr Buckingham to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prohibit exploration for and mining of minerals and petroleum on certain land and to ensure the involvement of local councils and communities in the prohibition of such exploration and mining on other land; and for other purposes.(Responsible Mining (Protecting Land, Water and Communities) Bill)(Notice given 12 June 2012)-798195635**755.Crimes Amendment (Zoe’s Law) Bill 2013: resumption of the adjourned debate (27 June 2013) of the question on the motion of Revd Mr Nile: That this bill be now read a second time—Ms Ficarra speaking. (15 minutes remaining)785.Dr Kaye to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 in relation to the obligations of owners corporations, executive committees and owners and occupiers of lots, procedures for meetings and the finances of strata schemes; and for other purposes.(Strata Legislation Amendment Bill)(Notice given 19 June 2012)815.Mr Borsak to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to repeal the Native Vegetation Act 2003.(Native Vegetation Repeal Bill)(Notice given 14 August 2012)-798195-1270**841.Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Costs) Bill 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (13 September 2012) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 13 September 2012)—Mr Pearce. (20 minutes)916.Mr Brown to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Wilderness Act 1987 and the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 with respect to the management of wilderness areas.(Wilderness and National Parks and Wildlife Legislation Amendment (Management) Bill)(Notice given 18 September 2012)1016.Mr Khan to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to provide for marriage equality by allowing for same-sex marriage between two adults regardless of their sex.(State Marriage Equality Bill)(Notice given 20 November 2012)1017.Ms Sharpe to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to provide for marriage equality by allowing for same-sex marriage between two adults regardless of their sex.(State Marriage Equality Bill)(Notice given 20 November 2012)1065.Mr Secord to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 to remove the requirement to pay a fee when making an application or other request for government information under that Act, and to provide that a processing charge is not payable for the first hour of dealing with any such application.(Government Information (Public Access) Amendment (Removal of Application Fee) Bill)(Notice given 19 February 2013)1068.Mr Shoebridge to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Human Tissue Act 1983 to make further provision with respect to the commercial or non-consensual trading of human organs and other human tissue; and for related purposes.(Human Tissue Amendment (Trafficking in Human Organs) Bill)(Notice given 19 February 2013)1073.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to require women seeking an abortion to be informed that the procedure may cause pain to the child in utero.(Pregnancy Termination (Information About Pain to Child in Utero) Bill)(Notice given 20 February 2013)1075.Revd Mr Nile to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to require the reporting of pregnancy terminations and prohibit the termination of any pregnancy on grounds of sex or racial makeup of an embryo or foetus; and for other purposes.(Pregnancy Termination (Reporting and Reasons for Termination) Bill)(Notice given 20 February 2013)1137.Mr Buckingham to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 with respect to the waiver of parliamentary privilege in relation to the call for papers relating to the Mount Penny exploration licence to allow ICAC to inquire into and report on the matter. (Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment (Mount Penny Exploration Licence—Call for Papers) Bill)(Notice given 14 March 2013)1291.Ms Voltz to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prevent the sale or disposal of certain land set aside for the Charlestown East Bypass in the vicinity of the Fernleigh Track Conservation Area without the approval of both Houses of Parliament.(Fernleigh Track Conservation Area Protection Bill)(Notice given 8 May 2013)1339.Mrs Maclaren-Jones to move—That this House notes that:(a)the Government has committed $3.5 million for a cleaning blitz on the interior of Sydney’s trains to improve the standards of cleanliness,(b)some seats and floors will receive their most intensive scrub in more than a decade, following neglect by the previous Labor Government,(c)the cleaning blitz will include:(i)27,000 hours of cleaning of more than 1300 carriages extensively deep cleaned by 30 June 2013,(ii)proper cleaning of fabric seats in Millenium, Oscar and Tangara carriages using dry encapsulation machines,(iii)scrubbing of carriage floors and under seats using pressurised steam cleaning machines and scrubbing machines,(iv)trialling of a range of technologies for tough jobs like cleaning off chewing gum and graffiti including freezing, spraying and steaming techniques,(d)the Government has established a permanent cleaning unit outside of RailCorp with new commercial benchmarks and new management to ensure trains will be properly cleaned on an ongoing basis, and(e)this is part of the Government program to fix the trains in New South Wales and deliver better services for customers. (Notice given 28 May 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 165)1345.Mr Buckingham to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Mining Act 1992 and the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 to ensure that landholders can refuse to allow the holders of exploration licences, assessment leases and special prospecting authorities to carry out prospecting operations on their land; and for other purposes.(Mining Legislation Amendment (Right of Landholders to Refuse Access) Bill)(Notice given 28 May 2013)1347.Ms Cotsis to move—1.That this House notes that:(a)on 15 April 2013, the O’Farrell Government increased pensioner public housing rents and water charges, impacting on aged, disability and carers pensioners,the Clean Energy Supplement of $13.50 per fortnight for single pensioners and $20.40 for pensioner couples combined has been included as assessable income by the O’Farrell Government for pensioner public housing rents,the O’Farrell Government is gouging $88 per annum from single pensioners and $133 per annum from pensioner couples combined,the Member for Port Macquarie was quoted in the Port Macquarie News on 15 May 2013 saying that “most social housing tenants are only paying between $1 and $2 more in rent per week for each household member as a result of this decision”, andin the same article, the member is quoted as saying. “Most social housing tenants continue to pay highly subsidised rent, with most only paying 25 per cent of their income on rent”.2.That this House:(a)expresses concern at the Member for Port Macquarie’s lack of understanding for the plight of elderly and disabled Australians in receipt of the pension and in particular those living in public housing,(b)encourages the Member for Port Macquarie to become better acquainted with the issues of concern to her constituents, especially those living in public housing who will suffer greatly as a result of losing $88 per annum if a single pensioner and $133 per annum if a pensioner couple,(c)expresses outrage that the member and other Coalition members, including the Minister for Families and Communities, use condescending language to describe the circumstances of Australian’s living in public housing and require shelter,(d)urges the member and Coalition members to acquaint themselves with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in relation to Housing, (e)the human right to adequate housing is the right of every woman, man, youth and child to acquire and sustain a secure home and community in which to live in peace and dignity, and the right to housing is codified as a human right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as follows:“Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.” (article 25(1)), (f)encourages the member and Coalition members to better understand the history of the provision of government housing in New South Wales, and the reasons for its necessity, including to house the families of ex-service men and women wounded from war and unable to work, house people with disabilities, mental illnesses and victims of domestic violence and their children, to house those elderly women who have retired from paid employment and can no longer afford private rental, and house low income earners and their families who require low cost housing to support their families,(g)calls on the O’Farrell Government to reverse its decision to include the clean energy supplement, as part of income assessment for rental increases, and(h)the clean energy supplement is a small payment provided by the Commonwealth Government to support low income earners and pensioners in public housing to pay the high cost of water and electricity.(Notice given 28 May 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 165)1348.Mrs Maclaren-Jones to move—1.That this House notes:(a)the recent announcement by the Minister for Family and Community Services, the Honourable Pru Goward MP, on the further revitalisation of the Aboriginal Housing Office with the appointment of eight new members to the Aboriginal Housing Office Board,(b)that the Aboriginal Housing Office is responsible for improving housing and related services for Aboriginal people, such as through growing a sustainable Aboriginal Community Housing sector in New South Wales, and(c)that the role of the Aboriginal Housing Office Board is to advise the Government on Aboriginal housing policy, including recommendations about the future of the Aboriginal Housing Office.2.That this House:congratulates Michelle Craig as the full-time Chair of the Aboriginal Housing Office, andnotes that Ms Craig has been heavily involved in the development of the ‘Build and Grow Aboriginal Community Housing Strategy’. 3.That this House congratulates the new members of the Aboriginal Housing Office Board:Gavin Brown, a financial planner and wealth manager with a range of experience working with Local Aboriginal Land Councils,Norma Ingram, an Aboriginal Coordinator with the TAFE NSW Ultimo Aboriginal Education Training unit who has extensive experience working with Government and Local Aboriginal Land Councils,Guy Jones: the CEO of Bunyah Local Aboriginal Land Council and a member of the Northern Regional Aboriginal Housing Committee, and a serving member of the NSW Police Force,Bev Manton: the Chair of a Local Aboriginal Land Council, the first ever female Chair of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council, and a current member of a number of advisory boards, including the Prime Minister’s Council on Homelessness,Wendy Morgan: a current board member for a Local Aboriginal Land Council who has previously been employed by the Commonwealth Government, where she worked on housing and homelessness issues,Paul Morris: the CEO of the Tharawal Local Aboriginal Land Council and current member of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee for the City of Sydney,Bill Pritchard: most recently the CEO of the Aboriginal Child, Family and Community Care Secretariat, the peak body advising the Government and Non-Government sectors on Aboriginal Child and Family issues, andSteve Ryan: the current Chairperson of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council and their nominated representative to the Aboriginal Housing Office Board.?4.That this House congratulate the appointment of the new Chief Executive of the Aboriginal Housing Office, Paul Callaghan, who has a proven record of achieving excellent outcomes for Aboriginal people through his diverse career within the education sector.5.That this House acknowledge that the appointment of a new Chief Executive and the revitalisation of the Board marks a new beginning for the Aboriginal Housing Office that will ensure improved support for Aboriginal families is maximised.(Notice given 28 May 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 165)1354.Mrs Maclaren-Jones to move—1.That this House notes the establishment of the NSW Health Awards for Excellence in Nursing and Midwifery by the Minister for Health, the Honourable Jillian Skinner MP, which were announced on International Nurses Day held on 12 May 2013.2.That this House notes that:(a)the NSW Health Awards for Excellence in Nursing and Midwifery are an opportunity to thank the state’s 47,500 nurses and midwives for their dedication, skill and compassion in providing round-the-clock care to the 1.5 million people admitted to out hospitals each year, as well as many other who receive help at home and in the community,(b)the nominations for the NSW Health Awards for Excellence in Nursing and Midwifery are invited from community members, patients, colleagues and professionals in a range of categories including:Excellence in nursing – registered nurse,Excellence in nursing – enrolled nurse,Excellence in nursing – assistant in nursing,Excellence in midwifery,Excellence in leadership,Excellence in partnerships with patients, families and carers,Excellence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health care,Excellence in education, research and innovation,Excellence in team clinical practice, andthe nurse or midwife judged to have had an outstanding career of service will be awarded the Judith Meppem Lifetime Achievement Award, named in honour of New South Wales’ first Chief Nurse.(Notice given 28 May 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 165)1355.Ms Westwood to move—1.That this House notes the O’Farrell/Stoner Government’s cuts of $3 billion dollars to the health budget for New South Wales has resulted in front line job losses and bed closures.2.That this House condemns:the closure of a 37 bed ward at Prince of Wales Hospital, andthe closure of five surgical beds at Bathurst Hospital.3.That this House notes that these bed closures are putting the quality of patient care and the lives of patients at risk as New South Wales enters a potentially serious flu season.4.That this House calls on the Government to reverse the cuts that have resulted in the closure of wards at New South Wales hospitals and the sacking of some 3800 health and hospital workers.(Notice given 28 May 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 165)1359.Ms Cotsis to move—1.That this House notes:(a)the extraordinary work to support women across the Northern Tablelands by various non-government organisations including:(i)Armidale Women’s Shelter,(ii)Armidale Women’s Housing,(iii)Armidale and District Women’s Centre, and(b)that the demand for the services these organisations provide has increased but funding has decreased due to cost shifting by the State Government to the non-government sector.2.That this House:(a)acknowledges that regional communities need targeted funding for services offered by these non-Government organisations due to the various challenges women from rural and regional communities face, and(b)calls on the Premier to listen to these organisations and increase funding for crisis accommodation, public housing, employment, and transport opportunities to assist these women who are victims of domestic violence, homelessness, sexual assault and victimisation. (Notice given 28 May 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 165)1364.Ms Cotsis to move—1.That this House notes that:(a)the upcoming Fourth Annual Gold Telethon, to be held on Monday 10 June 2013 aims to raise $3.6million this year, having raised $2.61 million in 2012,(b)the Gold Telethon is the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation’s fund raising event for Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick, and the fundraising is done through an all-day broadcast on Nine, WIN and NBN,(c)the money raised from the Gold Telethon allows for the purchase of new equipment, research, fellowships and training for doctors to become specialists, to enable education and training opportunities for staff and to provide for services such as clinics and other programs,(d)the Sydney Children’s Hospital admits on average 100 children a day via the Emergency Department, admitting more than 39,000 children a year,(e)the Sydney Children’s Hospital provides over 313,000 occasions of specialist care via the services funded by the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation,(f)the success of the charity event relies heavily on volunteers and the work of these volunteers must be commended,(g)the funds raised from 2012 Gold Telethon were used to build a new Clinical Services Wing, hiring a new Music Therapist and fund a PET scanner and Infant Lung Machine, and(h)the NSW Government donated $50,000 in conjunction with ClubsNSW (Merrylands) in 2012.2.That this House encourages the NSW Government to commit to provide funds to the foundation this year.3.That this House congratulates the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation.(Notice given 29 May 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 166)1366.Mr Moselmane to move—1.That this House notes the significant youth needs across the state of New South Wales.2.That this House notes that:Rockdale Council voted for youth facilities in Ward 2 at its meeting on 1 May 2013, andthe Council resolved as follows:that as a matter of priority, Council take immediate steps to progress long term commitments to a youth centre in Ward 2,that Council note that the Delivery Program, currently on public exhibition, includes $150,000 for the initial site location and concept design for the Arncliffe Youth Centre, and that Council immediately allocate an additional $150,000 to kick start the planning and development process of the project,that a Project Steering Committee of Ward 2 Councillors and appropriate staff be formed and meet by the end of May 2013, to agree on its Terms of Reference, the project plan and key milestones,that the Council authorise the General Manager to immediately create a Special Arncliffe Youth Centre fund and allocate a minimum of $3 million towards the project.3.That this House:notes the unanimous resolution of Rockdale City Council on its decision to proceed,commends the Council for recognising the need for a youth centre, andcalls on the Government to match Council’s financial allocations, given the significant youth needs in the electorate of Rockdale. (Notice given 29 May 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 166)1370.Ms Cotsis to move—1.That this House congratulates the phenomenal work of Miracle Babies, an organisation dedicated to supporting sick and premature babies, offering resources, education and support for parents and working in partnership with the hospitals and medical professionals that care for them.2.That this House notes that:(a)in Australia, more than 45,000, or 15 per cent of babies are born premature or sick every year,(b)prematurity is the number one cause of death in children and those who survive can face lifelong issues, challenges and disabilities including cerebral palsy, health issues, behavioural disorders, failure to thrive and difficulties at school, and(c)the costs to successfully operate Miracle Babies’ national programs and services is consistently kept at a minimum but requires $3 million per year which equates to approximately $130, 000 per Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.3.That this House notes that Miracle Babies’ work is important because not only do they provide additional funding for the 22 centres in Australia specifically designed to care for sick and premature babies, they develop and provide programs and resources for families experiencing the unexpected difficulty of having a premature or sick newborn, and these programs are developed specifically to help babies, mothers and their families through partnerships with medical professionals, so that every mother and baby can find the support they need though education and training.4.That this House congratulates Founder Melinda Cruz for her relentless work and her commitment to help families who are going through a very difficult time. 5.That this House congratulates the volunteers, families, medical professionals, sponsors and many celebrity ambassadors, board members Kellie Connolly, Dr Robert Guaran, Mark Reid and Co-Founder Kylie Pussell and Chairman Former Premier Morris Iemma.6.That this House:(a)congratulates Miracle Babies on their successful fundraiser, the Miracle Babies Annual Ball held on Saturday 18 May 2013, at Luna Park, raising over $120,000 for the continuation of the great work from this organization,(b)acknowledges support from event sponsors Bankwest, Liverpool City Council, Diamond World Jewllers and The Good Guys, over 80 sponsors, attendees including ambassadors Danielle Matthews, Jackie O, Ron Wilson, Amber Sherlock, Vic Lorusso, Alf Paranihi and Amelia Oberhardt, councillors from Sutherland, Liverpool and Hurstville, and Members of Parliament Dr Andrew McDonald MP and Ms Melanie Gibbons MP,(c)congratulates the Premier and Minister for Health, who donated $10,000 on behalf of the New South Wales Government, and(d)calls on the State and Federal Government to commit to future funding for Miracle Babies.(Notice given 30 May 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 167)1372.Mr Veitch to move—1.That this House notes that:3 June 2013 is National TAFE Day,there is strong community support for TAFE as the preeminent provider of vocational education and training in New South Wales,NSW TAFE plays a key role in workforce development, building social and economic capacity and providing second chance education, andthe O’Farrell Government has cut TAFE funding and staff and refused to pay TAFE teachers a salary increase.2.That this House calls on the O’Farrell Government to increase investment in TAFE and abandon its proposed reforms that undermine the viability and quality of TAFE in New South Wales.(Notice given 30 May 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 167)1375.Ms Voltz to move—That this House notes that:Parramatta City Council was the first government body to officially apologise to the stolen generation and a plaque was erected at Lake Parramatta, andevery year since 1998 Parramatta City Council has commemorated Sorry Day with a civic reception at the Town Hall.This House notes with concern that, without any reference to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee, Parramatta Council has broken with this well established and ground breaking tradition and decided not to hold any events to commemorate Sorry Day this year.That this House calls on Mayor John Chedid to cease undermining the cause of reconciliation in Parramatta and re-instate the Sorry Day commemoration.That this House:notes that a number of members of the advisory committee held an informal ceremony at Lake Parramatta, to which the Council sent no representation, and congratulates the advisory committee for continuing to maintain the process of reconciliation.(Notice given 18 June 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 168)1378.Ms Voltz to move—That this House notes that:despite questions on notice to the Honourable Jillian Skinner MP, the Minister for Health, regarding when and where advertisements were placed to replace a Visiting Medical Officer (VMO) at Bulahdelah Hospital the Minister for Health has refused to answer,rather than answer questions on the replacement of the VMO at Bulahdelah Hospital the Minister for Health continues to provide information on GP services stating “At that time, Hunter New England Local Health District worked with the then Hunter Rural Division of General Practice to find General Practitioners willing to provide services. Extensive advertising has taken place and work continues to try and secure a new GP”,the local residents of Bulahdelah Hospital and the Bulahdelah Community Health Committee have undertaken extensive work and located a doctor who is willing to undertake the role of Visiting Medical Officer at Bulahdelah Hospital, who has previously worked as a VMO for Hunter New England Health, anddespite the hard work of the local community the Minister for Health, Jillian Skinner, and the Premier Barry O’Farrell refuse to replace the Visiting Medical Officer position at Bulahdelah hospital, removing Bulahdelah’s front line medical services, closing their Emergency Department and reducing the nursing staff from a 24 hour service to a 14 hour service.That this House:calls on the Government to re-appoint a VMO, re-open the Emergency Department and restore the 24 hour nursing service to Bulahdelah Hospital, as these are front line medical services for the Bulahdelah community, andnotes that the Premier, Barry O’Farrell, has stated front line services would be maintained under his Government and calls on both the Premier and the Minister for Health, the Honourable Jillian Skinner MP, to honour that commitment. (Notice given 18 June 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 168)1385.Ms Barham to move—That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents, created since 1 January 2009, in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Minister for the Environment, the Office of Environment and Heritage, the Minister for Planning, the Department of Planning and Infrastructure, and the Minister for the North Coast, relating to coastal management and coastal protection works at Belongil Beach:(a)any correspondence with any landowners, organisations or legal firms and any ministerial advice or briefing notes relating to the correspondence,(b)any documents relating to meetings with any landowners, organisations or legal firms and any ministerial advice or briefing notes relating to the meetings, and(c)any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.(Notice given 18 June 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 168)1387.Mr Primrose to move—1.That the Standing Committee on Law and Justice inquire into and report on the operation of section 44 of the Crimes Act 1900, and in particular:the efficacy of section 44 of the Crimes Act 1900 in preventing the abuse of the elderly, andthe alternative legislative measures in place in other jurisdictions to deal with elder abuse. 2.That the Committee report by the last sitting day prior to the winter long adjournment in 2014.(Notice given 19 June 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 169)1389.Mr Foley to move—1.That this House notes that: (a)the Hills Centre has been an important and successful facility in the north west of Sydney for the last quarter century,(b)the Government intends to demolish the Hills Centre in the very near future,(c)the local community does not want the Hills Centre demolished and has had massive support through Facebook and petitions for its retention,(d)the Hills Centre hosts more than 120,000 people a year,almost all schools in the Hills area and North Western Sydney use the Hills Centre in some way,the Hills Centre is also used by many local community groups, including for Indian and Sri Lankan cultural events,it is the only theatre of its kind in Australia,the Centre has 1678 seats, and the next largest venue in the Hills can only seat 500,the Hills Shire Council has said it will not replace the Hills Centre,the Hills Centre cost $19 million to build but would now cost more than $50 million to replace,in the last three years those using the Hills Centre have paid $100,000 a year to council, andthe closure will mean a loss of not only a performing arts centre but of open spaces surrounding the centre.2.That this House calls on the Government to reverse its decision to demolish the Hills Centre.(Notice given 25 June 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 171)1391.Ms Barham to move—1.That this House commends:(a)the New South Wales State Government for their delivery on Thursday 20 September 2012 of a State Apology for Forced Adoption Practices,(b)the Commonwealth Government for their delivery on Thursday 21 March 2013 of a National Apology for Forced Adoptions, and(c)all of the other state and territory governments of Australia, each of whom has delivered or announced their intention to deliver an apology to those affected by forced adoption practices.2.That this House acknowledges that offering apologies for an injustice is an essential step toward reconciliation and reparation, but that apology must be followed by ongoing efforts to recognise the harms caused and to provide support to those affected.3.That this House calls on the Government to:establish an annual Day of Recognition of Forced Adoption Practices, (b)construct a public memorial to commemorate the apology to those affected by forced adoption practices in New South Wales, and(c)develop information resources and a communications strategy to raise public awareness of past forced adoption practices and the traumatic effects of forced adoptions, and to highlight the support services available to those affected by forced adoption practices.(Notice given 25 June 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 171)1401.Ms Sharpe to move—1.That General Purpose Standing Committee No. 3 inquire into and report on the potential impact of removal or reduction of the station access fee at Sydney Domestic and International Airports, and in particular:(a)current patronage on the airport line,(b)the impact of a fare reduction on patronage at Green Square and Mascot,(c)the impact on patronage if the station access fee was removed or reduced at the airport stations,(d)the funding implications of removing or reducing the station access fee,(e)the contract provisions in relation to the station access fee,(f)potential benefits to Port Botany and congestion on roads in and around the airport, including the M5,(g)other measures to increase patronage on the airport line, and(h)any other related matter.2.That the Committee report by Friday 28 February 2014.(Notice given 26 June 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 172)1402.Ms Voltz to move—1.That this House notes:the requirements of section 14A(1) of the Constitution Act 1902 and clause 8 of the Constitution (Disclosures by Members) Regulation 1983 in relation to the disclosure of interests in real property,section 14A(2) of the Constitution Act 1902 which states:“(2)If a Member of either House of Parliament wilfully contravenes any regulation made under subsection (1), that House may, in accordance with subsection (3), declare his seat vacant and the seat of the Member shall thereupon become vacant.”, andreports published in the Sydney Morning Herald alleging that the Honourable Greg Pearce MLC failed to disclose his interests in relation to two properties in central Sydney and the north coast.2.That the Privileges Committee inquire into and report on:whether, under section 14A(2) of the Constitution Act 1902, the Honourable Greg Pearce MLC, Minister for Finance and Services and Minister for the Illawarra, has contravened the requirements of clause 8 of the Constitution (Disclosures by Members) Regulation 1983 by failing to disclose his interests in relation to two properties in central Sydney and the north coast,whether any sanctions should be enforced in relation to the conduct of Mr Pearce in this matter, andwhat action the House should resolve to take in response to any findings made by the Committee in the course of its inquiry into the above matters.3.That the Committee have power to take evidence, and to send for persons, papers, records and things.4.That leave be given to Members and Officers of the Legislative Council to appear and give evidence to the Committee in relation to the above inquiry.(Notice given 26 June 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 172)1403.Ms Voltz to move—1.That this House, pursuant to section 73(1) of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988, refers to the Independent Commission Against Corruption for investigation and report whether the Minister for Finance and Services and Minister for the Illawarra, the Honourable Greg Pearce MLC, has engaged in corrupt conduct, having regard to the following matters:the Director General of the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s recent finding that Mr Pearce breached the Ministerial Code of Conduct by using taxpayer resources to travel to Canberra on personal business on 3 June 2013,statements made by Mr Pearce and his office on 3 and 4 June 2013, in particular claims that Mr Pearce travelled to Canberra on 3 June 2013 for official business and visited the Tralee development site,Mr Pearce’s later admission that he had in fact travelled to Canberra on personal business to attend a function,reports that Mr Pearce may have misused taxpayer resources by travelling interstate to attend a number of major sporting events,reports that Mr Pearce may have failed to properly disclose and declare certain property-related pecuniary interests,the appointments made by Mr Pearce of political donors and personal associates of himself or his staff, to Government positions or boards,reports published in the Daily Telegraph on 17 and 18 June 2013 that insurance companies represented by lobbyists Premier State were given inappropriate levels of access to Mr Pearce and his staff throughout the development of policy changes relating to Compulsory Third Party insurance, andreports that Mr Pearce’s Deputy Chief of Staff and her husband, Premier State Director Mr David Begg, were hosted by insurer Suncorp Group at last year’s Melbourne Cup, at a time when Mr Pearce was considering policy changes relating to Compulsory Third Party insurance.2.That a message be forwarded to the Legislative Assembly conveying the terms of the resolution agreed to this day and, pursuant to section 73(1) of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988, requesting that the Legislative Assembly pass a similar resolution.(Notice given 26 June 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 172)1404.Dr Faruqi to move—That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 July 2012 in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Department of Planning and Infrastructure, the Minister for the Environment, the Office of Environment and Heritage, and the New South Wales Environmental Protection Authority:(a)all documents relating to the report entitled “Pollution Reduction Program 4.2 Particulate Emissions from Coal Trains”, prepared for the Australian Rail Track Corporation by Katestone Environmental Pty Ltd, including but not limited to any drafts of the report and any correspondence that mentions the report or drafts of the report, and(b)any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.(Notice given 27 June 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 173)1405.Ms Barham to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to develop and provide for the publication of measures that indicate the wellbeing of people, communities and ecosystems in the State. (Wellbeing Indicators Bill)(Notice given 27 June 2013)1406.Ms Barham to move—That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of the passing of this resolution the following documents, correspondence, ministerial advice and briefing notes in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Minister for Primary Industries, the Department of Primary Industries, the Minister for Trade and Investment, and NSW Trade & Investment:(a)all documents created between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2006 relating to the review, audit and dismissal of Byron Shire Council as managers of Crown Caravan Parks in Byron Shire, and(b)any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.(Notice given 27 June 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 173)1408.Mr Shoebridge to move—That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents, not previously provided to the House as a result of an order for papers, in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Finance and Services or the Minister for Finance and Services, created since 1 January 2012: any actuarial advice, financial modelling, reports and associated briefing materials produced regarding the financial implications of reforms to compulsory third party insurance in New South Wales,any reports, including drafts, considered by the Department of Finance and Services in relation to reform of the compulsory third party insurance scheme in New South Wales,any records of meetings, emails or other communications between the Minister, his staff, or the Department and Premier State – Corporate Advisory and Public Affairs consultancy regarding or relating to insurance matters, and(d)any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.(Notice given 20 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 174)1412.Mr Shoebridge to move—That this House notes that:(a)there are ongoing and legitimate community concerns in relation to the adequacy of sentencing in New South Wales for offences involving the sexual abuse of children,(b)at a minimum, the public and elected representatives expect the justice system to treat child sexual assault as no less a crime than sexual assault of an adult,(c)the most recent and robust analysis of sentencing data makes it clear that there is an unexplained, and disturbing divergence between sentences received by offenders who commit child sexual assault as against sentences for similar offences involving the sexual assault of adults, namely:(i)the BOCSAR Sentencing Snapshot for Child Sexual Assault (No 68, revised May 2013) found that “Prison penalties were imposed on 75 per cent of offenders convicted of aggravated child sexual assault, with an average aggregate sentence of 68 months, and an average minimum term of 39 months”,(ii)the BOCSAR Sentencing Snapshot for Sexual Assault (No 72, revised January 2012), which excluded child sexual assault, found that “Prison penalties were imposed on 85 per cent of offenders convicted of aggravated child sexual assault, with an average aggregate sentence of 78 months, and an average minimum term of 48 months”,(d)there is no adequate explanation for why the average sentences for aggravated child sexual assault are substantially less than the average sentences for aggravated sexual assault of adults, and(e)in cases of historical child sexual abuse there is significant concern as to the operation of the sentencing principle established in R v MJR (2002) 54 NSWLR 368 that provides where sentencing regimes were more lenient at the time the offence was committed, the offender is to be given the benefit of this more lenient regime.That the Standing Committee on Law and Justice inquire into and report on the adequacy of sentencing in New South Wales for child sexual assault offences, and in particular: (a)the differences in average sentences for aggravated child sexual assault compared with the same offences where the victim is an adult,(b)appropriate recommendations to address issues raised, and(c)any other related matter.(Notice given 20 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 174)1414.Ms Westwood to move—1.That this House notes that:on 27 June 2013, the Council on the Ageing (COTA) NSW held a half-day Parliamentary Forum titled ‘Let’s talk about dying – a conversation about end of life issues’,the forum explored a number of the challenging issues around dying and death, andthe forum generated a great deal of interest amongst COTA NSW members and the general public which resulted in maximum attendance.2.That this House commends COTA NSW for this important initiative.3.That the Standing Committee on Social Issues inquire into and report on the social, health, legal and financial aspects of end of life decision making and, in particular, palliative care, information and support services, advanced care directives, health care treatment and personal choices about death, including assisted dying.(Notice given 20 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 174)1415.Mr Shoebridge to move—That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents, created since 30 September 2012, in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure or NSW Planning and Infrastructure, relating to the NSW Planning Review White Paper, the Exposure Planning Bill 2013 and the Exposure Planning Administration Bill 2013 released on 16 April 2013, excluding submissions and any other documents published on the NSW Planning and Infrastructure website:(a)any document relating or referring to the drafting of the content of the NSW Planning Review White Paper created prior to its release on 16 April 2013,(b)any document relating or referring to the drafting of the Exposure Planning Bill 2013 or the Exposure Planning Administration Bill 2013 prior to their release on 16 April 2013,(c)any document relating or referring to meetings between the Minister and lobbyists or stakeholders prior to the release of the NSW Planning Review White Paper, the Exposure Planning Bill 2013 and the Exposure Planning Administration Bill 2013 on 16 April 2013, (d)any correspondence between the Minister and lobbyists or stakeholders prior to the release of the NSW Planning Review White Paper, the Exposure Planning Bill 2013 and the Exposure Planning Administration Bill 2013 on 16 April 2013, and(e)any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.(Notice given 20 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 174)1416.Mr Shoebridge to move—1.That this House notes that:(a)the original proponent of a planned resort at Lot 490 in Kingscliff has withdrawn from the development,(b)local residents have long argued that this land should be restored as a wildlife corridor and reserve and indicated a willingness through the local Dune Care group to assist in this restoration, and(c)the land is of significant conservation value, with The Millennium Seed Project at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew keen to collect seeds from at least one of the endangered plant species on Lot 490. 2.That this House calls on the Government to:ensure that any further use of the land is of benefit to the community as a passive recreation area, wildlife corridor and public reserve,ensure that an independent environmental survey be made of Lot 490 before considering any future proposals for development or remediation of the land, andconsider the re-reservation of the land as a Coastal Reserve zoned E2 with a new Plan of Management in line with community expectations.(Notice given 20 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 174)1418.Dr Kaye to move—1.That this House notes that:(a)reports of draft material relating to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report, scheduled for release in September 2013, indicate that:(i)current estimates of the degree of certainty that that anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are driving changers observed globally are now at 95 per cent, up from 90 per cent in the 2007 Assessment Report and 66 per cent in the 2001 report,(ii)sea-levels could rise by 82 centimetres this century,(b)while the science of predicting the impacts of global greenhouse gas emissions on the climate is imperfect, the growing certainty of the consequences for humanity, the planet and the economy demands a strict risk-management response that moves to rapidly cut anthropogenic emissions to zero,(c)the Federal Coalition Opposition’s Direct Action Plan will reward the big polluters and fail to reduce the nation’s emissions by even the promised 5 per cent while the repeal of the carbon price will undermine employment in the renewable energy industry and encourage increased carbon intensity, and(d)the Federal Labor Government’s plan to float the carbon price will result in a deep slide in the price, creating uncertainty and stymying development in the renewable energy industry. 2.That this House calls on the O’Farrell Government to recognise the urgency of reducing the state’s emissions and the likely failure of any federal action to meaningfully respond to climate change regardless of which party wins the September election by:abandoning plans for two new fossil fuel power stations at Mt Piper and Bayswater,(b)stopping the privatisation of the electricity industry that will lock New South Wales into carbon-intense electricity generation for decades to come,(c)working with households and industry to assist them to reduce their power bills and carbon footprints with a meaningful rooftop solar bonus scheme and energy efficiency standards and assistance,(d)withdrawing the Draft Wind Energy Planning Guidelines and work with the industry to attract new investment and jobs and develop new mechanisms for community ownership of windfarms,(e)investing in new solar thermal power stations with overnight storage, and(f)ending the ideological and partisan war on the carbon price by removing the misleading statements that retailers have been forced to place on household power bills.(Notice given 20 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 174)1420.Mr Buckingham to move—1.That this House notes:(a)that the Government announced amendments to the Mining SEPP on 19 February that, if gazetted, would prohibit coal seam gas mining on horse studs and wineries and within 2km of some residential areas,that until gazetted, provides no protections to residents in Western Sydney, the Southern Highlands, Gloucester, the Hunter Valley, the Northern Rivers or any other area covered by exploration licences,that the Premier said that these amendments would be in place within 6 weeks, and it is now 6 months since this announcement, andthat the community wants certainty in ensuring protection from coal seam gas mining, and wants the SEPP exclusion zones extended to prohibit coal seam gas mining on agricultural land, water catchments and sensitive environmental places.2.That this House calls on the Government to:Gazette these amendments to the Mining SEPP with provisions that:(i)extend the SEPP to include other unconventional gas exploration, such as shale and tight sands,(ii)impose 2km exclusion zones around all residences in NSW, not just urban areas,(iii)prohibit unconventional gas mining on agricultural land, water catchments and sensitive environmental places,(iv)remove loopholes that allow councils to opt-out of its provisions, andinitiate a Royal Commission to investigate the grant and operation of petroleum titles as well as the regulation of the coal seam gas industry under the Petroleum (Onshore) Act. (Notice given 21 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 175)1422.Ms Barham to move—1.That this House notes that:libraries are a fundamental part of the educational and cultural vibrancy of community,providing life learning and opportunities for social interaction,under the terms of the Library Act 1939, the State Library of New South Wales administers the Government’s Public Library Grants and Subsidies program, which provides funding on an annual basis to local authorities to assist in the provision of public library services throughout New South Wales,Arts NSW, via the New South Wales state cultural institutions, manage significant cultural heritage collections and provide services and programs throughout the state, and together, these institutions provide a unique and irreplaceable archive of the state’s history and contemporary culture, andthe Library Act 1939 and the Library Regulation state that:“State and Local Government authorities work collaboratively together to enable public libraries in New South Wales to meet the evolving needs and demands of the community”,the age of a collection is a key consideration when determining the adequacy of a public library,the Library Council of NSW “Age of Collections” standards states that at least 49 per cent of the collection has been purchased in the last five years and 90 per cent of the collection has been purchased in the last 10 years, the size of a public library’s collection should respond to the changing and growing size of a community. 2.That this House notes that: in 1939, New South Wales councils were eligible for a subsidy from the Government for the provision of library services, and under section 13(2)(b) of the original Library Act 1939 the subsidy was set at one shilling per resident within the council area,in 1952, the subsidy rate under the Library Act was set at one shilling and sixpence per resident within a council area,in 1979-80, $8,478,905 was spent by the Government on public library services while total local government expenditure in 1980 was $ 27,517,031,in 2010-11, expenditure by local government on public library services was $314,284,780, whereas expenditure by the Government was $25, 538,000, which includes $2 million for the Country Library fund, and from 1979-80 to 2010-11, the per centage of funding provided by local government to public libraries increased from 74.6 per cent of the total funding on an annual basis to 92.5 per cent, while Government funding decreased from 23.6 per cent to 7.5 per cent on an annual basis.3.That this House calls on the Government to: review the subsidy rate of $1.85 prescribed in the Library Regulation 2010 and index the subsidy rate to consumer price index (CPI), andreview restoring Government funding for public libraries from the current 7.5 per cent to 20 per cent. (Notice given 21 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 175)1424.Mr Buckingham to move—1.That this House notes:(a)that the Manning Valley, including towns such as Bulahdelah, Taree and Wingham are covered by Pangea Oil and Gas Pty Ltd PEL 476,(b)that this licence expired on 11 November 2012 which Pangea is seeking to renew, and(c)that people in the Manning Valley do not want coal seam gas, as demonstrated by their numerous public meetings, submissions, letters, media statements and demonstrations opposing coal seam gas.2.That this House calls on the Government to:(a)listen to the communities in the Manning Valley and refuse the renewal of PEL 476, and(b)initiate a Royal Commission to investigate the grant and operation of titles under the Petroleum Onshore Act.(Notice given 21 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 175)1425.Mr Lynn to move—1.That this House notes that:the 47th Anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan that occurred on 18 August in 1966,more than 60,000 Australians who served in the Vietnam War now commemorate this day as Vietnam Veterans Day,Ken Foster, the national president of the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia, says 47 years on, the Battle of Long Tan remains a powerful episode in the collective psyche of those who served in the Vietnam War.2.That this House pays tribute to the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Harry Smith, the Officer Commanding D Company, 6 RAR SG MC and supports his call for the Federal Government to properly recognise the men who fought in the Battle.3.That this House apologises for the betrayal of Vietnam Veterans by radical organisers of the Moratorium Movement during the war.(Notice given 21 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 175)1426.Ms Cotsis to move—1.That this House notes that:the Liberal dominated Hawkesbury City Council has increased rates by way of a redistribution between different categories and sub-categories of properties of up to 47 per cent,this decision has adversely impacted a large number of community members, especially families, small businesses and pensioners,on Tuesday 13 August 2013, the Honourable Sophie Cotsis attended a ratepayer rally of approximately 200 people at Hawkesbury Council where, at the invitation of the group ‘Hawkesbury Rates Disgrace’, she spoke along with Ms Susan Templeman, the Labor candidate for the Federal seat of Macquarie, and a number of local community members,the Shadow Minister for Local Government called on the Mayor to meet with a delegation of ratepayers and reconsider the decision of the Liberal dominated council,the Mayor accepted the invitation and listened to the serious concerns of struggling ratepayers, but declined to reconsider the decision,at the subsequent Council meeting that evening, the community rallied and made passionate speeches calling on the Mayor and councilors to reconsider their decision to increase rates and to properly consult with the community, andmany struggling homeowners face the prospect of having to sell because of the massive rise in rates.2.That this House:condemns the Liberal dominated Hawkesbury City Council’s decision to increase rates by up to 47 per cent, thereby causing hardship for many ratepayers,calls on Hawkesbury City Council to reconsider this decision, andcalls on Hawkesbury City Council to consult with the community before making any further decisions on rates.(Notice given 21 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 175)1429.Mr Buckingham to move—That this House notes:the Government’s proposed ‘resource significance’ amendments to the Mining SEPP which were announced on 29 July 2013 seek to “promote the development of significant mineral resources” in the state,this SEPP makes the economic significance of the resource the principal consideration in assessing a mining development application, thereby elevating economic considerations over social and environmental impacts,that many in the community see this SEPP amendment as an attempt by this Government to overrule the court’s decision in the Bulga Warkworth case, which found the impacts proposed by Rio Tinto’s mine expansion as significant and unacceptable,that the Government has joined with Rio Tinto to appeal the decision of the Land and Environment Court, andthat on August 14, hundreds of people gathered outside the Supreme Court to protest the Government’s agenda of putting big mining companies ahead of communities and the environment.2.That this House calls on the Government to:(a)listen to the Bulga community, the NSW Farmers Association and the people of NSW and withdraw the proposed ‘resource significance’ amendments to the Mining SEPP,(b)respect the judgement of the Land & Environment Court and the unacceptable impacts the Warkworth expansion would have on the residents of Bulga, and withdraw from the Supreme Court appeal, and(c)initiate a Royal Commission to investigate the grant and operation of mining titles as well as the regulation of the mining industry under the Mining Act. (Notice given 21 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 175)1431.Dr Kaye to move—That General Purpose Standing Committee No. 5 inquire into and report on the role of the Government in regulating free-range labelling of chicken, turkey, duck and pig products, including eggs, and in particular:(a)the effectiveness of regulatory arrangements in facilitating the accurate and consistent use of the term ‘free-range’,(b)the complaints handling process relating to free-range standards and labelling,(c)public expectations of the treatment of animals that produce products labelled as ‘free-range’,(d)differences between the various free-range standards and accreditation schemes, and(e)any other relevant matter.(Notice given 22 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 176)1434.Ms Sharpe to move—That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 July 2012 in relation to the Department of Education and Communities’ current Total Asset Management (TAM) Plan, in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Minister for Education, the Treasurer, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, NSW Treasury or the Department of Education and Communities:(a) all documents, including but not limited to emails and records of phone conversations, relating to the Department of Education and Communities’ current Total Asset Management Plan,(b) all documents, including but not limited to emails and records of phone conversations, relating to maintenance requests from schools, regional offices or Principal Networks,(c)all documents, including but not limited to emails and records of phone conversations, regarding demountables, including the most up to date list of demountables, and figures on demountable replacement, including plans for replacement and identified replacement locations,(d) all documents, including but not limited to emails and records of phone conversations, regarding the school fence priority list,(e) any correspondence sent to the Premier, Minister for Education or Treasurer by other members of Parliament in relation to maintenance requests from schools, regional offices or Principal Networks or the current Total Asset Management Plan, and(f) any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.(Notice given 27 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 177)1435.Mr Buckingham to move—1.That this House notes that:the Chief Scientist released her initial report on coal seam gas activities on 30 July 2013,in her report the Chief Scientist:(i)confirms “wide-ranging community concerns about CSG”,(ii)notes that industry and government “face significant challenges going forward”,(iii)acknowledges “CSG extraction, like all forms of energy production, poses human health and environmental challenges”,the Chief Scientist makes five recommendations, which are aimed at the Government showing that it has the intention and capacity to oversee the introduction of a new industry, including:the establishment of a world class extraction and regulatory regime that insists on world’s best practice and has high levels of transparency,the establishment of whole of environment data repository,whole-of-state baseline subsidence mapping,mandatory training and certification of all coal seam gas personnel,further research on cumulative impact assessment and development of sophisticated predictive underground models, andthe initial report:(i)highlights the gaps in scientific data relating to coal seam gas, particularly in regards to water connectivity and fugitive emissions,(ii)does not promote adherence to the precautionary principle, which would suggest the industry does not go ahead while there is scientific uncertainty,(iii)does not address the impacts of coal seam gas development on biodiversity in detail,(iv)does not take into account the impact further fossil fuel exploitation will have on climate change, when analysed in the context of the urgent need to keep 60 to 80 per cent of fossil fuel reserves in the ground if we are to limit global warming to less than 2°C.2.That this House calls on the Government to:put a moratorium on the coal seam gas industry until Government implements in full all five of the Chief Scientist’s recommendations, and until the release of the Chief Scientist’s final report,adhere to the precautionary principle, and where there is insufficient data or scientific uncertainty, refuse further coal seam gas licence or development approvals, andenshrine exclusion zones into law, so that coal seam gas activities are prohibited within 2 kilometres of dwellings, on agricultural land, and in water catchments and sensitive environmental areas.(Notice given 27 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 177)1437.Mr Shoebridge to move—1.That this House notes that:(a)Pittwater Council currently has the ongoing responsibility for a crown land reserve known as Beeby Park in Mona Vale,(b)the site is an acknowledged wildlife corridor and is used as a play space for the neighbouring Girl Guides Hall,(c)Pittwater Council has plans to develop the majority of this site into a bitumen car park as part of the Kitchener Park Plan of Management,(d)it has been claimed that this is to rectify a shortcoming in parking at Kitchener Park though there have been no parking studies undertaken to support this,(e)there are concerns that the car park will be used for the local shopping precinct, despite the fact that such a use is inconsistent with the Crown Lands Act 1989, and(f)works are slated to begin on 27 August 2013.2.That this House recognises the work of the Save Beeby Park Committee to raise awareness of council’s plans for this site.3.That this House calls on the Minister for Crown Lands to intervene to ensure that this precious green pocket in Mona Vale is not destroyed against community wishes. (Notice given 27 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 177)1439.Mr Shoebridge to move—1.That this House notes with concern:the adverse heritage impacts of any plan by the Government for the sale and long-term lease of social housing at Millers Point,community concerns that the Government is considering reducing current heritage protections for Millers Point and the Rocks, andthat the loss of public housing would threaten the legacy of community campaigns, including the Green Bans movement, which saved Millers Point and the Rocks and resulted in important planning and heritage legislation in New South Wales.2.That this House recognises:(a)that protecting heritage must include maintaining strong social and historical connections with communities to the built and natural environment,(b)the deep connections and ongoing contribution of Millers Point social housing residents to the area’s maritime and political history, and(c)cultural heritage is enriched by ensuring that people from diverse backgrounds, including low income and other disadvantaged communities, have access to social housing in all parts of Sydney.3.That this House calls on the Government to:(a)abandon plans to sell-off social housing at Millers Point and instead work with residents groups to protect their homes and heritage values, and(b)retain and strengthen heritage protections to ensure that the unique community and heritage of Millers Point and the Rocks is saved for current and future generations.(Notice given 27 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 177)1441.Ms Ficarra to move—1.That this House notes that:(a)on 15 August 2013, Qantas unveiled the integration of its QantasLink and Qantas Domestic services into one terminal, Terminal Three, at Sydney Airport,(b)this consolidation of Qantas’ domestic operations within one terminal at Sydney Airport will provide a streamlined and improved experience for regional passengers making ongoing journeys aboard other Qantas domestic flights,(c)the Honourable Andrew Stoner MP, Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services, attended a special ceremony to mark the occasion, and(d)the integration project is in line with the Government’s $30 million, three-year partnership with Qantas to promote Sydney and regional New South Wales to the world.2.That this House acknowledges:(a)the efforts of Qantas and the New South Wales Liberals and Nationals Government to promote Sydney and regional New South Wales, and(b)the benefits brought about by the recent integration of Qantas’ domestic services at Sydney Domestic Airport for regional passengers and the New South Wales economy.(Notice given 27 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 177)1442.Ms Sharpe to move—1.That this House notes that:Saturday 31 August marks World Overdose Awareness Day,overdoses affect a wide cross-section of the community and outnumbered road fatalities in 2011,the overwhelming majority of these fatalities involve medications rather than illicit drugs, andthe aim of World Overdose Awareness Day is:(i)to raise the awareness of overdose risk throughout the community and bring this issue to the attention of policy makers,(ii)commit to strategies to reduce the number of these fatalities.2.That this House commends Anex and other organisations working towards harm minimisation. (Notice given 28 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 178)1443.Ms Barham to move—1.That the House notes that:every Australian State and Territory Government has a Minister for Housing,New South Wales Governments of all political persuasions have historically recognised the importance of having a Minister for Housing,from 1919, when David Robert Hall was the Minister for Housing in the William Holman Government, to 2011, when the Honourable Francesco Terenzini MP was the Minister for Housing in the Keneally Government, New South Wales has always had a Minister for Housing,a recent Auditor-General Report highlighted that the New South Wales social housing portfolio only meets approximately 44 per cent of need, with over 55,000 applicants of the social housing waiting list, which may increase to 86,000 by 2016,28,191 people are experiencing homelessness in New South Wales, with children under 12 years making up 12.9 per cent of the total number, andthe Productivity Commission in its July 2013 report entitled “Deep and Persistent Disadvantage in Australia” acknowledged that “almost a quarter of public housing tenants experience deep and persistent social exclusion” and that public housing tenants represent over a fifth of all those who are deeply and persistently disadvantaged.2.That this House calls upon the Government to immediately appoint a Government member as New South Wales Minister for Housing and Homelessness to address the pressing challenges critical to the health and wellbeing of the people of New South Wales. (Notice given 28 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 178)1445.Dr Kaye to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to secure the public provision of vocational education and training by reducing TAFE fees and charges, guaranteeing certain levels of TAFE staffing and resources and imposing a moratorium on the proposed “Smart and Skilled” competitive vocational educational training market; and for other purposes.(TAFE Changes Moratorium (Secure Future for Public Provision of Vocational Education and Training) Bill)(Notice given 28 August 2013)1448.Dr Kaye to move—That this House:(a)reiterates its support for academic freedom, the rights of university staff to reasonable pay and quality conditions including a meaningful career structure,(b)notes that staff teaching conditions directly determine student learning outcomes,(c)expresses its concern that the management of the University of Sydney has failed to make an acceptable offer to staff, and(d)calls on the management of the University of Sydney to meet the expectations of its staff for an enterprise agreement that will respect their rights and encourages young people to aspire to a career in tertiary education and teaching, and provide high quality experience to students.(Notice given 28 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 178)1451.Mr Brown to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to repeal the National Park Estate (Riverina Red Gum Reservations) Act 2010 and to reverse the land transfers to the national park estate effected by that Act.(National Park Estate (Riverina Red Gum Reservations) Repeal Bill)(Notice given 28 August 2013)1452.Mr Moselmane to move—1.That this House notes that:the Liberal Party has preferenced the controversial anti-Islam Rise Up Australia Party ahead of Labor and the Greens in this 2013 elections,Rise Up Australia founder and Senate candidate in Victoria Mr Daniel Nalliah has said the teachings of the Koran were incompatible with Australian culture and has stated that: “I’m anti-Islam and the teachings of Islam”, andMohamad Tabbaa from the Islamic Council of Victoria has warned that “‘It is very disturbing that they [Liberals] would preference an overtly Islamophobic group”.2.That this House notes that:the Nationals’ the Honourable Barnaby Joyce, Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, has preferenced One Nation over the Labor Party in the seat of New England and a host of other seats the Nationals are contesting,Barnaby Joyce’s decision to preference One Nation legitimises racism and endorses its philosophy of hate and slander, andthis decision simply shows that extremists are gaining control and influence in the Coalition. 3.That this House condemns all forms of racism and those that vilify other Australians, inflame racist sentiments and legitimise racism.(Notice given 29 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 179)1454.Mr Moselmane to move—1.That this House notes that:on 17 February 2011, the Sydney Morning Herald published an article by Lenore Taylor, National Affairs Correspondence, entitled “Morrison sees votes in anti-Muslim strategy”,the Opposition’s Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Mr Scott Morrison MP, urged the Shadow Cabinet to capitalise on the electorate’s growing concerns about “Muslim immigration”, “Muslims in Australia” and the “inability” of Muslim migrants to integrate,Mr Morrison’s suggestion was made at a meeting in December 2010 at which shadow ministers were asked to bring three ideas for issues on which the Coalition should concentrate its political attack during this parliamentary term, andSydney Morning Herald sources say that Mr Morrison told the shadow cabinet meeting on 1 December 2010 at the Ryde Civic Centre that the Coalition should ramp up its questioning of “multiculturalism” and appeal to deep voter concerns about Muslim immigration and “inability” to integrate.2.That this House condemns all forms of racism and those that vilify and inflame racist sentiments.(Notice given 29 August 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 179)1461.Ms Cotsis to move—That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2012 in the possession, custody or control of the Community Relations Commission of NSW, the Minister for Citizenship and Communities, the Premier or the Department of Premier and Cabinet relating to the Ministerial Consultative Committees established by the Minister for Citizenship and Communities including but not limited to:(a)all documents that relates or refers to the membership of the Ministerial Consultative Committees,(b)all agendas and minutes for meetings of the committees,(c)any document that relates or refers to the selection of members and chairs of the committees,(d)any document that relates or refers to the costs of administering the committees, including any remuneration, stipends or costs associated with holding meetings, and(e)any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.(Notice given 10 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 180)1463.Mr Buckingham to move—1.That this House notes that:Nucoal Resources Ltd, through its subsidiary, Doyles Creek Mining Pty Ltd holds EL7270 over the Jerrys Plains area in the Upper Hunter Valley,this licence expired in December 2012 and is awaiting renewal,the community affected by the Doyles Creek exploration licence call on the Government to refuse to renew the licence,on 30 August 2013, the Independent Commission Against Corruption found that former Minister for Mineral Resources, Mr Ian Macdonald, engaged in corrupt conduct by acting contrary to his duty as a minister of the Crown in granting Doyles Creek Mining Pty Ltd (DCM) consent to apply for a coal exploration licence (EL) for land at Doyles Creek and granting the EL to DCM, both grants being substantially for the purpose of benefiting the company’s chairman, Mr John Maitland, andunder section 114 of the Mining Act 1992, the Minister for Resources and Energy has broad discretion to refuse to renew EL7270, and s 125 allows the Minister to cancel an existing licence where there has been false or misleading information.2.That this House calls on the Government to:refuse to renew or cancel EL7270, andconduct an audit of all mining and petroleum licences issued during former Minister Ian Macdonald’s term in office to ascertain their probity.(Notice given 10 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 180)1465.Mr Buckingham to move—1.That this House notes that:subsidence due to longwall mining is listed as a key threatening process in the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995,the NSW Scientific Committee lists impacts of subsidence to include, among other things:cracking of valley floors and creeklines with subsequent effects on surface and groundwater hydrology,decreased stability of slopes and escarpments,contamination of groundwater by acid drainage,deterioration of water quality due to a reduction in dissolved oxygen and to increased salinity, iron oxides, manganese, and electrical conductivity, andsubsidence has had disastrous impacts on water catchments, landholders and the environment, demonstrated by:Peabody Energy longwall mining under the Waratah Rivulet on the Illawarra plateau causing cracks, which made the water disappear or flow back polluted with iron oxide,landholders having their homes undermined, such as the Watsons in Waratah or the Neales in Gillieston Heights,Glencore Xstrata’s failed subsidence repair job in the Sugarloaf Conservation Area in the Lower Hunter, with claims that the company had been mining under the conservation area for more than 18 months without meeting all its approval conditions,BHP Billiton’s Illawarra Coal longwall mining in the Lake Cordeaux area of Sydney’s water catchment area causing dead and dying vegetation, dried out creek beds, gaping cracks, water contamination, and subsidence.2.That this House calls on the Government to:initiate an inquiry into subsidence impacts, particularly to address:the circumstances surrounding the West Wallsend mine approval, subsequent subsidence and the remediation incident in the Mount Sugarloaf area,the impacts generally of longwall mining in New South Wales,the ability of mining companies to adequately predict subsidence damage,the adequacy of remediation,the role of government agencies as both the determining and advisory authority in longwall approvals,adhere to the Government’s pre-election promise, and reject any further development applications for longwall coal mining in water catchments,establish a process to independently audit mining operators’ performance against Environmental Assessment predictions, statements of commitment, Subsidence Management Plans and mine site rehabilitation, andinitiate an independent audit of all existing Subsidence Management Plans.(Notice given 10 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 180)1466.Dr Kaye to move—That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 27 March 2011 in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for the Environment and Heritage the Office of Environment and Heritage, relating to the proposed Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Amendment (Native Forest Bio-material) Regulation 2013 (the regulation):(a)any document that relates or refers to an assessment of the annual production capacity of native forest biomaterials that might be suitable for the generation of electricity in New South Wales as a result of timber production or woodchipping activities, (b)any document which relates or refers to potential power station operators, currently operational or otherwise, who could purchase the native forest vegetation waste if the proposed regulation were to be enacted,(c)any document which relates or refers to an evaluation of the environmental and greenhouse gas impacts that would result if the proposed regulation were to be enacted,(d)any correspondence with non-government proponents of the regulation,(e)any document that relates or refers to an evaluation of the current market for native forest materials and potential for change,(f)any correspondence which relates to the promotion of native forest materials as a ‘green’ or ‘renewable’ source of electricity generation, and(g)any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.(Notice given 10 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 180)1467.Dr Kaye to move—That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, the Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing or NSW Trade and Investment, created since 1 January 2011:(a)all reports prepared by Schottler Consulting Pty Ltd into the allocation of public funds for gambling support services,(b)any other reports or research projects prepared by or commissioned by the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing, NSW Trade and Investment or on behalf of the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing on the issue of problem gambling in New South Wales, and(c)any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.(Notice given 10 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 180)1468.Dr Kaye to move—That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing or NSW Trade and Investment, created since 1 January 2011:(a)all reports prepared by Allen Consulting Group relating to liquor licencing density,(b)any other reports or research projects prepared by or commissioned by the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing, NSW Trade and Investment or on behalf of the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing on the issue of alcohol outlet density, liquor licence density or the impacts of these densities, and(c)any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.(Notice given 10 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 180)1469.Mr Foley to move—That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution all documents created since 1 April 2011 in possession, custody or control of the Department of Premier and Cabinet or the Premier related to the administration of the Register of Lobbyists, including but not limited to the following documents:all documents and records received pursuant to Clause 5 of the NSW Government Lobbyist Code of Conduct; andany document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.(Notice given 11 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 181)1470.Ms Ficarra to move—1.That this House notes that:(a)on Saturday 24 August 2013, the Honourable Barry O’Farrell MP, Premier, and the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure announced the figure for housing construction in the Sydney area for the 2012/13 financial year,(b)the figure shows outstanding completions, with 21,097 homes built,(c)the figure represent a 35 per cent increase in housing construction from the last financial year,(d)the figure represent a ten-year high record, unbeaten from 2003/04 onwards,(e)Western Sydney councils saw the highest growth in housing construction, with the local government areas of Blacktown, Parramatta, Camden, Penrith, Liverpool and the Hills receiving most of the new homes,(f)the figure for future housing approvals looks equally promising, up 17 per cent from the last financial year,(g)housing construction is a crucial economic driver, as it creates jobs, attracts flow-on investments and consumption, and is also an indicator of greater socio-economic stability as reflected in the economic confidence of new home-owners,(h)growth in housing construction has been enabled by Government policies, such as axing the $429 million homebuyer tax, a new homebuyer scheme, land releases, and $500 million housing-related infrastructure projects,(i)growing housing construction trends must be accompanied by infrastructure upgrades, and(j)infrastructure upgrades are forthcoming, in the form of projects such as the building of the North West and South West Rail Links, and WestConnex; the widening of the M5 West motorway tract; and the establishment of new, key arterial roads in the Sydney area.2.That this House acknowledges:(a)the efforts of the O’Farrell Government, the Minister for Planning, the Honourable Brad Hazzard MP and the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure, on the delivery and implementation of policies which have enabled housing construction to boom in Sydney, and(b)the efforts of the O’Farrell Government on fulfilling its promise of facilitating home-ownership and fostering economic security for families across New South Wales.(Notice given 11 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 181)1471.Mr Searle to move—That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 July 2012 in the possession, custody or control of the NSW Ministry for Health:(a)any document relating or referring to the labour expense cap,(b)any document relating or referring to program savings,(c)any document relating or referring to asset and land sales and disposal, and(d)any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.(Notice given 11 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 181)1472.Mr Shoebridge to move—1.That this House notes with concern:(a)the numerous and repeated breaches of licences held by the Forestry Corporation of NSW under the Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals in both Royal Camp State Forest and Koreelah State Forest as a result of logging operations,(b)the failure of the Environment Protection Authority to prosecute the majority of breaches despite meticulous documentation, independent expert evidence, global positioning system coordinates and photographic evidence, and(c)the paltry nature of the three $300 fines awarded against the Forestry Corporation of NSW by the Environment Protection Authority for logging koala habitat in Royal Camp State Forest. 2.That this House recognises:(a)the deleterious impacts on koala habitat in both Koreelah and Royal Camp State Forests as a result of those breaches,(b)the significant damage done to a stand of White Gum Moist Forest, an Endangered Ecological Community, in Koreelah State Forest as a result of Forestry Corporation logging activities,(c)the destruction in Royal Camp State Forest of riparian areas crucial for the survival of the Albert’s Lyrebird in Forestry Corporation logging operations,(d)the logging of six hectares of old growth Brushbox forest in Koreelah State Forest by the Forestry Corporation of NSW,(e)the failure by the Forestry Corporation of NSW to retain appropriate trees to satisfy Hollow-bearing and Recruitment tree requirements in both Koreelah and Royal Camp State Forests,(f)the failure by the Forestry Corporation of NSW to identify and protect three threatened species, being the Albert’s Lyrebird, the Marbled Frogmouth and Fleay’s Barred Frog, in Compartments 28, 30 and 31 of Koreelah State Forest, and(g)the failure by the Forestry Corporation to take all possible steps to minimise any exacerbation of the Key Threatening Processes of lantana invasion and Bell Miner Associated Dieback, and the facilitation of their spread through both Royal Camp and Koreelah State Forests as a result of logging activities. 3.That this House calls on the Government to:(a)declare a permanent moratorium on logging in Royal Camp State Forest, and in all other koala high use areas in NSW State Forests,(b)declare a permanent moratorium on logging in Koreelah State Forest and in all other areas where endangered species have been identified, and(c)declare a permanent moratorium on logging in all areas of bushbox-dominated rainforest and old growth eucalypt forest in NSW State Forests. (Notice given 11 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 181)1473.Mr Veitch to move—That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 April 2011 in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Treasurer and the Department of Premier and Cabinet:(a)any document relating or referring to the appointment of Mr Roger Massy-Greene as chairman of Networks NSW,(b)any document relating or referring to the appointment of Mr Chum Durvall as Chairman of Transgrid,(c)any document relating or referring to the appointment of Mr Maurice Newman to the Board of the Port Kembla Port Corporation,(d)any document relating or referring to the appointment of Mr Nick di Girolamo to the board of the State Water Corporation,(e)any document relating or referring to the Register of Interests referred to in paragraph 2.6 of the Ministerial Code of Conduct,(f)any document relating or referring to the Schedule to the Register of Interests referred to in paragraph 3.3 of the Ministerial Code of Conduct,(g)any related cabinet documents which do not reveal the actual deliberations of Cabinet, and(h)any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.(Notice given 11 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 181)1474.Revd Mr Nile to move—That this House notes that:(a)the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a specialised agency of the United Nations, was created in 1944 to promote the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world, and it sets standards and regulations necessary for aviation safety, security, efficiency and regularity, as well as for aviation environmental protection,(b)the number of aircraft departures globally reached a record level of 31 million in 2012, an increase of 0.7 per cent compared to 2011,(c)the ICAO has forecast that by 2030, an average annual growth rate of 4.5 per cent for world schedule passenger traffic will result in more than twice the Revenue Passenger Kilometres of the 2012 level,(d)safe, secure, and economical international air navigation and transport is important to every citizen of the world, and safe skies are ensured through uniform aviation standards, harmonization of security protocols, and expeditious dissemination of information regarding new regulations and other relevant matters,(e)direct and unobstructed participation in international civil aviation forums and programs is beneficial for all nations and their civil aviation authorities,(f)civil aviation is vital to all due to the international transit and commerce it makes possible, but must also be closely regulated due to the possible use of aircraft as weapons of mass destruction or to transport biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons or other dangerous materials,(g)the Convention on International Civil Aviation, signed in Chicago, Illinois, on 7 December 1944 and entered into force on 4 April 1947, established the ICAO, stating “The aims and objectives of the Organization are to develop the principles and techniques of international air navigation and to foster the planning· and development of international air transport so as to . . . meet the needs of the peoples of the world for safe, regular, efficient and economical air transport.”,(h)Taiwan is the fourth largest export market of New South Wales and a leading trade partner of Australia, stands as a beacon of democracy in Asia, committed to all obligations as a responsible stakeholder in the world,(i)the Taipei Flight Information Region, under the jurisdiction of Taiwan, covers 180,000 square nautical miles of airspace and provides air traffic control services to over 1.2 million flights annually, with the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport recognised as the 10th and 19th largest airport by international cargo volume and number of international passengers respectively in 2011, (j)Taiwan is ready, willing and able to fully contribute to the international community, including by participating in United Nations-affiliated organisations such as the ICAO and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and(k)Taiwan is a responsible member of the international community and should be considered for observer status at the ICAO.(Notice given 11 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 181)1475.Mr Shoebridge to move—1.That this House notes that:residents at Cudgen Heights in the Tweed have ongoing concerns about flooding in their local area causing serious damage to their homes, covering the roads and polluting the Tweed River with red mud sediment,the increased mud and water flow is thought to be the result of construction and associated changes as part of housing development at the Corner Cudgen and Tweed Coast Roads which was created about 15 years ago following a subdivision approved by Tweed Shire Council with inadequate drainage,the realignment of Cudgen Road in 2000 when traffic lights were installed also preceded the first flooding of the homes in this area,after flooding in 2005 Tweed Shire Council built besser block walls along the edge of Cudgen Road in an attempt to mitigate the flooding, though this was ineffective,there are also reports that red mud is being pushed into the drains to clear roads, in breach of requirements to push it away to prevent further pollution of the river, andto date Tweed Shire Council have not provided substantial assistance to residents effected by this flooding who continue to have to pay 2.That this House calls on the Minister for Planning to undertake a full investigation into this serious pollution matter. (Notice given 11 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 181)1476.Mr Buckingham to move—That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution all documents relating to the Watermark coal project and related licenses including but not limited to EL7223 and Auth 216, created prior to 25 March 2011, excluding any document previously provided to the House under standing order 52, in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Minister for Planning, the Department of Planning and Infrastructure, the Minister for Resources and Energy, the Minister for Trade and Investment and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services, the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services, and any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.(Notice given 11 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 181)1477.Mr MacDonald to move—That this House:(a)notes that Israel is the longest continuous functional democracy in the Middle East,(b)rejects the anti-Israel sentiment that is at the heart of the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign supported by academics at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney, and(c)condemns some elements of the Greens party for their public support of the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign supported by academics at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney. (Notice given 12 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 182)1478.Ms Cusack to move—1.That this House notes:that the theme for World Suicide Prevention Day 2013 is ‘Stigma: A Major Barrier to Suicide Prevention’ which aims to lift the cloud of stigma that prevents people from seeking help when they are in trouble as well as the loved ones of those lost to suicide,that RUOK? Day, aimed at encouraging and empowering all people to regularly and meaningfully ask ‘are you ok?’ to support those struggling with life, will be held on 12 September 2013,the comments by the Honourable Kevin Humphries MP, Minister for Mental Health, that:with 65,000 Australians attempting to take their own life each year, it has never been more important to break the stigma surrounding suicide,in New South Wales 550 lives are lost to suicide each year,the warning signs that someone could be at risk of suicide often go undetected but when people are aware of them there is a far greater chance that suicide can be prevented,he would urge everybody in the community to use World Suicide Prevention Day to help break down the stigma and discrimination that people who are affected by suicide face, and in doing so help to remove one of the biggest barriers to recovery,it is up to everyone to help reduce stigma by talking about suicide and increasing awareness to better ensure that people at risk of suicide, as well as their families, friends and carers, are connected with the treatment and support they need,that since coming into Government the New South Wales Liberals and Nationals have held suicide prevention forums in communities across the state that have been crucial in shaping the Government’s response to suicide prevention, andthat as a direct result of these forums, the NSW Mental Health Commission is developing a range of resources to better support communities affected by suicide such as the ‘Small Towns Toolkit’, to help small communities to both prevent acts of self-harm and suicide, as well as deal with the impacts when they occur.2.That this House encourages all in the community to use World Suicide Prevention Day to help break down the stigma and discrimination that people who are affected by suicide face, and in doing so help to remove one of the biggest barriers to recovery.(Notice given 12 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 182)1479.Dr Kaye to move—1.That this House notes that:on 11 September 2013, the Honourable Dr Peter Phelps told the House that he supported the use of brutal repression of the Chilean people by the Pinochet regime in Chile,this repression included the imposition of a military dictatorship that practiced arbitrary detention, systematic torture, rape and murder against the civilian population, andthe statement of Dr Phelps is likely to:cause substantial hurt to the Chilean community in New South Wales, including those who suffered at the hands of the Pinochet regime,cause offence to all citizens of New South Wales who are committed to human rights and the rule of law.2.That this House:condemns any and all violations of human rights by both contemporary and past repressive regimes,asserts that there is no justification for the use of arbitrary detention without independent judicial review, systematic torture and rape, and executions without trial, andcalls on the Premier to discipline Dr Phelps for his remarks and insist that he apologise to the Chilean community.(Notice given 12 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 182)1480.Mr Foley to move—1.That this House notes that, in response to an order of this House dated 29 August 2013 for the production of documents relating to Yaralla Estate, the return included correspondence from the Chief of Staff of the Minister for Health dated 6 September 2013 which states in part:“I am also claiming absolute privilege over one document that I am not providing to the Legislative Council.I am claiming privilege on the basis that the document contains political research material that I do not believe falls within the scope of this Order”.2.That this House notes that:(a)the power to require the production of documents, including those subject to a claim of public interest immunity made by the executive government, was determined by the NSW Court of Appeal, based on the common law principle of reasonable necessity,(b)there is no exception to the power of the House to require the production of state papers which contain “political research material”,(c)this House has the power to order the production of all state papers, with the only exception being those documents that disclose the actual deliberations of Cabinet, and(d)this House regards any failure to comply with orders to produce documents as an unacceptable interference with the capacity of this House to fulfil its constitutional roles and a contempt, and has the power and duty to treat any such failures accordingly.3.That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 24 hours of the date and time of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Health:(a)the document referred to by the Chief of Staff of the Minister for Health in correspondence dated 6 September 2013, which was provided in the return to an order of this House dated 29 August 2013 for the production of documents relating to Yaralla Estate, as “political research material”, and(b)any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.(Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)1481.Ms Barham to move—1.That this House notes that:(a)16 to 22 September 2013 is Dementia Awareness Week, with World Alzheimer’s Day falling on 21 September 2013,(b)the theme for Dementia Awareness Week 2013 is ‘Brain Health: Making the Connections’, and(c)during the week, events and activities held across New South Wales will focus on:(i)promoting brain healthy lifestyles – a positive message linking body, brain and heart fitness,(ii)promoting awareness of memory loss and dementia and where to get help,(iii)promoting early detection and timely diagnosis.2.That this House notes that during Dementia Awareness Week, Alzheimer’s Australia NSW will launch the “Living Alone with Dementia – Research to Practice Guide,” which follows from their discussion paper released in July and will provide practical recommendations for community service providers who assist the estimated 65,000 Australians living alone with dementia.3.That this House recognises the important contribution of the professionals, organisations and carers who deliver advocacy, research and care for the growing numbers of people suffering dementia in our community.(Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)1482.Ms Ficarra to move—1.That this House notes that:South Sydney Rabbitoh’s Souths Cares is an independent not-for-profit public benevolent institution, established to support the local community and address social need across the South Sydney region to support disadvantaged, marginalised and indigenous youth and their families with a specific focus on education, training, health and employment,the entire South Sydney Rabbitohs National Rugby League Squad are involved in the delivery of the Teacher’s Aide program at La Perouse Primary School, Alexandria Park Community School, Green Square School and Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Waterloo,an achievement program has been established to recognise and reward positive behaviour and successful learning outcomes of students, with the reward program providing students with a “Bunny Buddy” pack which includes a Rabbitohs back pack, poster, cap and a child’s membership to all home games at ANZ Stadium,the Teachers’ Aide program is assessed on an ongoing basis to ensure relevant outcomes are achieved with reviews conducted by Regional Directors of the Department of Education and Training have shown strong and positive feedback from school principals, staff, community elders, parents and pupils with marked improvement in Numeracy and Literacy levels within these schools as displayed by the recent National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) results,Souths Cares partners with Life Education to deliver a holistic program for Years 5 and 6 students in the South Sydney catchment area, this program combines the National Rugby League initiative, ‘Eat Well, Play Well, Stay Well’, along with a range of Life Education programs, to offer the students a fun educational excursion outside of the school environment and educates students to make informed decisions about their body and lifestyle choices as they approach their teenage years,to date, Healthy and Active Lifestyle program has been offered to over 35 primary schools in the South Sydney region,1,600 students and teachers take part in the program annually, of which approximately 30 per cent came from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background,to complement these visits, teaching staff are given resources to continue the lessons and positive messages back at their respective school,the Indigenous Leadership Program, Schools to Work Transition program ‘Nanga Mai Marri’ (Dream Big) focuses on Year 11 and 12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island pupils and works alongside them to identify and develop their own education and employment outcomes, and the program is underpinned by a greater understanding of culture as a way of building self-esteem,the Indigenous Leadership Program sessions include employability skills training such as career exploration, resume building, goal setting, interview technique, grooming and etiquette, leading to either employment or continuing education outcomes through a range of corporate networks or education institutions with which Souths Cares has built strong relationships,Souths Cares Oral Health Program partners with the NSW Centre for Oral Health Strategy, Colgate and the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health whereby Souths Cares are delivering a number of initiatives to support and encourage good oral health habits in youth of the South Sydney region and surrounding areas, andthe campaign was kicked off by Rabbitohs players sharing the ‘Bright Smiles, Bright Future’ message with students through the Souths Cares Teachers’ Aide program.2.That this House:congratulates and commends the South Sydney Rabbitohs NRL players, Souths Cares, Mr Shannon Donato, General Manager of Souths Cares, Mr Shane Richardson, Chief Executive Officer of the Rabbitohs NRL Club and Mr Rhys Wesser, Souths Cares Health Promotion Coordinator and former Rabbitohs player for their outstanding work supporting the local community and addressing social need across the South Sydney region to support disadvantaged, marginalised and indigenous youth and their families with education, training, health and employment, andacknowledges and thanks the following Souths Cares supporters: The Australian Technology Park, De’Longhi, Kenwood Create More, All Sorts Fitness and Wellbeing Centre, Randwick City Council, Southern Courier, Colgate and the New South Wales Government’s Centre for Oral Health Strategy. (Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)1483.Ms Fazio to move—1.This House notes that:the South Asian Muslim Association of Australia (SAMAA) celebrated the annual event of Eid Milan as its first fund raising event at Marana Auditorium, Hurstville, Sydney on Saturday 24 August 2013,nearly 500 people packed the hall and participated in all activities with enthusiasm,a number of parliamentarians, representatives from aged care agencies, Muslim community representatives from various organisations along with many SAMAA elderly and their families and a very large number of South Asian Muslim families attended the evening,the Minister for Ageing and Disability Services, the Honourable John Ajaka MLC, represented the Premier, the Honourable Barry O’Farrell MP,the Honourable Amanda Fazio MLC, the Honourable Shaoquett Moslemane MLC, Mr Steve MacMahon, former Mayor Hurstville City Council attended, andcommunity representatives included Mr Samir Dandan, President, Lebanese Muslim Association and Sr Mahbooba of Mehbooba’s promise.2.This House notes that:SAMAA aims to provide benevolent services to the Muslim elderly of South Asian origin, negotiate their placement with provision of adequate care with existing aged care providers and build its own aged care facilities in long term, andthe mission statement of SAMAA is “To evidence the Islamic spirit of love, compassion and charity in providing a range of services to the aged of South Asian Muslims in NSW that best meet the physical, spiritual, cultural and emotional needs of the individuals, their families and the Muslim community.”3.That this House commends SAMAA for their work in assisting aged Muslim persons of South East Asian origin.(Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)1484.Mr Clarke to move—1.That this House notes that:the Australasian Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) is part of the world’s largest Hellenic philanthropic organisation,the purpose of AHEPA is to promote public interest in Australian Hellenic culture and language and attributes of Hellenism for the benefit of all Australian Hellenes,AHEPA raises funds for charitable and welfare organisations with an emphasis on medical research, education, and the care and welfare of the aged and disadvantaged,on Sunday 15 September 2013 at its headquarters in Rockdale, AHEPA (NSW and New Zealand Lodge) conducted an induction ceremony for its newly elected Grand President, Mr John Kallimanis, District President, Mrs Anna Bouris and other office bearers, andthe Induction Ceremony was attended by civic and community representatives, including:Dr Stavros Kyrimis Consul-General for Greece,the Honourable Marie Ficarra MLC, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, the Honourable Barry O’Farrell MP,the Honourable David Clarke MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice,the Honourable Sophie Cotsis MLC, Shadow Minister for Local Government, Shadow Minister for Housing and Shadow Minister for the Status of Women,Councillor Nick Varvaris, Mayor of Kogarah City Council,Councillor Sam Stratikopoulos, Kogarah City Council,Councillor Petros Kalligas, Rockdale City Council,Councillor Peter Poulos, Rockdale City Council,Councillor Andrew Tsounis, Rockdale City Council,leaders and representatives of many other Australian Hellenic organisations.2.That this House:(a)congratulates the newly inducted office bearers of AHEPA (NSW and New Zealand Lodge) particularly Mr John Kallimanis, Grand President and Mrs Anna Bouris, District President, and(b)commends AHEPA (NSW and New Zealand Lodge) for its continuing service to the Hellenic-Australian community and to the wider community in New South Wales.(Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)1485.Ms Fazio to move—That this House notes that:(a)Anti-Poverty Week will be held from 13 to 19 October 2103 and is a week when everyone can do something about poverty,(b)poverty and severe hardship affect more than a million Australians,(c)around the world, more than a billion people are desperately poor,(d)the main aims of Anti-Poverty Week are to:(i)strengthen public understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty and hardship around the world and in Australia,(ii)encourage research, discussion and action to address these problems, including action by individuals, communities, organisations and governments, and(e)hundreds of local events to raise awareness and fundraise are held across Australia during Anti-Poverty Week and details of these can be found at .au.(Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)1486.Ms Barham to move—1.That this House notes that:(a)Foster Care Week, an annual celebration of the work of foster carers that began in 1990, runs from 8 September to 14 September 2013,(b)Foster Care Week commenced with a Picnic Day arranged by the Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies and attended by around 800 people at Parramatta Park on Sunday 8 September, and(c)a range of events, including carers’ lunches, family fun days and picnics, will be held across New South Wales during this week.2.That this House acknowledges that there are more than 18,000 children and young people in statutory out-of-home care, and that foster carers provide a safe and nurturing environment that is vital to the wellbeing of these children and young people.3.That this House thanks the many individuals and families across New South Wales who have chosen to become foster carers, and recognises the important contribution they make to the welfare of vulnerable children and young people.(Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)1487.Mr Clarke to move—1.That this House notes that:on Friday 7 June 2013, the Shrine of the Holy Innocents and Garden of the Immaculate was officially opened and dedicated at Mount St Francis Friary in Kellyville by the Most Reverend Anthony Fisher OP, Bishop of the Diocese of Parramatta,the ceremony was attended by several hundred guests and included local Members of Parliament and Councillors, members of the Clergy and parishioners of the Kellyville Parish of the Catholic Church, andthe project, which took two years to build, was an initiative of the Order of Conventual Franciscans and was financed through the generous support of members of the Catholic Parish of Kellyville and the general community.2.That this House:congratulates the Order of Conventual Franciscans and the community of the Catholic Parish of Kellyville on the opening and dedication of the Shrine of the Holy Innocents and Garden of the Immaculate, andacknowledges the charitable and humanitarian work of the Order of Conventual Franciscans in Australia.(Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)1488.Ms Fazio to move—1.That this House notes that Yaru Water is an Indigenous owned and operated premium bottled water company based in the Tweed which sources its water from a large underground reserve at the foothills of Wollumbin-Mt Warning in Bundjalung country.2.That this House:notes that Coles now stock Yaru Water, andcalls on the Department of Parliamentary Services to give consideration to stocking Yaru Water in Parliament House to support a New South Wales Indigenous owned and operated company.(Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)1489.Ms Ficarra to move—That this House notes that:on 16 September 2013, the Penrith Panthers National Rugby League (NRL) Club held its annual dinner after an exceptional year of achievement with the Penrith Panthers first grade team finishing 10th in the competition, having beaten several of the teams that are now in the final series, with Penrith Panthers National Youth Cup team and the Windsor Wolves team both making it through as grand final qualifiers,recipients of awards at the dinner included:Merv Cartwright, Penrith NRL Player of the Year: David Simmons,Penrith Panthers Members Player of the Year: David Simmons,Clubman of the Year: Kevin Kingston,John Farragher Award for Courage and Determination: Nigel Plum,Tackle of the Year: Dean Whare,Try of the Year: Brad Tighe,National Youth Cup Player of the Year: Sam Anderson,Holden Cup Player of the Year: Daniel Foster,The Ben Alexander Rookie of the Year Award: Matthew Moylan, anddignitaries at the awards dinner included: Mr Don Feltis, Penrith Panthers Chairman, and Directors John Hiatt OAM, Keith Rhind OAM, Greg Alexander, Dennis Merrick, Steve Robinson, Brian Fletcher and Dave O’Neill,Major Sponsors Oak, Hertz, Asics, Centrebet, Tooheys, ABCOE, Tony Ferguson and Hostplus,the Honourable Marie Ficarra MLC, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, Mr Stuart Ayres MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Transport and Roads and Member for Penrith, Ms Tanya Davies MP, Member for Mulgoa, Ms Fiona Scott MP, Member for Lindsay and Cr Vincent De Luca OAM,Penrith Panthers officers: Warren Wilson, CEO, Phil Gould, Executive General Manager Rugby League, Phil Moss, General Manager, Rugby League, Sue McNeill, Chief Operating Officer and Diane Langmack OAM, Public Relations Manager,Ivan Cleary, First Grade Coach, Garth Brennan, Coach of the National Youth Cup Team and Guy Missio, Coach of the NSW Cup Windsor Wolves,Mr Tim Gilbert, Channel 9, Master of Ceremonies.That this House congratulates and commends the Penrith Panthers Rugby League, all award recipients and officials on their achievements in 2013.(Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)1490.Mr Clarke to move—1.That this House notes that:(a)on Sunday 16 June 2013, at the Latvian Centre, Strathfield the Joint Baltic Committee of New South Wales, under the Presidency of Mrs Tiiu Kroll–Simmul, held a Commemoration to mark the 72nd Anniversary of the forced mass deportation of 60,000 citizens of the Baltic States of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to Siberia on 13 and 14 June 1941 by the Soviet Union, and(b)those who attended as guests included:(i)Senator Matt Thistlethwaite, Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Islands and Multicultural Affairs, representing the then Prime Minister,(ii)Mr Craig Laundy, representing the then Leader of the Federal Opposition the Honourable Tony Abbott MHR,(iii)Mr Guy Zangari MP, Member for Fairfield representing Mr John Robertson MP, Leader of the Opposition,(iv)the Honourable David Clarke MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice,(v)the Honourable Amanda Fazio MLC, Opposition Whip in the Legislative Council,(vi)Mr Matt Kean MP, Member for Hornsby,(vii)Mrs Triinu Rajasalu, Consul-General for Estonia,(viii)Ms Ewa Krajewska, Consul for Poland, representing the Consul-General Mr Daniel Gromann,Mr Aldis Birzulis, Honorary Consul of Latvia,Ms Ginta Viliunas, Honorary Consul of Lithuania,Reverend Meelis Rosma, Estonian Lutheran Congregation,Dean Colvin MacPherson, Latvian Lutheran Church,Mrs Triiun Pehk, Estonian SBS Radio program producer, representing SBS Radio,Mr Tom Beram, President, Croatian Inter-Committee Council of NSW,Mr Gasper, representing the Hungarian Council of NSW,Mr George Mencinsky, President of the Ukranian Council of NSW,representatives of various Baltic community and veterans organisations.2.That this House acknowledges the 72nd Anniversary of the mass deportation of citizens of the Baltic States by the Soviet Union and commends the Joint Baltic Committee for organising the commemoration.(Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)1491.Mr Clarke to move—1.That this House notes that:on Sunday 15 September 2013, at Granville, the Mangalorean Catholic Association of Sydney under the auspices of its President Mr Stanley D’Cruz and his Committee held a Mass and celebratory luncheon to mark the 250th Anniversary of the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, Monti Fest, a religious festival specifically identified with the Catholic community of Mangalore, India,the co-celebrants for the Mass were Father Prakash Coutinha and Father Albert D’Souza, andthose who attended as guests included:Mr Tony Issa MP, Member for Granville, representing the Honourable Victor Dominello MP, Minister for Citizenship and Communities and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs,the Honourable David Clarke MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice,Dr Geoff Lee MP, Member for Parramatta,Mr Kevin Conolly MP, Member for Riverstone,Mr David Elliot MP, Member for Baulkham Hills,members of the Mangalorean Catholic Community and the wider Indian-Australian Catholic community.2.That this House congratulates the Mangalorean Catholic Association of Sydney and wishes it well on the occasion of the 250th Anniversary of this important Feast Day in the calendar of the Catholics of Mangalore, India.(Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)1492.Mr Clarke to move—1.That this House notes that:(a)each year since 284AD, Coptic Christians have celebrated 11 September as the Feast of Nayrooz or Coptic New Year, the day when the Coptic Orthodox Church commemorates the sacrifice of its martyrs throughout the centuries,(b)on 10 September 2013, a celebration of the Feast of Nayrooz was held in the theatrette of the Parliament of New South Wales,(c)the celebratory event highlighted the cultural and artistic achievements of the Coptic community and a number of musical items were performed by students of the Coptic Schools of New South Wales, and(d)dignitaries who attended included:(i)His Grace, Bishop Daniel, Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions,(ii)His Grace, the Right Reverend Irinej, Serbian Orthodox Bishop of Australia and New Zealand,(iii)the Honourable Victor Dominello MP, Minister for Citizenship and Communities, and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs,(iv)Mr John Robertson MP, Leader of the Opposition,(v)His Excellency Dr Hassan El-Lathy, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt,(vi)His Excellency Mr Ayman Kamel, Consul-General of the Arab Republic of Egypt,(vii)Mr Tony Issa MP, Co-Convenor of the Ministerial Consultative Committee for the Egyptian Community and the Parliamentary host for the event,(viii)the Honourable David Clarke MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice and Co-Convenor of the Ministerial Consultative Committee for the Egyptian community,(ix)Sister Elham Gea Gea of the Maronite Sisters of the Holy Family,(x)Dr Eman Sharobeem, Commissioner of the NSW Community Relations Commission,(xi)Dr Adel Soliman,(xii)Mr Yair Miller, President of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies,(xiii)Mr Vic Alhadeff, Chief Executive Officer of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies,(xiv)Mr Hermiz Shahen, representing the Assyrian Universal Alliance,(xv)Mr David David, representing the Australian Assyrian National Federation,(xvi)representatives of the Muslim and Bahai communities,(xvii)teaching staff and students of Coptic schools in New South Wales.2.That this House:(a)commends the Coptic Orthodox Church and Coptic community for the organisation of the event, and(b)congratulates the Coptic Orthodox Community of New South Wales on the occasion of the Feast of Nayrooz and Coptic New Year.(Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)1493.Mr Clarke to move—1.That this House notes that:on 17 August 2013, the Coptic Orthodox Church, Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions held a Prayer Vigil for peace in Egypt at Saint Mary and Saint Mina Coptic Orthodox Cathedral, Bexley conducted by the Diocesan Bishop, His Grace Bishop Daniel, anddignitaries who attended included:Bishop Agahason of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Brazil,Bishop Anba Daniel, Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Saint Shenouda Monastery, Sydney,Reverend Hamdy Awad of the Arabic Presbyterian Church,Reverend Tara Curlewis, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches in Australia,the Honourable David Clarke MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice,representatives of various Coptic community organisations2.That this House:joins with the Coptic Orthodox Church, Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions in calling for peace and harmony in Egypt, andextends its sympathy to those who have suffered loss during this tragic time in Egypt.(Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)1494.Mr Lynn to move—1.That this House acknowledges that:on Monday 16 September 2013, the Papua New Guinea Government celebrated their 38th anniversary of Independence Day,Papua New Guinea is Australia’s former mandated territory, fellow Commonwealth member, wartime ally and closest neighbour,in 1884, the southern half of eastern New Guinea was claimed by Britain and in 1905, it was transferred to Australia,in 1884, the northern half was claimed by Germany and Australia,the two territories were administered jointly after 1949, and self-government was given on 1 December 1973,the combined territory became independent on 16 September 1975, andbecause of the massive growth of the mining sector, the country became one of the seven fastest growing economies in the world in the past five years.2.That this House congratulates the Government and people of Papua New Guinea led by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, and Their Excellencies, Governor-General Michael Ogio, Prime Minister Peter O’Neil, and Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Rimbink Pato and its Embassy in Australia headed by High Commissioner Charles Lepani, and our very good friend Consul-General Sumasy Singin on the occasion of its 38th National Day.(Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)1495.Ms Ficarra to move—1.That this House notes that:(a)on Friday 13 September 2013, the Honourable Brad Hazzard, MP, Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, announced $48.7 million in Government funding for eight infrastructure projects in the Hunter,(b)the eight projects were nominated by the Hunter community, and will be funded through the Hunter Infrastructure & Investment Fund (HIIF),(c)the eight projects will provide substantial social and health benefits to the Hunter, as well as upgrade transportation, and boost tourism and commerce,(d)the $48.7 million in Government funding will be distributed as follows:(i)$11.1 million for the expansion of the Newcastle Airport Terminal,(ii)$7 million for the expansion of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the John Hunter Children’s Hospital,(iii)$9.8 million for the replacement of the Muswellbrook Sewage Treatment Plant,(iv)$7.3 million for the construction of a new regional football facility at Speers Point,(v)$5.7 million for the refurbishment of the Singleton “Gym and Swim” complex,(vi)$4 million for the reconstruction of Thomas Mitchell Drive, Muswellbrook,(vii)$2 million for the refurbishment of the Upper Hunter Conservatorium of Music,(viii)$2 million for the renovation of the Maitland Town Hall, to provide a regional theatre space,(ix)$10.9 million to remain in the fund, waiting to be allocated to other projects, and(e)this most recent commitment by the O’Farrell Government brings the total of funds allocated to the HIIF over the last years to $338.7 million.2.That this House acknowledges:(a)the efforts of the Honourable Brad Hazzard MP and the O’Farrell Government on improving infrastructure in the Hunter by providing investments through the HIIF, and(b)the social benefits and welfare gains which such investments will bring to communities in the Hunter.(Notice given 17 September 2013—expires Notice Paper No. 183)*Council bill____________________Committee Reports—Orders of the Day(Debate on committee reports takes precedence after Questions on Tuesdays until 6.30 pm according to sessional order)1.Standing Committee on Social Issues: Report No. 47 entitled “Same-sex marriage law in New South Wales’, dated July 2013: resumption of the interrupted debate (17 September 2013) of the question on the motion of Mr Blair: That the House take note of the report—Ms Fazio speaking. (5 minutes remaining)2.General Purpose Standing Committee No. 2: Report No. 40 entitled “Drug and alcohol treatment’, dated August 2013: resumption of the adjourned debate (20 August 2013) of the question on the motion of Ms Ficarra: That the House take note of the report—Ms Ficarra speaking. (15 minutes remaining)____________________Budget Estimates—Take Note Debate(Debate on Budget Estimates takes precedence after debate on committee reports on Tuesdays according to sessional order)1.Budget Estimates 2013-2014: resumption of the interrupted debate (10 September 2013) of the question on the motion of Mr Gay: That the House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers for the financial year 2013-2014—Mr Colless speaking. (Time concluded) ____________________Business for Future ConsiderationTHURSDAY 19 SEPTEMBER 2013GOVERNMENT BUSINESS—NOTICE OF MOTION(Debate on Government Business notice of motion no. 1 takes precedence of all other business on the Notice Paper on 19 September 2013 until 1.00 pm, according to resolution of the House of 21 August 2013)1.Mr Gay to move—1.That this House notes that:(a)2013 marks the 25th anniversary of the modern committee system in the Legislative Council, and(b)the committee system began in 1988 with the establishment of the Standing Committees on Social Issues and State Development followed by the establishment of the Standing Committee on Law and Justice in 1995 and the General Purpose Standing Committees in 1997.2.That this House notes:(a)the significant contribution to the committee system made by former and current members of this House, along with the valuable contribution of individuals and representatives of community organisations who have participated in committee inquiries, and(b)that the work of the modern committee system will be celebrated and reflected on at a seminar to be held on Friday 20 September 2013 at Parliament House.3.That this House notes that the work of committees has continued, and will continue, to enable the Legislative Council to effectively:hold the Government to account,allow for community engagement in the parliamentary process, and develop sound policy for New South Wales’ citizens.(Notice given 20 August 2013)____________________THURSDAY 17 OCTOBER 2013PRIVATE MEMBERS’ BUSINESSITEMS IN THE ORDER OF PRECEDENCE6.Ms Sharpe to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to allow for same-sex marriages; and for other purposes.(Same-Sex Marriage Bill)(Notice given 2 May—item no. 1264—substituted 2 May 2013)(Fourth postponement 12 September 2013)7.Dr Kaye to move—That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to require the NSW government to take steps towards replacing the State’s coal-fired power stations with renewable energy and energy efficiency, starting with the construction of large scale concentrated solar thermal power stations so as to allow for the closure of generating units at Wallerawang Power station; and for other purposes.(Transforming NSW Energy Sector (Towards 100 per cent Renewables) Bill)(Notice given 20 March 2013—item no. 1184)(Fourth postponement 12 September 2013)____________________TUESDAY 12 NOVEMBER 2013BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE—ORDER OF THE DAY1.Sessional order—Written questions: resumption of the interrupted debate (8 May 2013) of the question on the motion of Mr Gay:1.That during the present session and unless otherwise ordered:(a)members other than the Leader of the Opposition may lodge not more than nine written questions each per sitting week, and(b)the Leader of the Opposition may lodge not more than twelve written questions per sitting week.2.That the Procedure Committee review and report on the sessional order for written questions after it has been in operation for six months. Upon which Ms Fazio has moved: That the question be amended as follows:1.Insert before paragraph 1 “That the Procedure Committee inquire into and report on the following proposed sessional order:”.2.Omit paragraph 2—Mr Veitch speaking.____________________THURSDAY 14 NOVEMBER 2013PRIVATE MEMBERS’ BUSINESSITEMS IN THE ORDER OF PRECEDENCE-798195-3175**3.National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Illegal Forestry Operations) Bill 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (9 May 2013) of the question on the motion of Mr Foley: That this bill be now read a second time—Ms Fazio. (20 minutes)(Item no. 622)(Eighth postponement 29 August 2013)____________________THURSDAY 21 NOVEMBER 2013Private Members’ BusinessItems in the Order of Precedence-798195-3175**1.Firearms Legislation Amendment Bill 2011: resumption of the adjourned debate (22 August 2013) of the question on the motion of Mr Borsak: That this bill be now read a second time—Revd Mr Nile speaking. (12 minutes remaining)(Item no. 34)(Second postponement 3 May 2012)-798195635**2.National Park Estate (South-Western Cypress Reservations) Amendment Bill 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (22 August 2013) of the question on the motion of Mr Brown: That this bill be now read a second time—Dr Phelps speaking. (12 minutes remaining)(Item no. 53)(Third postponement 13 September 2012) -7981952540**5.Graffiti Control Amendment (Racist Graffiti) Bill 2012: resumption of the adjourned debate (22 August 2013) of the question on the motion of Mr Secord: That this bill be now read a second time—Ms Fazio speaking. (19 minutes remaining)(Item no. 847)(Second postponement 9 May 2013)*Council bill____________________Bills referred to Select or Standing Committees-798195635*00*1.Education Amendment (Ethics Classes Repeal) Bill 2011Referred to General Purpose Standing Committee No. 2 on 11 November 2011 for inquiry and report.*Council bill____________________Contingent Notices of Motions1.TAKE NOTE OF PAPERContingent on the President, a Minister, any member or the Clerk tabling any report or document, member to move after notices of motions: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow the moving of a motion forthwith “That the House take note of the paper (to be stated).”2.INSTRUCTION TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLEContingent on a motion being agreed to for the second reading of any bill: That standing orders be suspended to allow the moving of a motion forthwith for an instruction to the committee of the whole in relation to the bill.3.PRECEDENCE OF ITEM OF BUSINESSContingent on the President calling on any notice of motion or the Clerk being called upon to read any order of the day: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow the moving of a motion forthwith that a particular order of the day or motion on the Notice Paper be called on forthwith.4.PASSING OF BILL THROUGH ALL STAGESContingent on any bill being presented by the Legislative Assembly to the Legislative Council for its concurrence and having been read by the Council for the first time: That standing orders be suspended to allow the passing of the bill through all its remaining stages during the present or any one sitting of the House.5.CONDUCT OF BUSINESS OF THE HOUSEContingent on the House on any day concluding its consideration of any item of business and prior to the House proceeding to the consideration of another item of business: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow the moving of a motion forthwith relating to the conduct of the business of the House.6.PRECEDENCE OF BUSINESS AFTER PRAYERSContingent on the President having read the prayers: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow the moving of a motion forthwith that a particular order of the day or motion on the Notice Paper be called on forthwith.Given by:Ms FazioMr FoleyMr GallacherMr GayDr Kaye Mr Pearce(Notice given 4 May 2011)Mr AjakaMr BorsakMr BrownMr BuckinghamMr CollessMs CotsisMr DonnellyMs FicarraMr LynnMr Mason-CoxMr MoselmaneRevd Mr NileMrs Pavey Dr PhelpsMr PrimroseMs SharpeMr ShoebridgeMr VeitchMs VoltzMs Westwood(Notice given 5 May 2011)Ms Barham(Notice given 24 May 2011)Mr SearleMr Secord(Notice given 14 June 2011)Mr Whan(Notice given 2 August 2011)Mr Green(Notice given 5 August 2011)Mr Clarke(Notice given 9 September 2011)Mr Wong(Notice given 18 June 2013)Dr Faruqi(Notice given 26 June 2013)7.PRECEDENCE OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSContingent on the President calling on any notice of motion or the Clerk being called upon to read any order of the day: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow the moving of a motion forthwith that a particular order of the day on the Notice Paper of government business be called on forthwith.8.CENSURE OF MINISTERContingent on any Minister failing to table documents in accordance with an order of the House: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow a motion to be moved forthwith for censure of the Minister.9.CONTEMPT OF HOUSEContingent on any Minister failing to table documents in accordance with an order of the House: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow a motion to be moved forthwith adjudging the Minister guilty of a contempt of the House for failure to comply with that order.Given by:Ms FazioMr FoleyDr Kaye(Notice given 4 May 2011)Mr BorsakMr BrownMr BuckinghamMs CotsisMr DonnellyMr MoselmaneRevd Mr NileMr PrimroseMs SharpeMr ShoebridgeMr VeitchMs VoltzMs Westwood(Notice given 5 May 2011)Ms Barham(Notice given 24 May 2011)Mr SearleMr Secord(Notice given 14 June 2011)Mr Whan(Notice given 2 August 2011)Mr Green(Notice given 5 August 2011)Mr Wong(Notice given 18 June 2013)Dr Faruqi(Notice given 26 June 2013)10.Mr Secord to move:Contingent on the President calling on the Clerk to read the order of the day for resumption of the interrupted debate of the question on the motion of Mr Gay relating to a sessional order regarding written questions: That standing orders and sessional orders be suspended to allow the Honourable Walt Secord to speak a second time in debate on the question on the motion of Mr Gay relating to a sessional order regarding written questions.(Notice given 21 May 2013)____________________Bills Discharged, Laid Aside, Negatived or Withdrawn§ Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Notification of Pollution Incidents) Bill 2011Order discharged and bill withdrawn, 18 October 2011§ Local Government Amendment (Local Democracy – Ward Representation Reform) Bill 2011Second reading negatived, 21 October 2011§Threatened Species Conservation Amendment (Ecological Consultants Accreditation Scheme) Bill 2011Second reading negatived, 16 February 2012§Coal Seam Gas Moratorium Bill 2011Second reading negatived, 15 March 2012§Save Gosford Public School Bill 2012Second reading negatived, 13 September 2012Retail Trading Amendment Bill 2012Order discharged, 13 November 2012§Small Business Commissioner and Small Business Protection Bill 2012Second reading negatived 21 February 2013§Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill 2013Second reading negatived 23 May 2013Motor Accident Injuries Amendment Bill 2013Order discharged, 20 August 2013§ Private Members’ Public BillDavid BluntClerk of the Parliaments Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales ................

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