FAQS: How much does it cost to renew a teaching certificate?

The renewal fee is $75 regardless of how many areas are on the certificate.

How do I complete the Legal Disclosure Section?

List the date each offense occurred. If you don't know the exact date, give an approximate date-month and year. List each offense/charge separately. Some examples are: speeding, reckless driving, shoplifting, DUI, etc. List the disposition or outcome of each offense/charge. Some examples are: paid a fine, license was suspended, the charges were dropped, pled guilty and received community service, etc. Responses such as N/A or do not know are not acceptable.

How many points/credits do I need?

A total of 120 component points or two college courses of three credits each is needed to renew up to four areas (excluding endorsements: ESOL, gifted, etc. which do not require any points to renew). Of these 120 points 20 must be in ESE training. For more than four areas you need an additional 60 points per area. College Courses ? obtain official transcripts for any coursework you have taken. Have the original transcripts sent directly to you and submit them to Natalie Geldern, Professional Development Department.

Can I use my NBPTS certificate toward renewal?

Yes, if it is current it will renew the equivalent area on your Florida certificate. Submit a copy to Natalie Geldern, Professional Development Department/Adm. Building.

Can I use a subject area test toward renewal?

Yes, it will renew the same area on your certificate. NOTE: Component points are not awarded for tests and they will not show up on your in-service record.

I have not completed all my requirements for renewal. Should I send the form in anyway?

Yes, Professional Development will hold your application until all the requirements have been met.

If I send the renewal form in now, will it change the validity date?

No, all certificates are issued July 1- June 30.

Professional Development

All classes taken through the Professional Development Department are written to cover any subject area The top line of your True North Logic transcript will list your component point total for your five year validity period. The Professional Development Department will review your records for any ESOL and Reading Endorsement points that can be "banked" in their entirety for a future validity. No action needs to be taken by the teacher.

Certification contacts: Eunice Bajkowsky, 588-6576 Debra Leuz, 588-6294 Sarah Somers, 588-6335 Kim Swartzel, 588-6281

bajkowskye@ leuzd@ somerss@ swartzelk@

Professional Education/Certification contact:

Natalie Geldern, 588-6000 x 3063



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