Monopoland .com


A well known party game for fearless advanced players

Some additional rules for my friends

by jens


1. The original rules will be followed unless these rules say anything other.

2. These additional rules are for adults only. They enable adult players to play role plays and bdsm and sex-orientated scenes in addition to the game itself. Every player has the right to stop playing in which case he has to leave the game totally. There is no option go skip single tasks or scenes.

3. All real estate property has an associated event or change of rules. These events are in addition to the payments the original rules order. They are mostly independent from the ownership of the object.

4. There are different rules for men and women. This gives the play a bias towards femdom role playing.

5. The bank is private property and will be handled by one of the players as CEO. The appointed CEO will be the first player to land on the fourth square (income tax). Later this job will alter to other players as described in the rule regarding income tax.

6. The bank CEO decision is final regarding application of the rules – somewhat like real life.

7. Political and legal circumstances alter while the game is going on. All officials are possibly corrupt.

8. Payments of all rents can be done in money or (personal) services.

9. Prices for (personal) services are given by the rules. If they are not given by the rules they are to be negotiated by the partners following the general rule: The wealthiest property and cash is the one who decides (also somewhat like real life).

10. The prison is private property. It belongs to the owner of square number three (Baltic Ave. / Whitechapel Road / Kimmage / Turmstraße) (call it privatisation). The judge is employee of the prison and has to follow the orders of the owner.

11. Most of the events and scenes need additional actors. The players who did not throw the dice have to decided who will playing the additional roles. If they cannot agree they have to throw the dice to find out.

12. The rules and the events while playing have to be treated confidential “for players eyes only”.

13. The players decide by majority if all rules should be read before playing or if each rule should be read when the field is reached. The latter will discriminate against new players, also somewhat like real. New players should be told, that the rules might order sexual action but do not order sexual intercourse.

14. Copies of these rules may be made for private use only.


1. Game is laid out as described in the original rules plus additional chance and community-cards.

2. A change of rules is to annouced immediately: Houses and hotels may be built on single properties. It is not necessary to own the whole street. Houses and hotels will stay on the street if the street gets a new owner or is sold to the bank (also more like real life)

3. Prison must be prepared: A place where the prisoners are kept is to be agreed upon by the players such as a cupboard or a wardrobe. Alternately hand- and anclecuffs are to be layed out as a portable prison. The prison does not need to be in the same room that the game is played.

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4. The psychiatric sanatorium “Elisenheim” is prepared: A bed or a couch is to be prepared so that a patient can be fixed to it easyly. The bed needs not to be in the room the game is played – in fact it is better elsewhere.

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5. A sturdy chair is prepared, to which a player can be fixed during interrogations etc. This chair should be in the room the game is played.


And now the game might go on!

Fields, streets, places (The prices in english versions are in Pound or Dollar; in the German version prices are in Marks, but have to be multiplied by 20)

1. “Badstraße” = Bath Street, Crumlin, Mediterranean Ave., Old Kent Road (60)

As owner, you own all bathes and toilets in Monopoland. You may use them for free, but all other players have to pay. Toilets in the stations cost 5 per minute. For all other WC’s the players have to ask your permission and have to pay the price you demand. Asking should be done devotionally.

[pic] Provisional arrangements are allowed. [pic]

If you land on this property by throwing a double, or you are a woman (women do not need doubles) Badstraße with all houses or hotels will be yours. You just pay a purchase fee of 60 to the former owner.

2. Gemeinschaftsfeld, Community chest

Pick a community card and follow the orders.

3. Turmstraße (Tower Street), Kimmage, Baltic Ave., Whitechapel Rd. (60)

In this street in former times was the debtors prison. Today your collection agency “Money or Freedom” is situated here. If you own this square you are the director of the prison. If any person or player is unable to pay or negotiate a settlement for his or her debts you may declare them due in whatever manner you wish - no matter to whom the debt has to be paid - and bring debtors into prison if he or she cannot pay. There he or she has to do forced labour - a chore of your choice performed in the manner you declare. For every throw of his/her dice the payment to be made is the thrown points x 5. Of course, this reflect the situation in real life, where he or she would not be working for you but for other companies. Thus for any pound or dollar he earns you would earn 5.

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You may demand additional (personal) services from your debt-prisoners, but you have to throw the dice for a price, or negotiate a price for it. But you may also just let them wait till time has passed.

You may let your prisoners out on probation and throw them back into prison if they don’t pay their debts as you want them to. If your debtor is a woman each time you take her again into jail her debt will be divided by two. If your debtor is a man his debt will be divided only if his first throw in prison is a doublet.


You have to give the agency and the prison away if you yourself become a debtor to somebody or are imprisoned. If all players have debts or are in prison, field 3 falls back to the bank and the bank runs the prison.

4. Income Tax (200)

Pay your tax and throw a doublet. If you do not throw a double, a 25%-tax is due upon all cash in your possession. Men are to pay immediately, women may try again for a double.

If you have come to this field by a doublet, you are the new CEO of the bank.

5. Südbahnhof (South Station), Busaras Dublin, Reading Railroad, Kings Cross Station (200)

Unfortunately the public WC is closed. You may hire the key for 100 if you have to use the bathroom while on this sqare.

If you are not coming from field 25 Nordbahnhof (North Station) you are to buy a ticket now for 25 and go there. You may decide to travel without paying. If you do so, you have do throw a doublet now, otherwise you will be caught and have to pay a fine of 100. Instead of the fine, the inspector (!This is an additional role. Your play-mates may decide who may it play.) decides to punish you in another way to make himself better understood...


6. Chausseestraße (a Chaussee is a road with rows of large trees at its sides), Rathgar Road, Oriental Ave., The Angel Islington (100)

The Chausseestraße is the streetwalking red light district. At every tree there are unambiguous offers.

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If you are a man, landing on this square, you drive so slowly, that you have to sit out one round. If you, while sitting out, throw a doublet, you may pay 150 to any female player for some personal service. If you are lucky she will not deceive you. If you do not throw a doublet, you become victim of a raid and are brought to prison as a sex fiend.


Very painful, the interrogation, isn’t it?

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If you are a woman: You will stand for one round (metaphorically tempting men beside a tree) displaying yourself provocatively to tempt the men in the room. Then you take one of the male players and demand 150 from him. You may give him in exchange whatever you want to but you may deceive him, too. Only if he makes difficulties, you may call for the police and make them arrest him as a sex fiend and send him to jail.

7. Chance

Take a Chance-card and follow the instructions.

8. Elisenstraße (Elise is a femal christian name), South circular road, Vermont Ave., Euston Rd. (100)

As the owner you run the psychiatric sanatorium “Elisenheim” for the insane. It is a very old building and has been a lunatic asylum since the last century and all the old equipment is still there.

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And some former patients say, the old equipment is still being used.

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At the same time you are the Prison Doctor, as who you may examine prisoners and send them to “Elisenheim”, where you may treat them as patient as long as you think they need it.

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If you are a man owning this property: Unfortunately you yourself are a psychopath and must after fife rounds give the “Elisenheim” away to a female player (!Additional role: Play-mates may agree on, who it will be). All patients are set free. You yourself will stay two rounds in the cell or in a straightjacket, a suitable bondage and/or cock restraints until you have calmed down a little.

If you are a woman owner: Unfortunately your nymphomania proves your undoing. If you draw a chance by throwing a doublet, you have to give the “Elisenheim” to another player of your choice.

9. Poststraße (Post Street), Rathmines Road, Conneticut Ave., Pentonville Rd. (120)

Landing on this square you get blackmail letters from now on and have to pay 50 each time you throw a doublet to one of your play-mates (!additional role) until he says he has enough or until you get a chance to extort him. (Eg he lands on this square or is to be arrested by you. Have fantasy!)

10. Prison

This private owned prison is run by the owner of field 3, Turmstraße, who is at the same time the owner of the collection agency “Money or Freedom”. There are strange rules in this prison:

The prisoners have no access to their property or money. Any money-related business is run by “Money or Freedom” and they charge 20% of every payment or income they handle. They run the prisoner’s business as they like it and the prisoner has no right to tell them how to act.

Furthermore there are “Laws and orders of the house” which are not known by the prisoners, but have to be followed to and any offence will be punished. No easy life for the prisoners!

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All prisoners can get imprisoned in cages and even bound or set in stocks and pillories.

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Furthermore they have to do forced work and are paid the thrown points x 5.

Treatment of imprisoned debtors: As describe in field 3, Turmstraße.

Treatment of imprisoned sex fiends: Interrogation and imprisonment to teach them a lesson up to five rounds. It depends on how much they regret. The duration of imprisonment is set by the prison-employed judge.

Treatment of psychic insane and violent prisoners: After an examination by the prison doctor they can be sent to “Elisenheim”, where they are kept in the so called “closed division” as a security precaution and are further treated like the doctor ordered...

You can get out of prison by bribing the prison staff. But the try of bribery may be punished by stronger imprisonment like being kept in the dark or in single cells or being fed by bread and water only. Even spanking or whipping are possible. But on the other hand: it might be successful.

Another way to get free is to throw two doublets in a row.

If you are just visiting jail, you will be hand-checked for forbidden objects. This is done by the prison staff, and prison staff decides what is forbidden. Of course an erection or a wet pussy are also forbidden.

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If they find something forbidden, you may stay one round to learn how to behave in prison.

11. Seestraße (Sea street; belongs with field 13 and 14 to the harbour-district), Dawson street, St. Charles Place, Pall Mall (140)

Visitors to this district are always mugged by dubious characters (!additional role).

If you are a man: All your 100 notes are taken away. Why do you carry so much money with you when visiting such a dark district?

If you are a woman: Luck is with you: the robber (!additional role for men only) is crazy. He just takes all your notes with denominations less than 50 and your knickers.

12. Elektrizitätswerk, Electric Company (150)

If you land here, you will immediately pay your electricity bill (same amount as the rent would be). Unfortunately the money gets lost and you will have to sit in the dark for two rounds (take a blindfold). After the two rounds a collection agent (!additional role) appears and demands the money again. You cannot run your business while in the dark, but any play-mate may volunteer to run it for you and charge 10% of your money each round.

13. Hafenstraße (Harbour Street), Merrion Street, States Ave., Whitehall (140)

If you are a man landing on this square: Illegal gambling is done here. Throw three times and get 50 from the bank for each point thrown in a doublet.

If you are a woman landing on this square: You may for one round open an illegal massage parlour. You may take 50 for each minute you massage one of your play-mates.

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14. Neue Straße (New Street), Nassau Street, Virginia Ave., Northumberland Ave. (160)

If you are a man landing here: You visit an illegal brothel. Throw again: even number: Luck is with you. Pay 50 and enter. Anything goes, but you have to negotiate with the girls (!additional role)... odd: It is a police trap. You sex fiend got to prison.

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If you are a woman landing here: You are in an illegal brothel. Have one of your male play-mates throw. If he throws even: You get 50 from him for letting him in. Now you two have to negotiate how things should go on. If he gets to pushy or demanding, let him arrest as sex fiend. If he throws an Odd: Police trap: the sex fiend goes to prison and you get 25 from the bank for having him caught.

15. Westbahnhof (West Station), Dublin Airport, Pennsylvania Railroad, Marylebone Station (200)

If you are a man landing here: You are fascinated by a thimblerigger and so do not notice, that your wallet / billfold is being stolen.

If you are a woman landing here: You are victim of a bag-snatching.

Both: You have no access to your money or property. So you have to go home anyway to get access to your money. There are some ways to do so:

First: Try throwing to get to one of your streets. If that fails try this:

Second: Decide whether you want to try to go to Hauptbahnhof (field 35). Obviously you have to travel without paying. If you want to try throw a doublet to get away with travelling free. If you fail to throw a double: the inspector (!additional role) is free to punish you. If you don’t want to try going to Hauptbahnhof (field 35), try this:

Third: Stay at Westbahnhof (field 15) and try to get the fare of 25 to Hauptbahnhof (field 35) by begging. Maybe your play-mates will help... But don’t wait to long. After three rounds of begging and hanging around, the owner of the station may have you arrested and imprisoned.

Fourth: You may ask a play-mate to let you go to one of his streets for free and give you money till you reach one of your fields. If he gives it to you as a present, it is ok. If he lends it to you, you have debts and may be arrested as a debtor if the owner of “Money or Freedom” decides it suits to him/her.

16. Münchner Straße (Munich Street), Pearse Street, St. James Place, Bow Street (180)

“Oktoberfest” (Munich Beer Festival): You are lucky and find a billfold with 400. Now you have to decide: Giving it back to the owner or keep it. Decide now.

You decided to give it back:

If you are a woman: The owner (!additional role for men only) gives you a reward of 5 per thrown point, but makes advances to you. Decide id you want to let him fondle you for a higher reward than 5 per point...

If you are a man: The owner (!additional role for women only), one of your female play-mates, thanks you by kissing you passionately, but she will not give you any reward in money. You get angry and she throws you out. If you have thrown an odd number of points you get arrested and imprisoned as sex fiend.

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You decided to keep the money: throw the dices

If you are a woman: Even number: Got luck; keep it. Odd number: What a pity, a police officer (!additional role for men only) saw you finding the money, but you have luck: he is corrupt. Now you have to negotiate with him what to do. He takes you home, to have a more relaxed environment to negotiate. And of course, you have to go with him...

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If you are a man: Even: Got luck, keep it. Odd: Some school girls (all female players) saw how you found the money. Now you will have to share the money with them. And be generous, otherwise they might extort further money from you (further extortion may work as if you had arrived at field 9 Poststraße 50 every double thrown).

17. Gemeinschaftsfeld, Community Chest

Pick a card and follow the instructions.

18. Wiener Straße (Vienna Street), Dame street, Tennessee Ave., Marlborough Street (180)

You win in a lottery 200. That calls for a celebration at the famous Vienna Prater. Unfortunately you get sick at the Ferry wheel as you are a heavy drinker. Other guests call an ambulance and you are brought to “Elisenheim”, where you are kept till you are sober again. Throw the dice to know how many rounds that will take.

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19. Berliner Straße (Berlin Street), Store Street, New York Ave., Vine Street (200)

You have been at an agricultural fair and have tested several whines and beers. Your car is parked on field 20 Free Parking and you have to get there.

If you are a man: Throw with one dice. “One”: You walk to Free Parking, enter your car and sleep two rounds in your car till you are sober enough to drive home. More than “one”: Pay 25 for a taxi to field 15 Westbahnhof (West Station) and go there, poor drunken boy. It will be a hard day, being drunken and then robbed at field 15. It is a dangerous district.

If you are a woman: Throw the dice against one of the male play-mates of your choice. The prize is, that he caries you home. He wins: He carries you in his arms, but to his place. You win: He carries you in his arms to your place. Next morning one of you has to pay 200 for a Taxi to go home.

20. Frei Parken, Free Parking

You are one of an unmarried couple in your car. Select a playmate to be in the car with you. The male if it is a heterosexual couple asks for heavy petting and she agrees, but demands as a kind of entrance fee, that he get out of the car and undress. Then he shall give his clothes through the window to her. He agrees and gets out of the car and out of his clothes.

If you are the woman: Let him stand naked for a while. Then if you take pity on him you can let him in for petting or if he fails to appeal to your better nature you can leave him standing there and drive off. You may in either case sell his own clothes to the bank for $700, where he might buy it back in the next round. If you drove off and left him naked then your partner now has to act as if he were the man as described below.

If you are the man: You are naked and at her mercy so do your best to appeal to her, otherwise you will have to go home naked. If you are to go home naked, throw the dice. Odd: You are arrested as sex fiend. Even: You arrive at home unseen by the police. Now your wife (!additional role for women only) invites you to your private pillory and starts an interrogation about, what happened and where your clothes are. Of course she doesn’t believe a word, but will no longer ask questions if you give her a generous gift in money or personal service.


21. Theaterstraße (Theatre Street), Oliver Plunkett Street, Kentucky Ave., Strand (220)

You have arrived in a little club and are offered (by the bank) 100 for a striptease. Unfortunately your spouse is with you. So decide how urgent you need the money...

22. Chance

Take a chance card and follow instructions.

23. Museumstraße (Museum Street), Washington Street, Indiana Ave., Fleet Street (220)

You visited an modern arts exhibition but fell asleep. Now unfortunately you have to stay over night (6 rounds) in the museum. You will have to sleep on the floor. Lay down and shut your eyes and keep them shut for 6 rounds or throw.

Doublets: You are lucky, the night watch (!additional role) lets you out, but demands hush money. Better pay, or offer some other bribe or personal service, otherwise the night watch might call the police and have you arrested.

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No doublets: It will be a long night (12 rounds). Lay down now and shut your eyes till your play-mates wake you.

24. Opernplatz (Opera Place), Patrick street, Illinois Ave., Trafalgar Square (240)

Again you entered the opera without having bought a programme. During the overture you ask your neighbour for his programme.

If you are a man: The woman you asked decides, if she will give her programme to you or have you arrested as sex fiend. If she decides to have you arrested, she will call for the usherette (!additional role for men). The usherette is corrupt. Try it.


Even if you succeed, you have to leave the opera and wait in the foyer for two rounds, watched by the usherette.

If you are a woman: He gives you his programme and in the break he invites you to Champagne and little snacks. It costs him 25. You may thank him, if you want...

25. Nordbahnhof (North Station), Heuston Station, B & O Railroad, Fenchurch St. Station (200)

You missed your train and have to wait for the next one. Unfortunately there are no benches nor seats. Stand up and wait. Your next throw of the dice will decide how many rounds you have to stand there.

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Odd points or if you have come from field 5 Südbahnhof: After having waited your rounds you take a train to the next street owned by you and go on playing from there.

Even points and you have not come from field 5 Südbahnhof: Unfortunately you catch the wrong train after having waited bravely and go to field 5 Südbahnhof.

26. Lessingstraße (Lessing Street; Lessing is a German poet), Talbot street, Atlantic Ave., Leicester Square (260)

You have arrived at the municipal lending library. Here you are not allowed to speak nor to make any noise. That is valid for the next 5 rounds which you are obliged you spend here. There is a very strict watch (!additional role), who has his / her fun in bringing readers to break their silence. Normally they provoke their guest to speak, laugh or scream and than silence him or her with a gag.

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Additional they fix their hands, so that they cannot get rid of their gags. And now you must be quiet and wait for your release, else you might be brought to “Elisenheim”.

27. Schillerstraße (Schiller Street; Schiller was another German poet), Earl Street, Ventor Ave., Coventry Street (260)

You have started upon an artist’s career as reciter. Unfortunately your first scene is very bad payed (5) and to make it worse your performance is booked by a BDSM-club. You are supposed to dress fitting to the BDSM-club. Dress properly and then recite or read a piece of art. If you are good, the guests will push money into your dress – and maybe abuse the opportunity and fondle you a little. If you are bad, you will have a serious talk with the club master / mistress.

If you are a man: The club mistress (!additional role) binds you to a chair in her office and questions you about your performance. This goes on till you admit, that it was indeed a very bad performance. She than takes back the money and will not pay you. Then she starts to punish you for having ruined her evening.

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Now you should start to convince her, that you deserve a second chance. But your second show should be much better, otherwise....

If you are a woman: The club master (!additional role) is a man! You performed good and get your money. He will even give you more money if you allow him to kiss and fondle you. If he gets to be too demanding, call the police and have him arrested as sex fiend. If you decide to do that throw the dice. Even points: Everything works well. The police believes you. He is arrested. Odd points: The policemen are in the BDSM-scene themselves and think they know the game, you want to play. The club master gives them some money and they take you with them. The club master pays 250 and you have to pay 500 to convince the policemen, that you definitely do not want to play the “policemen-game” with them.

28. Wasserwerk, Water Works (150)

Water works runs an advertising campaign. The slogan is: Save water – shower with a friend. So one of your play-mates of the opposite gender (!additional role) may give you a shower.


She / he decides the type of “shower”, how long, how hot or cold and even decides if you will undress or not. You will now take a gulp of water in your mouth to hinder discussion. You have to keep the water in your mouth till the shower is over.

29. Goethestraße (Goethe Street; Goethe was a German poet, too), O’Connel street, Marvin Gardens, Piccadilly (280)

Unfortunately on this theatre there is only a limited number of “speaking actors” allowed. So you have to play the silent servant. You have to keep the mystery of your name and origin. Your scene today lasts half an hour, during which you are not allowed to talk.

If you are a woman: The points of your next throw will decide if you have to stay on stage. An odd throw means you stay here and silent for half an hour. An even throw means you stay silent for half an hour but may continue to play. And of course you are given your salary of 125 by the bank.


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If you are a man: The play you are in is set in mediaeval times, to be correct during the Spanish Inquisition. So nobody will be particularly helpful to you. You are forced to wear a gag and later on are tortured by your co-actors (!additional roles) to loosen your tongue.


If you tell them your secret – name and origin – before the 30 minutes are over, you will have to pay a penalty of 125 to the owner of the theatre. Each time you speak or make any sound your scene will increase by 10 minutes. So be quiet if you want to get out of here!

30. Gehen Sie in das Gefängnis!, Go to jail!

Well then...

31. Rathausplatz (Town Hall Place, George’s Street, Pacific Ave., Regent Street (300)

A radical party attended by the majority in the town hall. Throw the dice.

Even: It is the communist party. You are on the black list and will be arrested if you are not very careful. All your real estate – streets houses, hotels...- will be nationalized; your money will be confiscated. You have to find a play-mate, where you can hide yourself to acoid being arrested. (She/he will want you to pay for that...) Should nobody hide you, you are brought to “Elisenheim” for brainwashing.

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Fortunately the revolution is over after two rounds of brainwashing. Unfortunately the new government will not pay any compensation, but you are free again. Start at start with 200. Your real estate belongs to the bank and can be sold again.

Odd: It is a feminist party. All property of men is to be divided in two and one half is to be given to the female play-mates. So all men give away half their money and let the women pick half their property-carts. Property of field 1 (Badstraße), field 2 (Turmstraße, “Money or Freedom” and Prison) and field 8 (Elisenstraße; “Elisenheim”) has to be given in female hands.

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All female play-mates are allowed two throws of the dice and to decide afterwards which of the throws actually counts. Further females may demand that male players throw a second time and then the women may decide which throw counts. Should a man throw two times the same points, the female government has to retire and the former rules are valid again. No compensation will be paid to the men.

32. Hauptstraße (Main Road), Wicklow street, North Carolina Ave., Oxford Street (320)

You spent 2/3 of your money to take power by a military coup. Pay now. Now you have all political power. First of all you expropriate the bank and make yourself the CEO. Next you throw all you play-mates into prison and you take away their money. Their property you sell for half price to the bank. Prison seems not to be safe enough.

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So you send all your play-mates to “Elisenheim”.

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There they are to be brainwashed.

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Of course your government is bound to go wrong. Throw and you know how many rounds you will rule as a dictator.

When the time of your terror regime is over throw again.

Even: It seems to turn out all right. You release your play-mates from “Elisenheim” and pay out of your private money a compensation for their confiscated money and for the value of the confiscated real estate property. The bank will keep streets and real estate and sell it again. Your play-mates will not love you for having lost their real estate property. Now you give away 51% of the bank to another player. Unfortunately you will be arrested in spite of all that.


You are asked to give away 100% of the bank. Furthermore your playmates want to get half your real estate, at least field 1 (Badstraße), field 2 (Turmstraße, “Money or Freedom” and Prison) and field 8 (Elisenstraße; “Elisenheim”). Now you are released if you have no debts to pay. Unfortunately you are set free on field 15 (Westbahnhof), where you go on playing as the rule for field 15 tells you. If you have debts you will be given to collecting agency “Money or Freedom” and they will treat you as they want.

Odd: Oh, oh! Economy in your country has broken down. There is no more wealth for you to collect into your coffers. So you take your money and leave Monopoland. Your real estate property falls to the bank. Your play-mates are set free and get back all their property plus a compensation of 2.000. You need most of your money, to buy a new Monopoland-identity card from your play-mates. Certain conditions you will have to fulfil to be allowed to come back to Monopoland. How can they be sure you will not putsch again? They want thorough supervision of all your activities. You do not want that, but as you are to stay in prison and in “Elisenheim” till the negotiations are brought to an end (throw and you will know how many rounds it will take) you will have to agree.

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Now you are a brave, but poor citizen and may enter the game again.

33. Community chest

Take a community card and follow the orders.

34. Bahnhofstraße (Railway Station Street), Grafton Street, Pennsylvania Ave., Bond Street (320)

On your way to the station you have a serious traffic accident.

If you are a man: Unfortunately you have to stay in bed for 10 rounds. But you get from your private assurance 5.000. You go to the private hospital field 39 (Schloßallee). You are treated behind closed doors and it is difficult to hold on to your money for 10 rounds. Nurses and doctors (!additional roles) take money for every move they do.

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And sometimes they take even money for not to do things you want them not to do.

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And they ensure you are unable to do things yourself.

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Unfortunately your business doesn’t run either. So you will have to pay from your private money. When after ten rounds the private assurance stops to pay, you are sent to “Elisenheim” to stay here for further five rounds. Here they want to earn money, too, but if you do without any service and sleep on the earth you can afford the 50 per round. Lay down on the floor now. And if you don’t have enough money, you will ask “Elisenheim” for a credit.

If you are a woman: Unfortunately you have to stay in bed for ten rounds. But you get from your private assurance 5.000 for free disposal. Additional the driver who caused the accident (!additional role) is sentenced to pay 1.000 to you and to work 15 rounds on civil service. You can afford the private hospital field 39 (Schloßallee). He is to do this civil service in your hospital to serve you all 15 rounds. So you don’t have to pay for the hospital and have a private servant for further five rounds recreation at home. And there is another thing to mention: If you are not satisfied with the provides service, it will be prolonged till you are satisfied...

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After the 15th round you throw against him to find out who should arrange for the last evening of his service...

35. Hauptbahnhof (Main station), Shannon airport, Short line, Liverpool St. Station (200)

If you are a man: At main station you stare at an Asian beauty. When she gives you a stern glance, you just grin. What you do not know is, that she is a Yakuzza-boss (Japanese Mafia). She gives a wink to her bodyguards and two of the ladies take you by your arms (what a pain!) and bring you to a separate room without windows. They undress you and you have no kneel down in front of the bodyguard-boss. She lifts her skirt and orders you to lick her. That will help you to respect women at stations, she says.

[pic] [pic]

If the bodyguard-boss is satisfied: They throw against you for your money. If you loose, you may bid all your community cards and throw for all or nothing (cards and money). Good luck!

If the bodyguard-boss is not satisfied: If you still have money, they take it. But they do not find your community cards.

If you are a woman: You are the boss of the bodyguards of a Japanese Yakuzza-boss...

36. Chance

Take a Chance-card and follow the orders.

37. Parkstraße (Park street), Ailesbury road, Park Place, Park Lane (350)

On your way to the bank (only three streets left) you have to pass field 37 Parkstraße. Despite your not so good outfit (male: shame on you; woman: it’s you working dress as you are a doctor, so what?!) you are invited for dinner to a expensive looking villa. You agree and enter the house. The door has just slapped behind you when you are surprised by what is going on:

[pic] [pic] [pic]

You are overwhelmed by strong hands (!additional role) and a hand is pressed onto your mouth and nose. Your breathing is cut off and you are short of breath before loosing consciousness. You are forced do kneel down and now you learn how the dinner is planned to proceed: You will be undressed, will given a shower and then with no more clothing than an apron you will cook and serve the dinner. If it was good, you may eat the leftovers, if not you will have to repeat it till it is perfect. As the dinner is not to start immediately your community cards will be kept as forfeit and they will call you when they feel it should start. You better obey this call...

38. Zusatz-Steuer (Additional Tax), Super tax pay, Luxury tax, Super Tax (100)

Pay to the bank and then throw the dice. Even: Everything is ok. Odd: A tax inspector (!additional role) comes to you and checks your financial circumstances. He / she will tell you to pay a lot of more additional tax. You think, she / he might be corrupt and try to negotiate the taxes down by offering her / him money or (personal) service. Unfortunately offering bribes is not allowed and you risk to be arrested and brought to prison. Good luck!

39. Schloßalle (Castle Alley), Shrewsbury road, Boardwalk, Mayfair (400)

You visit the private hospital “Schloßalle”, where your sick but rich aunt is patient. The hospital building is an old medieval castle. This cosy ambience is enriched with modern technologic equipment. But the old rooms in the basement are still to be seen and to be used as the last lord and lady of the castle had them build and equipped following the famous novellas of Edgar Allan Poe and a certain Marquis de Sade.

Throw the dice now.

Doublet: You have more luck than common sense. Your rich aunt gives you as a gift a street from the bank owned ones plus 500. Isn’t that great! Take your aunt (!additional role) and give her lots of kisses.

No doublet but even: One careless step on the old stairs and you sprained your foot. They take care of you for two rounds – aunt pays your bill – and then they send you home.

No doublet and odd: Bad fate: your rich aunt is dying. She e wanted to change her will in favour of the clinic “Schloßallee”, but has fallen into a coma and cannot write or dictate her new will. You are the only legal heir. The hospital staff (!additional roles) is going to convince you to renounce the inheritance – 2.500 - and donate it to the hospital. After having taken a cup of coffee with the doctor on duty, you get tired and sleep away. You awake in a somewhat strange situation in the old castle basement rooms.

[pic] [pic] [pic]

As it is of no matter whether you sign the donation before or after your aunt’s death the well trained staff has time enough to play all tricks of persuasion the can think of to convince you. You never thought what a combination of very old and proven methods and modern equipment can do to a man.

[pic] [pic]

Throw the dice and you will know how many rounds you are in the hands of your persuaders. It is a pity, that the intelligent human you are has to be reduced to a spineless peace of whimpering flesh just to get some money for the hospital.


At the end of the treatment your free will is destroyed and they send you to the “Elisenheim”. How was the result of your last throw? Do you remember it? Even: You are discharged with a clean bill of health after three rounds in “Elisenheim”.

Cannot remember or odd: You are declared incapable of managing your own affairs and cannot get the inheritance nor your freedom...

40. Los, Go

Big money! Collect 200, even if you are unfriendly enough to just pass by.

If you are a woman: The clerk will bring you the full 200 to wherever you are.

If you are a man: The bank will send a cheque, which takes them one round and costs you 25.

If you like the game,

please send a little donation

(banknote / cheque)


the true inventor of these rules:


Postfach 1652

D - 77694 Kehl


Thank you. I'll buy her gifts, sweets and flowers. jens.

Chance cards

You are at a party and have lost your trousers or skirt in a game of forfeits. Take your trousers or skirt off now. If you wish to redeem them, your play-mates may agree on a task you have to perform. If you do not wish to redeem them pay 100, but you won’t get them then.

There is a party game in Germany which runs as follows: One of the players is to be blindfolded and than given a spoon. Now a pot is laid out in the room and the blindfolded player has to try to hit the pot with the spoon. It is called “Topfschlagen” (“Hit the pot”). You are to play this game, but with your hands bond behind your back. You take the spoon with your teeth. Your play-mates tell you where the pot is, but you have to find it without help. Your have 10 minutes. Then you can buy your freedom by paying a price to the bank, your play-mates agree on.

It is a charade and you have to give a bicycle stand. Do it. Kneel down with a bare ass, your forehead on the floor. Stay in this position for 3 minutes, but do not look at any watch. Just guess when 3 minutes are over and then stand up. Each 15 seconds you stand up to early cost you 50, each minute you stand up to late costs you 100.

You have made a bet that you can stand on one foot for 3 minutes and with closed eyes. Do it or pay 250.

You made a fool of yourself. To teach you manners you will stand in a pillory for 30 minutes. Every play-mate my shout at you, spit at you, beat you or touch you whereever and however he / she wants. If one of your play-mates will take your role in the pillory for half of the rest of time, you are free.

(put this card in the pack 2 times) How is it possible? How can you urinate in an public park and how can you let yourself be caught? To avoid being arrested, you accept one hit with the bare hand on your bare ass by every neighbour in the row of streets you are. (Eg: If you are on 'Chance' square number 7, the owners of properties 1 to 10 may apply the appropriate spanks.) From every street and every house one neighbour comes and from each hotel five guests come. One stroke for each of them.

It is your birthday and you may ask one play-mate to do a striptease for you.

(2x) One more birthday wish has just come true: You want to put clothes pegs on the nipples of one of you play-mates for 5 minutes. He can buy his freedom, if he allows you 5 minutes of kissing and licking his or her nipples.

(2x) A great birthday surprise: One of your play-mates serves you a drink of his choice in his very own way: mouth to mouth. You thank him by kissing him behind his ears – approach him from the front and do not use your hands.

(2x) You won a foot massage from one of your play-mates. Lay on the floor and let him do it to you. Unfortunately you did not read the small print: 2 minutes per foot are free, each further minute costs you 50.

(2x) You bet with one of your play-mates, who of you can loot into the others eyes without blinking. The winner may pull three pubic hairs from the looser. The looser will have to eat these hairs. He may buy his freedom by offering his mouth for any other purpose.

You win a game of skill by holding your hands on your head and moving on your knees around the table. You have to touch every corner field of the board with your nose and on the way you have to touch all play-mates feet with your nose. It should take you no longer than one minute. If you complete it in time one of your play-mates will stick two rolls of paper into your nostrils. Two vouchers of 150 each. Otherwise if you took more than one minute, it will be just two sheets of paper. You are allowed to take them out after you have thrown a double.

You are a famous licker. Stick out your tongue till the next double it thrown.

Again it is charade time. You have to play opportunism and ass-kissing. Throw. Now slide on your ass into the next room and back for each point your throw. If it was an odd number, do it on your bare ass.

You may proceed to field 40 “GO”, if you can fill a liquor glass (2 cl) within one minute with your spit. But you have to give the 200 to a play-mate who volunteers to drink your spit. If nobody volunteers, you keep the money and you massage your spit onto your face. If you don’t want to do that, go into jail.

Remove the knickers or underpants of one of your playmates without using your hands and then start to kiss him. After 5 minutes your play-mate may decide if she / he will have you brought to the lunatic asylum “Elisenheim” because you are obviously mad, of if she / he wants to change places with you. Before you start throw the dice: Even: Your hands are bound behind your back. Odd: Your hands are bound behind the back of your play-mate. Doublets with even figures: The hands of your play-mate are bound behind his back. Doublets with odd figures: The hands of your play-mate are bound behind your back.

Error at your bank account: Your account shows a debit of 1.000. If you cannot pay immediately, go to prison till the error has been fixed. Throw the dice to determine how many rounds it will take the bank to fix it. If you can pay, do so. There is no need then to go to prison, but there is no necessity for the bank to fix the error either.

Ask one of your play-mates to choose a figure between 1 and 20. (Eg 13) Than count for a minute in steps of the figure he told you (eg: 13, 26, 39 and so on). Do it aloud and clearly. Your play-mate may try to distract you. After the minute has passed he has to give you as many kisses as you counted correctly counted steps. You may tell him where to kiss you. You may ask for French kisses (with use of tongue), but you then have to take one for two.

Ask one of your play-mates to choose a figure between 1 and 20. Then give him as many kisses as the figure says. You may decide where to kiss him. And if you give him French kisses (with lots of tongue) you may give him two for one.

(2x) Kneel down, put your hands on the floor and ask a play-mate to stand on our fingers. Now start to kiss the inside of his legs as high as you can get. Your playmate will pay you 5 for every centimeter you get above his knees.

(2x) Ask a play-mate for three very dirty four-letter-words / swearwords. If they are really bad, you may decide to wash his mouth with a soapy flannel.

Charade time again: You are to give Quasimodo, The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Have your right hand fixed to your left ankle and walk through all rooms of the house.

Charade again: You are in a flood. Stand on a chair or a table and strip. Keep all your clothing in your hand. Each item of clothing that falls to the floor or to the chair / table will be taken away by the flood. Make a bundle of your clothing and hold it over your head for five minutes. After five minutes the flood recedes and you may dress again. Be careful! The flood will take any item of clothe you drop for the rest of the game.

Community cards

Press pass (identity card of a professional editor)

You may once, and whenever you want to, ask questions of a play-mate for 30 minutes. You just go to the field he is on instead of throwing the dice, show this card and start asking. He has to answer all your questions truthfully. Then you go to field 40 GO, take the 200 and give 100 to your interview partner.

Callgirl / Callboy pass

With this card you may once, and whenever you want to, go to the field one of your playmates is on. You may offer him your service. You may do it after you have thrown instead of proceeding with the throw. If he accepts your offer he will pay at least 50 and you stay on his field. Everything what may happen after you have met is to be negotiated by the two of you. If he does not accept your offer, he will send you back to the field you came from. You may not proceed in this round.

Character reference

This character reference prevents you once from being arrested as a sex fiend. But you have to go to prison and show it there. Than you are treated as a visitor of the jail.

Certificate of burglary

The last time you were in prison you studied metalworking. Now you may once, and whenever you want to, burglarise at one of your play-mates, when he is not at home (not on a field, that belongs to him). You may take one type of banknotes and all his community cards. Then you flee to field 13 (Hafenstraße). There you may sell the community cards for 50 each to other play-mates or to the bank, but you may keep them.

Double or nothing

You play the fate for one of one of your play-mates. Show this card before he or she throws. If his throw is even all money figures related to his throw will double, if his throw is odd all money figures will become zero.

Lawyers pass

You studied law and so you may once get out of prison free after one round. This will not work, if you are arrested as debtor.

Secret map with a hidden treasure

This old secret map shows where you may find a treasure to get you out of prison once if you are arrested as debtor. You find a treasure which is big enough to pay all your debts and leave you 200.

Free railway ticket

This ticket may once be used to go from one railway station to the opposite one without paying the fare.

Taxi voucher 3 fields

This voucher allows you once to move 3 fields either forward or backward instead of moving as the thrown points would demand.

Taxi voucher 5 fields

This voucher allows you once to move 5 fields either forward or backward instead of moving as the thrown points would demand.

Taxi voucher 8 fields

This voucher allows you once to move 8 fields either forward or backward instead of moving as the thrown points would demand.

Patrol car 3 fields

You are a policeman on his beat and may once move one of you play-mates 3 fields either forward or backward instead of having him proceeding as the thrown points would demand.

Patrol car 5 fields

You are a policeman on his beat and may once move one of you play-mates 5 fields either forward or backward instead of having him proceeding as the thrown points would demand.

Patrol car 8 fields

You are a policeman on his beat and may once move one of you play-mates 8 fields either forward or backward instead of having him proceeding as the thrown points would demand.

Money depot

Deposit 100 in the middle of the board.

Money depot

Deposit 250 in the middle of the board.

Money depot

Deposit 150 in the middle of the board.

Locker key

You found a locker key. Next time you are on field 35 (Hauptbahnhof) you may use this key to open a locker and take all money which has been deposited in the middle of the board so far.

Sworn auditor

You are a sworn auditor and may once check the accounts of one of your play-mates. Any mistakes or crimes you detect you may punish by money penalties. Unfortunately you are corrupt and may put the money into you own pockets.

Sworn auditor for banks

You are sworn auditor for banks and may once check the accounts of the bank. You may interrogate the CEO of the bank and you may of course use the prison equipment to make him talk. If you decide that he is guilty, he will loose his job – you will take it – and he will be whipped in public. You may do the whipping.

(12x) Bank share

This certification is worth 200. It may be changed into money, but doesn’t count as money as long as it is not changed.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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