Leased Vehicle Model Agreement Template - COMPASS

[Pages:4]Template ? Leased Vehicle Model Agreement ? Template ? Leased Vehicle Model Agreement

Leased Vehicle Model Agreement [This template is provided as a starting point. Not all portions may be applicable to your situation. Modify as appropriate. Always have legal counsel review prior to signing any agreement.] WHEREAS, Name of Organization Owning the Vehicle desires to make available to Name of Organization Leasing the Vehicle, hereinafter referred to as "LESSEE," the use of the vehicle(s) (hereinafter referred to as "VEHICLE(S)") described below to be driven by approved drivers.

[VEHICLE DESCRIPTION] Year: Make: Model: VIN: License plate number:

NOW, THEREFORE, Name of Organization Owning the Vehicle and LESSEE agree as follows: Responsibilities of LESSEE are as follows:

1. Allow only those drivers pre-authorized by Name of Organization Owning the Vehicle or its representative to drive the vehicle(s). [If the organization owning the vehicle will supply a driver, specify that here instead.]

Template ? Leased Vehicle Model Agreement ? Template ? Leased Vehicle Model Agreement 2. Obtain prior written approval from Name of Organization Owning the Vehicle for any trip that would require the vehicle(s) to go outside [name the geographic area within which the vehicle is allowed to operate; may be a city, county, or other defined area].

3. Pay all fuel costs during the term of the agreement.

4. Complete a vehicle mileage and trip log for each vehicle used.

5. In the event of an accident involving the vehicle(s) described herein while this agreement is in effect, LESSEE agrees to reimburse Name of Organization Owning the Vehicle for any and all costs not covered by liability and collision insurance, including, but not limited to the insurance deductible of amount of insurance deductible.

6. Pay Name of Organization Owning the Vehicle a lease rate in the amount of dollar amount per how rate will be calculated [may be a flat rate per week or month, an amount per trip or per mile, or other term].

7. [List other responsibilities of LESSEE as applicable.]

Responsibilities of Name of Organization Owning the Vehicle are as follows:

1. Provide vehicle insurance coverage.

Template ? Leased Vehicle Model Agreement ? Template ? Leased Vehicle Model Agreement 2. Provide vehicle orientation for drivers.

3. Perform routine vehicle maintenance and cleaning.

4. [List other responsibilities of organization owning the vehicle as applicable.]

Term The term of this Agreement shall begin __Date_______ and end __Date_______. Destination: [Describe the general route/destination(s) for which the vehicle will be used.] Number of passengers: [Approximate number of passengers expected.]

By entering into this agreement, LESSEE certifies the following:

1. LESSEE agrees not to use the vehicle for purposes of providing charter service.

2. LESSEE warrants that LESSEE is in compliance with Idaho's worker's compensation law, Idaho Code, Title 72, which requires them to provide worker's compensation coverage for all subject workers. LESSEE warrants that all persons subject to the Idaho's worker's compensation law are covered by a worker's compensation plan or insurance policy that fully complies with the law. Contractor shall indemnify Name of Organization Owning the Vehicle for any liability incurred

Template ? Leased Vehicle Model Agreement ? Template ? Leased Vehicle Model Agreement

by Name of Organization Owning the Vehicle as a result of /LESSEE's breach of warranty under this paragraph.

3. Notwithstanding any other agreements, LESSEE agrees to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify Name of Organization Owning the Vehicle against any legal liability with respect to bodily injury, death, and property damage arising from the negligence of LESSEE during its use of the vehicle.

4. LESSEE may not subcontract use of vehicle under this contract without Name of Organization Owning the Vehicle prior consent.

5. In circumstances when the vehicle requires towing, maintenance, or repair during

the time when LESSEE is using the vehicle, such activities will be managed and

coordinated by LESSEE upon approval by Name of Organization Owning the Vehicle.




Name of Organization Owning the Vehicle LESSEE

Owner Address Line 1

LESSEE Address Line 1

Owner Address Line 2

LESSEE Address Line 2

By: Name of Signatory Title: Title of Signatory Date: _________________________

By: Name of Signatory Title: Title of Signatory Date: _________________________


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