______________________________, Client #


$_____________. deposit (held on a non interest bank account)




$__________________ as a deposit for breakage, damage or misuse of facilities.

There is a balance to cover the full month rent pending due before move in to unit

The tenant agrees to rent the subject premises on a (yearly ) (monthly) basis at rental of $______.00 per month payable in advance on the first day of each and every month.

A penalty of $ 80.00 will be collected after the 5th for each month, this penalty become part of the rent.

Rent will be paid to ___________________________________. or the representative at:

_____________________________________ PH _____________ or other agrees location

The Tenant(s) further agrees:

1. To use said premises as a residence only. No more than ____ persons may reside in this apartment. No pets allowed (exceptions to these may be granted by management.)

2. (A) that the rental of the apartment is with a 12 months minimum rental.

From __________, 200__ to ___________ ____, 200__. (One Year)

(B) That the rental of the apartment is Month to Month Agreement

Choose A or B on of the above

The total deposit will be forfeited if tenant does not occupy the apartment for the minimum period. Specifically but not limited to compliance with the following provisions:

A deposit is required for $______.00 this deposit will be returned upon Tenant's vacating if all the provisions of this agreement are complied with, and

a. That the apartment is left in an undamaged, clean rentable condition to be determined by the Manager.

b. No unpaid late charges or delinquent rents. Late fees and return checks fees will become part of the rent.

c. Forwarding address left with the management.

d. All keys must be returned.

4. Tenant(s) are required to give 30 days notice upon vacating premises, or they are subject to paying a month's rent upon vacating. Apartments must be vacated by 1:00 P.M. on the day of vacating or pay another 15 days rent. Management may grant (Exceptions for unusual circumstances).

5. Tenant(s) agrees to vacate premises within 3 days after being notified in writing due to non-payment of rent. Breach of this agreement or any other reason deemed prudent by management.

6. Tenant is responsible for electrical consumption, fumigation or extermination for any form of pets or bugs, owner is responsible for trash collection.

7. It is expressly understood and agreed that the owner(s) of said premises, or said agent will not be liable for any damage or any injury to tenant(s) or her/his family or to her/his family's property from whatever cause arising from the occupancy of said premises by tenant and her/his family.

8 The tenant(s) hereby gives the owner(s), in addition to the lien given by law, a lien upon all property situated upon the said premises, including all furniture and household furnishings, whether said property is exempt from execution or not, for the rent agreed to be paid here under, for am damage caused by tenant, and for Court costs and attorneys fees

9. It is understood and agreed that Agent(s) shall have the right to enter and inspect premises at all reasonable times to insure maintenance and safety of premises, and to show the apartment to prospective tenants after notice to vacate has been received.

10. The Tenant(s) shall not transfer her/his interest in and to this rental agreement, nor shall the Tenant(s) assign or sublet the said premises or any part thereof or, in her or his absence or otherwise, permit others to occupy the apartment without first having obtained the written consent of the Manager(s). If the Tenant(s) or subtenant ~ the provisions of this paragraph, the Manager(s) may immediately take possession of said premises and in event of litigation may sue and evict any person or persons occupying said premises without making the Tenant(s) a party to said proceedings.

11. That the violation of any of the conditions of this agreement shall be sufficient cause of eviction from said premises, tenant(s) agree to pay all costs of such action, including such reasonable fees as may be fixed by court.

12. .By signing this rental agreement the tenant agrees that upon surrender or abandonment, as define by Florida statues, the landlord shall not be liable or responsible for storage or disposition of tenants’ personal property FS 83.625 and 713.691

14. This contract renews as a month to month rental agreement after the end of the contract period and it may renew on a year to year basis with the agreement of both parties.

15. Attachments to this lease agreement

The Tenant certifies that he/she has received a copy of this agreement and the following Attachment to this Agreement and understands that this Attachment is part of the Lease Agreement.

A. Attachment No1 - Tenancy Addendum Section 8 Tenant - Based Assistance Housing Choice Voucher Program

B. Lead Warning Statement disclosures

______________________ _________________________________

Authorized Representative Tenant _________ __, 200_

______________________. ________________, Client #



ATTACHMENTS #1-Tenancy addendum section 8 tenant-base assistant housing choice voucher program.

Tenant pays electric, owner provides refrigerator, stove, and is responsible for trash collection.

Water and sewer is paid by_______________

_____________ _______________________________

TENANT By and thru Landlord_______________________________



Lead Warning Statement- Housing built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips, and dust can pose health hazards if not taken care of properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women. Before renting pre-1978 housing, landlords must disclose the presence of known lead-based paint and lead based paint hazards in the dwelling. Tenants must also receive a Federally approved pamphlet on lead poisoning prevention.

Lessor's Disclosure (initial)

_____ (a) Presence of lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards (check one below):

____ Lead-based paint and/or lead-based painting hazards are present in the housing (explain).

X Lessor has no knowledge of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing.

_____ (b) Records and reports available to the lessor (check one below):

____ Lessor has provided the lessee with all available records and reports pertaining to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing (list documents below).

X Lessor has no reports or records pertaining to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing.

Lessee's Acknowledgement (initial)

X (c) Lessee has received copies of all information listed above.

_____ (d) Lessee has received the pamphlet Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home. Agent's Acknowledgement (initial)

_____ (e) Agent has informed the lessor of the lessor's obligations under 42 U.S.C. 4852(d) and is aware of his/her responsibility to ensure compliance.

Certification of Accuracy

The following parties have reviewed the information above and certify, to the best of their knowledge, that the information provided by the signatory is true and accurate.

________________________________. ________________________________

Agent Date Lessor Date

_______________________________ _______________________________

Lessee (Tenant ) Date Lessee (Tenant ) Date

*All X must be initial


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