“I Have a Dream”

“I Have a Dream” (page 439)

Martin Luther King, Jr.

After discussing the notes on speeches, answer the following based on King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

1. What was King’s purpose? To whom is King speaking with this speech?

2. Give one example of pathos. (Write down King’s exact words. Then tell to what those words are appealing.)

3. Give one example of logos. (Write down King’s exact words. From where did he get this idea?)

4. Did you notice any examples of styles of persuasion? Write down one example of elevated language, rhetorical question, or repetition and identify which is being represented.

“Glory and Hope”

Nelson Mandela

Read Mandela’s speech on pages 445-447 of your literature book and answer the following questions here or on a separate sheet of paper in complete sentences.

1. What is the purpose of Mandela’s speech? To whom is Mandela speaking with this speech?

2. How does the structure of Mandela’s speech differ from King’s speech?

3. Both King and Mandela use metaphors- figures of speech that make comparisons without using the words like or as. Identify one metaphor from both speeches and explain what it adds to the speech’s meaning. Literally write down the exact words from each and then explain what they mean and what they add to the speech in your own words.


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