Sample Behavior Support Plan - Intervention

Behavior Support Plan

(O’Neill et. al.)

|Setting | |Predictors | |Preferred/Desired | |Consequence |

|Events | |(Antecedents) | |Behavior | | |

|Hungry |+ |Demand/Request | | |( | |

|Tired | |Difficult Task | | | | |

|Earlier Conflict | |Transitions | | | | |

|Extended period without movement | |Interruption | | | | |

|Extended period without attention | |Alone (no attention) | | | | |

|Seated next to non-preferred | |Independent work | | | | |

|student | |Attention from peer | | | | |

|Other ____________ | |Lack of supervision | | | | |

| | |Transition | | | | |

| | |Little structure | | | | |

| | |Confrontation | | | | |

| | |Other ______________ | | | | |

| | | |( |Problem Behaviors | |Maintaining |

| | | | | | |Consequence |

| | | |( | |( |Gain/Obtain: |

| | | | | | |teacher attention |

| | | | | | |peer attention |

| | | | | | |preferred activity |

| | | | | | |status among peers |

| | | | | | |revenge |

| | | | | | |power/control |

| | | | | | |access to drugs/alcohol |

| | | | | | |sensory stimulation |

| | | | | | |Tangible Object |

| | | | | | |Other: ____________ |

| | | | | | |Escape/Avoid: |

| | | | | | |avoid work/assignment/ request |

| | | | | | |escape from school |

| | | | | | |specific person |

| | | | | | |sensory stimulation |

| | | | | | |Other: ____________ |

| | | |( |Replacement Behavior |( | |

| | | | | | | |

List Strategies that Make the Problem Behavior Irrelevant, Ineffective, & Inefficient

|What are ways to change the context to|What are ways to prevent the problem |What can be done to increase expected |What should happen when a problem |

|make the problem behavior unnecessary?|behavior? |behaviors or to teach a replacement |behavior occurs? |

| | |behavior? | |

|Clarify rules and expected behavior |Reminders about behavior when problem |Teach student to ask for help |Ignore behavior unless unsafe or |

|for whole class |behavior is likely |appropriately |disruptive |

|Change seating arrangements |Provide extra assistance |Teach student to wait for help when |Specific Response Sequence: |

|Change schedule |Modify assignments to match student skills:|needed |Reminder |

|If hungry, give food |Shorter assignments |Give prompts for expected behavior |Take 2 |

|Counseling |More time |Develop ability to complete independent|Think Time |

|Other: |Mix easy and hard tasks |work |Time out in class |

| |Check in frequently |Practice expected behavior in class: |Time out in TO room |

| |Give choices among tasks | |Immediate time out in TO room if unsafe |

| |Work in small groups to provide attention |Other: |Other: |

| |Work independently to avoid distractions | | |

| |Use timer for independent work to earn | | |

| |___________: | | |

| |Signature for ___ min. | | |

| |Reward for ___ signatures | | |

| |Other: | | |

| | | |What should happen when desired or |

| | | |replacement behavior occurs? |

| | | |Higher Level |

| | | |Praise from teacher |

| | | |Provide attention when requested |

| | | |appropriately |

| | | |Reward for signatures from timer |

| | | |Other: |

|Setting Event Strategies |Predictor Strategies |Teaching Strategies |Consequence Strategies |


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