Repetition and Replication

Name: _____________________________________ Period: _____________ Date: __________________



Repetition and Replication

Click/Copy and paste the link below. Watch presentation to answer practice questions.

Derived from:

Essential Question: How are repetition and replication alike and different?

Practice 1: Choose whether the statements below are True or False.

_____ 1. There is only one scientific method _____ 2. A hypothesis is a well-reasoned prediction _____ 3. Bias should be avoided because it may influence your experimental design

Practice 2: Choose whether the statements below are True or False.

_____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. _____ 7.

A controlled experiment tests only one variable at a time I can change as many variables as I want The dependent variable is the variable I change The independent variable is the variable I change

Practice 3:

_____ 8. Which of the following statements best describes repetition in an experiment? A. Doing many trials in your experiment B. Doing may different experiments about the same topic C. Sharing your results with many different people D. Having other people do your experiment

Practice 4:

9. Briefly explain in your own words how repetition improves the strength of experimental results.

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Practice 5:

_____ 10. Which of the following statements best describes replication in an experiment? A. Doing many trials in your experiment B. Other scientists doing your experiment with your procedure C. Doing may different experiments about the same topic D. Sharing your results with many different groups

Final Practice: Read each statement and decide whether it describes repetition or replication.

1. Joy lips a coin 100 times to see if she gets 50 heads and 50 tails _____________________

2. Jasmine's procedures were so clear in her genetics experiment that Marcus was able to get the same results when he copied her steps _____________________

3. Chad experimented with how dogs behave around strangers and Chris followed his procedure to see if he got the same results _____________________

4. Katie copies Tina's procedure for testing how salt affects the freezing point of liquids _____________________

5. Dave uses a pitching machine to hit a catcher's helmet 100 times to measure the force of the hit _____________________

6. Jim conducts 75 trials to see if fin shape affects a model rocket's flight _____________________

Essential Question: How are repetition and replication alike and different?

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Name: _____________________________________ Period: _____________ Date: __________________ Tutorial

What causes Weather?

Click/Copy and paste the link below. Watch presentation to answer practice questions.

Derived from:

Essential Question: How is weather caused by the jet stream, ocean currents, and energy from the sun?

Practice 1: Match the definition with the correct term below.

A. Humidity B. Precipitation C. Relative Humidity D. Dew Point _____ 1. The amount of water vapor in the air _____ 2. The measure of the amount of water vapor in the air compared to how much total it can hold _____ 3. When water vapor has condensed and is now falling back to earth as rain, sleet, hail or snow _____ 4. The temperature at which water vapor is saturated and can no longer absorb any more

Practice 2: Place a check mark next to all the factors that contribute to wind and weather.

_____ 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6.

High pressure air mass moving into low pressure areas Rotation of the earth The amount of animals in an area The difference in air caused by being over land vs. water Energy from the Sun The amount of earthquakes in an area

Practice 3: What affects the weather? Place a check mark next to all that applies.

_____ 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5.

Humidity Gravitational pull from the moon Wind speed and direction Temperature Air Pressure

Practice 4: How is weather influenced by wind and water? Check all that apply.

_____ 1.

_____ 2. _____ 3.

_____ 4. _____ 5.

All of the planets in our solar system affect the wind and water currents on earth through gravitational force. The sun causes winds by heating the earth unevenly through the tilt of the earth. Evaporation happens in different amounts all over the planet and this affects the amount of water in the air which then leads to precipitation. Winds are created by differences in temperature and air pressure. Warm air rises, cool air sinks. The sun heats the earth unevenly by the rotation of the earth on its axis.

Practice 5: How does the jet stream affect weather around the globe? Select the correct answer.

A. Carries air in a vertical pattern from the surface of the earth to the top of the clouds. B. Acts as a river of air, high in the atmosphere transporting warm air and cooler air. C. Carries warmer water on the surface of the earth. D. It is a band of air at the surface of the earth carrying water.

Practice 6: How does the ocean contribute to weather? Match the descriptions.

A. Precipitation B. Air pressure C. Wind Direction and Speed D. Humidity _____ 1. How much water is dissolved in the air. Cooler air holds less water than warmer air _____ 2. Differences in temperatures, the rotation of the earth and the amount of water in the atmosphere _____ 3. More evaporation over oceans at warmer latitudes, creates more water in the atmosphere which

cause this _____ 4. Differences in surface temperatures from land vs sea; warm air expands and rises, cool air sinks

Practice 7

Essential Question: How is weather caused by the jet stream, ocean currents, and energy from the sun?

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Name: _____________________________________ Period: _____________ Date: __________________



Identification of Variables

Click/Copy and paste the link below. Watch presentation to answer practice questions.

Derived from:

Essential Question: Explain the difference between independent (test) or (manipulated) variable and Dependent (responding) or (outcome) variable? How many variables are changed in a controlled experiment?

Is it a Controlled Experiment? Match the study with the correct experiment

Can be tested with a Controlled Experiment


A. Will my car get better gas mileage if I use premium gas?

B. Do all dolphins use the same hunting techniques?

C. In what ways are Mars and Earth similar?

D. How does increasing the temperature of water affect how fast sugar will dissolve?

E. Does watering plants with more water make them grow faster?

F. How much time do gorillas spend looking for food?

Can NOT be tested with a Controlled Experiment

Controlled Experiment- Changing One Factor

1. What factor we would have to change to answer, "How does the height a ball is dropped from affect how high it bounces on the first bounce?" A. The color of the ball B. The type of ball that is dropped C. The floor the ball is bounced on D. The height the ball is dropped from

Write the independent variable for each question.

2. Does the type of wood affect how long it will burn? 3. Is the strength of a magnet affected by temperature? 4. How does temperature affect the growth of mold? 5. Can a person's memory be affected by eating a certain amount of chocolate?


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