DAP Utility Report for Complex Projects

SW 209th - SW Murray Blvd.

Farmington, Washington County

Key # 06508 & 03279


May 25, 1995

The following utilities have facilities identified within the area of this project. They will be kept advised of the status of the project and furnished with project plans.

1. Northwest Natural Gas, 220 NW Second Ave, Portland, OR 97209

Jon Huddleston, Area Engineer (South Center). (503) 225-6211

2. Santa Fe Pacific Pipe Line Inc., 6565 NW St. Helens Road , Portland, OR 97210

Sid Carr, Station Supervisor. (503) 225-6211

3. Portland General Electric (PGE- DWTN), 3700 SE 17th Ave, Portland OR 97202

Dan Peterson, Area Supervisor. (503) 225-6211

4. GTE, 17855 NW Cornell Rd., Beaverton, OR 97005

Dan Parker, Construction Supervisor. (503) 225-6211

5. Columbia Cable, 3500 SW Bond Ave, Portland, OR 97210

Linda Petersen, Utility Coordinator. (503) 225-6211

6. Unified Sewerage Agency, 155 N. First, Suite270, Hillsboro, OR 97075

Bob Cruz, Division Engineer. (503) 225-6211

7. Tualatin Valley Water District, 1850 NW 170th Ave., Beaverton, OR 97075

Gary Pippen, Dist. Engineer. (503) 225-6211

8. Bonneville Power Administration, P.O. Box 3621-MMLC, Portland, OR 97208

Gary Pippen, Dist. Engineer. (503) 225-6211

The utilities within the project limits are described in the following section as well as the initial impacts the proposed project will have on each utility.

1. Northwest Natural Gas (NNG) has an underground Natural Gas Substation and a rectifier approximately 250 feet east of 160th on the south side of Farmington Highway in the BPA R/W. A 16” high pressure transmission gas line crosses the Farmington Hwy at this location. This lines passes through this underground substation. Every effort should be taken to avoid the 16” high pressure gas main, the rectifier and the substation. Ideally storm drainage and grade cuts should minimize impacts to main gas lines 4” and greater. Going west from this substation, a 6-5/8” main line runs along Farmington Hwy to 173rd. Going east from this substation, a 2” distribution line runs along Farmington Hwy to Murray. 4-1/2” gas mains crosses Farmington Hwy at 209th, 185th, 173rd, and Murray Blvd. Gas service lines cross the highway throughout the project. Adjust gas valves to grade in roadway and sidewalk.

2. Santa Fe Pacific Pipe Line Inc. has an 8-inch high pressure refined petroleum products pipeline crossing Farmington Highway 280 feet east of 160th Ave. in the BPA transmission corridor. It crosses the roadway in a 12-inch casing with approximately four feet of cover throughout. Every effort should be taken to avoid the 8” high pressure petroleum line.

3. PGE has aerial and underground facilities throughout this project. Multi-use distribution poles are located along north side of Farmington Highway from Murray to 170th. Illumination and cable TV run on these Distribution poles, and there are various overhead service drops from these lines as well as underground distribution lines. There is a PGE Substation on NW corner of 170th and Farmington Highway. Transmission lines enter the project area at this location (at 170th) and continue along north side of Farmington Highway to 173rd Road. Transmission poles also run along the west side of 170th. The distribution poles continue on the north side of Farmington Highway from 173rd to approximately 300’ east of 209th. Underground distribution lines cross Farmington at 152nd Ave., 154th Ave., 176th Ave., 188th CT., 187th Ave., 192nd Ave., 194th Ave. Underground distribution lines run along Farmington from 173rd to Kinnaman Rd., from 196th to 197th, from 204th to Quarry Road. Avoid transmission facilities and underground systems as much as possible. Adjust underground line to grade in roadway. Relocate poles and guy poles out of sidewalk and roadway.

4. GTE has aerial poles located along the South side of Farmington Highway and an underground conduit system along the North side of Farmington Highway. There are major telephone cabinets at: SE side on 149th (about 100’ off of Farmington), south side at 153rd, NW corner of 160th (facing 160th), SE corner of 179th, SE corner of 185th (along Farmington Highway), SE corner of 195th (facing 195th) and on East side of 170th and East side of Kinnaman Road. Relocating these telephone cabinets are time consuming and costly. The impact to these cabinets should be prevented if possible. The alignment on 170th was modified during Phase 2 Design to avoid the cabinet at 170th. Relocation work may include: relocate poles, guy poles, telephone risers and telephone cabinets in the roadway. Adjust underground line and telephone MH’s to grade in roadway and sidewalk. Lines attached to PGE poles relocating will have to relocate.

5. Columbia Cable has aerial cable TV facilities attached to PGE and GTE’s poles along Farmington Highway. There are 4 power sources cabinets attached to PGE poles for cable TV. Underground cable TV distribution lines extend from some of the poles at different locations along the project. These lines may need to relocate depending on relocation of the poles. Adjust underground cable to grade in roadway and sidewalk.

6. Unified Sewerage Agency (USA) sanitary service covers the project area from approximately 149th through 209th along Farmington Highway. USA has an 8-inch sanitary sewer main located along Farmington Highway. Sanitary service lines extend from this main to homes and businesses on both side of the road throughout the project. Adjust Sanitary MH’s. Major grade changes could affect the sewer line and lateral connection requiring them to be relocated.

7. Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) service area covers the project from approximately 149th through 209th along Farmington Highway. TVWD has a 16” main water line and a smaller distribution line located along Farmington Highway on south side. The diameter of the distribution line varies. Numerous distribution lines cross Farmington at all cross streets. Transmission lines cross Farmington at 185th and 189th providing feed from reservoirs on Cooper Mountain. Avoid impacting the 16” main. Avoid impacting other larger Dia. (8-inch or greater) facilities as much as possible. Adjust water line and valves to grade in roadway and sidewalk. Adjust blowoff valves and air relief vaults to grade in sidewalk. Relocate water meters and fire hydrants from roadway. Relocate all above ground features out of road and out of future sidewalks.

8. BPA has transmission power lines crossing Farmington approximately 370 feet east of 160th throughout their transmission corridor. Anchors from the two wooden H-Pole transmission structures located on the south side of Farmington Highway may be affected by the fill next to the ditch. On the north side the H-Pole structures are further away. Impact to these structures should be avoided. BPA wants 50 foot minimum horizontal clearance from all their facilities.

General Concerns and Issues

Utility locations were field marked by the utility companies, tied down by ODOT's survey crew and added to ODOT's electronic design files. The extent of utility conflicts appears to be significant and should be minimized as much as possible. Specific conflicts to the utilities will be assessed when preliminary plans become available.

Grade changes, storm sewers, ditches, drainage swales and walls should be located and designed in a manner to minimize impacts to utilities as much as possible. Extra depth on sewers or using class 5 pipe material and minimizing sewer lateral crossings will minimize conflicts to an extent. When preliminary plans are available we can have utilities pothole critical areas and modify the designs to avoid impacting those facilities.

All utilities located in the BPA transmission corridor should be avoided. There are numerous utilities located on private easements or on City and County roads that will be eligible for reimbursement.

Utilities are located within existing wetland areas and along the various creeks crossing the project. Conflicts with these utilities should be minimized if not avoided completely. Relocation of these utilities could result in further impacts to the wetlands and drainage areas.

Utility relocations will be affected by grade changes and clearing activities as well as new right-of-way acquisitions. Some utility relocations may be added to the contract and others may be linked to specific construction staging activities. Again these details will be flushed out when preliminary plans are available.

Please call me at 731-3264 if there are any questions.

Lead Designer

cc: MS Mailed 5/25/95

Region Utility Specialist

Railroad & Utility Engineer

Project Team Leader

Region Environmentalist

Project Designer

Roadway Design

Bridge Design



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