Midland Independent School District / Overview

Student:Teacher:Campus:Principal:Kindergarten Standards Performance Report 2012-2013 School YearMath123456Number OperationsUses one-to-one correspondence to name quantitiesUses concrete objects and numbers to describe the order of objectsQuantities less than a wholeAdds & subtracts in real situations using concrete objectsPatterns, Relationships and Algebraic ThinkingIdentifies, extends and creates patternsCounts to 100 by 1’s 10 20 30 50 70 100GeometryDescribes relative positionsUses attributes to determine how objects are alike/differentRecognized attributes of 2D & 3D figuresMeasurementDirectly compares attributes of length and areaDirectly compares the attributes of weight/mass/capacityDirectly compares the attributes of relative temperatureUse time to describe, compare & order events and situationsProbability and StatisticsConstructs and uses graphs of real objects or picturesUnderlying Processes and Mathematical ToolsApplies kindergarten math to solve problems, to communicate, and to use logical reasoning4Exceeds the expectations for the standard3Meets the expectations for the standard2Approaches the expectations for the standard1Developing prerequisites for the standard Grading Rubric English Language ArtsReporting PeriodReading/Print Awareness123456Identifies targeted lettersKnows print directionalityIdentifies parts of a bookDemonstrates 1:1 matchingDemonstrates awareness of word boundariesReading/Phonological AwarenessOrally generates rhymesBlends to form spoken wordsSegments wordsReading/PhonicsIdentifies sounds that letters representUses knowledge of letter-sound relationships to decode wordsReading/ComprehensionComprehends literary textsIdentifies elements of a storyComprehends informational textUses strategies to comprehend textWritingDictates or writes complete sentence to tell a story in sequenceWrites short poemsDictates or writes information for lists, captions, invitationsOral and Written ConventionsForms letters using basic conventionsCapitalizes the first letter of a sentenceUses punctuationListening and SpeakingListens and asks clarifying questionsUses conventions of language in speakingSpeaks one at a time in a groupScience123456Understands science concepts presentedUses critical thinking skills and scientific processes to investigate science concepts1st Reporting Period Comments2nd Reporting Period Comments3rd Reporting Period CommentsMid-Year Reading LevelMid-year Reading Level to be considered on grade levelB4th Reporting Period Comments5th Reporting Period Comments6th Reporting Period CommentsEnd of Year Reading LevelEnd of Year Reading Level to be considered on grade levelDSocial Studies123456Understands concepts focused on self, home, school, communityApplies critical thinking skills to organize and use information from a variety of resourcesSpecial Areas 123456E - Excellent S - Satisfactory N - Needs Improvement U – Unsatisfactory NA – Not ApplicableEnglish Language AcquisitionP.E.Fine ArtsTechnology Attendance123456Days of SchoolDays AbsentTardiesAttendance affecting progress (X)Student Responsibilities123456E - Excellent S - Satisfactory N - Needs Improvement U – Unsatisfactory NA – Not ApplicableStrives for quality work/shows positive attitude toward learningFollows directionsWorks independently, completes work, stays on taskOrganizes self, materials, and belongingsParticipates appropriately in group activitiesRespects adults, peers, and school propertyTakes risks to attempt new tasksListens attentively without interruptingMakes appropriate transitions between activities Promoted Promoted with Accelerated Improvement Plan Retained per parent request Retained due to attendance ................

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