Report Card: - 7-2 Team Webpage

Report Card:

Napoleon Bonaparte

The Task

You will research Napoleon's rule in France, looking for both positive and negative actions. You will evaluate his actions, and his intent, in four main categories--domestic policy, foreign policy, the ability to gain the trust and respect of his people, and his ability to increase his nation’s power. You will organize this evaluation into a report card format, grading both his effort and his achievement in each of these categories. You will then use this information to rate him, overall, on a hero--villain continuum and to provide advice for future rulers about what they should emulate and what they should change for their own periods of rule.


The Process

To accomplish this task, you will do the following:


• Use the resources on Google Classroom to learn about Napoleon and complete worksheet

•   Pay close attention to Napoleon's domestic policies, foreign policies, and his ability to gain the trust and respect of his people. You should also note whether or not these sites provide opposing interpretations of the quality of his rule (i.e., favorable vs. critical). 


•   Choose three of what you think are the best sites. 


•   Print out the report card below.


•   Compile your information and decide what grade Napoleon should earn for each category. Evaluate him both for effort and for achievement. Then provide reasons/proof for your arguments as well as suggestions for ways he could have improved.

Report Card

STUDENT NAME: Napoleon Bonaparte GRADE: 7 SCHOOL YEAR: 1814-1815 GRADING PERIOD: 4TH Quarter

TEACHER: SCHOOL: Revolutionary Military Academy (Paris)

|Subject |Grade for Achievement |Grade for Effort |Key Reasons for this Grade |Suggestions for Improvement |

|Domestic Policy | | | | |

|(LAW & REFORMS IN FRANCE: | | | | |

|Napoleonic Code, Public Education, | | | | |

|Agreement with the Catholic Church, | | | | |

|Establishment of the Bank of France,| | | | |

|etc.) | | | | |

|Foreign Policy | | | | |


|Napoleonic Wars, Continental System,| | | | |

|Invasion of Moscow, etc.) | | | | |

|Ability to Gain Trust & Respect of | | | | |

|His People | | | | |

|Ability to Increase France’s Power | | | | |

A Good Leader?

Directions: Was Napoleon a good leader? Justify your answer with your research.


Name: __________________________________________________



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