NLA – LT 1

NLA – LT 1

| | |

| |In the Matter of the Registration of Titles Act and the application of |

| | |

| |____________________________________________________________________ |

| |For a new Certificate of Title in place of the destroyed/lost duplicate registered at Title |

| | |

| |Volume ________ Folio ________ Of the Register Book of Titles |

|To be completed where the applicant is | |

|a company |Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |A company incorporated under the laws of ____________________ hereby applies to the Registrar of Titles for the |

| |cancellation of the Certificate(s) of Title mentioned below and for the issue of a new Certificate of Title in place |

| |thereof. |

| Give full name, address and | I/We, |

|occupation of the declarants | |

| |Name ________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |Address ________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |Occupation __________________________________________ |

| | |

| |do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:- |

| If you are a representative of | |

|the registered owner please | |

|state the capacity in which you | |

|are applying E.g. Personal | |

|representatives of the deceased | |

|or officials of a company. If | |

|you are representing a | |

|company please state expressly | |

|that you are authorized to | |

|make the declaration on behalf | |

|of the company. | |

| Describe the land in accordance with | |

|the description stated in the |I/We hereby state that __________________________________________________________________ |

|Certificate of Title. | |

| |is/are the registered proprietor/s of ALL THAT PARCEL of land situate in the place and parish stated below and being |

| |all the land comprised in the Certificate(s) of Title mentioned below. |

| |Place Parish Volume |

| |Folio |

| True and actual value of the | That the value of the land comprised in the Certificate of Title does not exceed |

|land with all improvements | |

|thereon |__________________________________________________________________ |

| Statement of Loss or Destruction | |

| |I/We _________________________________________________________ certify that the said |

| | |

| |duplicate Certificate of Title has been lost/destroyed while in the possession of |

| |_________________________________________________________________________ |

| State when, where and how the | That I/We state that the Loss or destruction occurred as follows: |

|loss occurred, where the | |

|duplicate Certificate of Title was | |

|kept and by whom and when | |

|and where it was last seen | |

| To be completed where the | That I exhibit herewith in support of this application |

|loss/destruction occurred as a result | |

|of fire or theft. |Fire Report dated the ___________/______________/_________ |

| |Day Month Year |

| |Police Report dated the ____________/____________/___________ |

| |Day Month Year |



. 2003 ©

|Indicate who had access to the duplicate |The following persons had access to the duplicate Certificate of Title in the place in which it was kept - |

|Certificate of Title. | |

| | |

|State what searches and enquiries were |The following efforts have been made to locate the Certificate of Title |

|made, by whom and with what result. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |That after making full and exhaustive searches and enquiries for the missing duplicate Certificate of Title I/We are|

| |still unable to locate same. |

| State whether the duplicate Certificate |That except as stated below the said Certificate of Title has not been deposited as security for a loan or otherwise|

|of Title was being held by another party.|with any individual or institution save and except |

| Undertaking | I/We undertake to deliver up the said Certificate of Title to the Registrar of Titles for cancellation if it ever |

| |comes into my/our possession, custody or control. |

| Cancellation | I/We hereby apply pursuant to section 82 of the registration of Titles Act for the |

| |cancellation of the said Certificate of Title and the issue to me/us of a new Certificate of Title |

| Dispensation Clause | |

| |I/We hereby request that the Registrar dispense with the production of the said duplicate Certificate |

|To be completed in the case of the |of Title and register the following applications lodged herewith – |

|simultaneous lodgment of other | |

|instruments affecting the title pursuant| |

|to s. 81 of the Registration of Titles |___________________________________________________________________________ |

|Act. | |

| |___________________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |___________________________________________________________________________ |

| |( state the dealing to be registered) |

| | |

|All applicants must sign the |AND I/WE make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true under |

|application form |and by virtue of the Voluntary Declarations Act |

| | |

| |Taken and Acknowledged |

| |By the said |

| | |

| |_____________________________ _____________________________ |

| |Name of Applicant Signature |

| | |

|Please state calling of witness |______________________________ |

| |Witness |

| | |

|Marksman clause – To be used where a |If the individual is unable to read or write by reason of illiteracy or illness |

|party is unable to sign by reason or | |

|illness or illiteracy |Signed by |

| | |

| |_____________________________ __________________________ |

| |Name of Applicant Signature/Mark |

| |After the same was read over and explained to him or her and who expressed themselves as |

| |understanding the nature and effects of the contents. |

| |In the presence of |

| | |

| |_____________________________ |

| |Witness |

| | |

|Please state calling of witness | |

| This section is to be used where | Evidence of Identity produced |

|no attorney-at-law is acting | |

| |Current valid passport |

| |Current valid drivers license |

| |Current National Identification |

| |Taxpayer Registration Number |

| | |

| |Affix a recent photograph of the applicant |

| | |

| |I _______________________________________________________ confirm that this |

| |Name of Witness |

| |Photograph is a true likeness of the person who produced the identification above which I |

| |have inspected. |

| | |

|Please state calling of witness |__________________________________________ |

| |Witness |

|Lodged by | |

| | |

| |Name _________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |Address _______________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |Telephone Number: Fax Number: |

| | |

| |Email: |



N.L.A. (



Application where duplicate certificate of

Title is lost and destroyed

R.T.A. Section 82

Please note the following:

The application must be made by all the registered proprietors, mortgagees exercising powers of sale or transferees under registrable instrument of Transfer.

Where a document is executed before a Notary Public in a Foreign State or Country then a Certificate from the relevant body appointing notaries public should be produced verifying the commission of the notary public

Where a company is registered proprietor of land then a Certificate under the hand and seal of the Registrar of Companies should be produced stating that the company is still on the register and that no proceedings have been started to have it removed from the register.

Where the duplicate title was lost in the custody of a person other than the registered owner or where someone other than the registered proprietor had access to the duplicate title, a statutory declaration from such person must be submitted. The declaration must set out fully the details of the loss, indicate whether the declarant deposited the title with anyone, and give an undertaking to the Registrar to deliver up the missing duplicate title should it ever come into his possession or under his control.

This form sets out of the usual evidence that must satisfy the Registrar of Titles before a new Certificate of Title can be issued. However, depending on the facts of each case, we may require further evidence from the applicant (s).


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