Section I: Lesson Plans

“Why I became a teacher?”


Educational QUOTES

Teacher's motto: If all else fails, pray for a fire drill

A teacher sees tomorrow in a child's eyes

Education is not the filling of a bucket but the lighting of a fire. W.B. Yeats

If you do not have the time to read, you do not have the time to lead. Phillip Schlechty

Students are volunteers, whether we want them to be or not. Their attendance can be commanded, but their attention must be earned. Their compliance can be insisted on, but their commitment is under their own control. Phillip Schlechty

The best teacher is the one who suggests, rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself. Edward Bulwer-Lytton, English Novelist

Self-initiated learning, once begun, develops its own momentum. Ray Hartjen

We are now at a point where we must educate our children in what no one knew yesterday, and prepare our schools for what no one knows yet. Margaret Mead

Many things can wait; the child cannot. Now is the time his bones are being formed, his mind is being developed. To him, we cannot say tomorrow; his name is today. Gabriela Mistral

We can talk or dream about the glorious schools of the future or we can create them.

Marilyn Ferguson

A prudent question is one half of wisdom. Francis Bacon

When one teaches, two learn. Robert Half

Ambition without knowledge is like a boat on dry land.

As teachers, we must constantly try to improve schools and we must keep working at changing and experimenting and trying until we have developed ways of reaching every child. Albert Shanker

The bigger the summer vacation the harder the fall.

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. William Arthur Ward

To question is to teach.

Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition.

In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something less. Lee Iacocca














|62 Druzhba Narodov St, apt.28 |Phone (+992) 918811262 |

|Kurgan-Tube, 735140 |E-mail: |

|Tajikistan | |


Haitov Tojiddin Kholovich

Personal Information:

Date of birth: March 15th, 1981.

Place of birth: Kurgan-Tube, Tajikistan

Nationality: Tajik

Marital status: Married


Sep. 1998 – June 2003, Kurgan-Tube State University (Faculty of Foreign Languages); (Red Diploma)

June 2002 – Sep. 2002, Kurgan-Tube Subnode Computer Training Centre CADA (Computer Skills Certificate)

Sep. 1994 – June 1998, Kurgan-Tube Lyceum #1, (Red Attestat of full secondary education)


September 2006 – April 2007; participated in “Development of Critical Thinking Through Reading and Writing” project; Dushanbe, USAID & Tajik Association of Critical thinking. (Certificate of participation and received of title of “Teacher of Critical Thinking methodology”)

April 2005 – June 2006, participated in “Development of Critical Thinking Through Reading and Writing” project/ Dushanbe, USAID & Tajik Association of Critical thinking. (Certificate of participation in capacity of 108 hours)

January 26 – 28, 2005, participated in 3 days training of “Interactive Methods of teaching, establishment of SAC (Students Action Committee) and Internet using in secondary schools”, Kurgan-Tube, IFES & RISOL. (Certificate of participation)

January 19 – 24, 2004, Participated in 6 days training on “Communicative Language teaching Methodology of English Language”/ Dushanbe, NGO DELTA. (Certificate of participation)


|Language |Speaking |Reading |Writing |

|Tajik (mother tongue) |Fluent |Fluent |Fluent |

|Russian |Excellent |Excellent |Excellent |

|English |Excellent |Excellent |Excellent |

|German |Fair |Fair |Fair |

Computer skills:

Has got strong computer trainings software and hardware. From 2002- present, regular computer based works. Any Windows version, used to work with Internet Browsers (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera etc., E-mail, Outlook).

Other skills:

Office equipment: printers, computers, scanner, photocopier, digital camera.


Reading, active sport, music, computer, travelling.

Working Experiences:

Current job: Qurghonteppa Secondary School № 9

Sept. 2003 – present


Supervisor of English Teachers


• Conducting TOT

• Contacting teachers of other schools with each other

• Confirmation of Curriculum Plan of teachers of English

Previous job: Qurghonteppa Secondary School № 9

Sept. 2000 – June 2005


English Teacher


• Teaching English language to the pupils of 5-11 grades.

• Conducting TOT

• Organizing Olympiads on English


December 2004 - May 2005


Onsite Educator


• Prepare an Education Plan for each month and send to Headquarters by the first of the month

• Organizing special educational activities and projects for students and parents/community members

as well as teachers

• Create and conduct trainings, activities and projects with the group of students, parents/community members or teachers


March 2004 – November 2004


Local Onsite Monitor


• Submit reports to RI-SOL HQ twice each month according to provided template.

• Actively assist, train and provide technical help to all users of the ILC, including students, teachers and community members.

• Responsible for appropriate use and safety of all equipment.

Previous job: Qurghonteppa Youth House

Jan. 2003 – March. 2004


Computer Teacher


• Teaching computer skills to the pupils of various grades


Well, my teaching experience at secondary school No.9 of Qurghonteppa city began in 2000. I joined the teaching staff of school No.9 when I was a third year student at Qurghonteppa State University named after Nosiri Khusrav.

Since then I’ve been teaching continuously to the students of various grades in my school and now by this time I have a huge stock of teaching-learning experience, which not only supports me in sharpening my skills but also encourages me to do more and more better every day.

From 2003 I am acting as a supervisor of teachers of English of my school and it requires more leadership skills and better understanding to make my teachers work to achieve the set goals.

In my point of view this TEA program of six weeks at GMU has certainly added one more feather to my cap, which will enable me to exercise my learning experience in my home country from a new angle of teaching.

However, my technological learning at GMU as well as during my fieldwork at Marshall High School has also helped me a lot to make the teaching-learning process more interesting and easier as I can use the same when I start teaching again in my home country and certainly my students will be benefited than before.


Lesson Plan 1

Topic: Presentation of ABC


a) Acquaintance to letters of English language by means of the cards prepared in advance

b) Practice of pronunciation


a) Cards with Letters,

b) Chalk-board and other class equipments.


1. Introduction of the Letters by the help of the cards illustrating Letters.

Now children, let’s learn the English Letters. There are 26 Letters in English alphabet.

Show and say all the Letters (two times). The third time pupils repeat after me.

2. Doing Exercises 1-3

One pupil come to the blackboard and does Exercise 1. (Others are doing it at their desks).

Second one does Exercise 2.

The other pupil does Exercise 3.

Each of them after finishing the exercise illustrate how did they do it.


I wrote the names of the students on the blackboard. Then one of the pupils come to the chalkboard and turns his back to pupils. The student must shut eyes. Other pupil silently rises and easily beats that pupil in a back.

Then he sits on his place. The pupil standing at the blackboard opens his eyes and has to guess the name of that student. He has three chances to guess. He may say only three letters and if it is true the pupils say YES and he underlines the name written on the blackboard, if it is false the pupils say NO. If he guesses the name he won and may stay on his place, but if he is failed he sits on his chair and the pupil that beat him stands at the blackboard. And so on…

4. Written Practice

I do this by doing Exercises 4, 5. I show cards with the letters, pupils must say it. Then if they right I write it on the chalkboard. After some time I give the students task they should put the letters under the order.

5. Homework

do Exercises 1-3.

Lesson Plan 2


a) Presentation of English Sounds,

b) Revision of ABC


a) Introduction of sounds of English language by means of the posters.

b) Practice of pronunciation of the sounds

c) Monitoring of their HEARING


a) Cards with Letters, Sounds

b) Chalk-board and other class equipments.



I ask students to close their eyes. Then I write the English Letters on the chalkboard. But not all of them… I pass some of them. I ask pupils open eyes and read the alphabet silently. The student which name begins on the letter which I have passed should leave to a board and rise on the place of that Letter.

2. Checking Homework. Revision of ABC:

I check their homework. How they did their exercises by the way of Written Practice. Each pupil goes to the board and writes the letter from the homework. As well they have to show to others how did they do that. I ask some questions pointing to the Letters. For example: That’s letter “G” (and I point to letter “C”). And so go on…

Introduction of New Material:

I introduce the sounds of English languages to pupils by showing Flash Cards with Sounds and pronounce them. I tell them that there are 44 sounds in English Language and some differences of English sounds from ours.

3. Practice:

By the help of Exercises 1-3 we practice our new theme in written. The students answer the tasks of exercises and some come to the blackboard and do them on it.

I pay attention to whether they understood the topic or no. More attention I pay to their pronunciation…

4. Homework:

Do Exercises: 1-5. Learn the Sounds by heart.

Lesson Plan 3

Topic: Presentation of Tajikistan

Aim: to review/develop geographical knowledge of students, improve speaking skills, enlarge vocabulary.

Materials: Information on the topic, posters, world map, chalk-board and other class equipments


1. Warm Up. (10 minutes)

I will conduct a game called “Box of Wishes”. Everyone writes his 3 wishes in a sheet of paper. Then we put all the wishes together into a box. Teacher mixes the wishes and asks students to take one piece of paper with wishes. Then each reads his pieces of paper with wishes.

1.1 Review. (15 minutes)

a. List all the countries you know. (5 minutes)

While students are writing their wishes I disseminate colored cards to each student. By the help of these cards I’m going to divide students to four small groups. I ask students to gather in one place according to their card’s color.

Task 1: I ask students to discuss in their groups and list as many countries as they know.

b. Name & show the countries on the map. (10 minutes)

Task 2: After they have finished their list of countries one member from each group will come to the blackboard and name their country and also I’ll ask them to show the country on the map.

2. Presentation (15 minutes)

a) Dissemination of information about Tajikistan

After all for group will name and show the countries they listed I will disseminate a text about Tajikistan. I’ll ask them to read it attentively (Each group can divide the text between themselves).

b) Group Discussion/Presentation.

Then I ask them to have a discussion over the text they have just read and make a presentation about Tajikistan. How they are going to present their presentation is up to them.

c) Practice/Assessment (35 minutes)

Presentation: (20 minutes)

Students present their presentation about Tajikistan. Also each group should ask at least 3 questions to presenter(s).

After their presentations I distribute a “Written Task” among the students. There are 10 sentences in it. The students should fill in (put words) in blank spaces.

Written Task: Fill in the blanks. (15 minutes)

1. Tajikistan is situated in the ___________________________.

2. The ________________________ of Tajikistan is more than _________________________.

3. The capital of Tajikistan is ___________________________.

4. In the south Tajikistan borders with _________________________.

5. ____________________________ it borders on China 430 km.

6. _____________________________ is official language of the country.

7. The national flag consists of ________________ colors.

8. The total length of border is ______________ km.

9. Emomali Rahmon is __________________________ of the Republic of Tajikistan.

10. In the north Tajikistan borders with ___________________ and _____________________.

d) Essay (25 minutes)

I disseminate letters written by my pupils (I brought from Tajikistan) to U.S. students. Ask them to read each aloud and discuss on it. When the last one is read I ask them to write one letter to their Tajik friends.

Lesson Plan 4

Review/Warm Up: (5-10 minutes)

Ask students to take out vocabulary words from yesterday. Review meanings. Play a short game to stimulate thinking.

Presentation: (10 minutes)

Demonstrate how to create a “vocabulary” book with 15 words. Have students ask questions. Do one sample page.

Practice: (40 minutes)

Students work on writing sentences with words. Each page has a picture and either a definition or an original sentence.

Assessment: (10 minutes)

Put 5 sentences on the overhead that requires comprehension of vocabulary. Include an informal questioning.

Closing: (5 minutes)

Ask students to review words for a quiz tomorrow.

Lesson Plan 5

Topic: Presentation of Qurghonteppa

Aim: to review/develop knowledge of students regarding Tajikistan, improve speaking skills, enlarge vocabulary.

Materials: Information on the topic, posters, map of Tajikistan, booklets, projector, computer, chalk-board and other class equipments


1. Warm Up. Asking questions (10 minutes)

I will begin my lesson with question regarding Tajikistan:

1) Where is it situated?

2) What countries does it border with?

3) What are the largest cities of Tajikistan?

4) What is the capital of Tajikistan?

5) What is the state language of Tajikistan?

6) Name the colors of the state flag of Tajikistan?

7) How do you think, how much does it take to reach Tajikistan from USA?

8) Do you like Tajikistan? Why?

9) What does mean “Dushanbe” in English?

10) How many percent of the Tajikistan’s land is mountainous?

2. Presentation (25 minutes)

1. PowerPoint presentation (15 minutes)

I’ll begin my presentation by the help of computer and projector prepared in advance. During the presentation I give a brief information on Tajikistan, and furthermore I tell about the Qurghonteppa city. The information I’m going to present covers history, culture, holidays and so on regarding Tajik people.

2. Discussion.

After the presentation is finished, I ask students to share their opinions, questions with me. I want to hold a discussion regarding presented topic.

3. Practice/Practice(25 minutes)

I give the students the task to read the sentences and say whether it is “True” or “False”

Written Task: False or True. (15 minutes)

1. Tajikistan is situated in the North Hemisphere. _____________

2. The capital of Tajikistan is Kulob. __________________

3. Tajikistan borders with Uzbekistan in the West. ___________________

4. The temperature in Tajikistan is above 13 C in summer. ____________________

5. Tajikistan doesn’t border on China 430 km. ______________________

6. English is official language of the country. ________________

7. The national flag consists of 2 colors. __________________

8. The total length of border is 143.1 square km. ________________

9. Emomali Rahmon is not the president of the Republic of Tajikistan. ________________

10. “Dushanbe” means “Monday” in English.

After they have finished the work, we discuss the answers with whole group.

At the end I disseminate the booklets prepared by me to the students.


Shoista Khayolbekova, Tajikistan



Identify Performance Objectives

1. to increase the students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills

2. to enhance the students knowledge about the topic

3. to improve the students critical thinking

Lesson Outline


The lesson bases on ‘Fedchenco Glacier’ and some activities will take place. These are brainstorming, map using, matching for definitions, critical reading, discussion, reflection, evaluation.

National/State/Local Standards



Warm-up activity: the teacher delivers maps to the students and asks them to find the Central Asian Countries. The pupils work individually and then in pairs. After that they present their answers to the whole class.

Prior knowledge: the teacher checks the students’ prior knowledge by asking questions and giving clues

Language Goals (vocabulary/structure/communicative language/functional language): the students will be able to find the definition of some new words like: Glacier, mountain, peak, and continents etc. and find their application in the text.

The students will be able to communicate while discussing the text.


Activities – Days 1


|asks student a question for brainstorming. |brainstorm the answers. |

|delivers World maps to everyone in the class |work in pairs and find the Central Asian countries on the map. |

|The teacher hints to the students to find where the Fedchenco Glacier is. |answer the question and find the boundaries of Tajikistan and define which |

| |countries border Tajikistan on the south, east, west and north |

|asks the students to match some selective words with the explanations. |match the words with their explanations |

|distributes the handouts and explain the instruction to critical reading |Read the text and put the signs on each sentence or the word for critical reading.|

| |(=,-, v,?) |

|Involves students to discussion |Discuss the reading according to the signs |

|Answers the students questions |Ask questions if they have |

|Asks the students to draw the Glacier |Draw the Glacier using appropriate colors |

|Explains homework task |Find out information about American Glaciers |

Four skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing


1. Discuss the reading passage.

2. Reflect the reading passage on the paper by drawing.


1. Check the students understanding of the new words while they do matching.

2. Check their creative work. (Drawing)


1. It will be the entire lesson. That is from 8:05 am to 10:10. There will 5 min break.

Methods/Approaches/Strategies: The critical thinking strategies will take place in this lesson: Brainstorming, Interactive Noting System for Effective Reading and Thinking

(INSERT), Reflecting the reading on the Paper by Drawing.

Other Activities:

Follow-up: The quiz on the topic will be prepared for the next lesson.

Assessment: The students will be assessed by Quick quiz.

Homework assignments: the students will find information on glaciers in their country.

Use of technology: OHP.

Materials used: The World Map, Handouts, Blank papers, color pencils.

Closure: The teacher explains the Homework task and asks the students weather they have questions about their homework task or not.

Rashmi Makhija, India


This lesson is based on Proofreading Warm up Strategy observed during the fieldwork. I will use this strategy to revise the use of tenses.

Intern:RASHMI MAKHIJA Grade Level: XI

Title: TENSES Date: __________

Prior knowledge: Students use different tenses in various sentences as per the situation

I. Objectives

1) To enable the students to use the appropriate tense (verb form) in the sentence.

2) To enable the students to communicate effectively by using tenses correctly.

3) To revise information about tenses acquired by the students.

4) To enable the students to clarify their doubts about the use of tenses.

II. Materials for Learning Activities

1) Grammar Books 2) Transparency for OHP with 5 items for proofreading warm ups.

III. Procedures for Learning Activities

1. Teacher places the transparency with 5 items for proofreading warm up on the OHP.

2. Teacher gives 15 minutes to students to proofread the items and write correct answers in their notebook.

3. After 15 Minutes teacher shows the correct answers on the transparency and asks the students to exchange their sheets and correct their partner’s answers.

4. Students correct the answers and ask for clarification if they have not understood any aspect.

5. Reacher discusses the answers and explains correct use of tenses with reference to the given items.

IV. Assessment

• Teacher gives practice to the students by giving additional proofreading items and discusses them.

• Teacher gives a worksheet of similar items as home assignment.

V. Differentiation

• Teacher includes proofreading items of various levels to cater to weak as well as bright students’ abilities.

• Teacher asks students to write a paragraph: How did you spend your weekend?

VI. Reflection

• Teacher can prepare a PowerPoint presentation instead of an OHP transparency.

• Teacher should give ready worksheets to save student’s time spent in copying the items so that more time can spent on discussions.

Uzma Aamir, India


Intern: UZMA AAMIR Grade Level: X

Title: THE AGE OF REVOLUTION Date: 07/31/07

Prior knowledge: Students use different tenses in various sentences as per the situation

I. Objectives; The students will

• Learn when the first upheaval took place in France

• How romantic imagination and National feeling emerged

• Describe the causes of the Silesian weavers uprising.

II. Materials for Learning Activities:

• Markers, poster paper, chalkboard

III. Procedures for Learning Activities: Group work using visual and oral presentation

• The class will be divided into different groups. Each group will be given a topic of the chapter to read and will be given 20 minutes to bullet the points on their notebook.

• They will then discuss their points and one student will list down the points with the use of color markers on poster paper.

• Each group will then put up their posters on the walls and the teacher will ask each group to go to the others group poster and take notes of their topic.

• After going back to their respective place the poster will be presented by one students from each group in front of the whole class.

• The students will continue noting any missing points and will ask questions.

• All topics of the prescribed lesson will be covered in this way and the teacher will clarify any missing points.

IV. Assessment:

Based on the activity the teacher will give out a worksheet to fill in the missing words and the students will do it without consulting books. The teacher will grade the sheets and evaluate the students.

V. Differentiation

The students will be divided into two groups of fast and slow learners. The teacher will do this discreetly without pointing out this fact. The teacher will sit with the weaker group and help them out with their worksheet. The brighter students can be asked to do self study and compare their answers with the other students.

VI. Reflection

The students could be totally involved in this activity both individually and as a group. The effect of this activity is that there is visual and oral work and the students are engaged throughout the lesson in research and learning

Pareshkumar Pandya, India



Identify Performance Objectives

1. The students will use the connectives like, that, if, whether, WH words, & to (infinitive) to join the sentences.

2. The students will use the respective past form of the given sentences.

3. They will learn to form assertive from an interrogative sentence.

4. They will learn to use the reporting verbs like, told, asked, advised, requested, etc.

5. They will learn to report a sentence from a direct form.

Lesson Outline


Reported Speech (Grammar )

To report sentences from a direct form to an indirect one.



Warm-up activity

The students will enjoy some dialogues from a movie named, “ Bend it like Beckham “ and they will talk with the teacher and other learners about the enjoyed dialogues in the class.

Prior knowledge

The students would have the knowledge of tenses, pronouns, and the sentences patterns.

Language Goals (vocabulary/structure/communicative language/functional language)

The students will be able to report the sentences ( Assertive, Interrogative, Imperative.)


Activities – Days 1-5

Role Play: Two learners from the class will come forward & introduce them and one reads a chit ( with an assertive sentence ) to another .Then the teacher will report the sentence to the whole class. ( This will be done 5 times of which three sentences will be reported by the teacher and two will be by the learners. This procedure will be used for the interrogative ( Esp. Inversion question ) form also.

Classroom situation: Maureen ( my mentor ) will ask some questions to the students using wh form of the questions and the teacher will report these sentences to the class.

Chits arrangement: The teacher will project four sentences and the learners will have the answer on various chits given to them and they will arrange the chits properly to get a correct answer. This will be a group work.

The classroom situations will be used to form imperative sentences and report them. ( The teacher will request them advise and order them to do some thing )

Four skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing


1. A book named Side by Side will be used for the practice.

2. Some sentences will be written on the chalk-board for them to report.

3 Lots of oral practice will be there.


1.The students will fill up the blanks with the most appropriate words and verbs ( as per the learnt topic).

2. The students will collect the direct sentences from an article of any news paper.


1. The students will report the collected sentences from the news paper. ( based on the Evaluation )

Methods/Approaches/Strategies : Discussion, Pair and group work, Classroom situation.

Other Activities:

Follow-up : They will report the sentences from the book they study ( HOLES ). On the basis of assessment the teacher will plan next period activities.

Homework assignments: To report a few sentences.

Use of technology: O H P , D V D .

Materials used: Chits with sentences ( Prepared for various activities )

Havryliuk Oksana, Ukraine


Rashida Johnson’s Lesson Plan

George Washington Middle School July 19, 2007


Identify Performance Objectives

1. SWBAT Write Haiku Poetry.

2. Use Literary Devices

Lesson Outline

Content Haiku Writing Poetry



Warm-up activity. Mind- map. Students review the literary devices they already know.

Webbing. 3min. .

Language Goals (communicative language/functional language)



1. Students have to take 5 events from their life. They put these events into a time line. Sequencing. 5 min

2. They draw a picture of each of them. Visual imaging. 5 min.

3. You teach them the format of haiku.

5 syllables,

7 syllables,

5 syllables. Case studies. 5 min

4. Students write the haiku for each event. Pattern writing. !5 min.

5. They share their work. Shared reading. 5 min.


1. Individual assessments.

2. Self and Peer assessments.


1 .Students can improve their work at home or they can see what they can change.

Assessment. Individual assessment. Self and peer assessment.

Homework assignments. Students have to type their poems and add to the poetry book.

Use of technology. White board. Computer.

Materials used. Color pencils, white paper, white board.


Strategy Sheet

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

1. Name of method or strategy:

“What did I do yesterday?”

2. When is this method or strategy useful?

I think it is very useful strategy when teacher is going to develop thinking, speaking skills of the students. Student has to tell his classmates about what did he do yesterday after he left school. And this requires him to think, make and say his own sentences to share his information with his classmates.

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

Because according to this strategy the teacher can review the Past Simple Tense. Support students to explain their thoughts by thinking and telling to others about activities that took place in the past.

4. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

We should ask one person per day. And he/she has to tell everything only in the past tense. Also some more questions are to be asked from the teller.

5. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

I think it will be useful reviewing Past Tense in the class. Also we can use it daily, to make students speak English.

6. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

I’d like to introduce this strategy/method to my colleagues and explain them how to use it in their daily work at school. But we should pay attention to the level of students.

Strategy Sheet

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

1. Name of method or strategy:


2. When is this method or strategy useful?

This strategy is useful when there are large amount of content material to be learned in sections.

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

Each cooperative group is only responsible for a small amount of material.

4. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

- present the reading;

- divide the reading into sections – give each group a section;

- have group reports (presentations) on their section.

5. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

Any time that content material is being taught to ESOL students.

6. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

It is a helpful way for students to share information in groups, also, they learn to read for detail.

Strategy Sheet No. 3

1. Name of method or strategy:

Book Discussion Groups

2. When is this method or strategy useful?

When you have a big text. If you want to make a discussion in a class

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

All students have the chance to express their responses to a text. By sharing their discussions, they begin to recognise that different readers can interpret a text differently. They also gain richer understandings of the text and opportunities to use literary language to explore feelings and justify opinions.

4. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

1. In the time leading up to the book discussion groups, the teacher models way

• of using a range of comments and questions; and

• accepting and inviting different points of view.

2. This is done through reading aloud and using student and class conferences.

3. Sets of books are chosen that will be appropriate for students' interests and reading abilities.

4. Students are allocated to groups. The teacher may make the placements or students may choose among the books available. (In this case, the teacher gives a Çtaster' of each book or makes books available for preliminary browsing.)

5. Regular times are established for groups to meet (at least two sessions of 30 minutes each per week.)

6. Less experienced readers will need to have an adult leader, more capable readers will be able to choose a leader from within the group or take turns with this role.

7. Groups are introduced to the text at the first session and begin to read

8. Students discuss aspects of the text as they go.

9. At the end of each session, students decide how much of the book they will have read by next time, as well as questions/discussion points to raise.

10. As groups finish their book, they can evaluate the discussions and negotiate with the teacher a book-related activity that emerged from the discussion.

5. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

This strategy can be used among the students while having a large amount of information in a text. They can work on the text and discuss it. Put questions and answer them.

6. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

I’d like my teachers to use this strategy because Book discussions are useful for peer and self-assessments by students. Teachers can observe during the discussions and gather information by checklist or for anecdotal records. The book-related activities can be analysed for content and structure.


Portfolio Strategy Sheet

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

7. Name of method or strategy:

Video viewing

8. When is this method or strategy useful?

It is useful if you have a short video on any topic in the curriculum.

9. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

This method catches the interest of the children. It gives variation to a regular class. It develops children’s viewing and hearing ability. They also need to be alert as they have to take down points.

10. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

Teacher gives a summary of the topic to be viewed. He asks children to take down the main points as they view. Then teacher discusses the film and the children take down what they have missed.

11. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

It would be useful for any topic if the teacher is able to get a short film, no more than 20 to 30 minutes. The children can then be given a worksheet where they put down the information they have collected.

12. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

This method would generate a lot of interest and vary a regular classroom teaching. But if overused, it would become boring and probably put children to sleep.


Portfolio Strategy Sheet

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

1. Name of method or strategy:

Differentiation of instruction within the class according to learners` abilities.

2. When is this method or strategy useful?

When the class is not homogenious as far as learning abilities are concerned.

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

It gives every learner equal opportunities to be involved in class discussion, express ideas, develop critical thinking.

4. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

The steps are gradual: activation of prior knowledge, expansion of theme, development of ability to analyse the text and make conclusion by summarizing.

5. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

In my classes there are also students with different learning abilities, so my observation was quite useful.

6. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

I`d like them to realize that before giving any kind of instruction a teacher must know the ability level of every student. The instructions that follow must correspond to them.


Portfolio Strategy Sheet

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

1. Name of method or strategy:

Hiltex Writing Guidelines/Rubric

2. When is this method or strategy useful?

The strategy is useful for organizing the ideas in essay writing. It is efficient for academic writing.

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

When the teacher focuses on students writing skills and teaches them how to write an essay. This is the easy way to guide the students to write the well organized essay. It is effective for students to define the main ideas and the supporting details.

4. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

a. The teacher chooses one theme and asks the students to brainstorm it. i.e. US Law

b. The students brainstorm what is illegal according to the law i.e. No drinking and driving, no cell phones use during while driving

c. The teacher asks which of these laws the students know better

i.e. click it or ticket.

• The teacher asks to find the main ideas about that particular law according to the questions: Describe the law. Why was it passed? Agree or disagree? Why?

• The students provide the main ideas.

• Chose topic sentences for three paragraphs out of the main ideas.

• Chose supporting detail for the main idea.

• Make a conclusion.

There is a special chart for setting all the ideas, what makes it easy for students to find the technique of writing essays.

5. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

It is useful for developing writing and thinking skills of the students. It helps them to plan their essays and makes their writing easy.

6. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

As I mentioned above the plan is good for developing the students’ writing and thinking skills. It is easy for the teachers to explain the techniques of essay writing. Also it gives proper scores when they assess the students.


Portfolio Strategy Sheet

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

1. Name of method or strategy:

Drill & Quizzes

2. When is this method or strategy useful?

At the beginning of the class to warm up the students & enhance curiosity.

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

At the beginning of the class students are either sleepy or tired of the previous class activities.

If we are continuing the previous day lesson students should be given the previous day feedback

4. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

Before starting the topic teacher can write five questions on the board as drill.

Or she can ask questions orally in the form of quiz.

Even written quiz can be given if time permits.

5. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

When we have to start a lesson to arouse the interest & curiosity of the students.

6. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

My observation in the US school & its importance.



Action Research Proposal


• “What should I do to motivate my 10th and 11th-grade English language learners in Kurgan-Tyube Secondary School to take an active part in discussions and group work during a lesson?”

Statement of the problem:

The topic I have selected for my action research is mentioned above. Working in Kurgan-Tyube Secondary school No. 9 I faced with the fact that my students of 10th and 11 grades are unable to converse in English language though they are good and up to the mark in all written tasks whatever I assign to them during my regular classes. This peculiar problem has always been haunting in my mind for the last 5-6 years and constantly forcing me to think over some immediate remedy, so that this drawback of my students can be eradicated, which will lead to their all round perfection and enhance their efficiency in the language and ultimately shape them into perfect learners.


I have been working as a teacher of English at a secondary school No.9 of Kurgan-Tyube city for 7 last years.

The construction of Kurgan-Tyube secondary comprehensive school #9 began in 1968 and put in commission in 1970. In 1970 the school opened its doors for the first students. In the beginning the school acted as school #68 of Kurgan-Tyube district. At that day there studied only Russian students at school. The first director of the school was Muminov Alexander Usmonovich, who spent a lot of years working on this position. The school was built for 920 students. It consists of 3 buildings, where there are 34 classrooms, sport hall, meeting hall and the library.

From the time the school started functioning the thousands of pupils have graduated from this school, and there are well-known scientists, writers, engineers and sportsmen among them. After Soviet Union was collapsed the school was renamed to school #9 and because of reduction of Russian people there were opened Tajik and Uzbek classes.

For the present time the principal of school is Alimov Bahrom Boboevich, who is holding this position from 2003. There are 1760 students at school, out of them 710 are schoolgirls and tuition is hold on three languages: Tajik, Uzbek and Russian. 71 teachers teach different subjects to the students and 55 of them have high education. The school is one of the largest schools of the city. It’s named after the first principal of the school Muminov A.U.

The average amount of schoolchildren is 30 students per class. The school is situated close to the center of the city. The classrooms are not equipped properly and we have shortage of textbooks and teachers in our school.

The school is open to everyone who comes to study at the school. As far as community of my students is concerned, my school caters education to the students of mixed community background since the students from poor community background are more than the rich ones, but as a whole we have mix category of students from all sectors of society.

Statement of Research Purpose and Question:

The purpose of my proposed research is to shape and groom my students up to the international standards as far as their spoken ability is concerned. That is why the inability of my students in spite of their caliber and potency has compiled me to raise this issue bringing into my proposal, as out of all the four skills speaking appears to be very important and unavoidable especially in the present as of communication. While the class goes on the passive presence of students makes the teaching-learning process one-way, which is not a healthy sign for either of us.

My research question is “What should I do to motivate my 10th and 11th-grade English language learners in Kurgan-Tyube Secondary School to take an active part in discussions and group work during a lesson?”

Literature review:

As far as my research on the topic is concerned I will have to review thoroughly all the available published studies related to my research topic, which will certainly provide me an on-hand record as how others have dealt and did proceeded their research work and what measures have already been taken by them and was the output of their research and how far my predecessors could succeed in implementing the strategies and methods as taken up in their research in their own environment and classroom situations. In addition to this the books and research publications of those who worked at the same topic will definitely be an asset to me to carry on my research with relevant modifications and required adjustments. In order to locate the relevant literature on the aforesaid topic undoubtedly the available web-sites and the reference materials will have to be studied in detail which will not only guide me, but also make me a bit confident to proceed into my research without any obstacles. I will also visit the educational colleges and institutions of my country where I can find numerable resources related to my research topic. The key words like “passive approach of my students”, “hesitation and shyness to speak”, “fear of foreign language” and “their own underestimation” and such similar factors will guide me throughout my research work.


The general procedures which I will follow in collecting and analyzing data will include consultation with the teachers of my students’ previous class, direct and personal contact with my students and their family members in order to start the process of investigation of my research topic. This act of initiation will give me a firm platform to go ahead into my further investigation of the topic. My study will be based on both qualitative and quantitative since it will give me more flexibility in carrying on my research. Since the focus of my research work is related to human, the students of 11th grade will be the subject of this study. As majority of learners remain passive in the classroom I will have the whole class, 20-25 learners for this study.

Data collection: In order to collect the required data for my research topic I will apply a variety of teaching methods in and outside the classroom. For example, teaching in a friendly way inside the classroom, teaching something while playing, teaching the same under the lap of nature, and teaching through peer-group activities and so on. Having applied these methods I will jot down the results of my findings, which will give me an inside that in what circumstances my students learned more and in what circumstances they fail to learn. For triangulation to collaborate findings I will conduct a spell of interviews, surveys and some performance assessments. Having done these tasks I will analyze the results and try to find out the similarities and differences of the results and on the basis of the outcome I can go for an average of all. The timeline for my research can be between six to eight weeks.

Ethics: In order to conduct my research work, first of all, I will set proper environment and tone to get my work done without any difficulties for which I will have to seek consent of my principal, students, parents so that it will create a favorable atmosphere to carry on my research. While carrying on the research I will also consider the factors like personal perspectives or biases which should not affect my work nor result from any angle.


Having completed my research I will represent the final outcome of my research using various tables and comparative charts reflecting the facts and figures of my research in more transparent and reliable way.

Action plan.

Once I complete my research I will apply the methods and procedures on rest of my students of other grades in order to make my students benefited of this teaching-learning process. If my research work proves to be useful I can also recommend my colleagues and other educational institutes of my surroundings to extend the benefits of my research studies to others students too. If required the papers of my research studies can also be sent for the purpose of publication in the local newspapers so that a mass section of students as well as teachers can benefited and will be able to bring up their students up to the level of required standards.


Can be accommodated as per the requirement of learners.


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