Worksheet 2

Worksheet 2

Things Fall Apart

Passage for study p106 : from’When they had gathered … to Okonkwo was fully convinced that the man was mad’.

I-Study the examples : underline the prepositions

‘The white man began to speak to them.’

‘He told them that they worshipped false gods.’

‘They were talking excitedly among themselves’.

That’s what he said to us.

An old man asked a question and the interpreter answered him.

The interpreter explained to them what each verse was about.

II-Revise your irregular verbs:

Say ___ ___

Tell ___ ___

Speak ___ ___

III- He said lightheartedly : analyse the highlighted word grammatically.

What do you learn about this character in the passage?

Add an appropriate adverb

‘I want you to act like a man.’, he said ___

‘If only you had been a boy.’,hesighed ___

IV-Direct speech and reported speech:

Transform into reported speech:

a) ‘Don’t listen to the white man’, he said. He told …

b) ‘You will burn in hell’. He said

c) ‘We have been sent by this great God to ask you to leave your evil ways… so

that you may be saved.’

d) ‘He must be mad’.

e) ‘I did not say He had a wife,’ said the interpreter, somewhat lamely.

Transform into direct speech :

p 106 from ‘He said he was one of them, as they could see from his colour …’ to

But good men who worshipped the true God lived forever in His happy kingdom.

V- Reporting verbs :Instead of using ‘he said that’ or she ‘asked if’ in reported speech,

an appropriate verb can reflect the function of the sentence. Find which one .

example: ‘It’s not me. I didn’t break the water pot.’ . She denied having broken the water pot.

a) ‘I’m the greatest warrior.’ or He

b) ‘I’m sorry I broke your water pot.’.She

c) ‘Why do I have to do all the chores?’ She

d) ‘ You will burn in hell.’He

e) ‘You can’t eat with the women anymore.’

f) ‘It’s true I have decided to become a Christian.’

g) ‘How about helping me with the chores.’

h) ‘Please, do accept my modest present.’

i) ‘Will you come to our village for the harvest feast’

j) ‘Please don’t let my daughter die.’

k) ‘Quick! We still have a long way to go.’

l) ‘You may share my meal.’

VI- Phrasal verbs

speak up – talk down to – talk something over – tell off - tell apart – talk back –

talk someone into

a) The two twins looked alike-it was impossible to ___ .It scared even their mother.

b) The children were ___ by the old man for their bad behaviour.

c) The Commissioner ___ to the elders which showed he had no respect for their customs and values.

d) At first everyone was reluctant to approach the church but the missionaries ___

___ (some of them)

e) I’m growing old. I can’t hear you well. Can you _____

f) Nwoye never ___ to his father although he often disagreed with him.Okonkwo would never have accepted it

I- Idioms.Replace the italics with suitable forms of the idioms

|it goes without saying; not on speaking terms; speak one’s mind ; no sooner said than |

|done; say when |

| |

| |

a) I’ll start pouring the palm wine- please tell me when to stop pouring

b) They had an argument and now they are not on friendly terms.

c) It’s obvious that it takes time to get used to an unfamiliar accent.

d) Can you bring me some fish Ezinma? ‘Yes, that can be done quickly.’

e) ‘It’s terribly hot, isn’t it?’’It certainly is!

VII- Translation

a) L’anglais n’est pas sa langue maternelle

b) Il leur a expliqué que leurs dieux n’étaient que du bois et de la pierre.

VIII- Follow up work



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