2018 Official National List of Amphibians and Reptiles


Official National List of Amphibians and Reptiles





o Genus (species-none listed) - common name

Class Reptilia

Crocodylia ¨C crocodiles and alligators

? Crocodylidae - crocodiles

? Alligatoridae ¨C alligators and caiman

Testudines (Chelonia) - turtles

? Chelydridae - snapping turtles

? Kinosternidae - musk and mud turtles

? Emydidae - box, pond and marsh turtles

o Terrapene - box turtles

o Actinemys ¨C western pond turtles

o Malaclemys - diamondback terrapins

o Graptemys - map turtles

o Trachemys- sliders

o Chrysemys - painted turtles

o Pseudemys ¨C cooters and redbellies

o Clemmys ¨C spotted turtle

o Glyptemys ¨CSculptured Turtles (wood and bog turtle)

o Deirochelys ¨C chicken turtle

o Emydoidea ¨C Blanding¡¯s turtle

? Testudinidae - tortoises

? Cheloniidae - sea turtles

? Trionychidae ¨C soft shelled turtles

Squamata ¨C lizards and snakes


? Gekkonidae ¨C gecko lizards

? Polychridae ¨C anoles

o Anolis - anoles

? Iguanidae ¨C iguanids

o Iguana ¨C green iguana

o Dipsosaurus ¨C desert iguana

o Sauromalus ¨C chuckwalla

? Crotaphytidae ¨C Collared lizards

? Phrynosomatidae ¨C earless, spiny, tree, side-blotched and horned lizards

o Sceloporus ¨C spiny lizards

o Cophosaurus and Holbrookia ¨C earless lizards

o Uma ¨C fringe toed lizards

o Urosaurus and Uta ¨C tree and side blotched lizards

o Phrynosoma ¨C horned lizards

? Lacertidae ¨C wall lizards

? Teiidae ¨C whiptails

o Cnemidophorus ¨C racerunners and whiptails

? Scincidae ¨C skinks

o Eumeces ¨C skinks

? Anguidae ¨C glass lizards and alligator lizard

o Ophisaurus ¨C glass lizards

o Gerrhonotus ¨C alligator lizard

? Helodermatidae ¨C gila monster


? Typhlopidae

o Ramphotyphlops ¨C Brahminy blind snake

Last updated 08/24/17



Official National List of Amphibians and Reptiles



Leptotyphlopidae ¨C blind snakes


o Charina ¨C rubber boa and rosy boa

? Colubridae ¨C typically harmless snakes

o Nerodia ¨C water snakes and salt marsh snakes

o Storeria ¨C brown snakes and redbelly snakes

o Thamnophis ¨C garter, ribbon, lined snakes

o Heterodon ¨C hog-nosed snakes

o Diadophis ¨C ringneck snakes

o Coluber ¨C racers

o Masticophis ¨C coachwhips and whipsnakes

o Opheodrys ¨C green snakes

o Elaphe ¨C rat snakes

o Pituophis ¨C pine, bull and gopher snakes

o Lampropeltis ¨C king and milk snakes

o Tantilla ¨C crowned and blackhead snakes

? Elapidae ¨C coral snakes

? Hydrophiidae ¨C sea snakes

? Viperidae ¨C (subfamily viperinae) pit vipers

o Agkistrodon ¨C copperhead and cottonmouths

o Sistrurus ¨Cmassasaugas and pigmy rattlesnakes

o Crotalus ¨C rattlesnakes

Class Amphibia

Caudata (Urodela) - salamanders

? Cryptobranchidae ¨C hellbenders

? Dicamptodontidae ¨C giant salamanders

? Proteidae ¨C mudpuppies and water dogs

? Rhyacotritonidae ¨C torrent or seep salamanders

? Amphiumidae ¨C amphiumas

? Sirenidae ¨C sirens

? Ambystomatidae ¨C mole salamanders

? Salamandridae ¨C newts

? Plethodontidae ¨C lungless salamanders

o Desmognathus ¨C dusky salamanders & kin

o Plethodon ¨C woodland salamanders & kin

o Ensatina - ensatina

o Aneides ¨C green/climbing salamanders

o Batrachoseps ¨C slender salamanders

o Hydromantes ¨C web-toed salamanders

o Hemidactylium ¨C four-toed salamanders

o Gyrinophilus ¨C spring salamander

o Pseudotriton ¨C red and mud salamanders

o Eurycea ¨C brook salamanders

o Typhlomolge ¨C Texas and Blanco blind salamanders

Anura (Salientia) ¨C toads and frogs

? Scaphiopodidae ¨C spadefoots

o Scaphiopus or Spea

? Bufonidae ¨C true toads

? Hylidae ¨C tree frogs

o Hyla - tree frogs

o Pseudacris ¨C chorus frogs

o Acris ¨C cricket frogs

? Ranidae ¨C true frogs

? Microhylidae ¨C narrow-mouth toads

Last updated 08/24/17



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