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Congo crisis

At the moment there is some terrible fighting in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Hundreds of thousands of people have left their homes and are without food or shelter.

Focus Questions

1. Write a brief outline of the story.

2. Where is the Democratic Republic of Congo?

3. What are three facts about the DRC that you learnt from the BtN story?

4. When did the country become independent?

5. What happened under President Mobutu’s rule?

6. Why have people in the DRC left their homes recently?

7. What impact is this having on their lives?

8. Describe how the people living in the DRC might be feeling.

9. What are other countries doing to help?

10. Describe Simon’s reaction to the fighting in the DRC.

Profile of Congo

Students will be researching and developing a profile of the Democratic Republic of Congo to gain a deeper understanding of the country.

Working in pairs, ask students to brainstorm what they know about the DRC and record their responses. Using the `who, what, why, when, where and how’ framework, ask students to write questions that they would like to find the answers to. Students share their questions with the rest of the class. Discuss how the students could find answers to the questions they generate.

Topics to include in the profile of the DRC include:

• Historical information (background of country)

• Geographical information (climate, environmental issues)

• Political information (including history)

• Economic information (including resources that generate income)

• Social/cultural (language, cultural events)

• Values/beliefs

Encourage students to gather information from a variety of sources. There are some website links at the end of this activity sheet that may be useful.

Negotiate with students how they are going to present their profile. These could include:

• PowerPoint presentation

• Brochure

• Oral presentation


What are some things you would do the same in your next research inquiry, and what might you do differently?

What do you understand more clearly now?

Further investigations

Create a poster describing an aspect of Congolese music. The following website has more information about traditional and contemporary music.

Create a rap or rhyme about an aspect of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Present it to the class.

( Related Research Links

ABC News – DR Congo rebels take town in new offensive

ABC News - UN arranging crisis talks with DR Congo, Rwanda

Children’s BBC Newsround – Country profile Democratic Republic of Congo

Children’s BBC Newsround – UN sends help to Congo refugees

National Geographic – Democratic Republic of Congo

BBC Country profile – Democratic Republic of Congo

Country at a glance United Nations Cyber school bus – Democratic Republic of Congo


Episode 32



Society and Environment

Key learning

Students will develop a deeper understanding of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Encourage students to use images in their profile.




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