Mercredi 15 September 2004

UNESCO Headquarters, Paris - Room IX

The workshop will provide a platform for stakeholders involved in the reconstruction process of the DRC - the World Heritage site managers, the governments concerned, the inter-governmental agencies and the corporate sector - to exchange views and increase the existing level of co-operation, notably between the business and conservation communities for the benefit of biodiversity conservation.

The meeting will be chaired by Mr François Muamba Tshishimbi, Minister of Budget, DRC

10h30 – 10h50 Introduction to the World Heritage Convention

“The World Heritage Convention and sites under its protection”

Mr Themba P. Wakashe, Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee

10h50 – 11h20 UNF Commitment to the World Heritage Convention

10h50 – 11h10 “World Heritage Sites in DRC”

Mr Michael Madnick, United Nations Foundation

11h10 – 11h15 “The Vodafone Group Foundation’s commitment to World Heritage”

Representative of the Vodafone Group

11h20 – 12h00 Biodiversity Conservation in Regions of Armed Conflict: Preserving World Heritage Sites in DRC

11h20 – 11h40 “Evaluation of the UNESCO – UNF project”

Mr Jean-Pierre D’Huart, Consultant, UNESCO

11h40 – 12h00 “The work of the Insitut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature”

Mme Eulalie Bashige, Director General of the Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN)

12h00 – 13h00 The relationship between business and the natural environment

12h00 – 12h20 “Corporate environmental responsibility – does it matter?”

Mr Michael Golden, Publisher & Editor-In-Chief, International Herald Tribune

12h20 – 12h40 “Sustainable Finance & Private Sector Partnerships for Conservation”

Ms Melissa Moye, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

12h40 – 13h00 “Reconciling conservation with economic development in DRC”

Mr Jefferson Hall, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

13h00 – 14h00 LUNCH (Buffet)

14h00 – 14h20 The business context

“The changing face of DRC’s business environment”

Representative of the World Bank

14h20 – 15h40 Challenges and opportunities in DRC: Case studies

(Speakers & titles to be confirmed)

14h20 – 14h40 “Developing & implementing corporate responsibility policy & practice in DRC”

Ms Kate Harcourt, Social & Environmental Manager, Adastra

14h40 – 15h00 “The Congolese business community’s perspective”

Representative of FEC

15h00 – 15h20 “Investing in DRC’s future”

Representative of Vodacom Congo

15h20 – 15h40 “Artisanal mining in the DRC”

Josie D’Angelo, Initiative for Central Africa, OECD

15h40 – 16h20 Discussion panel

Moderator : Mr Michael Golden,

An open forum for representatives from Governments, the business sector, NGOs, the World Bank, UNESCO and other partners to react to presentations and explore possible areas of co-operation.

Conclusion : Mr Grégoire Bakandeja wa Mpungu

Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Kinshasa and President of the National Commission for Economics and Finances, DRC

16h20 – 16h30 Closing remarks

Guided tour of the exhibition "Congo: Nature and Culture in the Democratic Republic of Congo" curated by the Royal Museum for Central Africa of Tervuren (Belgium).


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