RS3 Overview

An Introduction to

RADES System 3


September 1, 2000

Table of Contents

Table of Contents i

RS3 Overview 1

System Overview 1

Hardware/Software Environment 1

Assistance and Problem Reporting 1

Request New Version of RS3 Lite (governement agency) 1

Request New Version of RS3 Lite (non-governement agency) 1

Project Manager 1

Project 1

Task 1

Filter 1

Group 1

Modifier 1

Exercise #1: Using Modifiers 1

Process 1

How Do I Create a New Project? 1

How Do I Add a Task? 1

How Do I Add a Group? 1

How Do I Add a Process? 1

How Do I Open a Task, a Group, or a Process? 1

RS3 Radar Data Analysis Toolbar 1

RS3 Familiarization Exercises 1

Exercise #2: Creating a Project 1

Exercise #3: Updating Sensor Data and Saving Project 1

Exercise #4: Loading and Playing a Project 1

The Sensor Display Process 1

Exercise #5: Introduction to the Sensor Display Process 1

Exercise #6: Display Maps 1

Exercise #7: Changing Background Color 1

Exercise #8: Zooming 1

Exercise #9: Changing Run Speed 1

Exercise #10: Query Area, Updating Track Numbers, and Chaining 1

Exercise #11: Single-Click Query 1

Exercise #12: ID Individual Messages 1

Exercise #13: Range/Azimuth from a Point 1

Exercise #14: Histories (a.k.a. “the Crawling Worm”) 1

Exercise #15: Extended Histories 1

RDI Board 1

Installation 1

Recording Process 1

Exercise #16, Establishing an Radar Sensor Data Recording 1

Exercise #17, Stop Recording 1

Message Viewer Process 1

Exercise #18, Message Viewer Process 1

Exercise #19, Adding Fields and Exporting Data from the Message Viewer 1

Message Counter Process 1

Exercise #20, Introduction to the Message Counter Process 1

Exercise #21, Modifying Message Counter Sites 1

Exercise #22, Message Counter Advanced Algorithms 1

Convert Process 1

Exercise #23, Convert Process 1

Tracker Process 1

Exercise #24, Tracker Process 1

Site Stats Process 1

Exercise #25, Introduction to the Site Stats Process 1

Exercise #26, Site Stats with Running Totals 1

Exercise #27, Site Stats with More Algorithms 1

Elplot Process 1

4/3 Earth Curvature Plot 1

Flat Earth Plot 1

Angle-Azimuth Plot 1

Height-Azimuth Plot 1

Range-Azimuth Plot 1

EXERCISE #28, Introduction to the Elplot Process 1

Exercise #29: Histories (a.k.a. “the Crawling Worm”) 1

Exercise #30: Extended Histories 1

Exercise #31: Changing Background Color 1

Exercise #32: Zooming 1

Exercise #33: Query Area, Updating Track Numbers, and Chaining 1

Exercise #34: Single-Click Query 1

Exercise #35: ID Individual Messages 1

EXERCISE #36, Vertical Chaining 1

Exercise #37, Elplot Settings 1

Exercise #38, Elplot Settings 1

Real Time Data Quality Monitoring Process 1

Exercise #39, Change three sites and three views to display data on a ten scan average rather than the default one scan average. 1

EXERCISE #40, Error Logging 1

LAN Transmit (LAN Tx) Process 1

LAN Receive (LAN Rx) Task 1

Exercise #41, Introduction to LAN Receive Task 1

RS3 Overview

System Overview

RS3 is a Windows 95/98/NT/2000 Professional™ application developed as a tool to aid 84 RADES personnel in the collection of radar data, evaluation of radar performance, and analysis of recorded radar captured events. RS3 records radar data and provides processes for analysis and viewing of data.


Multi-File and Multi-Sensor support

RS3, CD Record, RDI, 8-Channel, and text file support

HDLC recording support

Support for 22 different sensor types

Single/Multi-site display with map background

Message Viewer process

Convert process

Message Counter process

Site Statistics process

Post-recording Target Tracker

Multiple, concurrent processes allowed during both record and playback

Filter and file history

Flexible text file export support

Filtering on every decoded field

Filtering on any bit(s) of a message

Time adjustment/synchronization for multiple files

Reporting of errors (i.e., channel lost)

Project files which save all process and filter settings

Real-Time Data Quality Monitoring

Local Area Network Transmit/Receive

Elevation vs Range Plot

Royalty free distribution

RS3 is designed to use a Windows 95™ interface that should be familiar to anyone who has used other applications written for Windows 95™. The RS3 Main Window contains Menus, Toolbars, and a Status Bar. RS3 implements right-click pop-up menus as well as many drag and drop capabilities.

Hardware/Software Environment

RS3 is designed to run using the following minimum hardware/software requirements:

PROCESSOR Pentium 100Mhz





For optimum performance, the following hardware configuration is recommended:

PROCESSOR Pentium 200Mhz or better


VIDEO SVGA (or higher)


OPERATING SYSTEM Windows 95™/Windows 98™/Windows NT™ Workstation v4.0/Windows 2000 Professional

Assistance and Problem Reporting

To report any RS3 problems, please contact the 84 RADES Help Desk. The problem report will be forwarded to respective office.

PHONE DSN: 775-3239

Comm: 801-775-3239

MAIL 84 RADES/Help Desk

Attn: RS3 Tech Support

7976 Aspen Ave

Hill AFB, UT


Request New Version of RS3 Lite (governement agency)


User Info: Select the New Customer or Download Hyperlink, fill in the respective information, and select submit. This will automatically forward you to the RS3 Fact Sheet. From the fact sheet you can download the software by selecting the RS3 V1.1 hyperlink.

PHONE DSN: 777-5190

Comm: 801-777-5190


Attn: RS3 Lite Request

7976 Aspen Ave

Hill AFB, UT


Request New Version of RS3 Lite (non-governement agency)


Webmaster: Select the 84 RADES Webmaster hyperlink. This will automatically bring up an email with the information about RS3 Lite. Hitting this link will send a request to our Plans and Scheduling Department. Your request will be processed and the new software will be sent to you.

PHONE DSN: 777-5190

Comm: 801-777-5190


Attn: RS3 Lite Request

7976 Aspen Ave

Hill AFB, UT



Figure 1. The RS3 Hierarchy

Project Manager

The Project Manager uses a tree to display project information. The tree can be expanded or collapsed to show different levels of detail in the Tasks, Groups, and Processes. The Project Manager window can be sized, floated, or hidden. Properties and settings for tree items can be accessed by right clicking on the element of interest in the tree.


The Project is the main organizational component of RS3. Projects contain all of RS3’s sub-elements, such as Tasks, Groups, and Processes and their respective configuration settings. Only one project can be opened at a time, but one project can contain multiple tasks.


A project may contain multiple tasks. A task is synonymous with data. The task passes sensor data messages to its Groups. Sensor data may be a single file, a group of files (multifile), a recording, test rings, or a messages received via a Local Area Network (LAN Rx). Since the task contains the sensor data, it is the focal point for processing and is used to Reset, Start, and Stop the processing of data. Task properties can be displayed by double clicking on a task, or by right clicking and choosing properties from the pop-up menu. Task settings may be saved.


A filter is a tool with which a user can use to reduce (filter) data to be viewed, displayed or analyzed. Each task, group, modifier, and process may have its own filter.


Figure 2. Filters Main Menu

Sets of filters may be created. Sets of filters can be logically ANDed or ORed together.

[pic] [pic]

Figure 3. Sets ANDed Together Figure 4. Sets ORed Together

Messages that do not include fields that are being filtered can pass the filter by checking the “Pass if field unavailable” check box.


Figure 5. Pass if Unavailable.


Figure 6. Messages without Height Field pass Filter


Figure 7. Filter Settings for excluding Messages without the Height Field


Figure 8. Messages without Height Field do not pass Filter


A Task may contain multiple Groups. Each group may contain multiple Processes. The Group allows you to filter messages received from the task before passing them down to Processes. Group settings may be saved.


A “modifier” is a mechanism that can be utilized to supply a range or azimuth correction to a sensor data message. The original data (Task) is not corrected, only the data passing through the modifier and its respective filter. The modifier can be applied to one, several, or all sites within the Group. Additionally, a modifier has its own filter. Setting the Modifier Filter will adjust the range/azimuth for only those messages that pass the filter.


Figure 9. Range/Azimuth Modifier

Exercise #1: Using Modifiers

1. Launch RS3.

2. Select File ( Open Project.

3. Select A:\Modifiers.rs3 and click “Open.”

4. Select Data ( Start. This will start the playback of this project.

5. Double-click on the “Modifiers” Icon in the Project Manager tree.

6. Select the “Filter” button.

7. Expand the Message Types Filter.

8. Notice only Search messages are included in the filter.

9. Select “OK”.

10. Notice the Range Column has been adjusted by 0.5 nmi.

11. Select “OK”.

12. Select Data ( Start. This will start the playback of this project. Search messages will be adjusted by 0.5 nmi.


Figure 10. Range Modifications to Reinforced Messages


A Group can contain multiple Processes. Processes are the output of the sensor data input. You can set an individual filter for each of the processes as required. If no filter is set, all messages will pass from the Group level to the Process. To access the properties of a Process, right-click on it in the Project Manager tree and select Properties from the pop-up menu. Process settings may be saved.

Table One

Available Processes

Message Counter Lan Transmit

Message Viewer Elplot

Sensor Display RTDQM

Site Statistics



How Do I Create a New Project?

1. Select the File ( New Project menu option, or select the Project ( Standard Projects menu option, or click on the “New Project” toolbar button to display the Projects dialog box.

2. From the Projects dialog box, select “Blank Project” and then click “Load.”

3. Your new project will now be created.

How Do I Add a Task?

1. Select the Project ( Add Task menu option, or click on the “Add Task” toolbar button. The “Load Sensor Type” dialog box will be displayed.

2. Select a type of sensor data from the dialog box. If you choose “File,” the browser will be displayed allowing you to select your data file(s). The “Add Process” dialog box will be displayed.

3. Use the “Add Process” dialog box to select the Process you wish to use to analyze your sensor data.

How Do I Add a Group?

1. Select the Task from the Project Manager tree that you want to add a Group to.

2. Next select the Project ( Add Group menu option, or click on the “Add Group” toolbar button. The “Add Process” dialog box will be displayed.

3. Use the “Add Process” dialog box to select the Process you wish to use to analyze your sensor data. This Process will be added in the new Group you created.

How Do I Add a Process?

1. Select the Group from the Project Manager tree that you want to add a Process to.

2. Select the Project ( Add Process menu option or click on the “Add Process” toolbar button and the “Add Process” dialog box will be displayed.

3. Use the “Add Process” dialog box to select the Process you wish to use to analyze your sensor data.

How Do I Open a Task, a Group, or a Process?

1. Select the Project ( Load Task/Group/Process menu option to display the browser.

2. Use the browser to select a file from which to load a Task, Group, or Process.

3. Click on “Load” to load the selected object.

RS3 Radar Data Analysis Toolbar

Many of the tools utilized in radar data analysis have shortcuts on the toolbar of RS3. The buttons allow the user to call-up certain functions in one simple step, without having to scroll through several different menus. The figure below displays the RS3 toolbar and some of its available functions.

Figure 11. RS3 Radar Data Analysis Toolbar

RS3 Familiarization Exercises

For the following exercises, you will need the “practice files” folder (contained on CD-ROM or floppy disk). Copy this folder to your hard dive and insure that the four files in the folder are not specified as read-only. This can be done by right clicking on each file and going to the “Properties” menu. Verify that the “read-only” check box is NOT checked. In the following exercises, A:\ will always be referenced as the file location; simply substitute your practice file location for A:\.

Exercise #2: Creating a Project

1. Launch RS3.

2. Select File ( New Project. Select “Blank Project” and click “Load.”

3. Select Project ( Add Task.

4. Select File from the “Select Data Source” dialog box. Click “OK.”

5. Select A:\Joyride.rdi

6. Check the “Open as Read Only” check box. Click “Open.”

7. Select Sensor Display icon within the “Add Process” dialog box.

8. Select “OK.”

9. Maximize the “Sensor Display:Group:Task” window.

Exercise #3: Updating Sensor Data and Saving Project

1. Within the Project Manager tree, right-click on “Joyride (Read-Only).”

2. Select “Properties” from the pop-up submenu.

3. Click on the “Sites” tab.

4. Highlight Row #1.

5. Select Properties.

6. Click “Update from Db.”

7. Highlight Row #575 (“Prep ID” NOR).

8. Select “OK.”

9. Select “OK.”

10. Click on the “Region Center” tab.

11. Ensure Datum is set to “WGS 84.”

12. Ensure “Use Site” is checked.

13. Single-click (highlight) NOR (North Truro, MA, USA) in the site list area.

14. Click “OK.”

15. Right-click “Sensor Display” in the Project Manager tree.

16. Select “Properties” from the pop-up submenu.

17. In the Display section, check the “Maps” check-box.

18. Click “OK.”

19. Select Process ( Zoom ( Zoom Rect.

20. Use your mouse to select a rectangular area around North Truro, MA.

21. Select File ( Save Project.

22. Save your project as A:\joyride_project.rs3

23. Click “Save.”

24. Exit (Close) RS3.

Figure 12. “Joyride” Project with Sensor Display

Exercise #4: Loading and Playing a Project

1. Launch RS3.

2. Select File ( Open Project.

3. Select A:\joyride.rs3

4. Click “Open.”

5. To play the project, select Data ( Start (or press F10)

6. To reset, select Data ( Reset (or press F9)

7. Exit (Close) RS3

The Sensor Display Process

The Sensor Display plots sensor data, maps, video rings, strobe lines, and latitude/longitude based on a "common coordinate" plane. It properly adjusts for slant range using Mode C. The Sensor Display Process also allows users to query on a single sensor message or a group of messages.

Exercise #5: Introduction to the Sensor Display Process

1. Launch RS3.

2. Select File ( Open Project.

3. Select A:\Flight.rs3 and click “Open.”

4. Double-click on the “Sensor Display” Process in the Project Manager tree.

5. Select the “Settings” tab.

6. In the Display area, check the “Maps” check-box.

7. Click “OK.”

8. Select Data ( Start. This will start the playback of this project.

Exercise #6: Display Maps

1. Right-click on the “Sensor Display GUI.”

2. Highlight “Display Map”.

3. Left-click on “Display Map”.

4. Select Data ( Reset.

5. Select Data ( Start.

Exercise #7: Changing Background Color

1. Double-click on the “Sensor Display” Process in the Project Manager tree.

2. Select the “Colors” tab.

3. Double-click on the “Background” item.

4. Select the color of your choice.

5. Click “OK.”

6. Click “OK.”

Exercise #8: Zooming

1. Select Process ( Zoom ( Zoom Rect.

2. Use your mouse to select a rectangular area around the area of interest. This will zoom in on the area you select.

3. Select Process ( Zoom ( Out. This will zoom out 100% centered on the area you are currently viewing.

4. In the “Zoom %” drop down menu, select 200%. This will zoom in 200% centered on the region center.

5. Select Process ( Zoom ( Home to return to original sensor display

Exercise #9: Changing Run Speed

1. Select Data ( Reset.

2. Select Data ( Start.

3. Click the “Decrement Run Speed” button several times. This will decrease the speed at which the project plays back.

4. Click the “Increment Run Speed” button. This will increase the speed at which the project plays back.

5. To turn Run Speeds off, click the “Enable/Disable Run Speed” button.

Exercise #10: Query Area, Updating Track Numbers, and Chaining

1. Select Process ( Query Area

2. Left-click to mark perimeter points around the sensor data of interest.

3. Right-click when you have surrounded the area of interest with boundary lines.

4. After the progress bar reaches 100%, change the “Track #” field to 20. See the Figure below.

5. Click “Update.” When prompted if you want to “update all messages,” click “Yes.”

6. Click “Close.”

7. Click “Settings.”

8. Select “Track Colors.”

9. In the Color column in row 1, click “Set.”

10. Highlight the color of your choice.

11. Click “OK.”

12. Select the “Colors” tab.

13. Select “Track Colors” in the “Color Scheme” drop down menu.

14. Click “OK.”

15. Select Process ( Chain Tracks. This will turn on chaining of each radar track.

16. Double-click on the “Task” item in the Project Manager tree.

17. Select the “Colors” tab.

18. Select “Message Colors” in the “Color Scheme” drop down menu.

19. Click “OK.”


Figure 13. Query Results Dialog Box in RS3

Exercise #11: Single-Click Query

1. Right-click on the first sensor data message within the “Sensor Display GUI”.

2. Highlight “Query”.

3. Left-click on “Query”.

Exercise #12: ID Individual Messages

1. Depress the ID Individual toolbar button.

2. Enter “11” into the “ID Individual” dialog box.

3. Select “OK.” ID Individual mouse pointer changes to the ID Individual Icon.

4. Left-click on the first three sensor data messages within the “Sensor Display GUI”.

5. Depress the ID Individual toolbar button.

6. Select Process ( Chain Tracks. This will turn on chaining of each radar track. There should be two tracks available, tracks 10 and 11.

Exercise #13: Range/Azimuth from a Point

1. Right-click on the “Sensor Display GUI”.

2. Highlight “Range/Azimuth from Point”.

3. Left-click on “Range/Azimuth from Point”.

4. Left-click on the center of the radar site. A pink dot should appear in the center of the radar icon.

5. Mouse over the first sensor data message with the “Senor Display GUI”. The lower right of the status bar should indicate approximately Rng: 191.090 nm, Az: 118.514 degrees.

6. Right-click on the “Sensor Display GUI”.

7. Highlight “Range/Azimuth from Point”.

8. Left-click on “Range/Azimuth from Point”.

Exercise #14: Histories (a.k.a. “the Crawling Worm”)

1. Double-click on the Sensor Display Process in the Project Manager tree.

2. In the “Scan Histories” section, check the “Histories (On/Off)” check-box.

3. Change the “Scan Count” to 10.

4. Click “OK.”

5. Select Data ( Reset.

6. Select Data ( Start. This plays the project with histories turned on.

Exercise #15: Extended Histories

1. Double-click on the Sensor Display Process in the Project Manager tree.

2. Ensure the “Histories (On/Off)” check-box is checked and the Scan Count is set to 10.

3. Click “OK.”

4. Check the “Track Extended Hisotries (On/Off)” check box.

5. Click on the “Add” button.

6. Enter “14” for the track number.

7. Enter “15” into the Extended Histories Scan Count.

8. Select “OK.”

9. Select “OK.”

10. Select Data ( Reset.

11. Select Data ( Start. This plays the project with extended histories turned on.

RDI Board


Memory Requirements

Prior to installing the RDI board, determine an available address space where it can be located. This is dependent upon several factors, such as system board, other peripheral boards, memory managers, etc. The RDI board occupies 2000h of address space, typically in the D0000-DFFFFh range. This address range allows for the installation of a maximum of 8 RDI boards. Examine the system board and all other peripheral boards to determine an available address space. If the system board allows for shadow RAM, then the shadow RAM must be disabled in the RDI board address space.

Memory Managers

Memory managers, such as EMM386 or QEMM386, control access to the D0000-DFFFFh range utilized by the RDI board. It is for this reason that it is necessary to exclude the RDI board address space from use by any memory manager. In most cases, the RDI board address space can be excluded by modifying the memory manager portion of the CONFIG.SYS file. For example, if using MS-DOS EMM386 with a RDI board address space of D0000-D1FFFh, modify the CONFIG.SYS file to read: DEVICE=EMM386.EXE RAM X=D000-D1FF

Address Switches/Jumpers

Refer to Figure 10 for the location of the address switches and the jumpers on the RDI board. Set the RDI board address switches in accordance with Table 1. Connect jumpers J1, J2 and J3 according to Table 2: Jumper Connections.


Figure 14. RDI Board

|Address Space: |A23-A20 |A19-A16 |A15-A12 |

|D0000-D1FFFh |0 0 0 0 |1 1 0 1 |0 0 0 0 |

|D2000-D3FFFh |0 0 0 0 |1 1 0 1 |0 0 1 0 |

|D4000-D5FFFh |0 0 0 0 |1 1 0 1 |0 1 0 0 |

|D6000-D7FFFh |0 0 0 0 |1 1 0 1 |0 1 1 0 |

|D8000-D9FFFh |0 0 0 0 |1 1 0 1 |1 0 0 0 |

|DA000-DBFFFh |0 0 0 0 |1 1 0 1 |1 0 1 0 |

|DC000-DDFFFh |0 0 0 0 |1 1 0 1 |1 1 0 0 |

|DE000-DFFFFh |0 0 0 0 |1 1 0 1 |1 1 1 0 |

|0 = off, 1 = on | | | |

Table 1: Address Switch Settings

|Computer |J1 |J2 |J3 |

|Dolch 486 |in |in |out |

|UNISYS 386 |out |in |out |

|8-bit SCSI |out |in |out |

|all others |in |in |out |

Table 2: Jumper Connections

Required Tools

RDI board installation requires either a #2 Phillips-Head screwdriver or a nut driver.

Installing the RDI Board

Install the RDI board using the following generalized steps:

1. Turn-off the computer.

2. Using the appropriate tool, remove the computer cover to gain access to the ISA slots.

3. Select an empty full-length 16-bit ISA slot and remove the blank bracket at the end.

4. Carefully insert the RDI board into the ISA slot. Pay careful attention to any board guides at the end opposite the connector.

5. Attach the RDI board bracket using the screw or nut from the previously removed blank bracket.

6. Replace the computer cover.

Recording Process

After successful installing an RDI board, RS3 is now able to record radar sensor data. The recording process supports numerous sensor formats, as well as, HDLC.

Exercise #16, Establishing an Radar Sensor Data Recording

1. Launch RS3.

2. Select Project ( Add Task

3. Double left-click on “Recording” ICON, shown in the figure below

4. Select “Set.”

5. Enter Flight Information as applicable. Note: You must enter at least one site.

6. Click “OK.”

7. Select Number of Sites

8. Check the “Add Sites From DB” radio button

9. Select “Set.”

10. Find relevant sites(s).

11. Highlight relevant row(s).

12. Click “OK.”

13. Review site data for accuracy.

14. Ensure “Scan Time” is correct. Note: Marker messages are automatically inserted based on this time amount.

15. Select “OK.”

16. Select “Auto-assign” or manually select each board’s memory address by clicking on the “Board-Chan” combo box, shown in the figure below.

Figure 16. Site Channel to RDI Board Channel Assignment Box.

17. Ensure that the “Use” check boxes are checked.

18. Click “OK.”

19. Select “Set.”

20. Update Data Polarity by either clicking on individual “Data Pol” radio buttons or selecting Set ( Data Pol ( Normal/Inverted (see The figure below). Note: You can change more than one row by highlighting respective rows, selecting Set ( Data Pol ( Normal/Inverted.

21. Update Clock Polarity by either clicking on individual “Clock Pol” radio buttons or selecting Set ( Clock Pol ( Normal/Inverted (see The figure below). Note: You can change more than one row by highlighting respective rows, selecting Set ( Clock Pol ( Normal/Inverted.

Figure 17. RDI Board Settings Dialog Box

22. Change “Clock Baud Rates,” if necessary.

23. Click “OK.”

24. Select “Set”.

25. This displays the Output File Options dialog box shown in the figure blow.

Figure 18. Output File Options Dialog Box

26. Check “On the Half Hour” in the “Create New File” Group.

27. Check “Clear Process Between Files” in the “Create New File” Group.

28. Check “Add Day of Week” in “Path” Group.

29. Check “Julian Date/Time” in the “Add” Group.

30. Click “OK.”

31. Ensure “Edit Properties on Finish” is checked.

32. Select “Finish.”

33. Examine all tabs to verify settings.

34. Click “OK.”

35. Select Desired Process (Sensor Display and Message Counter are recommended).

36. Click “OK.”

37. To start recording radar sensor data, click the “Start Recording” button.

Exercise #17, Stop Recording

1. Uncheck the “Lock” check box.

2. Select the “Stop Recording” button.

Message Viewer Process

Message Viewer provides a tabular output of the recorded radar sensor data. The Message Viewer can be customized to display particular messages or fields of interest. Additionally, data can be exported to a spreadsheet format for printing or calculations. A comprehensive description of the Message Viewer is provided in Table 3.

|Setting |Default Value |Notes |

|Field Values |Site ID |The Message Viewer will check the list of |

| |Track No |default message fields against the list of |

| |Date |available fields for the particular radar |

| |Time |type selected. If a default field does not|

| |Message Type |exist for the specified radar, it will not |

| |Range |be displayed. |

| |Azimuth Degs |Message fields can be added or removed by |

| |Mode 3 |using the “>>” or “” button.

6. Highlight “Longitude” Field in left frame.

7. Select “>>” button.

8. Highlight “Latitude” Field in right frame.

9. Select the up-arrow button until the “Latitude” Field is located under “Range” Field.

10. Highlight “Longitude” Field in right frame.

11. Select the up-arrow button until the “Longitude” Field is located under the “Latitude” Field.

12. Select the “Options” Tab.

13. Select the “Export On” Check Box.

14. Ensure Export filename is A:\MV_Exp_Joyride.csv

15. Click “OK.”

16. Select Data ( Start.

17. Exit RS3.

18. Open Notepad, Wordpad, or Microsoft Excel.

19. Open A:\MV_Exp_Joyride.csv

Message Counter Process

Message counter displays statistics in a grid-like display. Each row is based on a message type or a collection of message types. Columns can represent the counts for all sites, counts for individual sites, or counts for a specific channel of a site.


Figure 20. Message Counter

The Message Counter initializes showing all sites available and if more than one site is available the “Totals” column is also displayed.

The Message Counter initializes with the following default message counts (in this order):

|Setting |Default Setting |Notes |

|Messages |Beacon |The Message Counter will check the list of |

| |Beacon Strobe |default message types against the list of |

| |Search |available types for the particular radar |

| |Reinforced |type selected. If a default field doesn't |

| |Search RTQC |exist for the specified radar, it will not |

| |Beacon RTQC |be displayed. |

| |Status | |

| |Mode 4 |Message fields can be added or removed by |

| |Search Strobe |using the “>>” or “” button.

9. Select OK.

10. Select Data ( Reset.

11. Select Data ( Start.

Convert Process

This process allows the user to transform one file type into another format. Filters can be applied to convert process to reduce the size of the output file.

Figure 21. Convert Process Properties Menu

Exercise #23, Convert Process

1. Launch RS3.

2. Select File ( Open Project

3. Select A:\joyride.rs3

4. Select “Open.”

5. Select Project ( Add Process

6. Highlight “Convert” Process.

7. Click “OK.”

8. Double left-click on “Convert” Process.

9. Highlight “TRACS” in the “Output Format” List Box.

10. Modify “Output File” to read: A:\Cnv_Joyride.f20.

11. Select “Filters” Tab

12. Double left-click on “Message Types.”

13. Check “Normal.”

14. Check “Scan.”

15. Click “OK.”

16. Double left-click on “SiteChannel.”

17. Check “NOR.”

18. Click “OK.”

19. Click “OK.”

20. Select Data ( Start.

21. Ensure Convert Process is disabled after data has been processed to 100%.

22. Select File ( New Project.

23. Click “Load.”

24. The “Project has changed. Do you wish to save?” window appears, click “No.”

25. Select File ( Open Data File.

26. Double left-click on A:\Cnv_Joyride.f20

27. A dialog box will appear stating invalid sites.

28. Click “OK.”

29. Update each site via “Update from DB” button.

30. Highlight entire row containing the site properties of J-53 by left clicking on the number in the far-left column.

31. Click “OK.”

32. Click “OK.”

33. Double left-click on “Sensor Display” ICON.

34. Double left-click on “Cnv_Joyride” in the task tree.

35. Select the “Sites” Tab.

36. Single left-click on the number “1” in the left column.

37. Click “OK.”

38. Double left-click on the “Sensor Display” Process

39. Check the “Maps” check box.

40. Click “OK.”

41. Select Data ( Start

Tracker Process

This search and beacon tracker assists in the analysis of track data by analyzing track data and creating tracks. Tracks are determined by weighted inputs.


Figure 22. Display of Track Data

The Tracker initializes the parameters with the following values:

|Minimum Velocity |100kts |

|Maximum Velocity |700kts |

|Maximum Variance |4 secs |

|Maximum Time Merge |0.5 secs |

|Maximum Time Extension |37 secs |

|NOTE: The following parameters do not have units: |

|Mode3 Weight |25600 |

|Mode2 Weight |6400 |

|ModeC Weight |1600 |

|ModeC Match |200 |

|Reinforced Weight |400 |

|Minimum Weight |30 |

|Height Weight |100 |

|Height Match |500 |

|Reset Clutter |FALSE |

|Reset Tracks |FALSE |

Table 5: Initial Tracker Algorithm Parameters

Exercise #24, Tracker Process

1. Launch RS3.

2. Select File ( Open Project

3. Select A:\Flight.rs3

4. Select “Open.”

5. Select Project ( Add Process.

6. Highlight “Tracker” Process.

7. Click “OK.”

8. Select Data ( Start.

9. Highlight “Sensor Display.”

10. Select Process ( Chain Tracks.

Site Stats Process

This process is used to display statistics such as reinforcement rates, data counts, and standard deviation for each site within the sensor data. Statistics can be tailored to display in range, azimuth, Mode C, and/or height cells. Once Site Statistics is started, you will see a Computing box that tracks which scan has been run and lists the current scan that you have processed. You will also see a Displayed box that shows a history number for scans n through n. These will remain at 0 until you press the Play button on the Nav Toolbar, press the F10 key, or select Data ( Start from the main menu.

Exercise #25, Introduction to the Site Stats Process

1. Launch RS3.

2. Select File ( Open Project

3. Select A:\MC_Demo.rs3

4. Select “Open.”

5. Select Project ( Add Process.

6. Highlight the “Site Stats” Process.

7. Click “OK.”

8. Double left-click on “Site Stats” Process

9. Select “Build” button.

10. Double left-click on “Rng 200-250” in the “Current List” Box.

11. Drag the top slider (as shown in the figure below) to the left until slider is completely to the left (0 nmi).

12. Click “OK.”

13. Click “OK.”

14. Select Data ( Start.

15. After Sensor data has reached 100%, Select 2 in the “View History” Text Box.

16. Select “Go.”

Figure 23. Site Statistics Cell Properties Menu

Exercise #26, Site Stats with Running Totals

1. Double left-click on “Site Stats” Process.

2. Select “Cells” Tab.

3. Select “Running Totals” in the “Compute Results” Group.

4. Click “OK.”

5. Select Data ( Reset.

6. Select Data ( Start.

Exercise #27, Site Stats with More Algorithms

1. Double left-click on “Site Stats” Process.

2. Select “Algorithms” Tab.

3. Highlight “Avg Search Runlength” in the “Available” List Box.

4. Select the “>>” button.

5. Click “OK.”

6. Select Data ( Reset.

7. Select Data ( Start.

Elplot Process

Elplot displays sensor data messages in a GUI. Elplot provides five different GUIs: (1) 4/3 Earth Curvature, (2) Flat Earth, (3) Angle-Azimuth Plot, (4) Height-Azimuth Plot, and (5) Range-Azimuth plot.

Query Area Angle Grid

Chain Reinf

Toggle Histories

[pic] Save Metafile


Toggle Symbols

Toggle Legend

Figure 24. Elplot Toolbar

4/3 Earth Curvature Plot

This graph plots search 3D height, reinforced search height, mode C, reinforced mode C, and text files on a modified 4/3 vertical plane. The X axis equals the slant range and Y axis equals altitude (MSL). Beam angles are also displayed. Radar sites are selectable by left clicking on the lower tabs.


Figure 25. 4/3 Earth Plot

Flat Earth Plot

This graph plots search 3D height, reinforced search height, mode C, reinforced mode C, and text files on a flat vertical plane (Horizon). The X axis equals the slant range and Y axis equals altitude (MSL). No beam angles are displayed. Radar sites are selectable by left clicking on the lower tabs.


Figure 26. Flat Earth Plot

Angle-Azimuth Plot

This graph plots search 3D height, reinforced search height, mode C, reinforced mode C, and text file data on a elevation angle versus azimuth flat plane. Screening angle data will be plotted along the X axis. Radar sites are selectable by left clicking on the lower tabs.


Figure 27. Angle - Azimuth Plot

Height-Azimuth Plot

This graph plots search 3D height, reinforced search height, mode C, reinforced mode C, and text file data on a target height versus azimuth flat plane. Screening angle data will be plotted along the X axis. Radar sites are selectable by left clicking on the lower tabs.


Figure 28. Height - Azimuth Plot

Range-Azimuth Plot

This graph plots all sensor messages with a corresponding range and azimuth. The sensor messages are displayed based on a range and azimuth. The message’s range is not corrected for slant range. Radar sites are selectable by left clicking on the lower tabs.


Figure 29. Range - Azimuth Plot

EXERCISE #28, Introduction to the Elplot Process

1. Select File ( Open Project

2. Select A:\Elplot.rs3

3. Click on the Flat Earth Tab to the right of the screen.

4. Repeat Step 3 for the Angle-Azimuth, Height-Azimuth, and Range-Azimuth plots.

5. Select Data ( Reset.

6. Select Data ( Start.

Exercise #29: Histories (a.k.a. “the Crawling Worm”)

1. Double-click on the Elplot Process in the Project Manager tree.

2. Select the “Histories” Tab.

3. Check the “Histories (On/Off)” check-box.

4. Change the “Scan Count” to 10.

5. Click “OK.”

6. Select Data ( Reset.

7. Select Data ( Start. This plays the project with histories turned on.

Exercise #30: Extended Histories

1. Double-click on the Elplot Process in the Project Manager tree.

2. Select the “Histories” Tab.

3. Ensure the “Histories (On/Off)” check-box is checked and the Scan Count is set to 10.

4. Check the “Track Extended Hisotries (On/Off)” check box.

5. Click on the “Add” button.

6. Enter “14” for the track number.

7. Enter “15” into the Extended Histories Scan Count.

8. Select “OK.”

9. Select “OK.”

10. Select Data ( Reset.

11. Select Data ( Start. This plays the project with extended histories turned on.

12. Double-click on the Elplot Process in the Project Manager tree.

13. Select the “Histories” Tab.

14. Click on “Histories (On/Off)” check-box. Turning off histories.

Exercise #31: Changing Background Color

1. Double-click on the “Elplot” Process in the Project Manager tree.

2. Select the “Colors” tab.

3. Double-click on the “Background” item.

4. Select the color of your choice.

5. Click “OK.”

6. Click “OK.”

Exercise #32: Zooming

1. Select Process ( Zoom ( Zoom Rect.

2. Use your mouse to select a rectangular area around the area of interest. This will zoom in on the area you select.

3. Select Process ( Zoom ( Out. This will zoom out 100% centered on the area you are currently viewing.

4. Select Process ( Zoom ( Home to return to original sensor display

Exercise #33: Query Area, Updating Track Numbers, and Chaining

1. Select Process ( Query Area

2. Left-click to mark perimeter points around the sensor data of interest.

3. Right-click when you have surrounded the area of interest with boundary lines. Query Results Dialog box appears.

4. Highlight all rows (1-102).

5. Click the “Options” button.

6. Highlight “Change Track Num…”.

7. Left-click on “Change Track Num…” “Update Track Numbers” Dialog box appears.

8. Type “20” in the “Track Number” text box.

9. Select “OK.” Track numbers should be updated in Query Results Dialog box.

10. Select “Close.”

11. Select Process ( Chain Tracks.


Figure 30. Elplot Query Results Dialog Box

Exercise #34: Single-Click Query

1. Left Double-click on a sensor data message within the “Elplot GUI”.

2. Select “Close.”

Exercise #35: ID Individual Messages

1. Depress the ID Individual toolbar button.

2. Enter “11” into the “ID Individual” dialog box.

3. Select “OK.” ID Individual mouse pointer changes to the ID Individual Icon.

4. Left-click on the first three sensor data messages within the “Elplot GUI”.

5. Depress the ID Individual toolbar button.

6. Select Process ( Chain Tracks. This will turn on chaining of each radar track. There should be two tracks available, tracks 20 and 11.

EXERCISE #36, Vertical Chaining

1. Select File ( Open Project

2. Select A:\Elplot_Multisite.rs3

3. Double-click on the Elplot Process in the Project Manager tree.

4. Check “Vertically” in the “Chain Tracks” Group.

5. Check “Show Both” in the “Reinforced Target Settings” Group.

6. Select the “Colors” Tab.

7. Double Click on the “Reinforced Search Target” Color Box.

8. Click on a Color (other than neon green). This will distinguish the Reinforced messages’ Mode C field from the Reinforced messages’ Height field.

9. Select “OK.”

10. Select “OK.”

11. Select Data ( Reset.

12. Select Data ( Start.

Exercise #37, Elplot Settings

1. Double-click on the Elplot Process in the Project Manager tree.

2. In the “Sites” drop down combination box, Select “Key – Key West, FL”.

3. Using the arrows in the View Tabs area, click on the Right Arrow until the Range-Azimuth View appears.

4. Left-Click on the “Range-Azimuth” view.

5. In the “Max Range” text box, type “50”.

6. Select “OK.”

7. Select Data ( Reset.

8. Select Data ( Start.

9. Left-click on the “KEY” tab. Two range rings should appear.

Exercise #38, Elplot Settings

1. Double-click on the Elplot Process in the Project Manager tree.

2. Check the “Use Settings for All Sites” check box.

3. Using the arrows in the View Tabs area, click on the Right Arrow until the Range-Azimuth View appears.

4. Left-Click on the “Range-Azimuth” view.

5. In the “Max Range” text box, type “50”.

6. Select “OK.”

7. Select Data ( Reset.

8. Select Data ( Start.

9. Click on lower tabs. All sites should only have two range rings.

Real Time Data Quality Monitoring Process

This process is used to display statistics on radar sites by means of bar graphs. Each algorithm can be set to alarm at a high and low value. Also, values can be averaged based on a user-selectable scan amount. All alarms can be saved to comma-delimited log files. Log files can be written based on a selectable time interval or file size. The default path for all log files is c:\program files\rades\rs3\logfiles. The log file includes Algorithm type, site ID, time, whether the alarm went In/Out, alarm high value, alarm low value, and actual amount.

Table 2

RTDQM Algoritms (a.k.a., Views)

Reinforcement Rate Beacon Count Search Count

Sync Error Rate Parity Error Rate Header Error Rate

BRTQC Count SRTQC Count Sch Strobe Count

Bcn Strobe Count Status Count Channel Lost

Channel Acquired Data Lost

Exercise #39, Change three sites and three views to display data on a ten scan average rather than the default one scan average.

1. Launch RS3.

2. Select File ( Open Data File

3. Select A:\93412300.rs3

4. Select “Open.”

5. Select Project ( Add Process.

6. Highlight the “RTDQM” Process.

7. Click “OK.”

8. Double left click the RTDQM Process.

9. Left click on the “Settings” tab.

10. Select “MAT” in “Available Sites.”

11. Select “Reinf Rate%” in “Views.”

12. Set “Number of Scans” to 2.

13. Leave “Available Sites” set to the current site.

14. Select “Beacon Count” in “Views.”

15. Set “Number of Scans” to 2.

16. Leave “Avaialable Sites” set to the current site.

17. Select “Search Count” in “Views.”

18. Set “Number of Scans” to 2.

19. Select “MCY” in “Available Sites.”

20. Repeat steps 11 thru 18.

21. Select “HSB” in “Available Sites.”

22. Repeat steps 11 thru 18.

23. Left click on “OK”

24. Expand RTDQM process in Project Manager.

25. Expand “Sites” under RTDQM Process in Project Manager.

26. Expand “MAT” under Sites in Project Manager.

27. Expand “Reinf Rate %” under MAT in Project Manager.

28. Note that Num Scans is now set to 2.

29. Press “Play” button.

30. This sets RTDQM to display a ten scan average for the changed sites and views in those sites.


Figure 31. RTDQM Settings Property Page

EXERCISE #40, Error Logging

1. Select File ( Open Project

2. Select A:\Elplot_Multisite.rs3

3. Double-click on the RTDQM Process in the Project Manager tree.

4. Select the “Error Log” property page.

5. Check “Log Errors To File” check box.

6. Check “On Quarter Hour” radio button.

7. Check “Add Day of Week” check box.

8. Select “OK.”

9. Select Data ( Start.

LAN Transmit (LAN Tx) Process

This process is used to forward sensor data messages to another computer via a closed Local Area Network (LAN). Data is passed to the receiver with the TCP/IP protocol. Receivers can connect to transmitters by using the transmitters computer name or IP address. There is a maximum of 50 receivers per transmitter (10 is the default amount of receivers per transmitter).


Figure 32. LAN Tx AVI in process


Figure 33. Stopped LAN Tx Process

LAN Receive (LAN Rx) Task

This task is used to capture sensor data messages from another computer on a closed Local Area Network (LAN). Receivers can connect to transmitters by using the transmitters computer name or IP address.


Figure 34. Computer Name


Figure 35. IP Address

Exercise #41, Introduction to LAN Receive Task

1. Right-click on the “Task: 100%” on the tree.

2. Highlight “Delete.”

3. Left-click on “Delete.”

4. Select Project ( Add Task.

5. Highlight “LAN Receive” icon.

6. Select “OK.” “Receive From” dialog appers.

7. Enter “JSSROC-BUFF” into the text box.

8. Select “OK.”

9. In the “Add Process” dialog box, Highlight “RTDQM”, “Sensor Display”, and “Convert”.

10. Select “OK.”

11. Select Window ( Tile Vertical.

12. Select Data ( Start.


84th Radar Evaluation Squadron

7976 Aspen Ave.

Hill AFB, UT 84056

“Experts in Workmanship”



WARNING: Histories must be enabled before Extended Histories can be enabled.

NOTE: The extended history scan count is added to the histories scan count.

WARNING: Histories must be enabled before Extended Histories can be enabled.

NOTE: The extended history scan count is added to the histories scan count. Extended History Scan Count must be greater than the History Scan Count.

NOTE: Transmitted data is saved via a convert process.

NOTE: Transmitted data cannot be queried. Querying Transmitted data will be available in RS3 V2.1.

NOTE: Logfiles can only be viewed after they are closed. To close a logfile, you must close the current process, or delete the RTDQM process.

Figure 15. Select Data Source Dialog Box

NOTE: All algorithms are computed on a whole scan basis, meaning Site Statistics ignores all messages before the first and after the last scan markers.


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