County Assembly Meeting Script - Colorado Republican Party

__________________ County Assembly Meeting Script

____________________________, 2020


__________________ County Assembly Meeting Script ________________________, 2020


Chairman: The meeting of the __________________ County Republican Assembly shall come to order. The time is __________ o’clock.


Chairman: Before we begin, ____________________________ will offer an invocation, following which ___________________________ will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Invocation (Prayer) offered.


___________________________: Please stand and join me in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Pledge of Allegiance recited.

Chairman: Thank you, you may be seated. The County Party Secretary will now read the call.


Chairman: This Assembly and Convention of the __________________ County Republican Party is convened pursuant to and under the authority of Colorado Revised Statutes sections 1-3-103, 1-4-602, the Bylaws of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee, County Republican Party Bylaws, and other relevant provisions of Colorado law. My name is__________________ and I serve as the Chairman of the County Republican Central Committee.

Chairman: I would like to thank each of you for attending today, and for your participation in this important assembly.

[Add other words of welcome and thanks as appropriate].

Chairman: By way of information, the principal purposes of today’s meeting are the ratification of the election of precinct committee people chosen at their precinct caucuses, the designation of delegates to higher assemblies (including State, Congressional, House, and Senate District, as applicable), and the designation of a candidate or candidates to the Primary ballot for open county positions (including County Commissioner, and other county offices, as applicable), to consider and adopt various resolutions, and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the Assembly. The voting membership of the County Assembly consists of the delegates elected at the precinct caucus and such other delegates including, if applicable, ex-officio delegates apportioned to the County and/or District precincts by the Executive Committee and Central committee in accordance with the delegate apportionment plan previously adopted.


Chairman: The Chair has been fortunate to obtain the services of and, without objection, has appointed the following individuals to serve in the following capacities for the purposes of this assembly:

Credentials Committee Chair: ___________________________

Serving as additional members of the credentials committee are:

__________, ___________, __________, ____________, _____________.

Teller Committee Chair: ___________________________

Serving as additional members of the teller committee are:

__________, ___________, __________, ____________. In addition, each candidate for elective office will also be permitted to select an observer to observe the counting of ballots.

Rules Committee Chair: ___________________________

Serving as additional members of the rules committee are:

_______________, _______________, _______________,

Sergeant at Arms: ___________________________

Timekeeper: ___________________________

Parliamentarian: ___________________________


Chairman: The Chair would also like to take this opportunity to welcome the following elected officials, Party officials, and other distinguished guests:

(List officials and guests, and thank them for coming – including the press).

Chairman: The Chair would also like to recognize our County Party Officers and District Captains, who play so important a role in accomplishing the objectives of the Republican Party within our County. You have our thanks for your many hours of dedicated service.

Chairman: The first item of formal business is the adoption of the credentials report.


Credential Committee Chairman: Madam/Mister Chairman!

Chairman: The Chair recognizes _______________, the Chair of the Credentials Committee, for the purpose of the Credentials Report.

Credential Committee Chairman: The Credentials Committee Report shows that of the _______ eligible delegates and _________ alternate delegates selected at their respective precinct caucuses, there are _______ voting delegates of the County Republican Assembly present and entitled to vote and otherwise participate in this assembly. Of that number, _______ are alternates that have been seated in the place of delegates who are absent, or otherwise unable to participate.

Credential Committee Chairman: On behalf of the Credentials Committee, I respectfully move the adoption of the Credentials Report.

Chairman: As the adoption of the Credentials Report has been moved by the chair of the Credentials Committee, the motion does not require a second. The question before the body is the adoption of the Credentials Report. Are you ready for the question?

Chairman: All in favor of adopting the Credentials Report say Aye. ____

Those opposed say No. ____

The Ayes have it, and the Credentials Committee Report is adopted.

Chairman: The Chair finds that a quorum has been established.


Chairman: The next item of business is the adoption of the Rules and Agenda to govern the conduct of this assembly.

Rules Committee Chairman: Madam/Mister Chairman!

Chairman: The Chair recognizes the Chairman of the Rules Committee.

Rules Committee Chairman: Madam/Mister Chairman, I move that we dispense with the reading of the Rules and Agenda, and move the adoption of the Rules and Agenda as printed and distributed.

Chairman: The question before the Committee is the adoption of the Rules and Agenda, and the waiver of their reading. Is there any objection?

Hearing none, the Rules and Agenda are adopted.


Chairman: The next order of business is the ratification of the committee people elected at the precinct caucus as required by law.

Credential Committee Chairman: Madam/Mister Chair!

Chairman: The Chair recognizes _______________, the Chair of the Credentials Committee, for the purpose of a resolution.

Credential Committee Chairman: Madam/Mister Chairman I move the adoption of the following resolution:

Whereas, on Tuesday, March 7, 2020, Republican precinct caucus meetings were properly convened and conducted within the County; and

Whereas, the time for challenging the conduct, results, or outcomes of any precinct caucus has passed; any subsequent challenges or inquiries regarding the conduct, results or outcomes of any precinct caucus are deemed to be forever waived or barred; and the conduct of each Republican precinct caucus is or has been found to be satisfactory to the Credentials Committee and to the governing officials of the County Republican Party;

Be It Resolved, That, those persons who appear on the Certification of Republican Precinct Committeepersons Election prepared by the Credentials Committee and/or by the Presiding Officers of the County Central Committee, attached hereto and incorporated by the reference hereof, were and have been found to be eligible and registered Republican electors, duly elected as Republican Precinct Committeepersons at their respective precinct caucuses pursuant to Section 1-2-102, Colorado Revised Statutes, and the Bylaws and Rules of the County Republican Central Committee and the Colorado Republican State Central Committee; and

Be It Further Resolved, That, the election of the aforementioned persons as Republican Precinct Committeepersons is hereby acknowledged, ratified, confirmed and certified to be in full force and effect as of the date of their original election on March 7, 2020, by the Republican County Assembly of Delegates here convened this ______ day of __________, 2020; and

Be It Further Resolved, That, the presiding officer and secretary of this Republican County Assembly are empowered and instructed to file with the County Clerk and Recorder within four days of this Assembly, pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes Section 1-3-102 (2)(a), a certified list of the names and addresses, by precinct, of those persons elected as Republican Precinct Committeepersons, and to affirm that the same are included within the voting membership of the County Republican Central Committee as defined and authorized by the Bylaws of the County Republican Central Committee, Article XVI Section C (2) of the Bylaws of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee, and Colorado Revised Statutes Section 1-3-103 (b).

Chairman: It has been moved and seconded to adopt the resolution as read, and to ratify the election of the Republican Precinct Committeepersons elected at their respective precinct caucuses.

All in favor say Aye. ____ Those opposed say No. ____

The Ayes have it, and the resolution is adopted.

Following the assembly, the County Party Chairman and Secretary shall submit a certified list of these precinct committeepersons to the County Clerk and Recorder within four days of the assembly as required by law.


Chairman: Without objection, and prior to proceeding with the election of delegates, the Chair now recognizes the Chairman of the Credentials Committee, for the purpose of incorporating amendments to the Credentials Report to account for any late registrants.

Credential Committee Chairman: Madam Chair, on behalf of the Credentials Committee, I move the adoption of the amended Credentials Report.

The Amended Credentials Committee report shows that there are _______ delegates of the County Assembly present and entitled to vote and otherwise participate in this Assembly. I respectfully move the adoption of the amended Credentials Committee Report on behalf of the Credentials Committee.

Chairman: As the adoption of the amended Credentials Report has been moved by the chair of the Credentials Committee, the motion does not require a second. The question before the body is to adopt the Credentials Report as amended. Are you ready for the question?

Chairman: All in favor of adopting the Credentials Report as amended say Aye. ____

Those opposed say No. ____

The Ayes have it, and the amended Credentials Committee Report is adopted.




Chairman: The next order of business is the designation of Republican candidates for the office of County Commissioner to the June 2020 Primary election ballot in accordance with section 1-4-601 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, and relevant Party rules.

(NOTE: For Counties which elect their Three County Commissioners by voters of the entire county, candidates for the office of County Commissioner are designated during the County Assembly using the script on pages 8 through 11. For Home Rule Counties, or Counties which elect their Five County Commissioners by only the voters in each County Commissioner District, you must temporarily recess the County Assembly meeting to convene the meeting of the County Commissioner District Assemblies in order to designate a Republican candidate to the primary election ballot for each County Commissioner District using the script on pages 11 through 15.)


Chairman: In accordance with the Agenda and Rules adopted previously, and after all candidates for County Commissioner have been initially nominated, we will recognize each of the nominees for the purpose of nominating speeches and candidate speeches in the order in which they have been nominated.

Following all candidate speeches, the Chair will entertain a motion to close nominations, and the members of the County Assembly shall then immediately proceed to designate a candidate or candidates by secret ballot (or by raise of hands).

Chairman: The Chair declares the floor to be open for the nomination of Republican candidates for the office of County Commissioner to be designated by this Assembly to the June 2020 Primary election ballot.

______________: I nominate ______________ as the Republican candidate for County Commissioner.

Chairman: _____________________ has been nominated, is there a second ?

Are there any further nominations?

______________: I nominate ______________ as the Republican candidate for County Commissioner.

Chairman: _________________ has been nominated, is there a second ?

Are there any further nominations?

______________: I nominate ______________ as the Republican candidate for County Commissioner.

Chairman: _____________________ has been nominated, is there a second ?

Are there any further nominations?

Seeing none, we will now proceed to the nominating and candidate speeches.


(Nominators and candidates each speak in the order in which nominated)

Are there any further nominations?

Seeing none, Is there a motion to close nominations?

________________: So moved.

________________: Second.

Chairman: It has been moved and seconded to close nominations for the Republican candidate for County Commissioner. All in favor of closing nominations say Aye. ____ Those opposed say No. ____ The Ayes have it, and nominations are closed.

Chairman: Without objection, we will conduct the election by raise of hands, and the Teller Committee will tally the results. All those in favor of designating __________________ as the Republican nominee for the office of County Commissioner please raise your hand.

(Count is taken)

All those in favor of designating __________________ as the Republican nominee for the office of County Commissioner, please raise your hand.

(Count is taken)

All those in favor of designating __________________ as the Republican nominee for the office of County Commissioner, please raise your hand.

(Count is taken)


Teller Committee Chairman: Madam/Mister Chair!

Chairman: The Chair recognizes the Chairman of the Teller Committee, for the purpose of the Teller Committee Report.

Teller Committee Chairman: Madam Chair, and on behalf of the Teller Committee, the following is the Teller Committee Report with respect to the designation of a Republican candidate for County Commissioner:

The number of ballots or votes cast was: _____________

The number of illegal ballots or votes was: ____________

The number of votes cast for candidate ______________ was: ___________

The number of votes cast for candidate ______________ was: ___________

The number of votes cast for candidate ______________ was: ___________

This concludes the Report of the Teller Committee.

It is the ruling of the Chair that the following candidates have received thirty percent or more of the votes of duly accredited assembly delegates present and voting, and are designated to the Primary election Ballot for the office of the County Commissioner in the following order:

First in Order on the Ballot: _________________________________________

Second in Order on the Ballot: _________________________________________

Third in Order on the Ballot: ________________________________________

Chairman: Congratulations. The assembly officers and candidates designated are instructed to complete the appropriate paperwork concerning their designation by assembly following the County Assembly, and to submit it as required to the County Clerk and Recorder, with a copy to the Colorado Republican Party.


Chairman: Since our County Commissioner candidates are elected by district, and not by the County at-large, it is necessary to temporarily recess the County Assembly in order to convene the relevant County Commissioner District Assemblies in order to designate Republican candidates to the June 2018 Primary Election Ballot in each County Commissioner District.

The accredited delegates and alternates to this County Assembly that reside within each of the respective County Commissioner Districts constitute the voting membership of that County Commissioner District Republican Assembly.

Chairman: The Chair will now entertain a motion to recess the County Assembly, and convene the meeting of the County Commissioner District Republican Assembly for purposes of designating Republican candidates to the 2018 Primary Election Ballot for the County Commissioner District Number ____.

Do I have such a motion?

________________: So moved.

________________: Second.

Chairman: The motion to recess is adopted, and the County Commissioner District Republican Assembly for District Number ____ shall come to order.


County Commissioner District Assembly Chairman: Without objection, the list of accredited delegates to the County Assembly who are residents of the County Commissioner District Number ______ shall constitute the voting membership of this County Commissioner District Republican Assembly, and the officers and teller committee members of the County Assembly shall continue to serve in their respective capacities in this County Commissioner District Assembly.

County Commissioner District Assembly Chairman: In accordance with the Agenda and Rules adopted previously, and after all candidates for County Commissioner have been initially nominated, we will recognize each of the nominees for the purpose of nominating speeches and candidate speeches in the order in which they have been nominated.

Following all candidate speeches, the Chair will entertain a motion to close nominations, and the members of the County Assembly shall then immediately proceed to designate a candidate or candidates by secret ballot (or by raise of hands) by only those accredited delegates that are residents of the appropriate County Commissioner District.

County Commissioner District Assembly Chairman: The Chair declares the floor to be open for the nomination of Republican candidates for the office of County Commissioner for District _______ to be designated by this County Commissioner District Republican Assembly to the June 2018 Primary election ballot.

______________: I nominate ______________ as the Republican candidate for County Commissioner for the District.

County Commissioner District Assembly Chairman: ____________________ has been nominated, is there a second ?

Are there any further nominations?

______________: I nominate ______________ as the Republican candidate for County Commissioner.

County Commissioner District Assembly Chairman: _________________ has been nominated, is there a second ?

Are there any further nominations?

______________: I nominate ______________ as the Republican candidate for County Commissioner.

County Commissioner District Assembly Chairman: ____________________ has been nominated, is there a second ?

Are there any further nominations?

Seeing none, we will now proceed to the nominating and candidate speeches.


(Nominators and candidates each speak in the order in which nominated)

County Commissioner District Assembly Chairman: Are there any further nominations?

Seeing none, Is there a motion to close nominations?

________________: So moved.

________________: Second.

County Commissioner District Assembly Chairman: It has been moved and seconded to close nominations for the Republican candidate for County Commissioner for this District.

All in favor of closing nominations say Aye. ____ Those opposed say No. ____

The Ayes have it, and nominations are closed.

County Commissioner District Assembly Chairman: Without objection, we will conduct the election by raise of hands, and the Teller Committee will tally the results. As a reminder, only those voting delegates who are residents of County Commissioner District ______ may vote.

All those in favor of designating __________________ as the Republican nominee for the office of County Commissioner for this District please raise your hand.

(Count is taken)

All those in favor of designating __________________ as the Republican nominee for the office of County Commissioner for this District please raise your hand.

(Count is taken)

All those in favor of designating __________________ as the Republican nominee for the office of County Commissioner for this District please raise your hand.

(Count is taken)


Teller Committee Chairman: Madam/Mister Chair!

Chairman: The Chair recognizes the Chairman of the Teller Committee, for the purpose of the Teller Committee Report.

Teller Committee Chairman: Madam Chair, and on behalf of the Teller Committee, the following is the Teller Committee Report with respect to the designation of a Republican candidate for County Commissioner for District _________:

The number of ballots or votes cast was: _____________

The number of illegal ballots or votes was: ____________

The number of votes cast for candidate ______________ was: ___________

The number of votes cast for candidate ______________ was: ___________

The number of votes cast for candidate ______________ was: ___________

This concludes the Report of the Teller Committee.

It is the ruling of the Chair that the following candidates have received thirty percent or more of the votes of duly accredited assembly delegates present and voting, and are designated to the Primary election Ballot for the office of the County Commissioner in the following order:

First in Order on the Ballot: _________________________________________

Second in Order on the Ballot: _________________________________________

Third in Order on the Ballot: ________________________________________

County Commissioner District Assembly Chairman: Congratulations. The assembly officers and candidates designated are instructed to complete the appropriate paperwork concerning their designation by assembly following the County Assembly, and to submit it as required to the County Clerk and Recorder, with a copy to the Colorado Republican Party.

County Commissioner District Assembly Chairman: There being no further business to come before this District Assembly, and without objection, the meeting of the County Commissioner District Republican Assembly for District Number ______ stands adjourned, and the County Commissioner District Republican Assembly for purposes of designating Republican candidates to the 2018 Primary Election Ballot for the County Commissioner District Number ____, and the County Commissioner District Republican Assembly for District Number ____ shall come to order.

TURN TO PAGE 11,and REPEAT FOR EACH COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT. After all County Commissioner District Assemblies have been completed, the Chair should reconvene the County Assembly.




Chairman: The next order of business is the designation of Republican candidates to the June 2020 Primary election ballot for the following County offices:

County Clerk and Recorder

County Treasurer

County Sheriff

County Assessor

County Coroner

County Surveyor


Chairman: In accordance with the Agenda and Rules adopted previously, and after all candidates for County Office have been initially nominated, we will recognize each of the nominees for the purpose of nominating speeches and candidate speeches in the order in which they have been nominated.

Following all candidate speeches, the Chair will entertain a motion to close nominations, and the members of the County Assembly shall then immediately proceed to designate a candidate or candidates by secret ballot (or by raise of hands).

Chairman: The Chair declares the floor to be open for the nomination of Republican candidates for the office of _____________________ to be designated by this Assembly to the June 2020 Primary election ballot.

______________: I nominate ______________ as the Republican candidate for County ____________________.

Chairman: _____________________ has been nominated, is there a second ?

Are there any further nominations?

______________: I nominate ______________ as the Republican candidate for County ____________________.

Chairman: _________________ has been nominated, is there a second ?

Are there any further nominations?

______________: I nominate ______________ as the Republican candidate for County ____________________.

Chairman: _____________________ has been nominated, is there a second ?

Are there any further nominations?

Seeing none, we will now proceed to the nominating and candidate speeches.


(Nominators and candidates each speak in the order in which nominated)

Are there any further nominations?

Seeing none, Is there a motion to close nominations?

________________: So moved.

________________: Second.

Chairman: It has been moved and seconded to close nominations for the Republican candidate for County ____________________. All in favor of closing nominations say Aye. ____ Those opposed say No. ____ The Ayes have it, and nominations are closed.

Chairman: Without objection, we will conduct the election by raise of hands, and the Teller Committee will tally the results. All those in favor of designating __________________ as the Republican nominee for the office of County ____________________ please raise your hand.

(Count is taken)

All those in favor of designating __________________ as the Republican nominee for the office of County ____________________, please raise your hand.

(Count is taken)

All those in favor of designating __________________ as the Republican nominee for the office of County____________________, please raise your hand.

(Count is taken)


Teller Committee Chairman: Madam/Mister Chair!

Chairman: The Chair recognizes the Chairman of the Teller Committee, for the purpose of the Teller Committee Report.

Teller Committee Chairman: Madam Chair, and on behalf of the Teller Committee, the following is the Teller Committee Report with respect to the designation of a Republican candidate for County ____________________:

The number of ballots or votes cast was: _____________

The number of illegal ballots or votes was: ____________

The number of votes cast for candidate ______________ was: ___________

The number of votes cast for candidate ______________ was: ___________

The number of votes cast for candidate ______________ was: ___________

This concludes the Report of the Teller Committee.

It is the ruling of the Chair that the following candidates have each received thirty percent or more of the votes of duly accredited assembly delegates present and voting, and are designated to the Primary election Ballot for the office of the County ____________________ in the following order:

First in Order on the Ballot: _________________________________________

Second in Order on the Ballot: _________________________________________

Third in Order on the Ballot: ________________________________________

Chairman: Congratulations. The assembly officers and candidates designated are instructed to complete the appropriate paperwork concerning their designation by assembly following the County Assembly, and to submit it as required to the County Clerk and Recorder, with a copy to the Colorado Republican Party.



Chairman: The next order of business is the designation of appropriate vacancy committees to fill vacancies in designation to the primary election ballot, vacancies in nomination that may occur after the primary election but before the general election, and vacancies that may occur after the general election in the office of County Commissioner. Pursuant to Colorado Constitution, Article XIV, Section 9, vacancies in elected office for all other county offices are filled by appointment by the board of County Commissioners.

Chairman: Without objection, the Chairman will entertain a motion to appoint a County Assembly Vacancy Committee, empowered to fill vacancies in designation or nomination of Republican candidates for all County elective offices in accordance with law as follows:

The County Assembly Vacancy Committee shall be as designated at the County Organizational Meeting or as specified in the County Bylaws; in the event the Vacancy Committee is not so specified, the County Assembly Vacancy Committee shall be comprised of the County Party Officers, each of the District Captains (if there be any), and the Republican State Senators and Republican State Representatives residing in the County at the time the vacancy in designation or nomination occurs.

OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE: The County Assembly Vacancy Committee shall be comprised of the following individuals:

Name: __________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________

Residential Address: ___________________________ _________________, CO ___________

Name: __________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________

Residential Address: ___________________________ _________________, CO ___________

Name: __________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________

Residential Address: ___________________________ _________________, CO ___________

Name: __________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________

Residential Address: ___________________________ _________________, CO ___________

Name: __________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________

Residential Address: ___________________________ _________________, CO ___________

Chairman: Do I have such a motion?

________________: So moved.

________________: Second.

Chairman: Are you ready for the question on the appointment of a County Assembly Vacancy Committee, empowered to fill all vacancies in designation or nomination?

All in favor, say Aye. ____

Those opposed say No. ____

The Ayes have it, the County Assembly Vacancy Committee is appointed.

Chairman: Without objection, the Chairman will entertain a motion to appoint a County Commissioner Vacancy Committee, empowered to fill vacancies in designation or nomination of Republican candidates for County Commissioner in accordance with law as follows:

The County Commissioner Vacancy Committee shall be as designated at the County Organizational Meeting or as specified in the County Bylaws; in the event the Vacancy Committee is not so specified, the County Commissioner Vacancy Committee shall be comprised of the County Party Officers, each of the District Captains (if there be any), and the Republican State Senators and Republican State Representatives, and each Republican Precinct Committeeperson residing in the County at the time the vacancy in elective office occurs.

OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE: The County Commissioner Vacancy Committee shall be comprised of the following individuals:

Name: __________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________

Residential Address: ___________________________ _________________, CO ___________

Name: __________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________

Residential Address: ___________________________ _________________, CO ___________

Name: __________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________

Residential Address: ___________________________ _________________, CO ___________

Name: __________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________

Residential Address: ___________________________ _________________, CO ___________

Name: __________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________

Residential Address: ___________________________ _________________, CO ___________

Chairman: Do I have such a motion?

________________: So moved.

________________: Second.

Chairman: Are you ready for the question on the appointment of a County Commissioner Vacancy Committee, empowered to fill vacancies in the office of elected County Commissioner?

All in favor, say Aye. ____

Those opposed say No. ____

The Ayes have it, the County Commissioner Vacancy Committee is appointed.




Chairman: The next order of business is the election of delegates and alternate delegates to represent our County at higher Party Assemblies. Delegates selected will participate in the nomination of Republican candidates for elective office in these respective districts.

• State Assembly & Convention

• Congressional District

• (List Multi-County State Senate / State House / State Judicial districts if pertain to your county)

(NOTE: Certain County Parties may have already allocated their apportionment of delegates to the State and Congressional District Assemblies to the precinct level, and such delegates and alternates may have already been elected at the precinct caucuses. If this is true of your county, skip the sections regarding the election of delegates to the State and Congressional District, and proceed to the election of Judicial, State Senate, and State House District Assembly delegates, as applicable, or proceed with other County Assembly business).

For House and Senate Districts entirely within the County, the delegates and alternates elected to and currently participating in this County Assembly are automatic delegates and alternates to these single-county assemblies as well. These single-county districts will convene immediately after this County Assembly.

District Assemblies for House and Senate made up of all or portions of our County, along with all or portions of other Counties, will be held later on. We will be electing delegates to these multi-county assemblies based on the delegate apportionment provided by the respective District Committees previously.


Chairman: The next order of business is the election of delegates to the Colorado Republican State Assembly.

Before we entertain candidates to run as delegates and alternates, we welcome any candidate(s) or candidate’s representative that will be on the ballot at the higher assemblies for their brief remarks.

Chairman Delegates and alternate delegates elected today will participate in the State Assembly to take place at the 1st Bank Center in Broomfield on Saturday, March 18th, 2020. Note that delegates and alternates elected will be required to pay their own costs associated with participating in the State Assembly and Convention, and will be required to pay a badge fee of $70 for each delegate and $60 for each alternate delegate to help defray the costs associated with holding the state mandated assembly meeting.

Delegates to the State Assembly and Convention will participate in the designation of a Republican Candidate or Candidates for US Senate, National Committeeman, National Committeewoman, National Delegates to the RNC Convention, and the 2020 Party Platform Resolutions.

Without objection, delegates and alternate delegates elected to attend the Colorado Republican State Assembly on Saturday, March 18th, will also be designated to serve, respectively, as delegates and alternates to the Congressional District Assembly and to the following multi-county State House and State Senate District Assemblies in which this County is entitled to be represented. (up to the county if decide to elect all higher assembly delegates and alternates separately)

We will now open up nominations to run for higher assembly. All those who would like to run for higher assembly, please line up as we begin the process:

(Some county assemblies will have slates that run and some will be individuals)

You are instructed to vote for (Insert County Delegate / Alternate Allocation Number) individuals to represent you at the higher assemblies. Results will be made available at a later time in the agenda.

Repeat for State / Congressional / Multi County assemblies as necessary

County Assembly Chairman: The next item of business is the consideration of resolutions, or the conduct of any new business.


(NOTE: Use this section only if the Resolutions Committee has met previously to compile Resolutions adopted at the precinct level and requested to be forwarded to be considered for adoption at the county level, or if the Resolutions Committee has drafted resolutions to place before the Assembly upon its own initiative.)

Resolutions Committee Chairman: Madam/Mister Chairman!

Chairman: The Chair recognizes _______________, the Chairman of the Resolution Committee, for the purpose of submitting various Resolutions for the consideration of the Assembly.

Resolution Committee Chairman: Madam/ Mister Chairman, on behalf of the Resolution Committee, I move the adoption of the following Resolution:


Chairman: The question before the Committee is the adoption of the Resolution as read. Is there any discussion?

[ Discussion by delegates in favor or against the resolution is appropriate, as are amendments to the Resolution as proposed. Any amendments, or amendments to the amendments, must be voted upon prior to voting on the adoption of the main resolution as amended ].

Chairman: Is there any further discussion? Seeing none, the question before the Assembly is the adoption of the Resolution as read (or as amended).

All in favor of adopting the Resolution say Aye. ____ Those opposed say No. ____

The Ayes have it, and the Resolution is adopted.


The No’s have it, and the Resolution fails.



Chairman: The Chair will entertain a motion to recess and set the time to reconvene the Assembly at the Call of the Chair in order to conduct the single-county House and Senate District Assemblies, and to continue to give time to the Teller Committee to compile the Teller Committee Reports with respect to the election of delegates to the higher assemblies.



County Assembly Chairman: The County Republican Assembly will come to order.


Teller Committee Chairman: Madam/Mister Chairman!

Chairman: The Chair recognizes the Chairman of the Teller Committee, for the purpose of the Teller Committee Report.

Teller Committee Chairman: Madam/Mister Chairman, and on behalf of the Teller Committee, the following is the Teller Committee Report with respect to the election of delegates for higher assemblies:


The total number of delegate positions allocated to the county for the (State, Congressional, State Senate, or State House District Assembly and/or Convention) is _________, and an equal number of alternate delegate positions have also been allocated.

The number of ballots or votes cast was: _____________

The number of illegal ballots or votes was: ____________

The following individuals have been elected as delegates to the (State, Congressional, State Senate, or State House District Assembly and/or Convention): (read list)


The following individuals have been elected as alternate delegates to the (State, Congressional, State Senate, or State House District Assembly and/or Convention) in the following order: (read list)



This concludes the Report of the Teller Committee.

Chairman: The Teller Committee is thanked for their service.


Chairman: Is there any new business?

Chairman: Seeing none, the Chair has the following announcements:

Copies of all necessary paperwork to certify the designation of candidates by the County Republican Assembly or other relevant Party Assemblies to the County Clerk and Recorder and the Colorado Secretary of State are available, and will be completed by the candidates selected and by the appropriate officers of the County Assembly and County Republican Central Committee immediately following the meeting.


Chairman: There being no further business to come before this Assembly, the Chair will entertain a motion to adjourn. Do I have such a motion?

________________: So moved.

________________: Second.

Chairman: Are you ready for the question on the motion to adjourn?

All in favor, say Aye. ____

Those opposed say No. ____

The Ayes have it, and the County Republican Assembly is adjourned.

The date and time that the County Assembly stands adjourned is _________________ at _________.



o Adoption of Credential Committee Report and Rules

o Candidate Speeches | letters to voting body

o Resolution to Ratify Election of Precinct Committeepersons

o Designate a Candidate to the Primary Ballot for County Office Positions (County Commissioner, other County offices as applicable)

o Designate Vacancy Committees

o Elect Delegates to Higher Assemblies (State, Congressional, Senatorial District and State House District Assemblies, as applicable)

o Adoption of Resolutions

o (Recess to Convene Single-County State House and State Senate District Assemblies)

o Announce Results of Election of Delegates to Higher Assemblies

o Adjourn


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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