Who voted against obamacare repeal


Who voted against obamacare repeal

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For now.Senate Republicans failed to pass a pared-down Obamacare repeal bill early Friday on a vote of 49-51 that saw three of their own dramatically break ranks.Three Republican senators -- John McCain, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski -- and all Democrats voted against the bill, dealing a stinging defeat to Republicans and President Donald Trump who made repeal of Obamacare a cornerstone their campaigns.The late-night debate capped the GOP's months-long effort to fulfill a seven-year promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act.3 Republicans and 48 Democrats let the American people down. As I said from the beginning, let ObamaCare implode, then deal. Watch!-- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2017 The Senate has tried to pass multiple versions of repeal: repeal and replace, a straight repeal and Friday's bare-bones repeal, but none garnered the support of 50 Republicans.An emotional Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said after the 1:40 a.m. vote went down that Republicans remained committed to repealing the Obama-era health law."We told our constituents we would vote that way and when the moment came, the moment came, most of us did," he said."This is clearly a disappointment," McConnell added. "It's time to move on."The return of McCain to Washington after a brain cancer diagnosis added drama to the already tense proceedings. It was his vote -- the 50th -- that allowed Republicans begin debating the measure.McCain gave a heartfelt speech upon his return to the Senate on Tuesday, decrying the rise of partisanship. And it was McCain who put an end to the partisan repeal effort.McCain spoke to Trump last night on the phone and the president urged him to vote to for the "skinny repeal" bill -- assuring him it wouldn't end up passing into law, according to one source with direct knowledge of the call.Vice President Mike Pence, who arrived in the chamber in a bid to rescue the bill and in preparation to cast the deciding vote, stood alongside McCain's desk and then joined the senator in the cloakroom. By the time they re-emerged, separately, the vote had begun.McCain went back to his desk and sat after casting his "no" vote. He eventually made his way to the Democrats' side of the chamber and was greeted with hugs and cheers."I believe each of us stood up for the reasons that we felt were right"Several Republicans said they did not know where McCain would fall, and there were audible gasps in the chamber when he turned down his thumb to indicate his decision.The renowned maverick had committed perhaps his most rebellious move ever, defying his party and president on the one issue that had united the Republicans for nearly a decade.He walked off the Senate floor saying little. "I thought it was the right vote," he said a short time later while getting into his car.Soon after his office put out a more thorough statement:"I've stated time and time again that one of the major failures of Obamacare was that it was rammed through Congress by Democrats on a strict-party line basis without a single Republican vote. We should not make the mistakes of the past that has led to Obamacare's collapse, including in my home state of Arizona where premiums are skyrocketing and health care providers are fleeing the marketplace."It isn't clear what comes next, but the collapse of some insurance markets around the country serve as an incentive for Republicans and Democrats to hold hearings and fix the problems with health care.Most Republicans never embraced the different iterations of legislation they crafted, nor the process by which it was constructed. Even on the last-ditch effort at a bare-bones bill, Republicans couldn't reach agreement. Over the past two days, many rejected a plan that would have partially repealed and replaced Obamacare and a measure that would have just repealed it. The repeal vote was the same bill that passed the Senate and the House in 2015 when former President Barack Obama vetoed it.Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, stood against every version of the legislation even in the face of immense pressure. The Trump administration threatened to withhold federal resources from Alaska because of her opposition, according to the Alaska Daily News. Murkowski herself said the next day in response to the report that she would not characterize it as a "threat.""I sat there with Senator McCain. I think both of us recognize that it's very hard to disappoint your colleagues," Murkowski told NBC News after the vote. "And I know that there is disappointment because it was the three votes that Senator McCain, Senator Collins, and I cast that did not allow this bill to move forward. And that is difficult.""But I believe each of us stood up for the reasons that we felt were right," she added.The failed vote happened just three hours after the text of the latest version was released, and the slimmed-down version, designed specifically to get the 50 votes it needed, still it wasn't enough to gather the support necessary.Democrats sustained their pressure against Republicans by slowing down not only the health care debate on the floor but all Senate activity. Activists, meanwhile, held daily protests on Capitol Hill, targeting skittish senators' offices. Those protests continued until the vote occurred Friday morning with health care activists gathered outside the Capitol.We are not celebrating; we are relieved--for the Americans who can now keep their #healthcare. We must work together to improve the law.-- Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) July 28, 2017 Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told reporters that he knew McCain was going to vote against his own party's bill by around 10 p.m., three hours before the vote. He said he had talked to his colleague four or five times per day over the last three days."John McCain is a hero and has courage and does the right thing," Schumer said.Until the end, passage on the Health Care Freedom Act, also dubbed the "skinny" repeal, was never certain. Even Republicans who voted for it disliked the bill."The skinny bill as policy is a disaster. The skinny bill as a replacement for Obamacare is a fraud. The skinny bill is a vehicle to getting conference to find a replacement," Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said at a Thursday evening news conference hours before the vote alongside fellow Republicans McCain, Ron Johnson and Bill Cassidy, before the details were released.The "skinny" repeal was far from Republicans' campaign promise of also rolling back Medicaid expansion, insurance subsidies, Obamacare taxes, and insurance regulations.Many Republicans who did vote for it said they were holding their nose to vote for it just to advance the process into negotiations with the House of Representatives.The legislation included a repeal of the individual mandate to purchase insurance, a repeal of the employer mandate to provide insurance, a one-year defunding of Planned Parenthood, a provision giving states more flexibility to opt out of insurance regulations, and a three-year repeal of the medical device tax. It also would have increased the amount that people can contribute to Health Savings Accounts.In the hurried process of trying to come up with legislation, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office released an analysis late on Thursday night that found that 16 million people would lose their health insurance in 2018 under the latest plan. Premiums would have risen 20 percent each year over the next decade, the analysis found. Capitol Hill September 14, 2017 By Sara Reynolds The United States Senate voted three times in July to repeal all or part of the Affordable Care Act](ACA). All of the measures failed. Commenting on the apparent change of position among Republicans who voted against repeal on July 26, Senator Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) claimed, "With just one exception, every member of the Republican majority already either voted for repeal or explicitly campaigned on repeal."[1] Is Sasse correct? Did every current Republican senator, except one, previously vote for or campaign on repeal of the Affordable Care Act? Yes. With the exception of Sen. Susan Collins (Maine), all 49 current Republican senators who were in office in 2015 voted that year to repeal elements of the ACA (with no replacement).[2] Seven Republican senators who were in office in 2015, including Collins, voted against a similar bill on July 26, 2017.[3] Senators John Neely Kennedy (La.) and Todd Young (Ind.), both elected in 2016, campaigned to repeal the ACA.[4][5] Sen. Luther Strange (Ala.), appointed in 2017 and currently running in a special election, has also campaigned on repeal.[6] All three senators voted to repeal the ACA on July 26.[3] Background The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare or the ACA, became law on March 23, 2010. Obamacare authorized state-based health insurance exchanges for consumers to purchase insurance coverage; mandated the purchase of coverage by individuals and employers; mandated coverage of essential benefits; authorized expansion of Medicaid; and provided tax credits and subsidies for the purchase of health insurance.[7][8] Various other provisions regulated cost-sharing among hospitals. Sasse, a Republican senator from Nebraska, was first elected in 2014. Between 2007 and 2009, he served as an assistant secretary in the Department of Health and Human Services under the George W. Bush administration. There are currently 52 Republicans in the U.S. Senate.[9] Of those 52, 49 were also in office in 2015.[10] Votes A bill to repeal several provisions of the ACA, including the individual and employer mandates, certain tax credits and subsidies, and Medicaid expansion eligibility, among others, passed the Senate in December 2015 but was later vetoed by President Barack Obama.[11] Forty-eight (48) of the 49 Republican senators currently in office voted in 2015 for repeal of several ACA provisions. (The exception is Sen. Susan Collins of Maine.)[2] Seven Republican senators who were in office in 2015, including Collins, voted against a similar bill on July 26, 2017.[3] The Senate voted three times in July on ACA repeal and replace bills. On July 25, they rejected a procedural vote 43-57. Had that motion succeeded, the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 would to been able to pass with a majority of votes, rather than three-fifths. Nine Republicans voted against the motion.[12][13] On July 26, the Senate rejected an amendment to the American Health Care Act of 2017 to repeal parts of the ACA without replacement by a vote of 45-55.[14] On July 28, the Senate rejected an amendment to the American Health Care Act of 2017 proposed by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell 49-51. The amendment would have repealed parts of the ACA, including the individual and employer mandates.[15] Republican senators change votes on ACA repeal Senator December 3, 2015 July 25, 2017 July 26, 2017 July 28, 2017 Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) For For Against For Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.) For For Against For Susan Collins (Maine) Against Against Against Against Bob Corker (Tenn.) For Against For For Tom Cotton (Ark.) For Against For For Lindsey Graham (S.C.) For Against For For Dean Heller (Nev.) For Against Against For Mike Lee (Utah) For Against For For John McCain (Ariz.) For For Against Against Jerry Moran (Kans.) For Against For For Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) For Against Against Against Rand Paul (Ky.) For Against For For Rob Portman (Ohio) For For Against For Note: For indicates a vote to repeal the ACA. Against indicates a vote against repealing the ACA. New senators Senators John Neely Kennedy (R-La.) and Todd Young (R-Ind.) were elected for the first time in 2016. Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) was appointed in 2017. All three endorsed repeal or reform in the past and subsequently voted in favor of all three July 2017 repeal or reform efforts.[16][17][18] Conclusion Commenting on the apparent change of position among all but one Senate Republicans on repeal of the ACA, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) said, "With just one exception, every member of the Republican majority already either voted for repeal or explicitly campaigned on repeal."[1] Sasse is correct. All 49 of the current Republican senators that were in office in 2015, except Sen. Susan Collins (Maine), voted that year to repeal parts of the ACA. Seven of the 49 Republicans, including Collins, voted against a similar measure in 2017.[2] Senators Kennedy and Young, elected in 2016, campaigned on ACA repeal.[4][5] Sen. Strange, appointed in 2017 and currently running in a special election for the Senate seat from Alabama, has campaigned on ACA repeal.[6] See also Sources and Notes 1.0 1.1 The Guardian, "Senate rejects bill to repeal large parts of Obamacare without replacement," July 26, 2017 2.0 2.1 2.2 United States Senate, "On Passage of the Bill (H.R. 3762 As Amended)," December 3, 2015 3.0 3.1 3.2 United States Senate, "On the Amendment (Paul Amdt. No. 271)," July 26, 2017 4.0 4.1 C-Span, "Louisiana Senate Debate," October 18, 2016 8:50 5.0 5.1 Todd Young 2016 campaign website, "Healthcare," accessed August 7, 2017 6.0 6.1 Luther Strange 2017 campaign website, "Repeal and replace Obamacare," accessed August 9, 2017 Congressional Research Service, "Legislative Actions in the 112th, 113th, and 114th Congresses to Repeal, Defund, or Delay the Affordable Care Act," February 7, 2017 Kaiser Family Foundation, "Summary of the Affordable Care Act," April 25, 2013 United States Senate, "Senators of the 115th Congress," accessed August 7, 2017 C-SPAN, "Members of the 114th Congress," accessed September 13, 2017 , "All Actions H.R.3762 -- 114th Congress (2015-2016)," accessed August 10, 2017 The Better Care Reconciliation Act is the Senate version of the American Health Care Act which passed the House on May 4, 2017, with 217 Republican "aye" votes and 213 "no" votes--193 from Democrats and 20 from Republicans. Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.) did not vote. Govtrack.us, "H.R. 1628: American Health Care Act of 2017," accessed August 17, 2017 GovTrack.us, "On the Motion (Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Amdt. No. 270)," July 25, 2017 GovTrack.us, "S.Amdt. 271 (Paul) to H.R. 1628: Of a perfecting nature." July 26, 2017 GovTrack.us, "S.Amdt. 667 (McConnell) to H.R. 1628: Of a perfecting nature." July 28, 2017 At a candidate forum on August 3, 2016, Kennedy said, "Obamacare sucks. We need to repeal it." During a debate on October 18, 2016, he said, "I think that the ACA, the Affordable Care Act, has been an abysmal failure. I'd tear it up by the roots and start over." See KEDM Public Radio, "Louisiana Senate Candidates Take On Obamacare," August 4, 2016 and C-Span, "Louisiana Senate Debate," October 18, 2016 8:50 Young's campaign website said, "Todd supports a repeal of Obamacare and wants to replace it with common-sense health care reform that keeps your health care decisions between you and your doctor ? not between you and the government." The page included an ad called "Hostile" which portrayed Young as "leading the fight to stop Obamacare." Todd Young 2016 campaign website, "Healthcare," accessed August 7, 2017 A page titled "Repeal and Replace Obamacare" on Strange's campaign website for the Alabama special election scheduled for September 26, 2017, contains an ad in which Strange says, "A successful approach to Obamacare is to number one, repeal it[.] ... Second step in the process is to replace it." Luther Strange 2017 campaign website, "Repeal and replace Obamacare," accessed August 9, 2017

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