Notice of intended domestic exempt Building Regulation work

Do I need planning permission, listed building or conservation area consent and/or Building Regulations permission?

|Office use only |Date received |

|DM number |BC number |

|DM officer |BC officer |

By submitting this form you are requesting a check as to the need for planning permission, listed building or demolition in a conservation area consent and/or Building Regulations. With regard to planning, this will constitute an informal response, as a definitive response can only be obtained through the submission of a Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development.

Please complete the relevant sections of this form and return it (with the fee if applicable) to the Planning and Regeneration Service together with a sketch plan (see example on page 6) indicating all measurements in metric. We will contact you if further information is required, however, we may not be able to complete this service if sufficient information is not provided. We aim to respond to you within 20 working days.

Please Note: Fees for this service can be found in the Planning and Sustainable Development Service Fees and Charges Document.

|1 |Your details |

| |Name | |

| |Address and post code | |

| |Telephone number (daytime/mobile) | |

| |Email | |

|2 |Agent details (if you are completing on somebody else’s behalf) |

| |Name | |

| |Address and post code | |

| |Telephone number (daytime/mobile) | |

| |Email | |

|3 |Location of proposed work (including post code) |

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|4 |Description of proposed work (including its use) |

| |Please provide a written description of the work and complete the relevant questions at section 5 of this form. If you require further |

| |guidance, please contact a building surveyor or planning officer. |

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|5 |Details of proposed work (only answer the questions that are applicable) |


Is the development within the residential curtilage? Yes No Don’t know

|Property |Terraced |Semi |Detached |Number of storeys | |

|Other |House |Bungalow |Flat |Approximate age of the property | |

|Is the property listed or in the grounds of a listed building? Yes No Don’t know |

|Is the property within a conservation area? Yes No Don’t know |

NB: scheduled monument consent is dealt with separately by English Heritage.

|Construction material of proposed development |

|Roof | |Walls | |Roof trusses | |

|Will the proposal lie over or within 3 metres of a public sewer? (sewer maps are available |Yes |No |Don’t know |

|at our offices) | | | |

|What is the overall height of the existing dwelling in metres? | |

|What is the height to the highest eaves of the existing dwelling in metres? | |

|What is the width of the original dwelling in metres (i.e, as viewed from the front excluding any extensions)? | |

|All development |

|Does the proposal involve a veranda, balcony, raised platform over 300mm above ground level (e.g. patio or decking |Yes |No |

|again over 300mm above ground level)? | | |

|If yes, please submit details | |

|Does the proposal involve any form of cladding (e.g. pebble dash, render etc)? |Yes |No |

|Is a new chimney, flue or soil and vent pipe proposed? |Yes |No |

|If yes, please state which | |

| will its height exceed the highest part of the roof by 1 metre? |Yes |No |

| will it be installed on a roof slope fronting a highway? |Yes |No |

|Is a container for the storage of oil or LPG for domestic heating purposes proposed? |Yes |No |

|If yes, what is the capacity of the container in litres? | |

|Does the proposal involve a new roof covering or replacement windows |Yes |No |

|If yes, please submit details (with measurements for roof in metres | |

|and measurements for windows in millimetres) | |


If the proposed work affects any tree(s) subject to a TPO or is within a conservation area:

Have you checked the Online Interactive Map to show whether the tree(s) concerned are subject to a TPO or is within a Conservation Area?

|Yes |No |

(The map can be viewed on the Cornwall Council website, search under “Trees”)

|Detached buildings |Height to eaves |Height to ridge |Width |Length |Distance to nearest boundary |

|Car port / garage / outbuilding / annexe | | | | | |

|External measurements | | | | | |

|Internal measurements | | | | | |

|Domestic extensions |Height to eaves |Height to ridge |Width |Length |Distance to nearest boundary |

|Extensions / dormers / covered yard or | | | | | |

|passage | | | | | |

|External measurements | | | | | |

|Internal measurements | | | | | |

|If the extension has more than one storey, please state distance to the rear boundary from proposed rear elevation | |

|Is any part of the extension within 2 metres of any boundary? |Yes |No |

|Will any part of the extension exceed the highest part of the roof of the existing dwelling (excluding chimney)? |Yes |No |

|Conservatory or porch |Height to eaves |Height to ridge |Width |Length |Distance to nearest boundary |

|External measurements | | | | | |

|Internal measurements | | | | | |

|Does all glass in critical areas meet safety standards? |Yes |No |

|Will the proposal involve the creation of any new structural openings? |Yes |No |

|Distance to the nearest boundary with a highway (public footpath or road) | |

|Will the heating system of the dwelling be extended into the conservatory or porch? |Yes |No |

|Satellite antenna (delete where necessary) |

|Will the antenna be installed on a roof / chimney / wall (front / rear / side) / other (please state)? | |

|Will the highest part of the antenna when installed exceed the height of the roof / chimney / wall? |Yes |No |

|What is the diameter of the antenna (in cm)? | |

|Are there any other satellite antennas on the property or within the curtilage of the property? |Yes |No |

|If yes, how many? | |

|Fence/wall (please clearly indicate its position on your sketch plan) |

|What is the maximum height above ground level of the proposed fence / wall? | |

|Will the proposal be within 2 metres of a vehicular highway (including the footpath and grass verge)? |Yes |No |

|Solar panels (please clearly indicate their position on your sketch plan) |

|Will the panels be installed on a wall / roof of the dwelling or a building in the curtilage of the dwelling? |Yes |No |

|If yes, Will the solar panels protrude more than 200mm beyond the |Yes |No |

|plane of the wall or roof slope? | | |

|If yes, Will the solar panels be situated on the front, rear or side of the roof? | |

| Will the highest part of the solar panel exceed the highest |Yes |No |

|part of the roof (excluding chimney)? | | |

|If no, How many stand alone units will there be? (please also | |

|give dimensions of units) | |

|Roof lights (please clearly indicate their position on your sketch plan) |

|Will the roof lights project beyond the plane of the existing roof slope by more than 150mm? |Yes |No |

|New access / hardstanding (please clearly indicate its position on your sketch plan) |

|Will the proposed access be provided in association with any other works (ie new or replacement hardstanding / |Yes |No |

|driveway? | | |

|Will the proposed hardstanding / patio be situated on land between a wall forming the principal elevation of the |Yes |No |

|dwelling and a highway? | | |

|Will the area of hardstanding / patio exceed 5 square metres in area? |Yes |No |

|What materials will be used to construct the hardstanding / patio (ie, gravel, concrete, tarmac, block paving etc) | |

|How will the surface water from the hardstanding / patio be drained (eg, to a drain within the garden, to | |

|flowerbeds, to drains in the road etc) | |

Listed building alterations: Do the proposed works include alterations to a listed building other than demolition?

|Works to the interior of the building, either structural, or the stripping out of any internal wall, ceiling or |Yes |No |

|floor finishes (e.g. plaster, floorboards)? | | |

|Works to the exterior of the building? |Yes |No |

|Works to any structure or object fixed to the property (or buildings within its curtilage) internally or |Yes |No |

|externally? | | |

|The alteration of a wall, fence or gate in the curtilage of a listed building? |Yes |No |

|Demolition: Does the proposal include: |

|The partial or total demolition of a listed building? |Yes |No |

|The partial or total demolition of a building within the curtilage of a listed building (including a wall, fence or|Yes |No |

|gate)? | | |

|The demolition of a building or part of a building in a conservation area? |Yes |No |

|The demolition of a wall or fence, or part of, in a conservation area? |Yes |No |

|If yes, What is the maximum height above ground level of the proposed, demolished or altered fence / wall? | |

| Does the wall front onto a highway, public right of way or open space? |Yes |No |

|Approximate date of commencement | |

|6 |Declaration |

|I hereby give notice of my intention to carry out the above work. |

|I also confirm my intention that if planning permission is not required I shall only carry out the proposed work in accordance with the submitted |

|details. |

|I understand that any variation from these details may require a re-assessment of the situation and possibly Building Regulation approval and |

|planning permission. |

|Name |Signature |Date |

| | | |

|7 |Data Protection |

|I confirm that I have read and understand the privacy notice at the end of this form | |

|8 |Freedom of information statement |

|With regard to Freedom of Information Act, this enquiry, together with any response made by this Council, may be made available for public |

|inspection at some future date. |

|Although there are various exceptions within the legislation that might prevent disclosure of an enquiry, all these have to be seen against the |

|‘public interest’ test. This means that in every case, an Authority may refuse to disclose information only if in all the circumstances of the |

|case, the public interest in maintaining the exception outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. |

You can pay:

By phone - Telephone 0300 1234 151. Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm

You can return the form via one of the following options:



Planning, Cornwall Council, PO Box 676, Threemilestone, Truro, TR1 9EQ

Please let us know if you need any particular assistance from us, such as providing the form in a different format or language.

|Example sketch plan |[pic] |

| | |

|Please provide a sketch plan like this one showing all the details as | |

|shown. Please show your house and garden boundaries as well as the | |

|works you intend to carry out. | |

| | |

|Show distance between proposed outbuilding and the property boundaries | |

|Show distance between proposed outbuilding and the existing dwelling | |

|Position and height of boundary fence or wall, if one proposed | |

|Show distance between proposed extension and the property boundaries | |

|Position of new access, if one proposed | |

|Position of any trees that may be affected | |

|Show distance between proposed extension and existing outbuilding | |

|If you propose to erect a dormer extension then please sketch a drawing| |

|with the dimensions as shown right | |

|Indicate which is the principal elevation (e.g. front elevation) | |

|Please indicate distance from dormer to eaves | |

|Indicate the position of roads and footpaths around the property | |

Please note: Sufficient information is required to locate the exact location of the proposed development. Please provide any additional photographs/location plan which may assist and avoid any delays.

Your sketch plan – use separate sheets if required

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For Discretionary Services

Application Number or Address to which this relates: __________________

Who will control my data?

The Data Controller for all the information you provide on this form is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294

There’s something I don’t understand

If you need help in understanding or completing this form, please contact the Planning & Sustainable Development Service by emailing or on telephone number 0300 1234 151.

How we will use the information about you

The information you provide on this form will be used to provide you with a response on the service you have requested. The information may be made available on the public register (unless a decision has been made to restrict publication due to e.g. commercial confidentiality). For discretionary services e.g. pre-application advice, this will include your name and address as well as the details of the agent if applicable. Your personal email address, signatures, contact numbers and any financial information will be redacted from public viewing but we will hold this information on our planning system and it will be available to all planning officers. Any medical information submitted which is not from an official medical professional will be rejected and deleted. It is unlawful for us to process medical information without a legitimate reason to do so.

Your information will also be used when contacting you with a response.

Who else will we share your information with?

We will only use this information in conjunction with your submission. Your information (excluding personal contact numbers, email address and signatures) may be shared with both external consultees e.g. Parish Councils; Environment Agency and national amenity societies and internal consultees e.g. Highways; Forestry Officers; Land Agent; Affordable Housing. 

How will we look after your data?

Information Security

Your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises and will not be processed outside of the UK/the EEA. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please note that anyone who has access to the internet can view non confidential planning submissions online, even if they have not registered.

Accuracy of your information

We will process the information given at the time of your submission. If your information is not accurate then you can call us on 0300 1234151. If you have applied via an external planning provider you will need to contact them directly in order to amend your data.

How long will we keep this information for?

All discretionary planning service requests are held on a public register until required to be removed in accordance with our current document retention policy or if requested to do so by you in accordance with your data rights.

Privacy Notice A - For Discretionary Services

What are my data rights?

Your personal information belongs to you and you have the right to:

• be informed of how we will process it

• request a copy of what we hold about you and in commonly used electronic format if you wish (if you provided this to us electronically for automated processing, we will return it in the same way)

• have it amended if it’s incorrect or incomplete

• have it deleted (where we do not have a legal requirement to retain it)

• withdraw your consent if you no longer wish us to process

• restrict how we process it

• object to us using it for marketing or research purposes

• object to us using it in relation to a legal task or in the exercise of an official authority

• request that a person reviews an automated decision where it has had an adverse effect on you

How do I exercise these rights?

If you would like to access any of the information we hold about you or have concerns regarding the way we have processed your information, please contact:

Data Protection Officer


Cornwall Council

County Hall



Tel: 01872 326424


I don’t agree with something

We would prefer any complaints to be made to us initially so that we have the opportunity to see if we can put things right. However, if you are unhappy with the way we have processed your information or how we have responded to your request to exercise any of your rights in relation to your data, you can raise your concerns direct with the Information Commissioner’s Office

Tel No. 0303 123 1113

Why do you need my information?

You have asked us to provide you with a discretionary planning service so we need your name, address and payment details. Without them we will not be able to provide you with the service that you have requested.


Information Classification: CONTROLLED


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