There is Life on Other Planets

There is Life on Other Planets

At least there will be very soon. Now that you know what types of requirements are needed to make life exist on Earth, you are going to create your own planet that has life on it!

1. In groups of 3 or 4, brainstorm and come up with the requirements that your planet will need to sustain life. Your new planet must have at least five different requirements for life and at least one of those requirements must be different than Earth’s requirements for life.

2. Draw and color your new planet. Label what requirements your planet meets for life. For example, if your planet has two suns because the life on your planet needs more sunlight, then draw an arrow to the suns and write that. (Note: you cannot use my example in your requirements for life!)

3. Each member of your group needs to write a one to two page paper about the different requirements that your planet has to meet to sustain life and how it meets these. Compare and contrast these requirements to Earth’s requirements for life.

4. Don’t forget to name your planet and write it on your drawing! Turn in your group drawing and individual papers (with names on them) at the end of class.


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